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#841 Bigbrains

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 12:49 PM

There's a reason for filtered needles and the reason is glass,for every srudy you give about glass contamination being negligible I can give my own.Have to go to work soon,but I'll give this study which I found in two seconds.Go ask a nurse about what type of needles they use when drawing out a glass ampule.I'm seriously doubting they use unfiltered>Why risk anything when filtered needles aren't that much more expensive?

  • A/Prof Dr Akeau Unahalekhaka, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Mr Pornpoj Nuthong, Scientific Equipment center, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Dr Alan Geater, Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Background: Glass particle fragmentation and ampoule contamination upon opening have been previously reported for more than 5 decades. This study aimed to determine whether there were still glass particles contaminated in single dose glass ampoules.
Methods: Eight hundreds 10-ml.sterile water for injection ampoules were inspected for glass particle contamination upon opening. Ampoules were opened by 400 nursing personnel of 3 tertiary care hospitals using their normal practices (2 ampoules per 1 nurse). Glass particle contamination was inspected by stereomicroscope and size and a number of particles were inspected by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Seven hundred and ninety eight ampoules were inspected. Glass particles were detected in 65% of ampoules (95% CI 61.6-68.3). Size of particles, detected from 20 positive samples from stereomicroscope inspection, ranged from 8-172 micron. The mean numbers of glass particles detected were: 47.8 + 20.4 for particle size < 50 micron, 3.7 + 3.2 for size 51-100 micron and 0.6 + 1.07 for size 101-200 micron. Among 20 negative samples from stereomicroscope inspection (no glass particle detected), SEM could detect glass particles with sizes ranged from 8 to 54 micron. The mean numbers of glass particles detected were: 27.8 + 21.8 for particle size < 50 micron, 0.75 + 1.2 for size 51-100 micron and 0.5 + 0.2 for size 101-200 micron.
Conclusion: Glass particle contamination occurs on opening single dose glass ampoules. Hospital personnel should be aware and carefully draw the content in the ampoule.


Edit: I didn't originall see where you meant filters mean no difference,I was thinking you meant that glass contamination is rare or unheard of,. Will get back to you on that since I'm rushing to go to work,I just can't see why the medical community uses filters speciffically for glass if they aren't useful.

Edited by Bigbrains, 28 September 2012 - 12:56 PM.

#842 evo

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 04:45 PM

Most of the medical community does not use filtered needles, especially in the ER or trauma centers. Specialists perhaps (I think most do not, but don't know enough personally to speak from experience), but if you are in the US, it is not common practice in other settings.

My point was solely that it's an unnecessary precaution, as it has a negligible effect on reducing contamination, AND because absurdly high concentrations would be needed anyway to cause damage, even over the long term. If it makes you feel better you're definitely not alone, and of course welcome to do as you please... Just pointing out that it's neither required, nor common practice in US medicine.

[edit] If you're really worried about particulates, you're best off going with the 1ml ampoules as those show significantly less contamination due to their smaller diameter. 5-20ml sizes are roughly equivalent.

Edited by lmlj, 28 September 2012 - 04:46 PM.

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#843 protoject

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Posted 28 September 2012 - 11:11 PM

One thing I'd like to point out is that you guys should purchase filtered needles which aren't that expensive, and will keep the glass out of your cerebrolysin. I've looked at a number of med forums where actual licensed professionals respond, and there is almost a universal concesus as to get filters for neeedles when drawing from a glass ampoule. Its just the meatheads from the steroid forums that inject substances proven to be harmful to the body that seem to condone not using a filter. " Trust me Bro,i've stuck thousands of needles in my body without a filter when drawing from a glass vial. No worries here brah" Yeah....okay.

I wish people would stop saying this.

A filter makes 0 difference--the only thing that has any effect on particulate contamination is the diameter of the ampoule.

Data' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.anesthesia-analgesia.org/content/65/12/1361.full.pdf']Data are summarized in Table 2. The mean number of glass particles filtered when aspirated through a 3-mm internal diameter bore tubing was 12, through an 18-gauge needle 12 k 6, through a 25- gauge needle 14 + 6 and through a 5-micron filter needle 13 7. No differences in sizes were noted. There was no significant difference in the number of particles aspirated by any given technique.

→ source (external link)

' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jps.3030361002/abstract']This report on the effects of glass particles when injected into animals indicates that massive doses are required to produce damage to the organs examined during the study.

→ source (external link)

Based on that first paper it appears filtering is completely useless. Regarding glass being injected into a person or animal, what is the actual risk here? I couldn't see much in the second link besides one sentence, which "organs" were they looking at exactly? How would a human or animal body handle small particles of glass?

#844 Bigbrains

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Posted 29 September 2012 - 03:17 AM

I personally will only be using filtered needles for withdrawing, and like one nurse on allnurses.com said"ALWAYS use filtered needles. Why take the risk?"

I explain more on here with more sources if people are interested.:http://www.longecity...-and-filtering/
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#845 evo

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Posted 29 September 2012 - 03:58 AM

Ask and ye shall receive:
This' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://ge.tt/9N0OlZO/v/0?c']This report on the effects of glass particles when injected into animals‘ indicates that massive doses are required to produce damage to the organs examined during the study.

→ source (external link)

Based on that first paper it appears filtering is completely useless. Regarding glass being injected into a person or animal, what is the actual risk here? I couldn't see much in the second link besides one sentence, which "organs" were they looking at exactly? How would a human or animal body handle small particles of glass?

From what I've gathered based on the second source, the body dissolves the basic ion leaving salicic acid behind (which can apparently cause slight, localized tissue damage--but only at high concentrations for extended periods [over 1 year]). The good news is this means the body is removing these particles, and they do not sit in your system indefinitely.

Lastly and also worth noting, this study was based on INTRAVENOUS injection of 1.3-2% glass solution. Understandably particles accumulate in the lungs if introduced via the vascular system, but I'm dubious as to whether particulates from IM injections would be absorbed into the blood stream.

Edited by lmlj, 29 September 2012 - 04:38 AM.

#846 chairofgold

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Posted 29 September 2012 - 03:22 PM

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use a filter!! Micro fragments of glass from the ampule will go into the muscle and cause an infection and an abscess! The only way to remove the foreign particle is through surgical incision and drainage.

Edited by chairofgold, 29 September 2012 - 03:23 PM.

#847 evo

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Posted 29 September 2012 - 09:17 PM

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use a filter!! Micro fragments of glass from the ampule will go into the muscle and cause an infection and an abscess! The only way to remove the foreign particle is through surgical incision and drainage.

Well, I for one am glad that we have this genius looking out for us. At least it makes sense now why many of the well-informed members on this board left.

Oh well, it was nice while you lasted Longecity. Sadly, hear-say does not empirical evidence make.

Edited by lmlj, 29 September 2012 - 09:18 PM.

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#848 chairofgold

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 02:49 AM

Just an update guys. There has been no relapse in depression yet. Even when things don't always go my way, I don't feel down. In addition to being off Cbl for 4 weeks, I have started taking 2 grams of Lion's Mane a day from Fungi Health. I notice that I feel on point, but didn't before when I use to take it minus Cbl.

#849 Bigbrains

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 03:25 AM

Just an update guys. There has been no relapse in depression yet. Even when things don't always go my way, I don't feel down. In addition to being off Cbl for 4 weeks, I have started taking 2 grams of Lion's Mane a day from Fungi Health. I notice that I feel on point, but didn't before when I use to take it minus Cbl.

Awesome, I just completed another set of cerebrolysin yesterday evening. Going to do it tonight also. I noticed later in the day today that I was much happier than normal and don't think its coincidence since there was no real reason to be happier.I also found myself thinking more positive. I just got to watch where I stick the needle for my injections.

I do two injections one on the right ventrogluteal,area and one on the left.The right side I got right,but the left side I was way off and I hit a nerve and a little blood was on the needle. Not good and freaked me out since I thought for sure the cut out portion of my hand was in the right spot. I was sitting down when I marked the injection site,and that was the problem.I stood up,and placed the cutout on my left side and found I was way off the mark. Funny,how my coordination on my left side is so bad when sitting down,I guess that's because I'm right handed. Hope tonight's session goes without a hitch.I guess practice makes perfect since I've injected myself only a handful of times in my life.

Edited by Bigbrains, 03 October 2012 - 03:25 AM.

#850 stablemind

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 06:48 AM

Just an update guys. There has been no relapse in depression yet. Even when things don't always go my way, I don't feel down. In addition to being off Cbl for 4 weeks, I have started taking 2 grams of Lion's Mane a day from Fungi Health. I notice that I feel on point, but didn't before when I use to take it minus Cbl.

How are you on point? Why don't you try testing w/o the Lion's Mane? It may be a confounding variable. If you test without you can see if it helps or doesn't help.

#851 protoject

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 10:36 AM

Just an update guys. There has been no relapse in depression yet. Even when things don't always go my way, I don't feel down. In addition to being off Cbl for 4 weeks, I have started taking 2 grams of Lion's Mane a day from Fungi Health. I notice that I feel on point, but didn't before when I use to take it minus Cbl.

Just an update guys. There has been no relapse in depression yet. Even when things don't always go my way, I don't feel down. In addition to being off Cbl for 4 weeks, I have started taking 2 grams of Lion's Mane a day from Fungi Health. I notice that I feel on point, but didn't before when I use to take it minus Cbl.

Awesome, I just completed another set of cerebrolysin yesterday

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

#852 Bigbrains

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 12:01 AM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


#853 manic_racetam

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 05:30 PM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


It says in the medical literature associate with Cerebrolysin that it may increase the effects of anti-depressants. I don't think it would be too large of an assumption to guess that it would have an amplifying effect on amphetamine as well.

I had mixed results during my 14 day run of Cerebrolysin with mixed results. I've been taking Stablon 3 x 12.5mg per day for a year now and wonder if the cerebrolysin was increasing the effects of the Stablon. About 6 days into the cycle I noticed increased emotional sensitivity and pretty unstable moods that were highly influenced by my environment.

There were other factors too, I had been taking some other peptides (Melanotan II and Sermorelin) for different reasons and some of the cbl literature I was reading said it was contraindicated with other "short-chain peptides". So there were too many variables going on during my cycle, which I won't have during my next cycle. Anyway...

The sensitivity seemed to go away for the most part and I started noticing what could probably be called an "improvement" in cognition and emotional state around day 13 + 14, at the same time I ran out of it. So I plan on giving it another shot, but this time I'm gonna buy enough to last a whole month at least.

Also, it caused Nausea and diarrhea for the first couple days (also listed as possible side effect in med information on cbl) while my body adjusted to it, but all GI sides were gone in a matter of days.

Edited by manic_racetam, 08 October 2012 - 03:45 PM.

#854 protoject

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 09:48 PM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


would you be iwlling to try it without adderall to see if it still produces the same sleep-reducing effect?? I have heard it synergizes strongly with stimulants , coffee in particular... but i have yet to understand whether this same thing would occur without the stimulant... i did just use up 400 dollars and more worth of my money to buy this, i can pick it up at my mailing location, but im wondering if i should just pawn it off considering i have a serious sleep problem right now. But I am curious to know whether it would enhance my awake-state while my insomnia would stay the same... i dunnnoooo

#855 chairofgold

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Posted 05 October 2012 - 10:08 PM

Cbl synergizes big time with caffeine, so if your worried about your desire to sleep more or soundly, than this med may not be right for you. I on the other hand desire to sleep less for more study time which account for 12 to 16 hrs a day.

#856 Plasticperson

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Posted 06 October 2012 - 02:25 PM

Yesterday I started my 20 x 10 ml cerebrolysin cycle. I'm taking it varying times though the week; 5 times a week. Im using the cere to recovery from a severe concussion i received in a car accident 3 months ago. Althought most of my symptoms have subsided I still have residual cognitive deficits. Ordered from superhuman gear extremely fast shipping to us.

I could feel the cere working minutes after I im'd it, geuss I'm a responder. Small amount of pain at one injection site which subsided the next day.

It's honestly such a great feeling its kinda scary. The stuff makes you feel like a kid again. Extreme hunger, alleviates boredom, stress free and an increased ability to fight stress. Great anti deppressant effect as I didn't feel drugged I actually just felt more alive. I went out the whole night and while I'm usually dead tired by 12 o'clock I was still ready to go at 3 in the morning. As for a nootropic effect I felt very sharp yesterday and word fluency was much better than usual. My cognitive deficits were slim to none. I think this stuff is the solution to healing a concussion especially if this stuff has lasting effects.

I've only taken one dose but the effects were profound I'm curious to see how these "accumulative" doses are going to turn out.

Ill be posting updates regularly
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#857 Bigbrains

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 05:13 PM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


would you be iwlling to try it without adderall to see if it still produces the same sleep-reducing effect?? I have heard it synergizes strongly with stimulants , coffee in particular... but i have yet to understand whether this same thing would occur without the stimulant... i did just use up 400 dollars and more worth of my money to buy this, i can pick it up at my mailing location, but im wondering if i should just pawn it off considering i have a serious sleep problem right now. But I am curious to know whether it would enhance my awake-state while my insomnia would stay the same... i dunnnoooo

I'm thinking about going back on Cerebrolysin and trying 5ml instead of 10ml because I am usually very sensitive to supplements or medications. I had cut my Adderrall dose in half to 2.5 mg as well as my Sam-e to 200 mg while on Cerebrolysin hearing that it strongly increases the effect of stimulants.Those doses are extremely small ,even for a very medication sensitive person. I will try next week to only use Adderrall if I absolutely feel I need it. I am also going to cut down from my 500 mg valerian daily dosage down to to 150 mg .

I did notice I was getting fairly strong palpitation the day of Cerebrolysin injection and the day after which is a little worrisome as I rarely get heart palpitations.I usually only have 2-3 diet sodas a day for caffeine,so I might also cut back to one soda. I was really hoping Cerebrolysin to work,but so far the results have been disappointing. The side effects so far for the mild tradeoff in mood do not seem to be worth it,but I will give another try of it at half dosage.

About sleep,I would,in my opinion, not inject Cerebroysin in the evening like I did..If I were you I'd try to do it early in the morning as your schedule will allow. Again every person's body is different so you may find that you have none of the effects that I did and Cerebrolysin might actually help you with your sleep.You will never know unless you try. I would also start on a smaller dose than 10ml if you are sensitive to meds,because 10ml to you might seem like 20 to someone else,and that's when side effects will start to happen.



It says in the medical literature associate with Cerebrolysin that it may increase the effects of anti-depressants. I don't think it would be too large of an assumption to guess that it would have an amplifying effect on amphetamine as well.

Edit: sorry Manic Racetam, for some reason I didn't see your post. Yeah I'm beginning to think its possible that even with the very small dose of amp, Cerebrolysin could be greatly increasing its effect. It just seems like if it was increasing the effect I would have a greater or at least stable focus along with the greater side effects of Adderrall. I how,ever was feeling a sharply reduced focus,while combining Cerebrolysin and Adderrall.Going to also greatly reduce The Valerian root,however as though I didn't seem to feel drowsier my cognition may have still been reduced if Cerebrolysin increases its effect in my system. Damn guess I'm going to have to cut off Sam-e completely while on it also as it has a mild antidepressant effect as well as a feeling of increased energy and endurance.


Edited by Bigbrains, 07 October 2012 - 06:02 PM.

#858 chairofgold

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:53 AM

What are your thoughts on Cerebrolysin, Acetyl l-Carnitine Arginine, and Lion's Mane all taken on the same day? ;)

Cbl 10cc with ALCA 500mg in the am and LM 1G before bed. :)

Dendrite extension acceleration? :-D

Edited by chairofgold, 08 October 2012 - 04:55 AM.

#859 stablemind

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 05:04 AM

What are your thoughts on Cerebrolysin, Acetyl l-Carnitine Arginine, and Lion's Mane all taken on the same day? ;)

Cbl 10cc with ALCA 500mg in the am and LM 1G before bed. :)

Dendrite extension acceleration? :-D

Um you didn't answer my question, how do you know LM is doing anything at all? have you tried not using LM with Cereb?

#860 Kompota

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:59 AM

I have cognitive deficits due to the protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal I am in. Do you think Cerebrolysin might provide some help ? I have read studies, where people state that full recovery does involve not only reversal of GABA receptor tolerance, but regrowth of neural pathways as well. Since Cerebrolysin has NGF properties, could it speed up recovery of my cognitive function ?

#861 protoject

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:38 PM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


would you be iwlling to try it without adderall to see if it still produces the same sleep-reducing effect?? I have heard it synergizes strongly with stimulants , coffee in particular... but i have yet to understand whether this same thing would occur without the stimulant... i did just use up 400 dollars and more worth of my money to buy this, i can pick it up at my mailing location, but im wondering if i should just pawn it off considering i have a serious sleep problem right now. But I am curious to know whether it would enhance my awake-state while my insomnia would stay the same... i dunnnoooo

I'm thinking about going back on Cerebrolysin and trying 5ml instead of 10ml because I am usually very sensitive to supplements or medications. I had cut my Adderrall dose in half to 2.5 mg as well as my Sam-e to 200 mg while on Cerebrolysin hearing that it strongly increases the effect of stimulants.Those doses are extremely small ,even for a very medication sensitive person. I will try next week to only use Adderrall if I absolutely feel I need it. I am also going to cut down from my 500 mg valerian daily dosage down to to 150 mg .

I did notice I was getting fairly strong palpitation the day of Cerebrolysin injection and the day after which is a little worrisome as I rarely get heart palpitations.I usually only have 2-3 diet sodas a day for caffeine,so I might also cut back to one soda. I was really hoping Cerebrolysin to work,but so far the results have been disappointing. The side effects so far for the mild tradeoff in mood do not seem to be worth it,but I will give another try of it at half dosage.

About sleep,I would,in my opinion, not inject Cerebroysin in the evening like I did..If I were you I'd try to do it early in the morning as your schedule will allow. Again every person's body is different so you may find that you have none of the effects that I did and Cerebrolysin might actually help you with your sleep.You will never know unless you try. I would also start on a smaller dose than 10ml if you are sensitive to meds,because 10ml to you might seem like 20 to someone else,and that's when side effects will start to happen.



It says in the medical literature associate with Cerebrolysin that it may increase the effects of anti-depressants. I don't think it would be too large of an assumption to guess that it would have an amplifying effect on amphetamine as well.

Edit: sorry Manic Racetam, for some reason I didn't see your post. Yeah I'm beginning to think its possible that even with the very small dose of amp, Cerebrolysin could be greatly increasing its effect. It just seems like if it was increasing the effect I would have a greater or at least stable focus along with the greater side effects of Adderrall. I how,ever was feeling a sharply reduced focus,while combining Cerebrolysin and Adderrall.Going to also greatly reduce The Valerian root,however as though I didn't seem to feel drowsier my cognition may have still been reduced if Cerebrolysin increases its effect in my system. Damn guess I'm going to have to cut off Sam-e completely while on it also as it has a mild antidepressant effect as well as a feeling of increased energy and endurance.


I think you should seriously just stop everything for a couple weeks and then do the cere alone, because these other drugs may be greatly confounding the results. But still, it's good to hear these experiences, thanks for sharing. Also I'll take your advice on taking it only in the mornings.

I actually just received my 4 boxes of 10mL per day [lasts 1 month], I am having trouble with finding this ventrogluteal area on myself using the traced hand, I am just thinking .. "Is that the spot?? no, that cant be the spot, i must be doing something wrong." i dunno how i am going to get this done today

#862 protoject

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:00 PM

Hey guys, so I was searching online for images of the actual muscle that needs to be injected here because I was a bit confused about where exactly to stick myself. I found this page on prohormone forums where some dudes were discussing it and sharing pics. Hoping I am not breaking any link-posting rules here is the thread: http://www.prohormon...ion-primer.html , more importantly here are some pics from that thread...

supposedly it's the GLUTEUS MEDIUS muscle we are targetting...

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#863 chairofgold

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:07 PM

Any comment on how it affects sleep?
I haven't been able to find much info on this, except some people say they slept less, or they didn't need much sleep, and on pubmed I can't find much except that it helped people with diabetic neuropathy to sleep because it reduced pain, and also that it decreased slow-waves in the brain or something so that people were less stupid.

Yes, for me at least, Cerebrolysin definitely without a shadow of a doubt effects sleep. Adderall which I take daily makes me have insomnia,but Lyrica or an even stronger sleep aid From Gai Herbs called Sound Sleep knock me out within half an hour. Cerebrolysin is stimulating me so much I can't sleep. The inability to sleep is far worse than if I just took Adderrall alone,as I usually can fall to sleep in a couple of hours.I find myself probably getting only 2 to 3 hours of sleep while taking Cerebrolysin and that is with the sleep aid.

I know some,if not most people on here stated that Cerebrolysin took weeks to take effect. I am feeling the effects within a couple of days. The effects,unfortunately so far seem to be mostly negative. I have a harder time going to sleep,I can't take pain as well as I used to, I get this weird weak like feeling in my head,and my mental performance seems to have degraded quite a bit. I am,however,in a better mood,but I am I have started to feel bouts with anxiety

What could be happening is Cerebrolysin is having some kind of effect on the Adderral and Valerian root I take daily.Lack of sleep from ,Cerebro could also explain some of the mental performance issues. The weird like feeling is the same kind of feeling I felt on Alcar,and this drug it seems in some regards is like an inject-able form of alcar.

Going to give at least another week on this stuff since I spent so much,but so far the results are quite disappointing and contrary to what I hoped.


would you be iwlling to try it without adderall to see if it still produces the same sleep-reducing effect?? I have heard it synergizes strongly with stimulants , coffee in particular... but i have yet to understand whether this same thing would occur without the stimulant... i did just use up 400 dollars and more worth of my money to buy this, i can pick it up at my mailing location, but im wondering if i should just pawn it off considering i have a serious sleep problem right now. But I am curious to know whether it would enhance my awake-state while my insomnia would stay the same... i dunnnoooo

I'm thinking about going back on Cerebrolysin and trying 5ml instead of 10ml because I am usually very sensitive to supplements or medications. I had cut my Adderrall dose in half to 2.5 mg as well as my Sam-e to 200 mg while on Cerebrolysin hearing that it strongly increases the effect of stimulants.Those doses are extremely small ,even for a very medication sensitive person. I will try next week to only use Adderrall if I absolutely feel I need it. I am also going to cut down from my 500 mg valerian daily dosage down to to 150 mg .

I did notice I was getting fairly strong palpitation the day of Cerebrolysin injection and the day after which is a little worrisome as I rarely get heart palpitations.I usually only have 2-3 diet sodas a day for caffeine,so I might also cut back to one soda. I was really hoping Cerebrolysin to work,but so far the results have been disappointing. The side effects so far for the mild tradeoff in mood do not seem to be worth it,but I will give another try of it at half dosage.

About sleep,I would,in my opinion, not inject Cerebroysin in the evening like I did..If I were you I'd try to do it early in the morning as your schedule will allow. Again every person's body is different so you may find that you have none of the effects that I did and Cerebrolysin might actually help you with your sleep.You will never know unless you try. I would also start on a smaller dose than 10ml if you are sensitive to meds,because 10ml to you might seem like 20 to someone else,and that's when side effects will start to happen.



It says in the medical literature associate with Cerebrolysin that it may increase the effects of anti-depressants. I don't think it would be too large of an assumption to guess that it would have an amplifying effect on amphetamine as well.

Edit: sorry Manic Racetam, for some reason I didn't see your post. Yeah I'm beginning to think its possible that even with the very small dose of amp, Cerebrolysin could be greatly increasing its effect. It just seems like if it was increasing the effect I would have a greater or at least stable focus along with the greater side effects of Adderrall. I how,ever was feeling a sharply reduced focus,while combining Cerebrolysin and Adderrall.Going to also greatly reduce The Valerian root,however as though I didn't seem to feel drowsier my cognition may have still been reduced if Cerebrolysin increases its effect in my system. Damn guess I'm going to have to cut off Sam-e completely while on it also as it has a mild antidepressant effect as well as a feeling of increased energy and endurance.


I think you should seriously just stop everything for a couple weeks and then do the cere alone, because these other drugs may be greatly confounding the results. But still, it's good to hear these experiences, thanks for sharing. Also I'll take your advice on taking it only in the mornings.

I actually just received my 4 boxes of 10mL per day [lasts 1 month], I am having trouble with finding this ventrogluteal area on myself using the traced hand, I am just thinking .. "Is that the spot?? no, that cant be the spot, i must be doing something wrong." i dunno how i am going to get this done today

I would use the dorsogluteal site rather than the anteriorgluteal site, since it is the most common and prefered site among professional healthcare providers to administer intramuscular injections. There is more muscle in that region vs the anteriorgluteal site thereby causing less pain and faster recovery. Avoid the sciatic nerve at all costs. If injured, it will cause extreme pain to radiate down your leg for days and other problems! With that said, I would know well the targeted injection sites before proceeding.


Edited by chairofgold, 08 October 2012 - 04:23 PM.

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#864 chairofgold

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:15 PM

What are your thoughts on Cerebrolysin, Acetyl l-Carnitine Arginine, and Lion's Mane all taken on the same day? ;)

Cbl 10cc with ALCA 500mg in the am and LM 1G before bed. :)

Dendrite extension acceleration? :-D

Um you didn't answer my question, how do you know LM is doing anything at all? have you tried not using LM with Cereb?

I have been using 300mg of LM, a rather small dose, at hours of sleep for about the last 8 month and about 5 month without Cbl. I did not experience any cognitive enhancements but rather drowsiness, which is why I take it at bedtime since it helps with sleep.

Cbl potentiates the effect of cognitive enhancing agents, so it should be causing more dendrite growth with LM by potentiating its effects. :~

Edited by chairofgold, 08 October 2012 - 04:27 PM.

#865 protoject

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:38 PM

I would use the dorsogluteal site rather than the anteriorgluteal site, since it is the most common and prefered site among professional healthcare providers to administer intramuscular injections. There is more muscle in that region vs the anteriorgluteal site thereby causing less pain and faster recovery. Avoid the sciatic nerve at all costs. If injured, it will cause extreme pain to radiate down your leg for days and other problems! With that said, I would know well the targeted injection sites before proceeding.


Not sure if you've seen joeblack's postings but ventrogluteal is supposedly the best for many reasons already stated [and supposedly joeblack was in the field of medicine, ask him]. One of those reasons being not hitting nerves [sciatic particularly] , not hitting fatty tissue, ability for the drug to disperse in the next 20 minutes due to great blood supply in the gluteus medius muscle etc. etc. Frankly i just injected ventrogluteal and it was completely painless, besides the prick in the skin. PS i am self-injecting

Edited by protoject, 08 October 2012 - 04:43 PM.

#866 protoject

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Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:47 PM

you really gotta hit the right spot though.. ugh! first one was completely painless, second one i think i did it too low

#867 protoject

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Posted 09 October 2012 - 01:17 PM

First day of Cerebrolysin 10mL yesterday. Good: there's a subtle feeling of returning back to my old self, bad: did get a massive headache and was particularly sensitive to sound and anything slightly stress inducing for a few hours that day [is it the cerebrolysin? because I have been getting headaches the entire weekend before cerebrolysin, just not as bad as that day].... good thing that I didn't expect: didn't disturb my sleep at all.

The only thing I don't really like is the injecting part. We will see how this all goes in the end, I'm incredibly glad it didn't disrupt my sleep as I have very sensitive sleep. Let's see if this continues.

PS, not currently taking any other supplements, besides the occassional ginger if I've eaten something that bothers my stomach

Edited by protoject, 09 October 2012 - 01:19 PM.

#868 chairofgold

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 04:03 AM

First day of Cerebrolysin 10mL yesterday. Good: there's a subtle feeling of returning back to my old self, bad: did get a massive headache and was particularly sensitive to sound and anything slightly stress inducing for a few hours that day [is it the cerebrolysin? because I have been getting headaches the entire weekend before cerebrolysin, just not as bad as that day].... good thing that I didn't expect: didn't disturb my sleep at all.

The only thing I don't really like is the injecting part. We will see how this all goes in the end, I'm incredibly glad it didn't disrupt my sleep as I have very sensitive sleep. Let's see if this continues.

PS, not currently taking any other supplements, besides the occassional ginger if I've eaten something that bothers my stomach

Good luck on your journey to recovery for a better and brighter life.

However, I feel that in order to take advantage of the potentiating effects of Cbl, you all may need to add more to your cognitive dendrite growth regime. Notice that I am emphasizing the permanent growth aspect of the regime . I for one, have found myself a more happier, intuitive, and innovative person in myself than ever before in my life. I have completed 5 weeks of Cbl and over the last three weeks I have added Lion's Mane and Acetyl L-Carnatine Arginate to my off days. The combination effects are astonishing!

You may want to follow in my footsteps or not, it's your choice, but let me tell you that what I am after is permanent dendrite growth and extension, not some temporary cognitive super brainy powerful memory trip, and I believe the holy grail is not one medication but a combination of enhancers that work synergistically in order create the growth.


Try adding hot water to a half spoon full of LM along with your favorite herbal tea and a pack of sugar. I have noticed a stronger effect if the LM is saturated in hot water. I have also done research and discovered that the cells open up with hot water, thereby releasing the active factors. Drink before going to bed because it will make you somewhat sleepy. I have notice that my dreams are lucid and vivid with the stuff, which tells me it is working.

It doesn't cost all that much and should last you a long time.

Again, good luck and do your due diligence whenever you are going to add any supplements or what have you as you are already taking Cbl.

Last, as I have mentioned before, and will mention again, dendrite growth is a slow process so don't expect fast results, give it time!

Edited by chairofgold, 10 October 2012 - 04:20 AM.

#869 protoject

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 01:39 PM

First day of Cerebrolysin 10mL yesterday. Good: there's a subtle feeling of returning back to my old self, bad: did get a massive headache and was particularly sensitive to sound and anything slightly stress inducing for a few hours that day [is it the cerebrolysin? because I have been getting headaches the entire weekend before cerebrolysin, just not as bad as that day].... good thing that I didn't expect: didn't disturb my sleep at all.

The only thing I don't really like is the injecting part. We will see how this all goes in the end, I'm incredibly glad it didn't disrupt my sleep as I have very sensitive sleep. Let's see if this continues.

PS, not currently taking any other supplements, besides the occassional ginger if I've eaten something that bothers my stomach

Good luck on your journey to recovery for a better and brighter life.

However, I feel that in order to take advantage of the potentiating effects of Cbl, you all may need to add more to your cognitive dendrite growth regime. Notice that I am emphasizing the permanent growth aspect of the regime . I for one, have found myself a more happier, intuitive, and innovative person in myself than ever before in my life. I have completed 5 weeks of Cbl and over the last three weeks I have added Lion's Mane and Acetyl L-Carnatine Arginate to my off days. The combination effects are astonishing!

You may want to follow in my footsteps or not, it's your choice, but let me tell you that what I am after is permanent dendrite growth and extension, not some temporary cognitive super brainy powerful memory trip, and I believe the holy grail is not one medication but a combination of enhancers that work synergistically in order create the growth.


Try adding hot water to a half spoon full of LM along with your favorite herbal tea and a pack of sugar. I have noticed a stronger effect if the LM is saturated in hot water. I have also done research and discovered that the cells open up with hot water, thereby releasing the active factors. Drink before going to bed because it will make you somewhat sleepy. I have notice that my dreams are lucid and vivid with the stuff, which tells me it is working.

It doesn't cost all that much and should last you a long time.

Again, good luck and do your due diligence whenever you are going to add any supplements or what have you as you are already taking Cbl.

Last, as I have mentioned before, and will mention again, dendrite growth is a slow process so don't expect fast results, give it time!

I might actually grow lion's mane eventually as growing is a hobby of mine. I have never taken lion's mane supplements though, but I am interested. I heard that's more for NGF than BDNF, and am wondering if it is central as well as peripheral. As per the Cerebrolysin, Wow guys, this is day 3 today, I have to tell you that yesterday I was tired all day and then I slept quite well... 5 hours straight and then another one or two hours after taking a shower. I'd like to note that proper sleep for me has been extremely rare for a number of months and it is almost impossible for me to ever sleep 5 hours straight. Hearing people say that cerebrolysin made it hard for them to sleep had me worried, but in the end, it looks like it may actually be helping, unless I'm getting better sleep by pure coincidence and the cere is having no effect on sleep.

Chairofgold, I actually hate acetylcarnitine, I found it caused problems for me [insomnia included]. It used to be my favorite antidepressant and nootropic supplement though at one point, actually one time when i was having depression i first started taking ALCAR and it brought back my ability to laugh. So I don't doubt it could be good for anyone else. It's just that it causes mroe anxiety and insomnia than it's worth in my case. I may revisit this supplement some day again, in extremely low doses, I think I overdid it with this supplement for a long period of time.

Back to my cere experience. In my last post i said I'm not taking any supplements, however last night I realized I have been taking zinc lozenges every day, and also I do bright light therapy in the morning almost every morning [philips golite blue]. However there's a definite effect I feel from the cere and it honestly makes it easier to sleep it seems. Will continue reporting on this. I feel the effect building up, there's been nothing astonishing yet but there is something definite there.

BTW for everyone's info, I don't currently drink coffee, smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. Stopped drinking coffee maybe a week and a half ago, cigarettes I might have a small drag every now and again but haven't since I've been on Cere, also I drank minimum amounts 3 times on the weekend before initiating cere on Monday.

Edited by protoject, 10 October 2012 - 01:42 PM.

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#870 Plasticperson

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Posted 10 October 2012 - 05:17 PM

Cere definitely has been helping my sleep so far. I've read that cere has high levels of magnesium; and magnesium is known to induce good sleep.. who knows though. Day 5 and i can definitely feel the effects building everyday. I'm experiencing some sort of carelessness from the cere, at times i can almost consider it a form of apathy. I Really don't know if its a good or bad feeling.

On the bright side cere has sharpened my cognition to the point where i feel like i don't even need to study for school. I sit in class listen to the lecture and miraculously remember everything about the lecture the next class. The memory enhancement is a very nice effect.

Surprisingly i have had slight cold symptoms since starting the cere however they're getting better. I wonder if its possible that the foreign organic peptides and amino acids have somehow been presumed as a threat and activated my immune system??

I have felt far less mental/cognitive deficits since I've started the cere and every day it gets better. There is just some sort of clearheadedness that cere gives you, surprisingly it lasts up into 3rd day no injection.(I took a 2 day break after my first 2 injections) With how strong this stuff is i could see myself ending up smarter than i was pre concussion.
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