Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:42 PM
Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:14 PM
Did you find there to be differences in effectiveness between IV/IM injection? I'm asking because I have read conflicting reports.Really no need for a filter at all ! Ive done many cere courses bith IV and IM without using filters, never had any problem.
Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:24 PM
BTW that video that you guys keep posting really should NOT be used as a model/guide, first you really absolutely do not need filtering, then the guy was obviously a novice and quite scared, he was taking WAY too much time inserting the needle and pushing the liquid in. If you're sure about having a nerve-free area, you can actually jab the needle in, and with a 25G (25G 1.25" to deltoids is my preferred choice) you can push as hard as you can it will let the CERE out just at the right speed. I would never be able to take that much time for each injection. IMs are really no big deal and this video teaches you that its something with high potential for pain and adverse events, that you should be scared of. It really isnt. Its actually more painful if you push the needle in weakly and slowly, just break the outer skin layer with a swift jab then paybe push it down more slowly in case you encounter a deeper nerve (this sucks and happens often when shooting the thigh, will make you twitch and probably take the needle out as a reflex and youll have to start over)
Edited by daouda, 21 December 2012 - 11:32 PM.
Posted 22 December 2012 - 12:03 AM
Christmas came early! I just received my cerebrolysin from gerovital. I live in the U.S and it took 10 days from the time she shipped it. The package even smelled good, perfumey...
The frustrating thing is that I still don't have my Hypodermic needle situation ironed out. If someone could send some links to a 23g 1 1/2 5ml with filters...I would be forever grateful. Navigating the Allegro site is difficult when you have no Idea what your are doing. Thanks and I look foward to keeping you guys updated on my progress once the injections begin!
Werper, there is no such thing as a 23 1 1/2 inch needle only a 1 inch needle in that gauge. I have used 22 or 21 gauge 1 1/2 inch needles. Why 23 1 1/2 inch needles aren't made is because the gauge is to small to be deemed a IM needle for adults. I believe that the 23 1inch needles are for pediatrics. As far as filters, there are straw filters and needle filters that are only used for drawing up meds from a glass ampule.
Try these sites. Personally I think Allegro want's to much for their items.
Make sure all the items come in a steril package and check the expiration dates.
You can thank me for saving you money by asking God to bless me, as I sure need them blessings.

Edited by chairofgold, 22 December 2012 - 12:15 AM.
Posted 22 December 2012 - 04:30 AM
P.S..to God, special blessings for Chairofgold...

Edited by Werper, 22 December 2012 - 04:57 AM.
Posted 22 December 2012 - 03:45 PM
Ive done only 5 or 6 IVs vs 45 IMs of CERE, but i think IV felt more potent, however its impossible to tell for sure.
BTW that video that you guys keep posting really should NOT be used as a model/guide, first you really absolutely do not need filtering, then the guy was obviously a novice and quite scared, he was taking WAY too much time inserting the needle and pushing the liquid in. If you're sure about having a nerve-free area, you can actually jab the needle in, and with a 25G (25G 1.25" to deltoids is my preferred choice) you can push as hard as you can it will let the CERE out just at the right speed. I would never be able to take that much time for each injection. IMs are really no big deal and this video teaches you that its something with high potential for pain and adverse events, that you should be scared of. It really isnt. Its actually more painful if you push the needle in weakly and slowly, just break the outer skin layer with a swift jab then paybe push it down more slowly in case you encounter a deeper nerve (this sucks and happens often when shooting the thigh, will make you twitch and probably take the needle out as a reflex and youll have to start over)
how did you get cerebroylsin in iv form? do you live in europe ?
i live in the us and am seeing a "naturopath" and they do iv therapy for immune support and such, but i could not imagine bringing cerebroylsin in the office and asking them to put that in the iv, they would probably get all scared and tell me to leave haha
Posted 22 December 2012 - 03:54 PM
Really no need for a filter at all ! Ive done many cere courses bith IV and IM without using filters, never had any problem.
are you sure you dont need filters? i used to do anabolic steroids, and a lot of the time the testosterone came in ampules and i did not use filters, however i read on this forum or saw on some video that there can be glass shards in the liquid once you open it ?!? very scary.
like i said, i used to have no problem before using ampules from steroids, however maybe i was doing it wrong and taking a substantial risk.
im about to order cerebrolysin, so if someone could clarify this for me and others who are wondering
Posted 23 December 2012 - 02:12 AM
They do have 25g 1 1/2 " needles on ebay......Would I be better off going this route vs the 22g? Daoudo says he uses 25g, and I am thinking that would be the best route. Opinions?
Posted 23 December 2012 - 09:06 AM
One last thing before I order monday, Chairofgold "Why 23 1 1/2 inch needles aren't made is because the gauge is to small to be deemed a IM needle for adults. I believe that the 23 1inch needles are for pediatrics. As far as filters, there are straw filters and needle filters that are only used for drawing up meds from a glass ampule."
They do have 25g 1 1/2 " needles on ebay......Would I be better off going this route vs the 22g? Daoudo says he uses 25g, and I am thinking that would be the best route. Opinions?
Sounds good to me. I personally never seen, nor used that long of a needle for that small of a gauge as I Iearned that a 25g is used for SubQ administration such as Heparin, Lovenox, Insulin, etc. Administering Cbl would probably be a slower process because of the size of the gauge, but the trade off would be less pain. Sounds like a good trade off to me.
Last, I just did some research about 22 1 1/2G needles as it appears that these types of needles are used in certain geographic locations but that the other gauge needle is also used in other geographic locations. For example, in the USA, because the standards are high, we use filters before drawing medication from a glass ampule, but in other countries that don't have the standards we have, they tend not to use filters.
We learn something new all the time.
Edited by chairofgold, 23 December 2012 - 09:15 AM.
Posted 24 December 2012 - 02:37 AM
Posted 24 December 2012 - 04:59 AM
Whats with the reports of extra sensory perceptions such as knowing what people are thinking based on body language and judging people as good or bad, these sounds like a form of psychosis...
Not really. This is being able to read people better. You probably don't notice you are monitoring people's body languages at all times because everything is happening subconsciously but for him this is a big deal because his emotions may have been blunted prior to this.
Had he said that he could read people's thoughts without mentioning body language, then there may be something else going on. Judging people as good or bad probably means he can judge from body language whether the person is trustworthy. Maybe his emotions are now more regulated. There's nothing "psycho" about this.
I totally agree, and will add a piece: I think, corporal language may be something gives us a "clue" about what others are thinking and feeling at a right moment, but our ears have to do a lot too. The combination of being better at reading others corporal expression, plus decoding the oral, verbal, linguistic, prosodic (call it as you want) part of the message, can be a wonderful tool to not feeling so annoyed about what people is experiencing,
About the good/bad dichothomy, I would say, it's more about a biological concern than a ethical one. Maybe nerve growth is related to healthy, genuine expressions of the human being concience, watching this as a synonime of one expression I heard some time ago: health is beauty. That means, maybe while onto CRB, you are able to see who is "on wave", who counts on a correct growing mechanism, or is taking new neurons created , GROWING by itself, which will translate into healthy outcome and lack of problems
Why not to think having good neural connections is just something whe had years ago, and for some reason, depressions and disorders came to us, just as a fearful response to continue growing daily, and that messed up endocrime, nervous, gastric, muscular, visual, neurological systems, making umbalanced a person? What if, just by allowing our self beings grow and develope, we could put away the paradigm of existence and time, the outcoming of us, the concerns about what we are doing, and only DO IT?
Dunno, but this substance seems in fact to correct your lifestyle and to optiimize your whole sysem, including evolutive system (f there is such a thing called that LOL), for what i've read. It may be like the holistic part we have missed, and that explains why US FDA doesn't recognize this as something potentially amusing to treat lots of kinds of "pshychyatric conditions".
I'm pretty amazed, how the mental aspect can influence our fate, our decissions and predisposition to make them real. And much more amazed, there's a drug can do this possible. I die until I test this. But, there are things to prepare before using this, I wanna use it to a redemption like new life style :D
Edited by Sholrak, 24 December 2012 - 05:08 AM.
Posted 24 December 2012 - 03:12 PM
I am now taking a few vitamin supplements (due to malabsorption issues) and I was wondering what I should add to them. There has been mention on this thread of supplying the brain with the nutrients it needs to fully use the cerebrolysin.
I now take:
Magnesium L-threonate
Vitamin D3
Vitamin A
B Complex
Vitamin K
The nootropics I currently take are:
Nuvigil (just today stopped taking it, so it will be out of my system for the cerebrolysin)
Piracetam (eat eggs every day, so I do not take any choline)
So, what should I add vitamin wise, and which or any of the nootropics should I discontinue (due to unwanted synergistic effects)?
Thanks all.
Posted 24 December 2012 - 07:48 PM
My stuff is here from Romania, and I have needles on order. I have a couple of questions that perhaps some of you veterans can answer:
I am now taking a few vitamin supplements (due to malabsorption issues) and I was wondering what I should add to them. There has been mention on this thread of supplying the brain with the nutrients it needs to fully use the cerebrolysin.
I now take:
Magnesium L-threonate
Vitamin D3
Vitamin A
B Complex
Vitamin K
The nootropics I currently take are:
Nuvigil (just today stopped taking it, so it will be out of my system for the cerebrolysin)
Piracetam (eat eggs every day, so I do not take any choline)
So, what should I add vitamin wise, and which or any of the nootropics should I discontinue (due to unwanted synergistic effects)?
Thanks all.
Don't forget to test your baseline performance with various programs such as Dual N Back, Lumocity, Cambridge Brain Science, etc so you can gauge your actual improvements.
Posted 24 December 2012 - 07:56 PM
Don't forget to test your baseline performance with various programs such as Dual N Back, Lumocity, Cambridge Brain Science, etc so you can gauge your actual improvements.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look at those.
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:51 AM
Alcohol Sensitivity: Perceived reduced sensitivity as Cere helps you think while inebriated
Alcohol Hangover Severity: Some people noticed reduced hangovers
Caffeine Sensitivity: Everyone noticed increased sensitivity to caffeine. Cere+Caffeine often resulted in poor sleep.
Other drug Sensitivities: Some nootropic effects were increased. Some users found piracetam and ALCAR to be overstimulating and "nasty" in normal doses while on Cere.
Anti-Anxiety: Everyone experienced reduced anxiety
Anti-Stress: Everyone was more able to deal with stressful situations
Anti-Depressant: Everyone felt anti-depressant effects
Social Ability: Some users experienced reduced social inhibition
Speech: Piracetime like effect on speech, not as strong as piracetam
Concentration: A few users experienced improved concentration
Motivation: No benefit to motivation
Happiness: Many users experienced improved well-being
Clarity: All users had a sense of "Clarity"
Mental Energy: All users experienced increased mental energy
Physical Energy: Possible detriment to physical energy
Cognitive Benefit: Benefit ranged from Amazing to small
Memory Benefit: Benefit ranged from Moderate to none
Long Term Positive Effects: A few users noted long term improvements after cessation
Drug Potency: Out of 36 respondents, 7 found the drug ineffective and 6 did not provide sufficient information. 23/30=77% response rate. The dosage and duration varied between all respondents, higher response rates correlated with increased dosage and duration of treatment. Some users started with 10ml and moved down to 5ml after the effects were established.
Time to Effect: Varied with the longest time for responders being 21 days, shortest 1 day. The second cycle for responders had a much shorter Time to Effect than the first cycle.
Other possible effects:
Emotional Sensitivity: One user found an increased emotional response
Tolerance: It is possible that tolerance will develop after a few years
Vision: A few users noted more vivid colors and improved motion viewing
Hearing: A few users noticed improved hearing
Smell: One user noticed improved smell
Libido: Some of the users noticed a massive increase in libido
Headaches: A common side effect, appears to go away for most after the first few injections
Dexterity: One user noticed improved dexterity
Sleep: Most users noticed changes in their sleep. Some users noticed an improved sleep on Cere, others noticed worse sleep. Higher doses of Cere and Cere combined with Caffein were major causes of worse sleep.
Flu Like Symptoms: Were experienced by several users, went away after first few injections
Increased Hunger: Noticed by a few users
Diarrhea: Noticed by a few users, intermittent
Other Considerations: The denizens of LongeCity are terrible when it comes to scientific control, the effects above could have been caused by one or several drugs in synergy with, or independently of Cere. Information contained here is anecdotal only.
Summary of user experience.xlsx
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 28 December 2012 - 10:44 AM.
Posted 28 December 2012 - 10:14 AM
number of days until effects noticed
edit: forgot axis
X=Number of Days
Y=Users reported
Attached Files
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 28 December 2012 - 10:16 AM.
Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:52 PM
I tabulated the user experiences from this thread. If only considering those who noticed an effect, my perceptions are as follows:
Alcohol Sensitivity: Perceived reduced sensitivity as Cere helps you think while inebriated
Alcohol Hangover Severity: Some people noticed reduced hangovers
Caffeine Sensitivity: Everyone noticed increased sensitivity to caffeine. Cere+Caffeine often resulted in poor sleep.
Other drug Sensitivities: Some nootropic effects were increased. Some users found piracetam and ALCAR to be overstimulating and "nasty" in normal doses while on Cere.
Anti-Anxiety: Everyone experienced reduced anxiety
Anti-Stress: Everyone was more able to deal with stressful situations
Anti-Depressant: Everyone felt anti-depressant effects
Social Ability: Some users experienced reduced social inhibition
Speech: Piracetime like effect on speech, not as strong as piracetam
Concentration: A few users experienced improved concentration
Motivation: No benefit to motivation
Happiness: Many users experienced improved well-being
Clarity: All users had a sense of "Clarity"
Mental Energy: All users experienced increased mental energy
Physical Energy: Possible detriment to physical energy
Cognitive Benefit: Benefit ranged from Amazing to small
Memory Benefit: Benefit ranged from Moderate to none
Long Term Positive Effects: A few users noted long term improvements after cessation
Drug Potency: Out of 36 respondents, 7 found the drug ineffective and 6 did not provide sufficient information. 23/30=77% response rate. The dosage and duration varied between all respondents, higher response rates correlated with increased dosage and duration of treatment. Some users started with 10ml and moved down to 5ml after the effects were established.
Time to Effect: Varied with the longest time for responders being 21 days, shortest 1 day. The second cycle for responders had a much shorter Time to Effect than the first cycle.
Other possible effects:
Emotional Sensitivity: One user found an increased emotional response
Tolerance: It is possible that tolerance will develop after a few years
Vision: A few users noted more vivid colors and improved motion viewing
Hearing: A few users noticed improved hearing
Smell: One user noticed improved smell
Libido: Some of the users noticed a massive increase in libido
Headaches: A common side effect, appears to go away for most after the first few injections
Dexterity: One user noticed improved dexterity
Sleep: Most users noticed changes in their sleep. Some users noticed an improved sleep on Cere, others noticed worse sleep. Higher doses of Cere and Cere combined with Caffein were major causes of worse sleep.
Flu Like Symptoms: Were experienced by several users, went away after first few injections
Increased Hunger: Noticed by a few users
Diarrhea: Noticed by a few users, intermittent
Other Considerations: The denizens of LongeCity are terrible when it comes to scientific control, the effects above could have been caused by one or several drugs in synergy with, or independently of Cere. Information contained here is anecdotal only.
Summary of user experience.xlsx
WOW! What a myriad of benefits this drug has. It's hard to believe a single injection can do all that.
Question to ALL Cerebrolysin users in here: you think it would be helpful or recommendable to treat depersonalization/derealization symptoms?
Posted 28 December 2012 - 08:56 PM
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:44 PM
Posted 29 December 2012 - 01:00 AM
I would say yes, in my case it has helped tremendously, but the depersonalization/derealization symptoms have been induced in me by fluoroquinolone toxicity, and exacerbated when exposing my bald head to summer sunlight (this seems crazy and unbelievable but unfortunately is very real). Unfortunately I keep relapsing because the drugs are still in my system, a year and a half later (especially levaquin which my body apparently is not competent at getting rid of)Question to ALL Cerebrolysin users in here: you think it would be helpful or recommendable to treat depersonalization/derealization symptoms?
Posted 29 December 2012 - 01:19 PM
- (Future) Injection at 5am
- Exercise (Swimming) until 6:20am
- At work 7am
- Bed at 9pm
- Porridge for breakfast
- Subway for lunch and dinner (hey, it's efficient. If anyone knows anything especially bad about subway please let me know)
- http://dual-n-back.com/ (Dual, 2back)
- http://www.iq-test.com/ (Already completed 2 months ago, 144, will complete again before administration)
- http://www.lumosity.com/ (Game not yet decided)
- (Open to suggestions)
I am planning on a 5oo7day /week 10ml regime.
I will keep a 7 day log on my experience based on the fields listed in my previous post.
Wish me luck, I'm terrified by needles. I was banned from blood donations for 2years because I fainted too often!
I'm open to suggestions on all things.
My long term goal is to develop a stack with Cere as the base.
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 29 December 2012 - 01:48 PM.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 02:44 PM
I'll be able to start Cerebrolysin testing in the coming week, in the mean time I will develop the routine that will assist with administration.
I will complete the following tests before administration:
- (Future) Injection at 5am
- Exercise (Swimming) until 6:20am
- At work 7am
- Bed at 9pm
- Porridge for breakfast
- Subway for lunch and dinner (hey, it's efficient. If anyone knows anything especially bad about subway please let me know)
I will complete the tests again at the end of the first cycle (1month)
- http://dual-n-back.com/ (Dual, 2back)
- http://www.iq-test.com/ (Already completed 2 months ago, 144, will complete again before administration)
- http://www.lumosity.com/ (Game not yet decided)
- (Open to suggestions)
I am planning on a 5oo7day /week 10ml regime.
I will keep a 7 day log on my experience based on the fields listed in my previous post.
Wish me luck, I'm terrified by needles. I was banned from blood donations for 2years because I fainted too often!
I'm open to suggestions on all things.
My long term goal is to develop a stack with Cere as the base.
what does 5007day/week mean?
how long are you going to take cerebroylsin for in its totality?
i cant seem to find actual literature alluding to his simple question, is it just me or do some people just guess on this forum "like oh hey ill just take cerebroylsin for 3 months straight!"
there has to be some documented literature regarding the duration of taking cerebroylsin, hopefully you can clear this up for me because im going to be ordering soon. thanks.
i was thinking one month on ? with weekdays on and weekends off? is that good?
and how long do you take breaks for? 2 months? once again i have no idea and would like to have this clarified
ps, are you using a filter for your cerebroylsin?
Edited by crusader, 29 December 2012 - 03:04 PM.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 04:01 PM
2) 4 weeks
2.1) Justification of dosing
Betsy (Posted in this thread)
"My husband is an M.D. in Mexico and I work in his office. Cerebrolysin is approved for use in Mexico and we have had some amazing results with it on our patients"
"A course of treatment in pur office is an intravenous solution 5 times a week for 4 weeks"
For further advice RTFM: http://www.hypermed....raph_screen.pdf
3) Yes, that is good
4) Issues with Cost and possible tolerance to the drug. The drug also has long term effects so value can be had during downtime. You can take it however you want, there has been great variety on dosing in these forums. I do not know at this point if I will be taking a break or how long the break might be.
4.1) Tolerance
Animal (Posted in this thread)
"Tolerance is not an immediate issue because CNTF and BDNF function as polypeptide hormones not just nerve growth factors, some of their beneficial effects are exerted without primary receptor interaction."
"Besides this CTNF and BDNF receptors are transmembrane Type I cytokine receptors, thus they directly mediate ligand/cytokine interaction which only respond to negative feedback loops"
"They also have secondary and tertiary effects through resultant signal transduction chains which is known to attenuate potential tolerance to a substance dramatically."
"Basically tolerance will develop at an extremely gradual rate, if at all, thus after a month of daily use I expect tolerance to be non-existent to negligible."
RussianBear (Posted in this thread)
"there seems to be a "lifetime tolerance" to it...I used to get a "rush" when injecting it before, it's not there now...more side-effects too.."
Synaptic-Enthusiastic (posted in this thread)
"It´s been almost two years since I tried cerebrolysin for the first time and have been cycling it ever since."
"Seems like tolerance does develop"
4.2) Cheapest I've heard is $65 (without postage) for 5x10ml
4.3) The drug doesn't appear to work on everyone. My perception is that the dosing I will attempt will illicit a response if there is a response to be had. If it works I'll consider purchasing more and working my dosing based on my response. Don't want to waste money.
5) I am using a filter. You should use a different needle for drawing up solution than you use for injecting, might as well use a filtered one for the first one.
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 29 December 2012 - 04:17 PM.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 07:57 PM
Mr Matsubayashi,
I had needle phobia too, when I first got my shipment from Romania I had yet to order needles and I was very excited to start A.s.a.p. I went to my local pharmacist to see about needles, He brought out a 22g 1 1/2 " needle, I sat there and stared at it (thinking it looked both longer and thicker than I had anticipated) by the time I got done looking at it I think it had grew to about 5 " long! My butt knowing that it was the intended target of this weapon kicked into survival mode and tricked my mind into a hallucination as to where the needle transformed into a double headed dildo, My ass full well knowing that I wouldn't let anything of the sort anywhere near it! Obviously joking but all too far from the truth. I decided to wait until my needles arrived (another story in and of itself) and was very happy to have done so. Not only is it basically painless, it also leaves less scarring (the 25g). I would also like to comment on daouda's comment that the video makes it far more painful than need be. Very true, I inserted it very quickly with no hesitation- kInd of like peeling off a bandaid, You don't want to do a slow peel, a quick rip is always better.
I will keep updated as to any effects I feel!
Edited by Werper, 29 December 2012 - 08:01 PM.
Posted 29 December 2012 - 11:27 PM
Anyways, glad to be back again, also glad to see that other people are finding about this "limitless" product

I'm currently not on cerebrolysin but on cebria (previously called memoprove), the new Pill form of cerebrolysin. The stuff is amazing really Same clarity of mind I saw in cerebrolysin. The only thing i'm not too fond of is the other ingredients (phenylalanine, arginine etc...)....
I'll post about my experiences soon
Posted 30 December 2012 - 12:31 AM
I'm in struggle town even watching videos of people getting needles, that's a problem for future me.
Patent EP0452299
In reference to Cere
Each ml of this drug contains 3.00mg of alanine, 0.25mg of arginine, 3.00mg of asparaginic acid, 0.06g of cystine, 4.30mg of glutaminic acid, 1.50mg of glycine, 1.30mg of histidine, 2.00mg of isoleucine, 6.00mg of leucine, 0.50mg of methionine, 2.00mg of phenylalanine, 2.00mg of proline, 0.30g of serine, 0.30g of threonine, 0.50g of tryptophane and 2.00mg of thyrosine as amino acids as well as peptides having a molecular weight of 10,000 or less
Posted 30 December 2012 - 12:40 AM
why the hell did i get kicked out of this topic ?? i lost 6 months of reading posts about cerebrolysin !! Ah Well
Anyways, glad to be back again, also glad to see that other people are finding about this "limitless" product
I'm currently not on cerebrolysin but on cebria (previously called memoprove), the new Pill form of cerebrolysin. The stuff is amazing really Same clarity of mind I saw in cerebrolysin. The only thing i'm not too fond of is the other ingredients (phenylalanine, arginine etc...)....
I'll post about my experiences soon
Each review of this product on amazon (except for two which reek of astroturfing) says the this product caused headaches that caused the person to discontinue.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 12:52 AM
why the hell did i get kicked out of this topic ?? i lost 6 months of reading posts about cerebrolysin !! Ah Well
Anyways, glad to be back again, also glad to see that other people are finding about this "limitless" product
I'm currently not on cerebrolysin but on cebria (previously called memoprove), the new Pill form of cerebrolysin. The stuff is amazing really Same clarity of mind I saw in cerebrolysin. The only thing i'm not too fond of is the other ingredients (phenylalanine, arginine etc...)....
I'll post about my experiences soon
Each review of this product on amazon (except for two which reek of astroturfing) says the this product caused headaches that caused the person to discontinue.
Amazon isn't really the best place to look for anecdotal reports on this, do you agree ? This, right here, me in occurence, is a way better report

Seriously, this peptone formula really is something. I never experiences any headach, none. On the contrary i find it cures them
Great analogy Werper! haha
I'm in struggle town even watching videos of people getting needles, that's a problem for future me.
Patent EP0452299
In reference to Cere
Each ml of this drug contains 3.00mg of alanine, 0.25mg of arginine, 3.00mg of asparaginic acid, 0.06g of cystine, 4.30mg of glutaminic acid, 1.50mg of glycine, 1.30mg of histidine, 2.00mg of isoleucine, 6.00mg of leucine, 0.50mg of methionine, 2.00mg of phenylalanine, 2.00mg of proline, 0.30g of serine, 0.30g of threonine, 0.50g of tryptophane and 2.00mg of thyrosine as amino acids as well as peptides having a molecular weight of 10,000 or less
Great find sir !! I had no idea this was in cerebrolysin as well.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:06 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:18 AM
Great analogy Werper! haha
I'm in struggle town even watching videos of people getting needles, that's a problem for future me.
Patent EP0452299
In reference to Cere
Each ml of this drug contains 3.00mg of alanine, 0.25mg of arginine, 3.00mg of asparaginic acid, 0.06g of cystine, 4.30mg of glutaminic acid, 1.50mg of glycine, 1.30mg of histidine, 2.00mg of isoleucine, 6.00mg of leucine, 0.50mg of methionine, 2.00mg of phenylalanine, 2.00mg of proline, 0.30g of serine, 0.30g of threonine, 0.50g of tryptophane and 2.00mg of thyrosine as amino acids as well as peptides having a molecular weight of 10,000 or less
Mr.Matsubayashi, Is that a typo or is there actually 0.50 gms of L-Tryptophan/ml of cere? It seems much out of proportion compared to the rest of the amino's. If so using 5ml's could induce serotonin syndrome in MAO and ssri users.
From Dec/24th-26th I had a low grade fever (99.9-102) elevated heart rate for me which is resting 85-95 b.p.m and some fatigue and body aches.BP was within normal limits. I had pain in the left quadricep at the injection site and I take a few injectables,none of which are non sterile or questionable as far as purity goes.
I take escitalopram, 5mgs/day and was concerned, and actually the first thing I thought of was Serotonin syndrome, and was trying to find the above composition without luck,and today here it was for me lol.
I might of had just a small virus or 24 hour flu.However I had no other symptoms, save some stomach upset. I had SS before when I ingested too much Inositol- 10 gms while being on an SSRI. My HR was 102, BP was 164/82 and fever was 103.4 It lasted only for 7 hours and then everything subsided. For the record my BP runs usually from 106/60- 126/70. I'm on an ace inhibitor, as I have aortic valve disease, so any extra peripheral serotonin is not good. My exercise induced Bp and during stress can rise dramatically and was the cause of what some people know here, as a left caudate nucleus lesion(small hemorrhage 8mmx3mm) during rapid barbaric benzo detoxification, done very dangerously at one of the detox facilities in the U.S
I need to get me some Carbidopa, does anyone know of any sources? Thanks in advance

Mr.Matsubayashi, if you could confirm that, it would be greatly appreciated.Thanks very much.
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