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#331 Hypothermic

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:08 PM

I'm familiar with where it's produced. Just seems strange that some come with holograms and some don't
The stuff i had was supposedly from Lithuania. Can't convincingly say it did anything for me. Even the cortexinum i got from pharma1010 came with a hologram on the box

How long have you been on your Cere regimen? It's interesting how some people say they experience significant results, while others not so much. Have you been doing IM injections?

#332 Solarclimax

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 07:51 PM

Yea Pharma 1010 site is down, I'm getting worried also as not received my order of cortexin yet :-(

Can't remember exactly how long i was on Cere. i had 20 amps of 5ml. Was roughly something like. First few days 5 ml. Then most of the days were made of 10ml (5ml in each thigh) then last maybe 2 or 3 days was 5ml at time to finish off.

Edited by Solarclimax, 15 October 2010 - 07:51 PM.

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#333 Hypothermic

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 09:16 PM

Yea Pharma 1010 site is down, I'm getting worried also as not received my order of cortexin yet :-(

Can't remember exactly how long i was on Cere. i had 20 amps of 5ml. Was roughly something like. First few days 5 ml. Then most of the days were made of 10ml (5ml in each thigh) then last maybe 2 or 3 days was 5ml at time to finish off.

Recommended treatment is for a total of 20 days. Do you not have enough supply?

Note. Pharmacy1010 is still done. There is always http://www.drugspro....rebrolysin.html and http://www.antiaging...erebrolysin.htm for Cere. Not sure where else one could get Cortexinum, and I'm interested in this one.

Edited by Hypothermic, 16 October 2010 - 09:18 PM.

#334 chrono

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 11:36 PM

In the paper SuccubusLT and Hypothermic mentioned, the authors' conclusion ("by the central effects CT is on the whole superior to CL under experimental conditions") is a little strong for their results. They tested mice in open field, elevated-maze+, intruder-resident, and Skinner box paradigms. All results were behavioral rather than cognitive, but they claimed it was evidence that Cortexin is more "psychoactivating," which seems to be trying to make a mix of nonspecific cognitive/emotional statements. It was also problematic that Cortexin showed a bell-shaped dose-response curve, with anxiolytic effects decreasing sharply above 10ug, while the Skinner box results only appeared at 100ug. (Honestly, a lot of these translated Bull Exp Biol Med papers read more like a book report than a peer-reviewed study, and the lack of rigorous discussion makes me think it's not the fault of the translators.)

So perhaps a better conclusion to be drawn from this data is that Cortexin may have more of an effect on anxiolytic and behavioral responses, and hence is probably more subjectively noticeable.

Can't remember exactly how long i was on Cere. i had 20 amps of 5ml. Was roughly something like. First few days 5 ml. Then most of the days were made of 10ml (5ml in each thigh) then last maybe 2 or 3 days was 5ml at time to finish off.

Recommended treatment is for a total of 20 days. Do you not have enough supply?

If one starts with 20 amps and takes a double dose most days, it's not going to be enough for 20 days, I don't think ;)

Edited by chrono, 16 October 2010 - 11:52 PM.

#335 SucubbusLT

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 10:36 AM

So i just ended my last injection of Cerebrolysin today. It was 5 ampoules of 5ml each for 5 days, 25ml total. The first day of injection of what i felt all that reduced anxiety and energy was probably only placebo, as injecting expensive drug into muscle seemed something that should really work. Now i can say that it hasn't done much to me. Maybie the effects will come later, or maybie they already are there just i don't recognize them as they are subtle or need specific situation to show up. The only effects i can recognize are that i can wake up easier in the morning. Sometimes i see more rich colors. Also sometimes i get really annoyed about someone for no reason, glad i don't express that :)

#336 Solarclimax

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 10:57 AM

In the paper SuccubusLT and Hypothermic mentioned, the authors' conclusion ("by the central effects CT is on the whole superior to CL under experimental conditions") is a little strong for their results. They tested mice in open field, elevated-maze+, intruder-resident, and Skinner box paradigms. All results were behavioral rather than cognitive, but they claimed it was evidence that Cortexin is more "psychoactivating," which seems to be trying to make a mix of nonspecific cognitive/emotional statements. It was also problematic that Cortexin showed a bell-shaped dose-response curve, with anxiolytic effects decreasing sharply above 10ug, while the Skinner box results only appeared at 100ug. (Honestly, a lot of these translated Bull Exp Biol Med papers read more like a book report than a peer-reviewed study, and the lack of rigorous discussion makes me think it's not the fault of the translators.)

So perhaps a better conclusion to be drawn from this data is that Cortexin may have more of an effect on anxiolytic and behavioral responses, and hence is probably more subjectively noticeable.

Can't remember exactly how long i was on Cere. i had 20 amps of 5ml. Was roughly something like. First few days 5 ml. Then most of the days were made of 10ml (5ml in each thigh) then last maybe 2 or 3 days was 5ml at time to finish off.

Recommended treatment is for a total of 20 days. Do you not have enough supply?

If one starts with 20 amps and takes a double dose most days, it's not going to be enough for 20 days, I don't think ;)

Chrono do you have a point ? or are you still acting like a disgruntled child ?
Ever since i got you to own up about removing my posts without reason (and people agreeing my posts shouldn't have been removed) you've had this bitterness in your mouth that you can't seem to get rid of.

Navigating a maze is behavioural ? Urm no it's not. Obviously you know more than the scientists who conducted the tests. Seems you give more importance to trying to redeem yourself from your other nonsense cortexin post than actually having and unbiased opinion.
Grow up.

As for the time scale. People were reporting positive effects within a few days to a week on this site.
Which is why i figured upping the dose might make any effects more pronounced. But still i can't say i felt anything past placebo.

There's also trials been done with 10ml shots and effects reported seemed more effective than with 5ml.
Might try some more, drugs-pro said they have the holograms on their boxes so might give them a try.

Edited by Solarclimax, 17 October 2010 - 10:58 AM.

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#337 Animal

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 12:57 PM

As for the time scale. People were reporting positive effects within a few days to a week on this site.
Which is why i figured upping the dose might make any effects more pronounced. But still i can't say i felt anything past placebo.

Yeah many reports indicated anxiolytic effects within the first few days. Russianbear gave a glowing review that described it having pronounced mood enhancing and nootropic effects but that was over a 6 month time period.

I personally think that with a substance like Cerebrolysin you can't expect immediate effects on cognition since it's primary mechanism of action seems to be mediated by a nutritive effect on general cerebral neurology. It's certainly something to be taken long term if you want to experience all the benefits.

I would recommend a 5ml/day regime for an extended period of at least a month if you want to give it a fair trial. It's pointless to try it for a week or two then discard it based on not 'feeling' it. It's certainly not an instant gratification substance. It depends on how serious you are about cognitive enhancement in general.
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#338 Solarclimax

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 01:07 PM

Animal, you recon 5ml a day for 4 weeks 5 or 7 days a week ? Thinking of giving drug-pro's stuff a try.
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#339 Animal

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 01:44 PM

Animal, you recon 5ml a day for 4 weeks 5 or 7 days a week ? Thinking of giving drug-pro's stuff a try.

Yes, I think this will give you a far clearer indication of the beneficial effects it is capable of. Officially it's recommended to take 5ml EOD, but tolerance isn't an issue so I think daily dosing for 28 consecutive days is perfectly fine, and if anything will make the effects more pronounced. But over the long term I would taper down to EOD dosing since there is anecdotal evidence it can increase subjective feelings of stress when taken daily for many months.

#340 chrono

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Posted 17 October 2010 - 08:45 PM

@Solarclimax: There's nothing in my brief post about a Russian paper that should provoke such an insulting response. I have never once claimed to be an expert, nor do I have to be to discuss the science. I always welcome disagreement with my analysis, and in fact, is just about my favorite kind of discussion—as long as it's polite, and conducive to actual discussion, rather than simply mudflinging.

Navigating a maze is behavioural ? Urm no it's not. Obviously you know more than the scientists who conducted the tests.

Since this is the one actual objection by which you seemingly decided that my entire approach was worthy of such sneering, I'll try to explain a little better. From the text:

In the elevated plus-maze, CT infusion increased the number of open-arm entries and peeping down from the platform (Table 2). The maximum effect was produced by CT in a dose of 1 µg. The anxiolytic effect sharply decreased with increasing the dose. Treatment with CL also led to moderate anxiolytic effect, but, in contrast to CT, it was less pronounced and increased in a step-wise mode attaining the maximum in the dose of 100 µg.

And from the wikipedia:

The elevated plus maze (EPM) is a rodent model of anxiety that is used as a screening test for putative anxiolytic compounds/anxiogenic compounds and as a general research tool in neurobiological anxiety research.

Anxiety reduction in the plus-maze is indicated by an increase in the proportion of time spent in the open arms (time in open arms/total time in open or closed arms), and an increase in the proportion of entries into the open arms (entries into open arms/total entries into open or closed arms). Total number of arm entries and number of closed-arm entries are usually employed as measures of general activity.

If you look at the picture in the wikipedia, it should be fairly obvious that this model isn't testing anyone's maze-navigating abilities. Also note the paragraph discussing whether this is a valid test at all between drugs with different MOAs; my comments made some pretty generous assumptions about these guys knowing what they were doing in the first place.

I'll reiterate that when several people mentioned a paper, and one with an exceedingly cursory abstract, I merely attempted to give a little information and analysis about what the data could actually be said to demonstrate. I wasn't really saying anything about the merits of either substance, and am pretty mystified by such a disproportionately aggressive response.

Officially it's recommended to take 5ml EOD, but tolerance isn't an issue so I think daily dosing for 28 consecutive days is perfectly fine, and if anything will make the effects more pronounced. But over the long term I would taper down to EOD dosing since there is anecdotal evidence it can increase subjective feelings of stress when taken daily for many months.

Unless I'm very much mistaken, the timeframe recommended in the product literature (and followed in the majority of studies) is 5 days/week for four weeks, then two months off. While I agree that taking it 7x instead of 5x for a month seems unlikely to produce adverse results, I think some questions about its mechanisms and consequences in the young/healthy make the recommendation of longer treatments problematic. AFAIK, Russianbear is the only one who has deviated beyond the one-month cycle. Among other things, the possibility of the generation of antibodies to the exogenous CNTF fragments (which could also attack the endogenous factor) would likely increase in longer treatment durations.

Edited by chrono, 18 October 2010 - 12:00 AM.
removed response to off-topic moderation issue

#341 Animal

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Posted 20 October 2010 - 05:49 PM

Unless I'm very much mistaken, the timeframe recommended in the product literature (and followed in the majority of studies) is 5 days/week for four weeks, then two months off. While I agree that taking it 7x instead of 5x for a month seems unlikely to produce adverse results, I think some questions about its mechanisms and consequences in the young/healthy make the recommendation of longer treatments problematic. AFAIK, Russianbear is the only one who has deviated beyond the one-month cycle. Among other things, the possibility of the generation of antibodies to the exogenous CNTF fragments (which could also attack the endogenous factor) would likely increase in longer treatment durations.

The EOD dosage regime is what I read off the side of packaging, as my friend is also intending to trial Cerebrolysin but hasn't worked up the courage to stick a needle in his thigh yet. :blink:

You may be correct about the dosage regime you mention being recommend in some product literature, and used in studies, but the dosage I stated isn't exactly contraindicated. But I still believe that 7 days a week for a month would be relatively harmless with regards to the production of side effects.

Do you have any references for the potential development of an immune reaction to the Cerebrolysin peptides? I thought antigens were specifically denatured as part of the processing method for the final product? They don't simply take porcine protein directly, dump it in some saline, and call that Cerebrolysin. If what you claim is true, and there is the potential for development of a progressive atrophic neurological disorder from taking Cerebrolysin then anyone who injects it is essentially risking their life. :|o

Edited by Animal, 20 October 2010 - 05:49 PM.

#342 chrono

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Posted 20 October 2010 - 08:11 PM

Do you have any references for the potential development of an immune reaction to the Cerebrolysin peptides? I thought antigens were specifically denatured as part of the processing method for the final product? They don't simply take porcine protein directly, dump it in some saline, and call that Cerebrolysin. If what you claim is true, and there is the potential for development of a progressive atrophic neurological disorder from taking Cerebrolysin then anyone who injects it is essentially risking their life. :|o

First, let me say that it's definitely not a claim, but a very hypothetical possibility. ;) I was referring to the generation of endogenous antibodies, not antigens included in CRB itself. If you haven't read my structure posts (#36 and #33), the primary action of CRB is probably mediated through CNTF fragments.

This is from Xencor application US20050064555:

Immunogenicity may limit the efficacy and safety of a protein therapeutic in multiple ways. Efficacy can be reduced directly by the formation of neutralizing antibodies. Efficacy can also be reduced indirectly, as binding to either neutralizing or non-neutralizing antibodies typically leads to rapid clearance from serum. Severe side effects and even death can occur when an immune reaction is raised. One special class of side effects results when neutralizing antibodies cross-react with an endogenous protein and block its function.

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), which was first identified as a neuroprotective cytokine, has attracted significant attention for its ability to promote weight loss. CNTF may act by leptin-like or non-leptin pathways.

However, recent clinical trials of CNTF demonstrated that a large fraction of patients raise neutralizing antibodies against CNTF. These neutralizing antibodies likely decrease the efficacy of the drug. More seriously, neutralizing antibodies could potentially interfere with the neuroprotective functions of endogenous CNTF.
By “reduced immunogenicity” and grammatical equivalents herein is meant a decreased ability to activate the immune system, when compared to the wild type protein. For example, a CNTF variant protein can be said to have “reduced immunogenicity” if it elicits neutralizing or non-neutralizing antibodies in lower titer or in fewer patients than wild type CNTF. In a preferred embodiment, the probability of raising neutralizing antibodies is decreased by at least 5%, with at least 50% or 90% decreases being especially preferred. So, if a wild type produces an immune response in 10% of patients, a variant with reduced immunogenicity would produce an immune response in not more than 9.5% of patients, with less than 5% or less than 1% being especially preferred.

This last paragraph seems to suggest that it is indeed possible for humans to generate antibodies to exogenously administered CNTF (also suggested by WO2002070698), though I haven't been able to find any papers touching on this either way.

This was borne out to some extent by the drug Axokine, a 15-mer CNTF fragment with 2 substitutions. From wikipedia: "According to a March 31, 2003 Regeneron press release, a major problem with the treatment was that in nearly 70% of the subjects tested, antibodies against Axokine were produced after approximately three months of treatment." Even if antibodies didn't affect endogenous CNTF functions, they could very well limit the effectiveness of the drug, as occurred with most patients in the axokine trials.

Given the lack of testing of strong CNTF drugs in such applications, especially examining long-term consequences in the young, it seems to me that there's a risk of overextending the commonly-accepted notion of safety in much the same way many people do with piracetam. So moreso than the month-long administration (though that's fairly nonstandard as well), I was suggesting some degree of caution in recommending longer treatments. Prolonging treatment beyond a month is very uncommon, even in situations (severe AD) in which they would want to maximize efficacy, with comparably little concern for side effects. The product brochure arvcondor scanned for the newest Everpharm product suggests that up to 50mL may be administered in severe cases, but suggests a total of 10-20 days in a treatment cycle. As evidenced by several papers posted in this thread, one cycle of normal dosing can exert an effect several months after cessation. And perhaps most compelling of all, I can't believe that Ebewe would ever have recommended a standard treatment schedule limited to only 80 days/year, unless they had data suggesting it was desirable for safety or continued efficacy.

Was the EOD recommendation regarding prolonged treatment, or simply an alternate dosing schedule? What product version are you looking at? Also, I'm wondering about your assertion that tolerance isn't a factor; is this based on the reports in this thread, or a specific idea of how these trophic factors and their receptors react to superphysiological levels? Because that's one of my outstanding questions concerning neurogenesis in general, and long term use of NGF-inducers like lion's mane.
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#343 SucubbusLT

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 03:10 PM

Ok, since i can get cerebrolysin quite cheap, i decided to continue using it for one month. It will be 5 days 5ml each, 2 days off, then repeat this for 4 weeks. I have used 7 ampules so far, 13 to go... As i got pissed that cerebrolysin still haven't done much for me except for the first day, i also added pramiracetam (600mg), lecithin(2400mg), omega 3 fish oil, amino acids complex in tablet form and a nicotine patch.

Edited by SucubbusLT, 21 October 2010 - 05:22 PM.

#344 Animal

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 10:16 PM

I was referring to the generation of endogenous antibodies, not antigens included in CRB itself.

Also, I'm wondering about your assertion that tolerance isn't a factor; is this based on the reports in this thread, or a specific idea of how these trophic factors and their receptors react to superphysiological levels? Because that's one of my outstanding questions concerning neurogenesis in general, and long term use of NGF-inducers like lion's mane.

Antigens are substances that can stimulate the production of antibodies, or at least have the potential for epitope formation. They are not antibodies themselves.

Tolerance is not an immediate issue because CNTF and BDNF function as polypeptide hormones not just nerve growth factors, some of their beneficial effects are exerted without primary receptor interaction. Besides this CTNF and BDNF receptors are transmembrane Type I cytokine receptors, thus they directly mediate ligand/cytokine interaction which only respond to negative feedback loops. They also have secondary and tertiary effects through resultant signal transduction chains which is known to attenuate potential tolerance to a substance dramatically.

Basically tolerance will develop at an extremely gradual rate, if at all, thus after a month of daily use I expect tolerance to be non-existent to negligible. Cerebrolysin has a nourishing effect on the brain, it's like bathing your neurons in a superior survival/growth medium, rather then stimulating an acutely specific response.
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#345 bobman

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 11:12 PM

Here's a recent article on the infectious nature of diseased brain tissue, this time in the form of AB peptide heavy abdominal injection.


There are potential dangers beside acute immune response. The science of protein disease transmission is nascent. I think this stuff is too dangerous for the results it generates unless you've suffered a stroke of encephalopathy. If you've injected a bad batch you won't realize the consequences for months.

Edited by deletethisaccount, 23 October 2010 - 11:17 PM.

#346 chrono

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 11:50 PM

Antigens are substances that can stimulate the production of antibodies, or at least have the potential for epitope formation. They are not antibodies themselves.

Thanks for the correction; I'm unlikely to make sure I'm using words correctly when I post right before bed. ;) However, it was immaterial to my point, which I'm unsure if you were dismissing or simply had no comment about.

I'm also curious where you heard that Cerebrolysin is denatured. The only patents I've seen which describe or are representative of CRB purification mention only different forms of chromatography and dialysis.

And thanks for the info about the receptors; very good to know.

bobmann's article raises an unfortunate possibility. Aβ-40/42 is about 4kDa, so might not be filtered out even by Ebewe's procedures (whatever they are).

Edited by chrono, 30 October 2010 - 02:13 PM.
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#347 Knine

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 04:47 PM

hmm found this yesterday, says it wasn't effective in the case they were looking for, stroke
but they say it definitely warrants another test

any views?
particularly worried about amyloid plaques
im 22, tried 2x1mL vials intramuscularly
and 4x1mL earlobe (over two days)

i have to say that the effect was way more predominant after smoking marijuana the first day, had sort of a daydream going on, thsi was 2 intramuscular injections and a ear lobe injection, the effects lasted about 48 hours before i tried it again

yesterday i tried 1 ml in each earlobe, was not the same feeling i had as before, mind you no marijuana and no intramuscular injections, i have read though earlobe injections are as efficient as intravenous injections as they found no difference in them (years ago study from exo-northmamerican countries)

so yea i also read another user who stated the entire month he was cycling he did not feel as good as his first day (on this forum)

but yea no supreme day dreams lol, will be doing 2 more injections RIGHT NOW AS i have an embryology midterm in t-minus 6 hours

#348 Knine

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 05:10 PM

done, piracetam is stacking with my lecithin
also another good thing CRb does for me is attenuate my right ear which has problems
the posterior back right side of my neck skull and ear all have a sort of deficiency in fuction
but might have to do with right side head trauma

hearing is something im most worried about as it has been eeffecting me for about 1-2 years now
even thougth i have the trauma when i was young, the problems sort of showed up after i went to my first concert
and was in the first row
deafness sucks

#349 Knine

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 05:16 PM

more about this ear thing, i even went to and ENT doc otologist
hada hearing test everything was fine he wanted me to get out of his office etc.
but it has a problem sort of like when trying to focus vision if you dont have glases on
you are not going to focus from a to b perfectly, that is why you need cglases, you are going to have to wait as soem point between a and b
or wait a little while at b before things become clear.

that is simlar to my hearing i live in the city so, i can focus on hearing things that are getting louder or soft, but say there is a passing car my perception of the doppler effect will not be smooth when the loudness of the car will be changing (especially when its getting louder)

basically i get spasms in my right ear for no reason and have sensitivity at high decibels
its bothered me so much i basically think that each spasm is sort of a "language" someone is trying to convey to me
by phonetics, sort of like a: lol

plays : alien music

#350 chrono

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 06:44 PM

hmm found this yesterday, says it wasn't effective in the case they were looking for, stroke
but they say it definitely warrants another test

That medscape link didn't work for me; here's the Pubmed abstract. I don't know a whole lot about stroke or how it's evaluated, but a previous study using the same tests was more positive:

[Effectiveness of cerebrolysin in hypertensive supratentorial intracranial hemorrhages: results of a randomized triple blind placebo-controled study]
Maksimova MIu, Briukhov VV, Timerbaeva SL, Kistenev BA, Rebrova OIu, Suslina ZA.

Cerebrolysin was administered to 38 patients with small hypertensive supratentorial intracranial hemorrhages. Cerebrolysin was used intravenous in drops in dosage of 30 ml during 14 days. High effectiveness and good tolerability of the treatment was shown. In the end of treatment, groups receiving cerebrolysin or placebo were statistically significant differed by the total NIHSS score, Bartel index and the Rankin's modified scale. Moreover, a trend to the decrease of intracranial hemorrhage volume was observed in patients treated with cerebrolysin.

There are many more papers on CRB + stroke (especially ischemic), most of them seemingly positive.

Edited by chrono, 30 October 2010 - 02:14 PM.
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#351 chrono

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Posted 30 October 2010 - 02:16 PM

As it was becoming more than incidental, I moved discussion of bulk CRB purchases to the Bags of Cerebrolysin thread.

#352 Solarclimax

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Posted 31 October 2010 - 03:59 PM

So now I'm thinking it's not worth getting anymore Cerebrolysin ? I'm out of my depth when it comes to all this talk of anti bodies. What exactly are the risks if any ? Would we not of heard such cases by now if they exist(ed) ?

Edited by Solarclimax, 31 October 2010 - 04:01 PM.

#353 SucubbusLT

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Posted 07 November 2010 - 08:26 AM

Ok, since i can get cerebrolysin quite cheap, i decided to continue using it for one month. It will be 5 days 5ml each, 2 days off, then repeat this for 4 weeks. I have used 7 ampules so far, 13 to go... As i got pissed that cerebrolysin still haven't done much for me except for the first day, i also added pramiracetam (600mg), lecithin(2400mg), omega 3 fish oil, amino acids complex in tablet form and a nicotine patch.

- almost a month have passed, and only 2 of 20 ampoules (5ml each) are left to go, so i think i can post the results for one month of cerebrolysin use as i don't think these 2 ampoules left will change anything.

In first uses there were reduced anxiety and increased ability to stay focused during quite boring lectures, both of them vanished after few days.
Sometimes i can see richer colors. I can wake up early more easily.
However sadly i can't recognize any significant improvements in cognition or attention. Also it must be kept in mind that later i added other nootrops as i couldn't feel much of effect from cerebrolysin. Now that sucks, because if i would feel the effect, i wouldn't know to what drug i should address it.

Maybie i am too young (23 years) and there is not much cerebrolysin can do to repair my brains, as there is not much to repair? :)
Overall sadly month usage (5 days on, 2 days off) of cerebrolysin didn't do much to me.

#354 ryhan

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 12:06 PM

Hey, second day injecting 10ml, didn't notice much the first time but I think I might have injected short of the muscle layer.
A couple hours after injection I feel incredible.
Definately the marked antidepressant effect mentioned earlier. Which is useful for me, as I suffer from clinical depression.
Unlikely to be placebo, as I have a serious fear of injections which makes me faint and nauseated.
I still have 8 vials, which I will be injecting every other day. Will let you all know how it goes, I'm not expecting miracles though.

#355 SucubbusLT

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Posted 26 November 2010 - 02:27 PM

Hey, second day injecting 10ml, didn't notice much the first time but I think I might have injected short of the muscle layer.
A couple hours after injection I feel incredible.
Definately the marked antidepressant effect mentioned earlier. Which is useful for me, as I suffer from clinical depression.
Unlikely to be placebo, as I have a serious fear of injections which makes me faint and nauseated.
I still have 8 vials, which I will be injecting every other day. Will let you all know how it goes, I'm not expecting miracles though.

- good luck, it didn't do much for me, maybe for you it will be different :) However i haven't tried to inject 10ml at once, only 5ml per day.

#356 Logan

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:01 AM

Hey, second day injecting 10ml, didn't notice much the first time but I think I might have injected short of the muscle layer.
A couple hours after injection I feel incredible.
Definately the marked antidepressant effect mentioned earlier. Which is useful for me, as I suffer from clinical depression.
Unlikely to be placebo, as I have a serious fear of injections which makes me faint and nauseated.
I still have 8 vials, which I will be injecting every other day. Will let you all know how it goes, I'm not expecting miracles though.

Anything new to report?

#357 Logan

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:06 AM

Is there a single reported case of a serious complication resulting in the use of Cerebrolysin? So far it appears that all the possibilities of problems occurring with Cerebrolysin have been thoroughly covered, but do we have any real world reasons to be concerned about using it?

Edited by morganator, 03 December 2010 - 04:06 AM.

#358 Logan

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:41 AM

Is there a single reported case of a serious complication resulting in the use of Cerebrolysin? So far it appears that all the possibilities of problems occurring with Cerebrolysin have been thoroughly covered, but do we have any real world reasons to be concerned about using it?


#359 ryhan

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 01:09 PM

Hey, second day injecting 10ml, didn't notice much the first time but I think I might have injected short of the muscle layer.
A couple hours after injection I feel incredible.
Definately the marked antidepressant effect mentioned earlier. Which is useful for me, as I suffer from clinical depression.
Unlikely to be placebo, as I have a serious fear of injections which makes me faint and nauseated.
I still have 8 vials, which I will be injecting every other day. Will let you all know how it goes, I'm not expecting miracles though.

Anything new to report?

I stopped my trial after the 4th dose because my doctor started me on ADHD meds.
So to accurately gague the effectiveness of my new medication I have postoponed my experiment indefinitely.
Due to the expensiveness of cerebrolysin I will not be able to buy any more than the 6 vials I have, which doesn't make for a very useful experiment.
I'm sorry to anybody curious about my findings.

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#360 Logan

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Posted 10 December 2010 - 03:11 AM

Hey, second day injecting 10ml, didn't notice much the first time but I think I might have injected short of the muscle layer.
A couple hours after injection I feel incredible.
Definately the marked antidepressant effect mentioned earlier. Which is useful for me, as I suffer from clinical depression.
Unlikely to be placebo, as I have a serious fear of injections which makes me faint and nauseated.
I still have 8 vials, which I will be injecting every other day. Will let you all know how it goes, I'm not expecting miracles though.

Anything new to report?

I stopped my trial after the 4th dose because my doctor started me on ADHD meds.
So to accurately gague the effectiveness of my new medication I have postoponed my experiment indefinitely.
Due to the expensiveness of cerebrolysin I will not be able to buy any more than the 6 vials I have, which doesn't make for a very useful experiment.
I'm sorry to anybody curious about my findings.

I'm guessing 6 vials is just 6 doses, so it would not have been worth finishing up what you had to see if there were any long lasting effects.

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