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#1531 AwesomeName

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 04:15 AM

Cerebrolysin is the best nootropic I used so far. It is a life changer for me and could be a life saver for other people.

If you want to change your life, quit bad habit, start with new things. Cerebrolysin is in my opinion the best thing.

The greatest hope about this is how Sholrak said his tolerance for alcohol has resetted and it's like he never drank before.

Alcohol works on the gaba receptors and so do benzos, so I hope it will cure my post benzodiazapine withdrawal syndrome.

I can't even try cere until I get my other health issues under control though.

#1532 Sholrak

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 01:36 PM

Finished my cycle. 20 10ml IMs into my thighs.

A few things I'd like to comment on.

Those reporting miraculous responses after 3 injections are surely experiencing the power of placebo. It's no small thing to embark on this injection protocol, and the excitement of starting will have your mind looking for all kinds of effects. Cere is not a miracle drug. Neurodegeneration is a slow life long process, as is neurogenesis. This drug is less for effects than it is for benefits. I often took it at night along with the DHA/Ach/Uridine combo and some coconut oil to give my body lots of raw material to do what repairing it could. All I can say is remain aware of how your expectations will easily affect what you experience. I'm suffering a very noticeable cognitive deficit and after the first week where I felt a bit peculiar, can't say there were any noticeable effects. I will continue to do 4 or so cycles a year in the hopes that over time Cere will help aid the slow recovery process.

Everyone responds differently I'm sure so don't mean to discount anyone's experience, but it's better not to rush to judgement. Also just for the record - I'm very drug sensitive. I can't drink coffee, tea or green tea as the caffeine makes me feel ill. I can't drink more than a couple alcoholic drinks before my vision starts to blur and I feel weirdly unsteady. One puff of tobacco sends my heart rate into uncomfortable territory. Get uncomfortably stoned off a tiny puff of a joint. Cere didn't have any perceivable short term effects on me.

During the cycle (as well as the DHA/Ach/Uridine combo) i took Jarrow multi vit, 2g NAC, 5000mcg methyl B12, milk thistle, 20mg lithium orotate and 20mg Fluoxotine daily. All in the aim of promoting neurogenesis as much as possible. I've also started university and am getting good marks.

RE GLASS SHARDS: Next time you snap off an ampoule head, put your finger on the bottom of the break on the head that you've snapped off. If you wipe your finger over the break you'll see tiny little glass particles that shine in the light. That's enough evidence for me to use filters next time. Don't want to imagine Cere carrying particles of glass around my body. Just because the nurses in you country don't do it, doesn't mean they're doing the right thing.

Good luck everyone.

Please, don't missunderstand me. There are no reasons for me to lie saying I've realized at least, of some Cere's effects. I can't deny I haven't even seen the complete effect of this substance, but that doesn't mean I haven't seen some positive effects, that still remain. I'm some kind of ADD, probably I have some ASD, I have reasons to suspect I suffered some ministrokes. I drink a lot of alcohol on a regular basis. I can see how alcohol affects me more, I can see I'm calmer. I can see almost dead thoughts of my old me come back. I can smell better. I can recall better. Maybe, for a completely health young male, it would take some time to notice the effects. But I am the ideal candidate for a substance like this. I knew what hope from it, and believe me, I can discern if there was a difference in my way of thinking and acting since I started it, and yes, there is. No claiming it's magical, just saying it affected me soon and I enjoy it. Of course, when I finish a month, I'll be able to describe more accurately what effects it brings to you. So, believe I have ANY interest in overhype this medication, I just say what I live and feel.
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#1533 Xenix

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 12:22 PM

Hey guys, I've been out of the loop.

Can someone please fill me in on who the cheapest supplier is to buy Cerebrolysin from? Last time I bought some it was about $500 for a month's cycle (25 ampules). PM me? Thanks

#1534 csrpj

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 09:48 PM

In this whole thread, so far no mention or questions about a cere cycle's affect on psychedelics (if taken on an on day, off day, some time after cycle, etc) - any input?
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#1535 csrpj

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 10:04 PM

I'm also confused on the issue of varying injection sites. It's commonly recommend to vary the site from one injection to the next. What does this mean for daily IM injections, and how long before you can reuse the site? How do you guys end up measuring where you injected, and can the next injection be close to it, or does it have to be in an altogether different region?

I got my package to day, BTW, hence I'm giving more practical thought into the injection question. I'm also wondering if I should hold off my next injection till tomorrow morning (instead of this afternoon / early evening) due to the possible insomnia I'd get?

#1536 Flex

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:09 AM

RE GLASS SHARDS: Next time you snap off an ampoule head, put your finger on the bottom of the break on the head that you've snapped off. If you wipe your finger over the break you'll see tiny little glass particles that shine in the light. That's enough evidence for me to use filters next time. Don't want to imagine Cere carrying particles of glass around my body. Just because the nurses in you country don't do it, doesn't mean they're doing the right thing.

Guys! Is this true? Let's take a moment and think about this...

I've been following the full discussion, and putting attention on whether or not filtration is necessary. After enough people said it was okay to go without filtering, I ended up getting all my supplies and without a filter. Do I need to get one for each day?

Isn't jonsow's comments irrefutable testament, and if not - why not? Lastly, would a 25 gauge needle - as some have suggested - be enough to act as a de facto filter?

As I posted on Page 50;

The particles could get the size of 15 mu meters

No needle is so thin, that could filter such sized Particles.

Therefore take a look for the pictures that i´ve postet at Page 50
and inform your self.

The possible harm that injectet particles could cause is also (in German) listed in one of the thre Pictures.
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#1537 telight

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:27 AM

In this whole thread, so far no mention or questions about a cere cycle's affect on psychedelics (if taken on an on day, off day, some time after cycle, etc) - any input?

My turtle reports that a week after the last injection, Cerebrolysin had no appreciable effects on LSD's effects. The same turtle also tried injecting before and at the come down of an LSD trip. The little fellow told me that injecting 5ml before delayed the effects of LSD, but eventually the effects produced themselves and were "smoother" (less body-load and generally more pleasant). He was most excited about the effect of Cerebrolysin on the comedown from LSD. The injection of 5ml of Cerebrolysin 8 hours after consuming LSD produced a very noticeable acute effect about 45-60 seconds after injection, the Cerebrolysin appeared to have terminated the trip (though some sensory enhancement was still present). The mind space of the turtle quickly returned to baseline after injection, it was similar to what a good night sleep does for Shelly (that's his name). Short term memory impairment and post trip fatigue was almost completely eliminated. Shelly now routinely uses Cerebrolysin on the comedown of an LSD trip.
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#1538 cere_user5678910

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:18 PM

Hey all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. I have read this thread a few times, thought I'd post up my initial experience. I hope to go into more detail but my approach has been a little less 'structured' than others.

Firstly, to all of those scared of the needles - I was in the exact same boat as you up until a few weeks ago. I had had a few injections in my life, but I never actually looked at one being put into me. I was worried that the injections would be painful. I ordered 18G needles for drawing up the Cere and 23G to inject. I inject into my leg and all I feel is a slight prick then just let the needle 'glide' into the muscle. Not painful at all.

Now onto the Cerebroysin. At first I ordered 10x 1ml ampules. I ordered them some time ago as I really wasn't sure if I was going to give it a shot. Once i received the needles, I thought I might as well give it a shot. After reading most posts on here it seemed clear to me that 1ml wouldn't be enough, but I really just wanted to trial injecting myself. I injected 1ml per days over two days....increased to 2ml on the third day then 3ml for the remaining two days. I have to say I definitely felt most of the effects most describe on here, a clear head, ability to exercise more, no stress...just generally a clearer head. As far as formalized testing goes, I have played Lumosity for ~30mins a day for the past year or so and my BPI before any Cere was floating around 1280. It immediately went up to 1360 after the third day, my attention and speed are my strongest areas (1500+). I also play a game called 'Touch the numbers' on the iPhone, since taking the initial dose of Cere I beat my PB, several times.

Here's the bad news, It didn't give me an immediate 'real life' enhancement. I don't feel like I'm more creative at work, I don't feel I have a noticeably better memory. I do have a clearer head but it don't feel as though I have gotten smarter. I believe this is mostly because Cere obviously doesn't magically make you smart - It enables you to be smarter over time and that is something I feel I'll only see the effects of over months and months. having said that, upon reflection I have achieved a number of big goals at work lately under high pressure without stressing or loosing any sleep, but that is something I've done in the past too and wouldn't attribute it to Cerebroysin.

So, I ran out of Cere....but I had prepared and ordered 4x packs of 5x 10ml ampules. For the first three days I did 10ml in the morning, but increased to 20ml per day for the last two days. Why? Dunno, I must be an addict or something :) I just finished my last injection, so have done 5days on (3days @ 10ml, 2 days @20ml). I will take a few days off and cycle again. In the meantime I plan to order some more Cerebrosyin. The effects are definitely noticeable. My BPI on Lumosity is now 1416, I feel much clearer in my head and have near no stress. I have been ramping up with Piracetam, starting with 800mg in the morning and have been taking 800mg 3x daily for the last 2 days. I also take multi vitamins daily along with 2x 1500mg krill oil caps. The social interaction changes that many describe seem to be coming through for me too.

Sorry for not going through a more 'formalized' approach with the different cognitive tests, but to be honest I am not taking Cere to be better at 'brain games', I'm taking it in the hope that it gives me 'real life' advantages. FYI, I'm in my late 20's, do plenty of exercise, eat healthy never had a brain injury or anything (although some that know me may argue against that!! haha)

I'll try and report back here if there are any more noticeable gains, but what I really wanted to say is that for those that are scared of the needle....don't worry about it. Just follow the guides available in this thread and there's nothing to it! Another interesting note, both of my orders or Cere were inspected by Australian customs and they sent them on to me without question. All they seem to have done is inspect them, probably did a drug swipe and what not and re-sealed them and sent them on. I'm not sure how long that's going to last with everything that is going on with the drugs in sport scandals over here though. I have tried to buy some Cere in bulk from a Chinese supplier but they ended up being a bit stupid about it so I am just leaving it for now. If anyone in AU is interested in gettign a bulk supply, let me know and maybe we can work together to get some over here. I got my supply from nootrpic.eu and the service was impeccable.

I also ordered 100g of PRL 8-53 via a chiniese supplier and from new Star Nootropics 50g of Aniracetam, 10g Sunifram, 25g Oxiracetam and plenty of CDP Choline...I should have it all by the start of next week. I'm definitely looking forward to trying different combinations over the next few weeks and months!

Edited by cere_user5678910, 21 May 2013 - 12:22 PM.

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#1539 therein

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:39 PM

I would like to remind everyone that I'm still selling my Cerebrolysin. It will be shipped within the US and I want 70$ for 5x5mL and 2x10mL. I got them from Nootropic.EU and I've been storing them in the fridge just in case.

#1540 CatChelator

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 02:21 PM


#1541 Shay

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 03:40 PM

My early 60's age mother had a coiuple small strokes years ago that she nearly recovered 100% from, but has been declining ever since. She also has "mini seizures" that have contributed to small areas in the brain dying off and are fended off via medication. You can clearly see the small white spots within the brain on CT or MRI (can't remember which) scans. I'm wanting to get her started on this, but her neurologist won't take a position on the matter. Everything I've read thus far about cerebrolysin suggests that it might work wonders for her, but I'm concerned about med interactions. Even on that point, it sounds like it shouldn't be an issue, but it's my mother after all....

#1542 Doktor

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 02:32 AM

Felt compelled to comment.

What is with the stigma toward intramuscular administration? If you can get past the whole fear of needles (and you administer the drug in a sanitary manor), it is no different then taking a substance orally. Once the drugs in your bloodstream, it's all the same. It just confuses me, as this forum is for self-enhancement mainly... some drugs simply cannot handle first-pass metabolism, and must be administered another way.

I read somewhere someone saying that there are oral drugs which are less extreme, however if this substance has more potential, why would you elect to try something with negligible benefit instead simply because of the injection factor? Surely I could opt to supplement oral tylenol instead of I.V morphine if I had a severe back injury, but one is going to work far better then the other.
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#1543 stillwater

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Posted 27 May 2013 - 07:11 AM

I've followed this thread and cerebrolysin for many years now, finally getting closer to pulling the trigger. I'm curious if anyone with somewhat severe general anxiety/panic disorder has tried Cerebro? I tried some of the racetams awhile ago and it actually made my disorder worse, I'd feel a bit pissed with myself if this did the same.

#1544 Nero

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:44 AM

Can someone pm where they buy all the materials to do im injections?

#1545 Nero

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 09:23 PM

Is a filter necessary or does filter out important peptides?

Edited by Nero, 29 May 2013 - 09:24 PM.

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#1546 BigGuy1980

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:23 PM

Here is a good article...

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#1547 BigGuy1980

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:31 PM

The efficacy of treatment with cerebrolysin was studied in 40 patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency. Cerebrolysin (20 daily i.v. infusions of 10 ml in 200 ml of physiological saline) was found to be an effective means of treating this group of patients. Courses of cerebrolysin treatment decreased the severity of memory and attention impairments, improving the overall cognitive status of the patients. Clinical observations and neuropsychological testing were supported by electrophysiological results, in terms of the P300 cognitive evoked potential. The effects of treatment at the doses used here were delayed and were seen three months after completion of treatment.

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#1548 BigGuy1980

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:41 PM

Cerebrolysin (Cere) is a compound with neurotrophic activity shown to be effective in Alzheimer's disease in earlier trials. The efficacy and safety of three dosages of Cere were investigated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, study. Two hundred and seventy-nine patients were enrolled (69 Cere 10 ml; 70 Cere 30 ml; 71 Cere 60 ml and 69 placebo). Patients received iv infusions of 10, 30, 60 ml Cere or placebo 5 days/week for the first 4 weeks and thereafter, two iv infusions per week for 8 weeks. Effects on cognition and clinical global impressions were evaluated 4, 12 and 24 weeks after the beginning of the infusions using the CIBIC+ and the modified Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS)-cog. At week 24, significant improvement of cognitive performance on the ADAS-cog (P=0.038) and global function (CIBIC+; P>0.001) was observed for the 10 ml dose. The 30 and 60 ml doses showed significant improvement of the global outcome but failed to show significant improvement of cognition. The results are consistent with a reversed U-shaped dose-response relationship for Cere. The percentage of patients reporting adverse events was similar across all study groups. Cere treatment was well tolerated and led to significant, dose-dependent improvement of cognition and global clinical impression.

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Edited by BigGuy1980, 29 May 2013 - 11:41 PM.

#1549 NootropicEU

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Posted 30 May 2013 - 03:29 PM

Is a filter necessary or does filter out important peptides?

Filter is not necessary. Doctors don't use it.

#1550 CatChelator

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 02:39 AM

A few things to contribute...

Glass particles...two papers, there are others but these ones I was able to grab quickly. The first is really good, it has data regarding number of particles aspirated via 4 different needle types and the number of particles present in 4 different ampoule types. It seems the amber ampoules are the best with only a few particles per ampoule, so that is good. Not sure if Ever use chemically etched or machine etched ampoules...Coupled with a filter needle you'll be removing as much of the glass as possible.

Second article talks about where the glass particles are deposited in the body. IV injections lead to bigger particles accumulating in the lungs, with smaller particles making it downstream to other organs. With IM injections it's assumed that the particles mostly reside in the area of injection. They state however that particles smaller than 5 microns were not tracked and it was assumed that they'd be spread through out the body.

(Second paper was too big to attach so abstract is below with article title)

Second...Cerebro effects:

In a previous post I stated that I didn't notice much effect during my cycle. I need to give more feedback. While I was on cycle I kept having these weird experiences: when cuddling my girlfriend I was often struck by vivid recollections of dream imagery. These dream images would pop out of no where and be quite powerful. I only realised a few weeks after the cere cycle, when these recollections had stopped that they weren't happening any more, that I missed them and that they may well have been due to the cere. Subjective evidence, but pretty cool.

My second batch of 4*5*10ml just arrived from nootropic.eu (9 days to oz) so going to start again soon, but will get filter needles to aspirate with first.

I know that some people are very adamant that filtering is not required, but again, if there's evidence to why not, other than 'i've not seen doctors use them' (and doctors often prescribe drugs that DO much harm out of ignorance, so i'm not going to follow a GPs behaviour and assume it to be correct) - I'd prefer not to filter but seems like a worthwhile precaution to me.

Happy Neurogenesis Everybody.


Localization of glass particles in animal organs derived from cutting of glass ampoules before intravenous injections


Glass particles derived from the cutting of glass ampoules and suspended in parenteral solutions were introduced into mouse organs by intravenous injections in the tail vein. Organs were removed, thin sectioned, and plasma ashed on glass slides by means of glow-discharged oxygen to remove organic matrices which interfered with microscopic observation of glass particles. The ashed specimens were subsequently coated with a thin film of plasma-polymerized tetrafluoroethylene which suppressed the hygroscopicity of the specimens so that they became hydrophobic and at the same time permanently preserved the microstructures of the ashed specimens. Microscopic investigation of the glass particles retained in the ashed specimens supported size-dependent localization of the glass particles in different organs; i.e., large particles over 20 μm in diameter were mostly retained in the lung, while smaller particles around 5–10 μm in diameter were found in the liver and spleen, and occasionally in the kidney. A mesh-screen effect was therefore supposed along the route of blood circulation. No glass particle was found in the brain. Large numbers of extremely small glass particles less than 5 μm in diameter were not accounted for in all the organs investigated, but a wide diffusion in the whole body at very low density was presumed.

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#1551 daouda

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 07:53 AM

You can use filter for extra safety if you want, but please stop scaring other people into thinking they are necessary... The rationale is not only that "doctors and nurses do not use them", but more importantly that NO ONE EVER had a single problem related to glass shards with the use of cerebrolysin ampoules IM without filtering, even after many, many courses and many, many months.
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#1552 megatron

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:00 AM

Sorry for not posting anything in a very long time. I finished up Cerebrolysin about one and a half months ago, having conducted one month of 5ml and two months of 10ml five days a week. I honestly can't say I noticed much improvement or basically anything at all. The improvements were supposed to continue for months after the last injection, but after all this time, I can finally say that I have not noticed anything whatsoever. Cerebrolysin has been a huge let-down for me. I really thought this was going to change my views on nootropics, but it has not. I have yet to find any nootropic that improves any mental ability even moderately. Let's just keep our fingers crossed, and hope that the new series of insanely promising drugs yield better results. Something that to some degree favor the cost and easiness of use of the new drugs contra Cerebrolysin is the potency. It's safe to say that Cere's potency wasn't at all that good...
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#1553 Rior

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:31 PM

Sorry for not posting anything in a very long time. I finished up Cerebrolysin about one and a half months ago, having conducted one month of 5ml and two months of 10ml five days a week. I honestly can't say I noticed much improvement or basically anything at all. The improvements were supposed to continue for months after the last injection, but after all this time, I can finally say that I have not noticed anything whatsoever. Cerebrolysin has been a huge let-down for me. I really thought this was going to change my views on nootropics, but it has not. I have yet to find any nootropic that improves any mental ability even moderately. Let's just keep our fingers crossed, and hope that the new series of insanely promising drugs yield better results. Something that to some degree favor the cost and easiness of use of the new drugs contra Cerebrolysin is the potency. It's safe to say that Cere's potency wasn't at all that good...

Where did you purchase your cerebrolysin? Did you notice any immediate effect after using it every day? That's probably the biggest thing I noticed--within 5 minutes after using it my sense of everything was heightened, including verbal fluency/ability. I still have some lasting improvements from my regimen, however I also used it alongside the SSRI Zoloft---which I believe was to my disadvantage.

I suppose that's the other question, are you taking/using anything else while you were administering Cerebrolysin?

#1554 Nero

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 01:44 PM

I'm wondering if a lot the users who didn't experience an effect recieved fake Cerebrolysin either that or there healthy individuals.
Unless Cerebrolysin is all Hype

#1555 sunshinefrost

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 04:41 PM

Cerebrolysin modulates pronerve growth factor/nerve growth factor ratio and ameliorates the cholinergic deficit in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease.

AuthorsUbhi K, et al. Show all Journal
J Neurosci Res. 2013 Feb;91(2):167-77. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23142. Epub 2012 Nov 14.

Department of Neurosciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0624, USA.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by degeneration of neocortex, limbic system, and basal forebrain, accompanied by accumulation of amyloid-β and tangle formation. Cerebrolysin (CBL), a peptide mixture with neurotrophic-like effects, is reported to improve cognition and activities of daily living in patients with AD. Likewise, CBL reduces synaptic and behavioral deficits in transgenic (tg) mice overexpressing the human amyloid precursor protein (hAPP). The neuroprotective effects of CBL may involve multiple mechanisms, including signaling regulation, control of APP metabolism, and expression of neurotrophic factors. We investigate the effects of CBL in the hAPP tg model of AD on levels of neurotrophic factors, including pro-nerve growth factor (NGF), NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotropin (NT)-3, NT4, and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that levels of pro-NGF were increased in saline-treated hAPP tg mice. In contrast, CBL-treated hAPP tg mice showed levels of pro-NGF comparable to control and increased levels of mature NGF. Consistently with these results, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated increased NGF immunoreactivity in the hippocampus of CBL-treated hAPP tg mice. Protein levels of other neurotrophic factors, including BDNF, NT3, NT4, and CNTF, were unchanged. mRNA levels of NGF and other neurotrophins were also unchanged. Analysis of neurotrophin receptors showed preservation of the levels of TrKA and p75(NTR) immunoreactivity per cell in the nucleus basalis. Cholinergic cells in the nucleus basalis were reduced in the saline-treated hAPP tg mice, and treatment with CBL reduced these cholinergic deficits. These results suggest that the neurotrophic effects of CBL might involve modulation of the pro-NGF/NGF balance and a concomitant protection of cholinergic neurons.


#1556 Izan

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:54 PM

I'm wondering if a lot the users who didn't experience an effect recieved fake Cerebrolysin either that or there healthy individuals.
Unless Cerebrolysin is all Hype

i'm going to order it from Austria, to rule out the possibility of fake stuff.

#1557 Nero

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 06:24 PM

Izan 82 do you have an RX for Cerebrolysin?

I contacted Everpharma here's what she told me about authenticity and purity of Cerebrolysin.

With the batch number I can check "purity".
An analysis itself woudln't be possible as it is to high effort.
With the batch number I can assure you that it came out of our production plant.

Best Regards,

#1558 Sholrak

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 06:06 PM

Sorry for not posting anything in a very long time. I finished up Cerebrolysin about one and a half months ago, having conducted one month of 5ml and two months of 10ml five days a week. I honestly can't say I noticed much improvement or basically anything at all. The improvements were supposed to continue for months after the last injection, but after all this time, I can finally say that I have not noticed anything whatsoever. Cerebrolysin has been a huge let-down for me. I really thought this was going to change my views on nootropics, but it has not. I have yet to find any nootropic that improves any mental ability even moderately. Let's just keep our fingers crossed, and hope that the new series of insanely promising drugs yield better results. Something that to some degree favor the cost and easiness of use of the new drugs contra Cerebrolysin is the potency. It's safe to say that Cere's potency wasn't at all that good...

One issue could be your age or, that you must be happy because you own a very healthy mind and brain.

Anyway, I don't think Cere alone can be able to fix all your issues. But to me, it's the base, the main nootropic for a great variety of stacks. A must have in this field. The most powerful nootropic available right now.

With Lion's Mane, other NGF, BDNF, ...etc supplements, vitamins, fish oil, any racetam, some herbs, meditation, exercise and good life habits, I believe the need for psychiatric industry can be totally defeated. We don't need SSRIs, benzos, and other big pharma inventions. Psychiatry is probably the most old fashioned area of the medicine, I hope people realize soon, and no pill or injection will be an utterly working solution, there's need for working yourself everyday, and take the adequate nootropic tools to achieve that.

#1559 spookytooth

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 07:28 PM

Sorry for not posting anything in a very long time. I finished up Cerebrolysin about one and a half months ago, having conducted one month of 5ml and two months of 10ml five days a week. I honestly can't say I noticed much improvement or basically anything at all. The improvements were supposed to continue for months after the last injection, but after all this time, I can finally say that I have not noticed anything whatsoever. Cerebrolysin has been a huge let-down for me. I really thought this was going to change my views on nootropics, but it has not. I have yet to find any nootropic that improves any mental ability even moderately. Let's just keep our fingers crossed, and hope that the new series of insanely promising drugs yield better results. Something that to some degree favor the cost and easiness of use of the new drugs contra Cerebrolysin is the potency. It's safe to say that Cere's potency wasn't at all that good...

One issue could be your age or, that you must be happy because you own a very healthy mind and brain.

Anyway, I don't think Cere alone can be able to fix all your issues. But to me, it's the base, the main nootropic for a great variety of stacks. A must have in this field. The most powerful nootropic available right now.

With Lion's Mane, other NGF, BDNF, ...etc supplements, vitamins, fish oil, any racetam, some herbs, meditation, exercise and good life habits, I believe the need for psychiatric industry can be totally defeated. We don't need SSRIs, benzos, and other big pharma inventions. Psychiatry is probably the most old fashioned area of the medicine, I hope people realize soon, and no pill or injection will be an utterly working solution, there's need for working yourself everyday, and take the adequate nootropic tools to achieve that.

I wholeheartedly disagree with your views on psychiatry. Have you ever worked in a psychiatric institution?SSRIs and Benzos hardly represent the whole of psychiatry and although cerebrolysin, racetams and vitamins might help with some minor aches they are in no way capable of treating serious mental illnesses.

I would like to add that i do consider cerebrolysin a fantastic and powerful tool of neuronal regeneration unequaled by anything else on the market atm. Looking forward to the NSI-189 trials though :)

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#1560 Sholrak

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 09:46 PM

Now you talk about NSI-189, I think Cerebrolysin exerts also some effect on hippocampus. I would bet, there are little drugs in the market being nearest to the new hippocampal growth experimental drugs as Cerebrolysin. I disagree with your opinion, can't compare racetams with Cerebrolysin.

And I DO think it's one of the best medications right now for everything, it can give you a fishing rod and teach you to fish, instead of giving you the fish, as is said.

However, I agree, with the NSI-189 hype with you. The first drug developed to multiply hippocampal stem cells, wow.

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