This is the third day, however I have chosen not to do today the injection, as I'm going to have a relaxed day. So, I have done two doses.
I don't know why some people seems to miss Cere's effect, but I theorize those with some ADD or ASD disorders respond inmediately, due to some neuron growing anomaly, maybe.
I can't say too much for now, but indeed, I could see the effect the FIRST day i did it. It's difficult to define it, but I knew that feeling could not be placebo. I can't say I have reached the potential as I have only done two days. But, the effect of this substance is interesting. I feel like my brain is getting some kind of correction or reparation, and exactly, I feel more like I would feel some years ago, like has been said here. The most impressive thing is that it feels supernatural. At the first day, I got shocked, and I mean shocked by the sensation of having a more active mind so suddenly. Well, I'll try to sintethize my observations:
-There is an anxyolitic effect, that is mild but enought for day to day.
-The antidepressive effect is great. I haven't taken any antidepressive never so I can't compare, but Cere really rids off your depression in a natural way. Good mood all the day.
- Vision is better. More vivid colors and more sight angle, more periferic vision. Also, more intuition with people, it seems to be easier to know how others feel.
- More sociability, but I have seen a more apathic effect, maybe it's just me being more conscious about everything so I don't have the urge to be nice to people. However, talking with friends is more pleasurable. Also, I seem to have easiness to talk to unknown people.
- Better motor coordination. It looks like I walk with more sincronization.
- Music is 100 times more enjoyable. First day I heard one of my favourite songs and my dick almost got hard xD It's like you can appreciate better all the sounds in conjunction. And this is applicable to sounds in general.
- I am now more spontaneous, and I feel that what I say and I do is like a better choice. That should be the clarity effect.
- Smell sense is augmented. Also, I would say tactile sensation is too augmented. Definitely, Cere seems to connect five senses more between themselves. Normally, I would say that I had paid attention to one sense and the others "deactivate". But know, is like if you have a whole sensorial machine, you can process images, sounds, odors, smells and tact all the same time.
- I haven't studied or read anything yet, so, I will update to tell how concentration and academic hability improves.
Definitely, I like it, and I have done it only 2 days. I have the impression, the best things are coming. But for now, it looks like a legitimate medication to treat depression, anxiety, brain fog, social phobia, difficulty concentrating, even shyness. Wow, I'm happy to have taken this choice, I'm sure it will help me tremendously.