Cere definitely has been helping my sleep so far. I've read that cere has high levels of magnesium; and magnesium is known to induce good sleep.. who knows though. Day 5 and i can definitely feel the effects building everyday. I'm experiencing some sort of carelessness from the cere, at times i can almost consider it a form of apathy. I Really don't know if its a good or bad feeling.
On the bright side cere has sharpened my cognition to the point where i feel like i don't even need to study for school. I sit in class listen to the lecture and miraculously remember everything about the lecture the next class. The memory enhancement is a very nice effect.
Surprisingly i have had slight cold symptoms since starting the cere however they're getting better. I wonder if its possible that the foreign organic peptides and amino acids have somehow been presumed as a threat and activated my immune system??
I have felt far less mental/cognitive deficits since I've started the cere and every day it gets better. There is just some sort of clearheadedness that cere gives you, surprisingly it lasts up into 3rd day no injection.(I took a 2 day break after my first 2 injections) With how strong this stuff is i could see myself ending up smarter than i was pre concussion.
I'm experiencing the apathy thing, in terms of the apathy thing. It's like I'm less likely to get moody. Instead I'm just calm and tired, but so ready to rest. I've never heard about magnesium being in cere, and mag didn't help me very well in the long run. So far I haven't experienced any super mind-clearing or sharp mind effect, nor any enhancement of memory. Actually I've found that my cognition is still pretty disorganized I've been doing 10 mL a day. I would say that overall it's making me feel more rested and in a more stable mood. It could be a fluke so I will continue to update.
It's almost like I haven't Gone "into the positive" yet. But frankly there's nothing horribly wrong. I get headaches and it hurts to pin myself. That's about it. Strangely this might be the supplement that saves me from insomnia, and I'm glad I had the guts to take it even though I had a resistance to every trying to self-medicate again because of possible complications. Because it looks like unexpectedly I may sleep better all week. But we will see, Ill keep in touch.
Another interesting fluke is that prior to this my heart was beating fast [avg. 90 bpm] , worsened when laying down, and my blood pressure was low and I was getting chest pains. Since Ive been taking the cere that condition has been moderately better. Could be coincidence.