Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:16 PM
Day 16- Day went well. Slept pretty good this night, maybe about 4 hours uninteruppted, and then maybe another 3 later on. Pretty rare.
Day 17- I feel the effects of cerebrolysin are in fact building up. Ok, what happens is, I can think about certain events in the past [memories], or situations in the present, or future things, and I can think of it with new insight. It's like a "whole new world" is exposed to my senses. Still, I don't feel like I am fully a new man, or that I fully function in that world, nor that it is wholly crisp and clear. However, I am definitely closer to it, it brushes my senses, and it is definitely more present to my senses. It's as if I'm able to process certain variables of the outside world and connect the details more thoroughly. This happens in a kind of automatic fashion. The thoughts and senses just process easier.
This similarly happened on noopept except when this happened on noopept it was more abrupt and its intensity was greater, and I think on noopept there was more irritability.
It seems that if there were any side effects from the high dose of cerebrolysin, that over time they have become less. Either that or my bodys natural biological rythms are in a stage where it affords the cerebrolysin effect to be more positive than negative.
I am still having the heart/ anxiety /stress/ and insomnia problem , however, its own course of disease is waxing and waning, hence I don't relate it to any cerebrolysin usage. [for example, I described the attack that I had last week on monday- this has not re-occured and I am feeling much better at the moment.].
Other confounding variables: currently taking Mag. Threonate 500mg per day, and started testosterone cream about 5 days ago.
However A lot of the postiive effects I'm describing I have felt building up with cerebro before I was taking these other therapies, though these have helped to certain degrees as well, it just ain't the same.
One thing that really hit me hard was that for a couple of days I became a lot more socially uninhibited. I was talking to every person [strangers] in elevators, stores etc which is not characteristic of me. [Actually, it is in my character to be social, but my depression and anxiety severely cuts me off from being social]. Even my GF has noticed a difference for these last few days. I feel that my confidence level is higher than it was before.
I would like to mention that I feel these benefits are kind of waning in and out , kinda slowly washing in in a rhythmic fashion. Remember before I was saying that I wasn't sure the effects were consistent? Well the same is true but like, now, some effects are more consistent, while others are becoming more frequent. So it seems there may be some underlying increase in effects going on in a rhythmic fashion.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:27 PM
Sounds very promising. Really wish I had bought more my first time around. Looks like I ran out right before my body sensitized to it. Any effect on libido?
Forgot to say, not noticing any effect on libido at all [no positive or negative effect].
Posted 28 October 2012 - 04:49 PM
Sounds very promising. Really wish I had bought more my first time around. Looks like I ran out right before my body sensitized to it. Any effect on libido?
Forgot to say, not noticing any effect on libido at all [no positive or negative effect].
Thanks for all the updates. One thing I have notice after completing round 6 is that my libido is way up. It is so up that it is literally up when I wake up. I don't know what to attribute this to because I also have been combining Lion's mane with Cbl. As far as cognition, I have noticed and overall awareness and more insight in day to day occurrences, to the point that I feel "more on point." As far as depression, there is no change for the worst, but rather neutral.
Edited by chairofgold, 28 October 2012 - 04:49 PM.
Posted 28 October 2012 - 08:36 PM
Posted 29 October 2012 - 10:48 PM
If anyone is living in the United States and has any particular recommendation for what type of needle I should buy/where I can get it, that would be absolutely fantastic. PMs are welcome, obviously. I just feel a bit overwhelmed, having basic understanding on how the syringe will work (Syringe vs. needle tip, attaching/detaching, buying a pre-needled syringe.) If anyone is able to give a general overview of all the pieces of equipment I should buy, that would be awesome. As in, should I buy a pre-tipped syringe? Should I buy syringes that are separate from the needle? Should I buy a 10ml syringe and do it all in one go on one side, or would it be smarter to buy two 5ml syringes? And then if I buy two, should I store my cerebrolysin in a different way to keep it sterile other than simply opening up the ampule and using two needles, leaving the ampule open while I'm injecting on one side?
I'm one for perfection, especially when it comes to medical situations like this, and I'd like to know the absolutely perfect way to go about doing this without running any risk of infection or waste of cerebrolysin. Currently I've got my batch stored in the fridge, waiting for the other half.
So yeah, if anyone's willing to help me out here I'd love you forever, because I'm extremely excited to start this and see myself having huge benefits, but don't know how to begin.
Edited by Rior, 29 October 2012 - 10:49 PM.
Posted 31 October 2012 - 10:13 PM
Posted 31 October 2012 - 11:17 PM
Anyone able to help me out here^? :[
Keep asking and it will be given to you.
A 23 1 1/2 inch needle should work fine. The gauge being higher in number equates to a thinner needle vise versa. A 21 1 1/2 is the standard at most hospitals for IM injections, but would probably hurt more than a 23 gauge. A 25 gauge is used for subcutaneous injections only. I would use a 5cc syringe for each shot with a new needle attached to each syringe. Do not attempt to reinject yourself with the same needle as your skin contains staff and other flora that a reinserted needle would introduce into your system thereby increasing the chances of an infection or worst, an abscess. Always remember to clean with an alcohol wipe starting from inner to outer and wait for the site to dry. Alcohol, contrary to popular belief does not kill 99% of germs but it carries away fats and lipids in the pad from the wiping process and does kill over 50% of germs. If you into killing germs then chlorahexidine would be the solution, although it is used mostly for starting IV catheters that stay in for greater than 72hrs. I would also withdraw all the meds into the two syringes first using the same filter. This will give you a prepared field before injecting.
Also remember to use a filter. A straw filter is the usa nationwide hospital policy/protocol standard for withdrawing meds from a glass ampule. Last, I got me supplies from allegromedical. No questions asked there. http://www.allegrome...hPhrase=needles
Any other questions you can send me a private message.
Disclaimer: Please don't take my advise as 100% accurate advice and always remember to have a professional healthcare worker educate and oversee your procedures.
Edited by chairofgold, 31 October 2012 - 11:38 PM.
Posted 02 November 2012 - 11:35 AM
Posted 03 November 2012 - 06:06 PM
Second, I was wondering something, and I'm curious if anyone thinks this is a good idea. I've got pretty bad problems with motivation/self control in regards to forcing myself to do work I don't want to, however the CILTEP stack seems to help me quite a lot in that regard. Of course, its effects only last for the duration of the stack itself. That said, I was wondering if taking the CILTEP stack while taking Cerebrolysin would make any sense to induce any more permanent change? I'm figuring on the "what fires together, wires together" idea, in that if I have this increased self-control all throughout my Cerebrolysin regimen, some of it would rub off on me more permanently. Hopefully. Just wondering if anyone else thinks this sounds legitimate, or would be a good idea.
Posted 04 November 2012 - 01:49 PM
As for the reason for why Cerebrolysin isn't offered every day? My best guess is to prevent the possibility of abnormal cell growth? (this is just a reason I'm throwing out there to see if it sticks).
If I remember correctly it's only because:
- People don't like intramuscular / intravenuous administration everyday.
- In prescription countries, doctors administer it and insurance pays it. Obviously they want to limit expenses and time.
- It's expensive.
- Many people have sleep difficulties from it.
Edited by hooter, 04 November 2012 - 01:49 PM.
Posted 08 November 2012 - 09:23 AM
I ordered a months supply from SHG, the Australian department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry intercepted the package and sent me the attached notice.
It is not listed on the 2012 poisons standard schedule but some points on the Australian import website have me questioning its legality.
Obviously i would like to have my package delivered and prevent Cerebrolysin being added to the 2013 poisons standard.
How should I approach this matter? I have heard that replying to the notice validates you as the intentional recipient and opens the way for fines if the substance is illegal. Please PM me if that method of communication suits you.
If I receive the substance I will gladly contribute my experience to this forum, which I have been stalking for some time.
Thank you for your help.
Attached Files
Posted 08 November 2012 - 01:05 PM
If I receive the substance I will gladly contribute my experience to this forum, which I have been stalking for some time.
Thank you for your help.
I would be very interested in your follow up post as an Australian myself.
Posted 08 November 2012 - 03:15 PM
Posted 08 November 2012 - 10:31 PM
Attached Files
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 08 November 2012 - 10:31 PM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 05:45 AM
I have received a reply from SHG with suggested talking points, if you're interested send me a PM. When I call the Dep of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry I'll try and persuade them of the trivial nature of the drug. Failing this I will pursue a import license. If anyone has experience in this department it would be appreciated.
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 09 November 2012 - 05:59 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 03:12 PM
So, Proto, what's your personal verdict on CBL?
i give it a thumbs up. Ive noticed a sustained increase in intelligence. I am processing things I never processed before. Most of all, there is something socially different about me. This is probably due to being able to process things from "another person's point of view" more often, as well as an increase in general intelligence and an ability to "continue" lingering trains of thought.
Of course this is all subjective, but still.
Note that I took 10mL for 3 weeks [took 1 weekend off, another week i took 7 days straight, another week i took a couple days off, its been kinda random], then I took 5mL for 3 days, stopped for a couple days, then 5mL for a couple days again, my last one is tomorrow.
I think I am fine with 5mL doses and 10mL may be more prone to side effects building up. iull explain later i have to go back to work, later.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:29 PM
So, Proto, what's your personal verdict on CBL?
i give it a thumbs up. Ive noticed a sustained increase in intelligence. I am processing things I never processed before. Most of all, there is something socially different about me. This is probably due to being able to process things from "another person's point of view" more often, as well as an increase in general intelligence and an ability to "continue" lingering trains of thought.
Of course this is all subjective, but still.
Note that I took 10mL for 3 weeks [took 1 weekend off, another week i took 7 days straight, another week i took a couple days off, its been kinda random], then I took 5mL for 3 days, stopped for a couple days, then 5mL for a couple days again, my last one is tomorrow.
I think I am fine with 5mL doses and 10mL may be more prone to side effects building up. iull explain later i have to go back to work, later.
Please update on any permanent effects you notice
Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:53 PM
I really have no idea how I want to use it, but it has to do with potentiating another nootropics, and MAINLY, give my whole mind a kind of RESET button.
I am such in a deep... hole, in this moment of my life. I need to get my head, my mind, memories and emotions, ambitions back. I have been drinking since 14 y/o (I'm 25) and smoking pot since 19.
As money is a big issue, Maybe I wanna first try the 1ml ampoules from supergear human. Was thinking on doing a 30 days cycle of so, without stopping. It would cost 90 dollars plus shipping plus materials.
Could it be worth in order to see the effects it gots on me before wasting more money? Thank you!
Posted 10 November 2012 - 06:29 AM
I'm absolutely impressed with all the Cbl reviews and experiences here about this nootropic.
I really have no idea how I want to use it, but it has to do with potentiating another nootropics, and MAINLY, give my whole mind a kind of RESET button.
I am such in a deep... hole, in this moment of my life. I need to get my head, my mind, memories and emotions, ambitions back. I have been drinking since 14 y/o (I'm 25) and smoking pot since 19.
As money is a big issue, Maybe I wanna first try the 1ml ampoules from supergear human. Was thinking on doing a 30 days cycle of so, without stopping. It would cost 90 dollars plus shipping plus materials.
Could it be worth in order to see the effects it gots on me before wasting more money? Thank you!
I would highly suggest just saving up your money, (ya know, like $15 a week or something put away) until you can AT LEAST afford 5ml/day for a month. If you want to see any drastic effects, this may be the only way to do so. 1ml a day would, I would expect, give you next to nothing, and be essentially a waste of money. With something like this, I feel like it's go big or go home.
On that note, I just wanted to let the Longecity community know about my regimen that I've just started.
Today is the third day of my Cerebrolysin regimen. I've bought 25 ampules of 10ml Cerebrolysin, and plan on doing it for five weeks--days off on weekends. Here is my full plan, though: 10ml Cere daily, 5/7 days a week. This in combination every day with 8mg Astaxanthin, 25mg Zinc, 50mg Zoloft (pretty low dose), an "eye improvement" supplement including zeaxanthin, lutein, omegas and other things, 3g of DHA/EPA. On weekends (days off) I will be taking 1-2g of Lion's Mane mushroom with 500-1000mg of Acetyl-l-Carnitine. 5/7 days a week, I will doing cardio/lifting weights. Every day, I plan on meditating and engaging in at least 10-15 dual-n-back games.
My purpose behind taking cerebrolysin is thus: I've had five concussions, and the last has left me relatively noticeably impaired--even 2-3 years later. My cognition is shit compared to what it used to be, my VISION is definitely lesser (hence the vision supplements) and I have general brain fog and occasional feelings of depersonalization.
So far, although I am only three days in, I certainly notice some changes. I've had a pretty strong awareness of my cognition ever since using a great multitude of supplements and recreational drugs, and as such have learned to decipher between base cognition and any bit of change. The changes I notice this far have me extraordinarily excited for the days to come. First and foremost, my cognition is quickly picking up. My sense of humor is noticeably improved, and my cleverness is slightly back in order. There have been moments where I've said clever things, and was almost euphoric that my mind was able to think that way. My cleverness was something I lost almost completely following my concussions. It's very slowly creeping in. My anxiety has been quelled quite extraordinarily, and I'm able to simply "settle into life" and live in the moment a bit more without staying stuck in my head. It feels like my personality is certainly coming back, a part of which feels like I may have lost after my last concussion. My general outlook towards things is much calmer, much more composed. When I say "much," I mean "noticeably." It's certainly different and great, but I can tell that it will be much, much much better after my regimen is complete. So far, after three days, I strongly feel as if this is going to completely change my life.
Something I've noticed that I don't think I've seen anyone else mention before, is that it feels like it has an initial pharmacological MoA that feels like a drug, in a way, that is then followed by small permanent changes each time. At least, that is how I see it. For about 6-10 hours after entering my system, it feels like a drug in some ways. Almost similar to how Lion's Mane induces a feeling of calm that then subsides, cerebrolysin induces a feeling of INCREDIBLE calm, that then subsides to a slightly lesser after-effect calm. It's almost multi-phasal, in that it has the "drug" phase, followed by the actual physical neuronal changes hours that leave lasting, permanent change.
All I can say is, so far, I am absolutely, incredible in love with this chemical cocktail. I don't want to get my hopes up too much in talking about it, but I can say it has been amazing so far and that I expect it to only get better. I'll update this thread as I continue my regimen.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:25 AM
Something I've noticed that I don't think I've seen anyone else mention before, is that it feels like it has an initial pharmacological MoA that feels like a drug, in a way, that is then followed by small permanent changes each time. At least, that is how I see it. For about 6-10 hours after entering my system, it feels like a drug in some ways. Almost similar to how Lion's Mane induces a feeling of calm that then subsides, cerebrolysin induces a feeling of INCREDIBLE calm, that then subsides to a slightly lesser after-effect calm. It's almost multi-phasal, in that it has the "drug" phase, followed by the actual physical neuronal changes hours that leave lasting, permanent change.
All I can say is, so far, I am absolutely, incredible in love with this chemical cocktail. I don't want to get my hopes up too much in talking about it, but I can say it has been amazing so far and that I expect it to only get better. I'll update this thread as I continue my regimen.
I'd agree about the initial taking it feeling kinda like a drug and then small perm changes. For me I actually experienced a certain degree of side effects as well, but it more so happened while I was on the substance, but when I was not on it, the positive permanent changes are present, they are subtle but definite- but there is not any side effect when I am not taking it [i.e. there hasn't been an accumulation of negatives, only positives as far as i can tell]. I think 10mL was possibly too much for me. In the end of the day I think the substance may have been worth my 400 dollars. I will probably do this again some day when I have enough money. But for now I have to work on my sleeping disorder.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:34 AM
Something I've noticed that I don't think I've seen anyone else mention before, is that it feels like it has an initial pharmacological MoA that feels like a drug, in a way, that is then followed by small permanent changes each time. At least, that is how I see it. For about 6-10 hours after entering my system, it feels like a drug in some ways. Almost similar to how Lion's Mane induces a feeling of calm that then subsides, cerebrolysin induces a feeling of INCREDIBLE calm, that then subsides to a slightly lesser after-effect calm. It's almost multi-phasal, in that it has the "drug" phase, followed by the actual physical neuronal changes hours that leave lasting, permanent change.
All I can say is, so far, I am absolutely, incredible in love with this chemical cocktail. I don't want to get my hopes up too much in talking about it, but I can say it has been amazing so far and that I expect it to only get better. I'll update this thread as I continue my regimen.
I'd agree about the initial taking it feeling kinda like a drug and then small perm changes. For me I actually experienced a certain degree of side effects as well, but it more so happened while I was on the substance, but when I was not on it, the positive permanent changes are present, they are subtle but definite- but there is not any side effect when I am not taking it [i.e. there hasn't been an accumulation of negatives, only positives as far as i can tell]. I think 10mL was possibly too much for me. In the end of the day I think the substance may have been worth my 400 dollars. I will probably do this again some day when I have enough money. But for now I have to work on my sleeping disorder.
Please, explain the side-effects you felt? I just came on here right now with the intent of explaining those that I've been feeling, before seeing your post.
The side-effects I've noticed, so far, have been about 4-6 hours of tiredness and brain fog following the initial dose. Slight irritability, but not really. But the brain fog is really there. I do have to say though, that the 4-6 hours are accompanied by an incredible feeling of calm. It's slight brain fog, but it's extraordinarily calm and anxiolytic. So in that regard, I don't mind so much, so long as I don't have anything to do. It's after the 4-6 hours are up, though, that I REALLY love the cere. After the initial period of the multi-phasal effects have passed, it's followed by an extreme alertness, **much** brighter colors, much cleaner thoughts. That's the really great part. Sleep has been much better for me as well, I wake up feeling far more rested than I had prior to cere administration. Sleep was a little harder last night, as my thoughts were racing a little bit, however it wasn't too terrible.
At this point, I'm considering perhaps 10-13 days of 10ml (to cause some good, quick permanent changes) followed by daily administration of 5ml instead. We'll see what I do. Today has been day four, the effects are only compounding every day.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 12:40 AM
Something I've noticed that I don't think I've seen anyone else mention before, is that it feels like it has an initial pharmacological MoA that feels like a drug, in a way, that is then followed by small permanent changes each time. At least, that is how I see it. For about 6-10 hours after entering my system, it feels like a drug in some ways. Almost similar to how Lion's Mane induces a feeling of calm that then subsides, cerebrolysin induces a feeling of INCREDIBLE calm, that then subsides to a slightly lesser after-effect calm. It's almost multi-phasal, in that it has the "drug" phase, followed by the actual physical neuronal changes hours that leave lasting, permanent change.
All I can say is, so far, I am absolutely, incredible in love with this chemical cocktail. I don't want to get my hopes up too much in talking about it, but I can say it has been amazing so far and that I expect it to only get better. I'll update this thread as I continue my regimen.
I'd agree about the initial taking it feeling kinda like a drug and then small perm changes. For me I actually experienced a certain degree of side effects as well, but it more so happened while I was on the substance, but when I was not on it, the positive permanent changes are present, they are subtle but definite- but there is not any side effect when I am not taking it [i.e. there hasn't been an accumulation of negatives, only positives as far as i can tell]. I think 10mL was possibly too much for me. In the end of the day I think the substance may have been worth my 400 dollars. I will probably do this again some day when I have enough money. But for now I have to work on my sleeping disorder.
Please, explain the side-effects you felt? I just came on here right now with the intent of explaining those that I've been feeling, before seeing your post.
The side-effects I've noticed, so far, have been about 4-6 hours of tiredness and brain fog following the initial dose. Slight irritability, but not really. But the brain fog is really there. I do have to say though, that the 4-6 hours are accompanied by an incredible feeling of calm. It's slight brain fog, but it's extraordinarily calm and anxiolytic. So in that regard, I don't mind so much, so long as I don't have anything to do. It's after the 4-6 hours are up, though, that I REALLY love the cere. After the initial period of the multi-phasal effects have passed, it's followed by an extreme alertness, **much** brighter colors, much cleaner thoughts. That's the really great part. Sleep has been much better for me as well, I wake up feeling far more rested than I had prior to cere administration. Sleep was a little harder last night, as my thoughts were racing a little bit, however it wasn't too terrible.
At this point, I'm considering perhaps 10-13 days of 10ml (to cause some good, quick permanent changes) followed by daily administration of 5ml instead. We'll see what I do. Today has been day four, the effects are only compounding every day.
I feel the same regarding the brain fog. Actually I would go as far to say as there is a bit of disorientation or confusion at times. But again this is moreso a few hours after the initial dose, usually trailing off afterwards. I feel with 10mL sometimes this effect kinda builds up morning after morning which is quite annoying. though it is hard to say because again I have a sleep problem [unrelated to cere] that also is a confounding factor. SO i dunno. Overall I notice more benefit with less cere to be honest. For example I would be comfortable doing 5mL a day or even every other day. I might actually prefer every other day.
However the more I take at once and over time, the more that *other* more pronounced benefits show up. Or like certain benefits are stronger.
What I realized though is that I'm not really interested in the initial effects but rather effects that would build up over time. Plus taking more seems to potentially cause more side effects. The side effects are not always completely consistent but they do seem directly related to the cere.
Posted 11 November 2012 - 10:07 PM
Either way, every day the Cerebrolysin continually reminds me every day that it is a good idea. And it only gets better.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:26 PM
Coming back here to update on my progress again. Fifth day in, I've been skipping taking this weekend off and my days off will start tomorrow. I took only 5mL today to test the effects before going to work (I work as a server at a restaurant) and it was absolutely fantastic. Felt much better than I do on 10mL. I actually retained the "enhancement of colors" that I normally only feel after 4-6 hours after the initial dose, everything about my mind just flowed perfectly, I didn't have to stop and think about *anything.* It was almost like my day was a long meditation. Interactions with people flowed completely naturally, everything was wonderful. This day so far has certainly cemented into my mind that I think I'd rather do 5mL every day. Which is great, because that now means I'll have a total of about *40* days of 5mL cerebrolysin. As far as I know thus far, this is the longest anyone here has taken it consistently? Not totally sure. I'm going to wait and see how I feel after the end of these 6 hours and go from there. I'm still possibly considering 10mL for the next 3-4 days that I take it, just to compound the initial dose like an "attack dose" to sensitize my TrkB receptors. That way, although the initial feelings of the cerebrolysin may be uncomfortable, I may cause some quicker, better lasting neuronal changes that I can work on after I switch to the 5mL a day.
Either way, every day the Cerebrolysin continually reminds me every day that it is a good idea. And it only gets better.
I agree with this method, I was thinking the same thing. honestly before I started cerebro I thought I should to 10 mL a day so I could "feel" it, but honestly the initial effects aren't the goal, rather the long term effect.
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:24 PM
One thing a never experienced though is the brain fog... it was 100% lifted.
also, i think i read about people using gauge 23 ?? you should definitly use gauge 25 with 1 inch... 23 is way too big in my opinion
Posted 12 November 2012 - 11:53 PM
Also, I can only find the 1ml and 10ml cere at superhuman gear.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 12:01 AM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 12:40 AM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:12 AM
Edit: That said, I do kind of wish I had a 25g though...23g is still pretty painless, but 25g would be even *less* scary.
Also question, as I have 10mL ampules of cere yet I'm only taking 5mL a day, is it relatively safe to draw up the remaining 5mL into a sterile tube/needle and put it in the fridge overnight until the next day? I obviously worry about the induction of bacteria into my body, which is something I want to obviously avoid as much as I can. Would this be that risky? Would the freezer be safer overnight?
Edited by Rior, 13 November 2012 - 01:14 AM.
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:38 AM
Edited by Plasticperson, 13 November 2012 - 01:42 AM.
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