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#721 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

Did you have any training doing injections or did you read up on how to do them online? Are you going the IM or IV route? What are the potential dangers of injections? Can they be done incorrectly so as to cause harm, injury or death?

All in all, what are the costs of associated with cerebroylsin and the supplies needed to administer the injections? Those of you that are doing it, do you feel it is worth it? Is this your first time injecting yourselves with anything?

Just back a couple of pages there have been some very detailed responses from a user named Joe Black. He said IM seems stronger in effect to him than IV interestingly enough. But I'd suggest going back to page 22 of this thread and start reading from there. Around page 23 or 24 you start getting into pictures and diagrams related to the injections and a bunch of very detailed information on the subjective effects.

I just finished my melanotan II cycle and plan on ordering more cerebrolysin pretty soon. I'm thinking of doing a full month long cycle of 10ml a day this time and am gonna make sure to get enough for that ;)

EDIT: Well, specifically this post with pics and diagrams and advice about IV (if you choose that route) but also suggestions on why IM is likely the better choice for self administration.

Edited by manic_racetam, 12 August 2012 - 05:32 PM.

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#722 chairofgold

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Posted 13 August 2012 - 04:12 AM

The biggest factor with with Cbl is that it has peptides and neurotropic factors that can be easily disrupted. If the area is rubbed against or if it was given in a traumatic way, the ability for the medication to reach it's target precisely and undisturbed may be challenged, so I would have the user educate themselves on IM procedures, practice on an orange, and then have a trained professional present before injecting to self for the first time, etc.

The problem with the IV route is that it must to be initiated by someone who has been trained in the field of nursing in a hospital or clinical setting in order to avoid any complications. If a complication does arrive, you would have access to the proper equipment and personal to intervene.

Although Cbl is relatively a safe drug, as clinical studies have shown, there always is risk involved as with any medication would have.
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#723 protoject

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Posted 14 August 2012 - 02:54 AM

Did you have any training doing injections or did you read up on how to do them online? Are you going the IM or IV route? What are the potential dangers of injections? Can they be done incorrectly so as to cause harm, injury or death?

All in all, what are the costs of associated with cerebroylsin and the supplies needed to administer the injections? Those of you that are doing it, do you feel it is worth it? Is this your first time injecting yourselves with anything?

I think perhaps these questions have been answered, scattered throughout the threads, so I would like to make a request please: I was wondering if anyone would be able to create an external link with instructions, kinda like a faq or a guide, and update it as more questions come? Thanks. We won't take this as professional advise if you put a disclaimer on it.. promise.

Cbl is strong and the effects linger. One advice that I can tell you from my own experience is to decrease or stop taking other nootropics. I made the mistake of taking Acetyl L-Carnatine right after the two week dose and as a result my thoughts were rushing and my BP was up. It's strong stuff.

Last, as far as IV vs IM. IV is more effective.

That's great to hear. Perhaps I should have been more clear though, I meant some sort of faq detailing IM and IV methods and supplies needed.

#724 Synaptic-Enthusiastic

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 02:09 AM

Hi everyone. It´s been a while since I was active in this forum. However, seems like much of the discussion about the best route to administer cerebrolysin has continued with some great posts!

It´s been almost two years since I tried cerebrolysin for the first time and have been cycling it ever since. For those of you who are concerned about long term side effects (even though my case is actually mid term) here is a good anecdotal statement: there have been none undesirable sides.

Now for the bad news: Seems like tolerance does develop. I upped the dose to 10 ml a day for the first time about six months ago, and haven´t got to the "sweet spot" ever since. I might have been getting too little "off" time so the effects of usage are not nearly as noticeable or strong as the first year and a half of cycling cerebrolysin. Any thoughts? I´ve waited as little as 15 days between cycles. It´s been a month since my last one, and I wonder if I should wait more in order to get full benefit from the substance.


#725 Rior

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 11:09 PM

Hi everyone. It´s been a while since I was active in this forum. However, seems like much of the discussion about the best route to administer cerebrolysin has continued with some great posts!

It´s been almost two years since I tried cerebrolysin for the first time and have been cycling it ever since. For those of you who are concerned about long term side effects (even though my case is actually mid term) here is a good anecdotal statement: there have been none undesirable sides.

Now for the bad news: Seems like tolerance does develop. I upped the dose to 10 ml a day for the first time about six months ago, and haven´t got to the "sweet spot" ever since. I might have been getting too little "off" time so the effects of usage are not nearly as noticeable or strong as the first year and a half of cycling cerebrolysin. Any thoughts? I´ve waited as little as 15 days between cycles. It´s been a month since my last one, and I wonder if I should wait more in order to get full benefit from the substance.


If you stopped taking cerebro completely, do you believe you would still retain much of the benefits you've received while taking it? Or does it seem dependent on continuing a regimen?

#726 Synaptic-Enthusiastic

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Posted 17 August 2012 - 11:37 PM

Well...between the very first time of usage and the second time around, passed almost a year and I retained much of the "gains". Specifically, the improvement on visuospatial skills, enhanced recall (not as strong as when on the substance but still much more that before first usage) creativity (defined as new possibilities for action popping constantly in my head) and visualization skills.

About something being permanent...our bodies just don´t seem to work like that. We need a continuous supply of water, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat, carbohydrates, sleep, stretching, physical excercise (or else atrophy comes along) and so forth. We could think cerebrolysin´s action in analogy to muscle training: you could develop strength and volume with or without pharmacological aids, but that bodily state depends on active usage. The important thing with this substance is that, so far, doesn´t seem to cause withdrawal or suppression syndrome. It´s really worth it. I´ve come to the conclusion that even if I "needed" to use it for the rest of my life to reap its benefits, I´d be worth it in every single way. Think about how many "unnatural" things we consume on regular basis that don´t benefit us much, or that cause flat out harm.

#727 CIMN

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Posted 18 August 2012 - 05:13 AM

cerebrolysin seems like a gamble to me, how do you know your not getting prions or some virus or parasite or disease?

Edited by CIMN, 18 August 2012 - 05:13 AM.

#728 Gorthaur

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 03:09 AM

I will be starting my first cycle of Cerebrolysin tomorrow. I purchased 20 x 10ml ampoules from Superhumangear for $376 with shipping. It took three weeks to arrive. I will be doing IM injections in the ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis muscles, 5ml per injection site, with 2 injections per day. I am using 1.5 inch, 22 gauge needles and 5ml insulin syringes. I intend to inject 10ml every other day for 40 days, but I'm concerned the initial build will take too long, so I may end up doing 10ml for five continuous days, followed by 10ml every other day, possibly finishing the cycle with 5ml every other day so as to maximally prolong the peak effects.

My reasons for using Cerebrolysin are as follows:
-as a general nootropic - to enhance memory, intuition, visuospatial skills, etc.
-as a long-lasting antidepressant
-to reset my brain chemistry to an ideal state, unmodified by SSRIs and past soft drug use
-to repair the damage caused by three minor concussions I had many years ago
-to prevent chronic migraines (an off-label use, but another poster mentioned this, and I am hopeful cbl will help)

While on my cycle, I will be very busy with a project for graduate school (I am a classical composer). My work is highly interdisciplinary, and my current project combines music composition, graphic design, phylogenetics, naturalist illustration, calligraphy, and painting. My creativity and executive functions have been extraordinarily enhanced by piracetam at times, and I am hoping to achieve similar results with cbl. Also, I have been saving some very challenging books on artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and evolutionary development so that I might better understand them on cbl.

I have two years of experience with a wide variety of nootropics, including all of the racetams, centrophenoxine, uridine, noopept, CILTEP, selegiline, etc., and I will be sure to compare my experience with cerebrolysin to my other experiences with nootropics.

#729 chairofgold

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:44 AM

I will be starting my first cycle of Cerebrolysin tomorrow. I purchased 20 x 10ml ampoules from Superhumangear for $376 with shipping. It took three weeks to arrive. I will be doing IM injections in the ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis muscles, 5ml per injection site, with 2 injections per day. I am using 1.5 inch, 22 gauge needles and 5ml insulin syringes. I intend to inject 10ml every other day for 40 days, but I'm concerned the initial build will take too long, so I may end up doing 10ml for five continuous days, followed by 10ml every other day, possibly finishing the cycle with 5ml every other day so as to maximally prolong the peak effects.

My reasons for using Cerebrolysin are as follows:
-as a general nootropic - to enhance memory, intuition, visuospatial skills, etc.
-as a long-lasting antidepressant
-to reset my brain chemistry to an ideal state, unmodified by SSRIs and past soft drug use
-to repair the damage caused by three minor concussions I had many years ago
-to prevent chronic migraines (an off-label use, but another poster mentioned this, and I am hopeful cbl will help)

While on my cycle, I will be very busy with a project for graduate school (I am a classical composer). My work is highly interdisciplinary, and my current project combines music composition, graphic design, phylogenetics, naturalist illustration, calligraphy, and painting. My creativity and executive functions have been extraordinarily enhanced by piracetam at times, and I am hoping to achieve similar results with cbl. Also, I have been saving some very challenging books on artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and evolutionary development so that I might better understand them on cbl.

I have two years of experience with a wide variety of nootropics, including all of the racetams, centrophenoxine, uridine, noopept, CILTEP, selegiline, etc., and I will be sure to compare my experience with cerebrolysin to my other experiences with nootropics.

$376 for 20 x 10ml is a great deal! Could you please tell us how to go about getting that price, because on the website I find the cost is $20 per amp. Did you email them first and made an arrangement with them in regards to the price? Please let us know!!

I payed 301.95 for 15 10ml ampules btw at drugspremium dot com. and so the cost is more there in terms of quantity.

As far as the time the amount of time Cbl takes to work is a bit tricky. For me, the full theraputic onset took about two weeks to really kick in. And about three to four weeks to really notice the power of Cbl. Cbl is like glue in away because the effects get stronger with time, that is to say, once you stop the medication after two weeks of 100ml's the effects stay and you will recall the amount of Cbl that you received and determine if it was too much that you received.

As far as taking other nootropics, I would be very weary about combining other nootroopics because it could be a disaster. For example, when I combined 1 G Acetyl L Carnatine with Cbl, I got away with it for the first two weeks, but after three weeks, I noticed that my thoughts began to race, and I mean race! I literally think way ahead a problem and come to the conclusion without wanting to. My thinking in a sense was way, way too broadened for my body. This all occurred in the third week so after that experience I am off the ALC.
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#730 Gorthaur

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:45 AM

I will be starting my first cycle of Cerebrolysin tomorrow. I purchased 20 x 10ml ampoules from Superhumangear for $376 with shipping. It took three weeks to arrive. I will be doing IM injections in the ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis muscles, 5ml per injection site, with 2 injections per day. I am using 1.5 inch, 22 gauge needles and 5ml insulin syringes. I intend to inject 10ml every other day for 40 days, but I'm concerned the initial build will take too long, so I may end up doing 10ml for five continuous days, followed by 10ml every other day, possibly finishing the cycle with 5ml every other day so as to maximally prolong the peak effects.

My reasons for using Cerebrolysin are as follows:
-as a general nootropic - to enhance memory, intuition, visuospatial skills, etc.
-as a long-lasting antidepressant
-to reset my brain chemistry to an ideal state, unmodified by SSRIs and past soft drug use
-to repair the damage caused by three minor concussions I had many years ago
-to prevent chronic migraines (an off-label use, but another poster mentioned this, and I am hopeful cbl will help)

While on my cycle, I will be very busy with a project for graduate school (I am a classical composer). My work is highly interdisciplinary, and my current project combines music composition, graphic design, phylogenetics, naturalist illustration, calligraphy, and painting. My creativity and executive functions have been extraordinarily enhanced by piracetam at times, and I am hoping to achieve similar results with cbl. Also, I have been saving some very challenging books on artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and evolutionary development so that I might better understand them on cbl.

I have two years of experience with a wide variety of nootropics, including all of the racetams, centrophenoxine, uridine, noopept, CILTEP, selegiline, etc., and I will be sure to compare my experience with cerebrolysin to my other experiences with nootropics.

$376 for 20 x 10ml is a great deal! Could you please tell us how to go about getting that price, because on the website I find the cost is $20 per amp. Did you email them first and made an arrangement with them in regards to the price? Please let us know!!

I payed 301.95 for 15 10ml ampules btw at drugspremium dot com. and so the cost is more there in terms of quantity.

As far as the time the amount of time Cbl takes to work is a bit tricky. For me, the full theraputic onset took about two weeks to really kick in. And about three to four weeks to really notice the power of Cbl. Cbl is like glue in away because the effects get stronger with time, that is to say, once you stop the medication after two weeks of 100ml's the effects stay and you will recall the amount of Cbl that you received and determine if it was too much that you received.

As far as taking other nootropics, I would be very weary about combining other nootroopics because it could be a disaster. For example, when I combined 1 G Acetyl L Carnatine with Cbl, I got away with it for the first two weeks, but after three weeks, I noticed that my thoughts began to race, and I mean race! I literally think way ahead a problem and come to the conclusion without wanting to. My thinking in a sense was way, way too broadened for my body. This all occurred in the third week so after that experience I am off the ALC.

Hi chairofgold -
The box deal is under "Anti-aging drugs".
Cerebrolysin 5 x 10 ml box for $90

I get brain fog from ALCAR, so I don't expect I'll be using it with cbl, and I'll definitely avoid stimulants, including caffeine. I am currently using UMP at 300mg sublingual, and I've been using it since January, but I may stop soon. I'm not currently using any racetams, as I've developed too much tolerance, but I'm intrigued by some of the reports earlier in the thread that cbl makes piracetam work again. Have you used piracetam with cbl, either on the same day, or soon after ending a cycle?

#731 chairofgold

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 08:05 AM

I will be starting my first cycle of Cerebrolysin tomorrow. I purchased 20 x 10ml ampoules from Superhumangear for $376 with shipping. It took three weeks to arrive. I will be doing IM injections in the ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis muscles, 5ml per injection site, with 2 injections per day. I am using 1.5 inch, 22 gauge needles and 5ml insulin syringes. I intend to inject 10ml every other day for 40 days, but I'm concerned the initial build will take too long, so I may end up doing 10ml for five continuous days, followed by 10ml every other day, possibly finishing the cycle with 5ml every other day so as to maximally prolong the peak effects.

My reasons for using Cerebrolysin are as follows:
-as a general nootropic - to enhance memory, intuition, visuospatial skills, etc.
-as a long-lasting antidepressant
-to reset my brain chemistry to an ideal state, unmodified by SSRIs and past soft drug use
-to repair the damage caused by three minor concussions I had many years ago
-to prevent chronic migraines (an off-label use, but another poster mentioned this, and I am hopeful cbl will help)

While on my cycle, I will be very busy with a project for graduate school (I am a classical composer). My work is highly interdisciplinary, and my current project combines music composition, graphic design, phylogenetics, naturalist illustration, calligraphy, and painting. My creativity and executive functions have been extraordinarily enhanced by piracetam at times, and I am hoping to achieve similar results with cbl. Also, I have been saving some very challenging books on artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and evolutionary development so that I might better understand them on cbl.

I have two years of experience with a wide variety of nootropics, including all of the racetams, centrophenoxine, uridine, noopept, CILTEP, selegiline, etc., and I will be sure to compare my experience with cerebrolysin to my other experiences with nootropics.

$376 for 20 x 10ml is a great deal! Could you please tell us how to go about getting that price, because on the website I find the cost is $20 per amp. Did you email them first and made an arrangement with them in regards to the price? Please let us know!!

I payed 301.95 for 15 10ml ampules btw at drugspremium dot com. and so the cost is more there in terms of quantity.

As far as the time the amount of time Cbl takes to work is a bit tricky. For me, the full theraputic onset took about two weeks to really kick in. And about three to four weeks to really notice the power of Cbl. Cbl is like glue in away because the effects get stronger with time, that is to say, once you stop the medication after two weeks of 100ml's the effects stay and you will recall the amount of Cbl that you received and determine if it was too much that you received.

As far as taking other nootropics, I would be very weary about combining other nootroopics because it could be a disaster. For example, when I combined 1 G Acetyl L Carnatine with Cbl, I got away with it for the first two weeks, but after three weeks, I noticed that my thoughts began to race, and I mean race! I literally think way ahead a problem and come to the conclusion without wanting to. My thinking in a sense was way, way too broadened for my body. This all occurred in the third week so after that experience I am off the ALC.

Hi chairofgold -
The box deal is under "Anti-aging drugs".
Cerebrolysin 5 x 10 ml box for $90

I get brain fog from ALCAR, so I don't expect I'll be using it with cbl, and I'll definitely avoid stimulants, including caffeine. I am currently using UMP at 300mg sublingual, and I've been using it since January, but I may stop soon. I'm not currently using any racetams, as I've developed too much tolerance, but I'm intrigued by some of the reports earlier in the thread that cbl makes piracetam work again. Have you used piracetam with cbl, either on the same day, or soon after ending a cycle?

Thanks for that. That will save me $$ since I plan on using Cbl for a long time. As far as caffeine goes, most definitely it will effect work stronger with the Cbl than without it. That combination would probably be great if you were studying for finals and needed more time to be awake.

The list of supplements that I take currently are DHA 500mg from vitacost, 100mg of Phosphatidyl Serine and 500mg of Royal Jelly form pruitan's pride, and 60 mg of Ginko Biloba from Swansonvitamins. and 20mg of Viibryd or Villazodone an SSRI that has NO sexual side effects taken once a day and the rest I take twice a day or 8 hrs apart. For sleep I take 60mg of Ginko, 300mg of Lion's Mane and 50mg of Imipramine which is another antidepressant that works in combination with SSRI to countereffect sexual side effects.

I have tried uridine, piracetam and aniracetam which work for a minute amount of time, like 2 to 3 hrs and then it wears off! The effects to my belief have no lasting changes. They are good for the moment but wear off and fast! Too me those are a waste of Money!

Cbl to the contrary keeps working which tells me that lasting changes have taken place. If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!
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#732 chairofgold

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 04:59 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

Edited by chairofgold, 21 August 2012 - 05:05 PM.

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#733 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:09 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

yeah you sell Cerebrolysin haha

#734 chairofgold

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

yeah you sell Cerebrolysin haha

How do you go about selling Cbl? I don't have experience in that field. I'm a full time student working my way towards a higher degree and need all the cognitive help I can get. Yes , I did post before that I bought Cbl through drugspremium dot com but another poster pointed out that Superhumangear is more cost effective and can save you $$. Now, I will buy Cbl through Superhumangear. Can a seller just up and sell from one company to another? I don't think that's how it works. A buyer can though find the better deal and buy where it would be cheaper though and that's the route I'm on.

Edited by chairofgold, 21 August 2012 - 05:31 PM.

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#735 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:33 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

yeah you sell Cerebrolysin haha

How do you go about selling Cbl? I don't have experience in that field. I'm a full time student working my way towards a higher degree and need all the cognitive help I can get. Yes , I did post before that I bought Cbl through drugspremium dot com but another poster pointed out that Superhumangear is more cost effective and can save you $$. Now, I will buy Cbl through Superhumangear. Can a seller just up and sell from one company to another? I don't think that's how it works. A buyer can though find the better deal and buy where it would be cheaper though and that's the route I'm on.

thank you for explaining that to me, I understand now

#736 Rior

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:27 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

So if I take pramiracetam for a few months while studying college material at a vastly increased pace (due to Pram's insane memory increase) and that knowledge sticks with me, have I made "no lasting improvement"? Lets also say that I take lion's mane as well, stimulating NGF and the production and extension of new neurons, while taking pramiracetam to enhance my memory. Theoretically the specific enhanced memory I have while on pram won't be fully maintained when I'm off it, however the neuron growth in combination with the enhanced state of memory will leave at least some lasting changes in theory.

Either way all I'm trying to say is that you're wrong, all these nootropics have fantastic use and are well worth the money.
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#737 chairofgold

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:52 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

So if I take pramiracetam for a few months while studying college material at a vastly increased pace (due to Pram's insane memory increase) and that knowledge sticks with me, have I made "no lasting improvement"? Lets also say that I take lion's mane as well, stimulating NGF and the production and extension of new neurons, while taking pramiracetam to enhance my memory. Theoretically the specific enhanced memory I have while on pram won't be fully maintained when I'm off it, however the neuron growth in combination with the enhanced state of memory will leave at least some lasting changes in theory.

Either way all I'm trying to say is that you're wrong, all these nootropics have fantastic use and are well worth the money.

I see your point. However, true it may be to you. Until the day I find out otherwise, my opinion is true to me.

#738 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:55 PM

Here, I will beat you to that. I have tried piracetam, aniracetam, pramiracetam, sulbutiamine, uridine and magnesium L-Threonate. I can tell you know that I have stopped taking the above a long time ago. The reasons being are simple.

1) They all work in short duration.

2) They have no lasting effects.

3) They are a waste of Money.

4) Sooner or later they will deplete your catecholamines.

5) Last, they all work fast and leave you hanging in the end. See reason # 4.

Cbl on the other hand does not include the above.

If anyone tells you that uridine,aniracetam or piracetam will bring about long lasting changes, they are lying to your face. Those are good for draining your pocket and putting cash into the sellers pocket!!

Some seller is marking my posts as a negative and it is someone on the Uridine thread. LOL! I don't care. I make no money posting nor do I sell any Cbl, racetams, let alone uridine!

So if I take pramiracetam for a few months while studying college material at a vastly increased pace (due to Pram's insane memory increase) and that knowledge sticks with me, have I made "no lasting improvement"? Lets also say that I take lion's mane as well, stimulating NGF and the production and extension of new neurons, while taking pramiracetam to enhance my memory. Theoretically the specific enhanced memory I have while on pram won't be fully maintained when I'm off it, however the neuron growth in combination with the enhanced state of memory will leave at least some lasting changes in theory.

Either way all I'm trying to say is that you're wrong, all these nootropics have fantastic use and are well worth the money.

i know

#739 arcticjoe

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:58 PM

I actually agree with chairofgold here, I have tried more drugs and nootropics than most people - and in the end they all seem to leave my brain worse off than I started. Now piracetam makes me anxious as hell, no other racetams have any positive effect except prami, to which I develop rapid tolerance and get a crash after using it. Over last 10 years I must have spent thousands on various supps and noots , yet in the end most leave me disappointed.

Edited by arcticjoe, 21 August 2012 - 06:59 PM.

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#740 Gorthaur

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Posted 22 August 2012 - 09:23 PM

I'm now on day 2 of 10 ml a day. The IM injections are more challenging than I expected. My first was fine, but on the second one, I had trouble penetrating the skin, and I had a vasovagal episode that nearly resulted in me fainting. I was able to complete the injection, but I had to lie down for a few minutes afterwards. I have experience with subcutaneous injections on myself, and I've even done sutures, but sticking a needle in 1.5" is quite a bit more demanding. Today when I was inserting the needle for my second injection, I hit a nerve that made my knee bend involuntarily. I tried again in a slightly different spot with a new needle and was successful. I haven't had any trouble aspirating, at least. Could anyone with more experience with IM injections tell me how to avoid hitting any nerves, and if it matters if the needle is inserted quickly or slowly?
Also, my injection sites from yesterday are still slightly sore - it will definitely be necessary to rotate sites.

As for the effects, they're barely noticeable so far, if they're even present yet. Maybe some increased clarity and an improved sense of well-being. I also slept through the whole night last night for the first time in months, which was great.

#741 chairofgold

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 10:05 AM

I'm now on day 2 of 10 ml a day. The IM injections are more challenging than I expected. My first was fine, but on the second one, I had trouble penetrating the skin, and I had a vasovagal episode that nearly resulted in me fainting. I was able to complete the injection, but I had to lie down for a few minutes afterwards. I have experience with subcutaneous injections on myself, and I've even done sutures, but sticking a needle in 1.5" is quite a bit more demanding. Today when I was inserting the needle for my second injection, I hit a nerve that made my knee bend involuntarily. I tried again in a slightly different spot with a new needle and was successful. I haven't had any trouble aspirating, at least. Could anyone with more experience with IM injections tell me how to avoid hitting any nerves, and if it matters if the needle is inserted quickly or slowly?
Also, my injection sites from yesterday are still slightly sore - it will definitely be necessary to rotate sites.

As for the effects, they're barely noticeable so far, if they're even present yet. Maybe some increased clarity and an improved sense of well-being. I also slept through the whole night last night for the first time in months, which was great.

You shouldn't really notice a change other than a subtle mild anxiolytic effect. The effects will come in after several days and become more noticeable after a couple of weeks, at least that is how it has been for me. The more brain damage the more time it will take to take effect imo.

#742 chairofgold

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 02:12 PM

I'm now on day 2 of 10 ml a day. The IM injections are more challenging than I expected. My first was fine, but on the second one, I had trouble penetrating the skin, and I had a vasovagal episode that nearly resulted in me fainting. I was able to complete the injection, but I had to lie down for a few minutes afterwards. I have experience with subcutaneous injections on myself, and I've even done sutures, but sticking a needle in 1.5" is quite a bit more demanding. Today when I was inserting the needle for my second injection, I hit a nerve that made my knee bend involuntarily. I tried again in a slightly different spot with a new needle and was successful. I haven't had any trouble aspirating, at least. Could anyone with more experience with IM injections tell me how to avoid hitting any nerves, and if it matters if the needle is inserted quickly or slowly?
Also, my injection sites from yesterday are still slightly sore - it will definitely be necessary to rotate sites.

As for the effects, they're barely noticeable so far, if they're even present yet. Maybe some increased clarity and an improved sense of well-being. I also slept through the whole night last night for the first time in months, which was great.

Sorry you had to go through that experience. First, an injection should be a dart like motion, being fast in order to divert pain. The delivery of the needle into the muscle should not be a slow process! With one hand using the thumb and middle finger secure the base of the syringe, than with the other hand pull the intended site to the side making the skin taut, as this would be commonly known as the Z-track method, and than inject fast like if you were throwing a dart. Now once you are in the muscle at an inch to an inch and a half deep, depending on your body type, with the hand that you used to pull the skin to the side, let go. With the same free hand, pull back the plunger to make sure there is no blood return or blood going into the syringe. If there is no blood return than you are free to inject the medication. If there is blood return than you are in a vein or artery. Once you inject the medication pull the needle/syringe out of the site. You should not notice any blood trickling out of the site if done right.

Disclaimer: The above instructions are from my own opinion and experience in giving injections and the reader should not take the information as advise.

Edited by chairofgold, 23 August 2012 - 02:14 PM.

#743 chairofgold

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 05:56 PM

Guys, just to let you know, I have started a third cycle of Cbl. When I mean "cycle" I mean taking 10ml x 5 days via IV route. This is my 1st day of the cycle after being off for 3 weeks. I haven't noticed much of a change yet. I plan on completing the cycle in 4 more days and than taking two days off followed by one more cycle. Overall I will have taken 200ml since the first start of Cbl. I will than be off for 8 weeks and restart a two week cycle followed by 8 weeks off and two weeks on and so on. The reason for the new cycle this time is because I have read material in which stroke and alzheimer patients have undergone significant changes after being on a daily dose for a month. In my case I have treatment resistant depression which is depression that does not respond to at least two antidepressants. That being said I feel I need more brain repair for now.

Edited by chairofgold, 25 August 2012 - 06:04 PM.

#744 sunshinefrost

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 06:32 PM


My first reply didnt seem to work. 22 gauge is way too big. Use the gauge 25 !!!

There is zero viscosity with cbl. Also you should inject in the bum, it is almost pain free. Check google images for intra muscular butt injections ;)
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#745 manic_racetam

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 08:05 PM

IM-ing in the glute you'll never miss. I'd suggest to anyone to use IM instead of IV unless you're trained in doing injections.

#746 chairofgold

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:02 AM

Guys, here is a great all natural stack that i take along with my two antidepressants of Viibryd 20mg QD and Imiprimine 50mg Q HS.

1) Cerebrolysin. This is the best nootropic out there for dendrite growth and extension. There is no other, at least for now. Period.

2) Lion's mane. I take this only when going to bed as it causes drowsiness within 2 hrs. This may cause an increase in NGF. Although people who have used this long term have said they don't notice a difference in being smarter after chronic use.

3) Phosphatidylserine. This is an excellent supplement that gives me a small upper edge in keeping my thoughts in order. I notice a slight slowdown in thinking ability when I stopped taking it for a couple of weeks.

4) Ginko Baloba. This tree leaf has been taken for centuries for improving thinking ability so why not.

5) DHA: Studies have shown it causes brain cell stability and may even exert dendrite growth.

6) Royal Jelly. This enhances Glial cells in the brain, at least in vitro, it has been found. Overall it has B vitamins and gives you some energy.

7) Ashwaghanda. Take only as needed. Not everyday! This could cause dendrite repair and possible extension. Overall I feel relaxed when I take it as needed. It causes impotentce for me though, since it works synergistic with Viibryd, which I take on a daily basis.

8) Eating a cup of blueberries each day! This is the last key. It really improves my mood and my thinking feels younger so to say and somewhat brighter. I also tend to laugh easily. It takes about 5 days to notice a change.

This is the best stack that I have found that really works with memory and mood without leaving me drained but rather reenergized.

Edited by chairofgold, 27 August 2012 - 02:03 AM.

#747 protoject

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:17 PM

I'm wondering if anyone out there has had a bad or neutral experience with cerebrolysin after using appropriate IM/IV method, experimenting with the low and high dose, and going for the full month or longer and taking breaks on weekends. I'm considering buying it but I am really sick of wasting mountains of my money on supplements and medicines. I'm really seriously considering whether I should really be wasting 400 dollars so that I can be disappointed in the fact that cerebrolysin doesn't help at all. Does anyone with actual experience think it's a bad idea and a waste of money? I'm not trying to be a downer, I just have to ask. I mean, all I can do is think back to certain threads like , for example [and this is just one example] the thread about how uridine is so amazing and really helped people out, meanwhile it was absolutely useless for me and didn't help at all. I really hate that feeling where I don't know if maybe I'm just giving myself false hopes because of the hype that a bunch of people who would have been better off than I am anyway, falsely attribute to a substance. Anyone wanna argue with this?
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#748 chairofgold

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:56 PM

I'm wondering if anyone out there has had a bad or neutral experience with cerebrolysin after using appropriate IM/IV method, experimenting with the low and high dose, and going for the full month or longer and taking breaks on weekends. I'm considering buying it but I am really sick of wasting mountains of my money on supplements and medicines. I'm really seriously considering whether I should really be wasting 400 dollars so that I can be disappointed in the fact that cerebrolysin doesn't help at all. Does anyone with actual experience think it's a bad idea and a waste of money? I'm not trying to be a downer, I just have to ask. I mean, all I can do is think back to certain threads like , for example [and this is just one example] the thread about how uridine is so amazing and really helped people out, meanwhile it was absolutely useless for me and didn't help at all. I really hate that feeling where I don't know if maybe I'm just giving myself false hopes because of the hype that a bunch of people who would have been better off than I am anyway, falsely attribute to a substance. Anyone wanna argue with this?

Cerebrolysin or Cbl really works for me. The effect is strong after 10 days of IV use. For example, I took it for 5 days IV and noticed hardly anything. After taking two days off, I resumed use. After 7 days or about the 8th day of use in total, I notice that my depression had virtually disappeared. It was as though all the negative thoughts, were just thoughts, or a waste of thoughts. Feeling energetic and being able to take on stress with a stronger mind is where Cbl does it's work. After taking it for 10 days I felt best. You will really notice a change in your mentation.

So after those days I took about 3 weeks off to see if the medication was really still working, and it has. Since I know I will need a lot of fixing up on my brain cells, I have resumed treatment which will be the same amount and time as the first treatment.

As far as the other supplements that I take, I feel they help a little, but the Cbl in effect potentiated all the other cognitive enhancers I believe. If I were running low on funds, I say 90 dollars a month with the cerebro, that is 10ml x 5 days every month IV would be sufficient to do the job in conjunction to eating blueberries and taking my prescribed Viibryd and Imiprimine minus the supplements that I take.

#749 chairofgold

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:11 PM

I'm wondering if anyone out there has had a bad or neutral experience with cerebrolysin after using appropriate IM/IV method, experimenting with the low and high dose, and going for the full month or longer and taking breaks on weekends. I'm considering buying it but I am really sick of wasting mountains of my money on supplements and medicines. I'm really seriously considering whether I should really be wasting 400 dollars so that I can be disappointed in the fact that cerebrolysin doesn't help at all. Does anyone with actual experience think it's a bad idea and a waste of money? I'm not trying to be a downer, I just have to ask. I mean, all I can do is think back to certain threads like , for example [and this is just one example] the thread about how uridine is so amazing and really helped people out, meanwhile it was absolutely useless for me and didn't help at all. I really hate that feeling where I don't know if maybe I'm just giving myself false hopes because of the hype that a bunch of people who would have been better off than I am anyway, falsely attribute to a substance. Anyone wanna argue with this?

Protoject, read my past threads. Anytime you spend money on a hyped or touted supplement and it doesn't work, it's because that is all it is, a supplement that may work. Now the aniracetams really work but for a short duration 2 to 3 hrs and has no real lasting changes such as new growth of dendrites, etc. I can tell you now that I have sulbutamine of 100g x 3. I used it once and it did nothing for me. Uridine, does work though for about 2 hrs for me though.

Edited by chairofgold, 27 August 2012 - 03:11 PM.

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#750 protoject

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Posted 28 August 2012 - 04:10 AM

I think I am going to try it out because you and some others sound really confident that it nails treatment-resistant depression. I've also found this effect with noopept which acts similarly except way weaker probably. Except I think it fucks up my sleep. Anyway, if cerebrolysin doesn't work I think I'm gonna be done with making purchases for a long ass time lol.

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