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#1561 nefarious one

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 08:22 PM

I would like to remind everyone that I'm still selling my Cerebrolysin. It will be shipped within the US and I want 70$ for 5x5mL and 2x10mL. I got them from Nootropic.EU and I've been storing them in the fridge just in case.

PM sent.

#1562 spookytooth

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:34 PM

Now you talk about NSI-189, I think Cerebrolysin exerts also some effect on hippocampus. I would bet, there are little drugs in the market being nearest to the new hippocampal growth experimental drugs as Cerebrolysin. I disagree with your opinion, can't compare racetams with Cerebrolysin.

And I DO think it's one of the best medications right now for everything, it can give you a fishing rod and teach you to fish, instead of giving you the fish, as is said.

However, I agree, with the NSI-189 hype with you. The first drug developed to multiply hippocampal stem cells, wow.

I am well aware that cerebrolysin and racetams are in no way comparable. I mentioned them in the same sentence because you mentioned cerebrolysin aling with racetams and other supplements as a cure-all medication.
Please explain how cerebrolysin is going to stop severe hallucinations in schizophrenia or severe depression/mania. I think there is no way even cerebrolysin is going to change anything about that.
Psychiatry is a field that is much much wider than mild depression and nervousness.
I agree with you in the sense that many therapies have serious side effects and it would be great to have medications that are easier on the body and brain. But let's not get carried away and all of psychiatry because of that!

Edited by spookytooth, 06 June 2013 - 04:05 PM.

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#1563 spookytooth

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:21 PM

But let's not get carried away and DISCREDIT all of psychiatry because of that!

I forgot the "discredit" ^^

#1564 Sholrak

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 07:03 PM

Not sure Cere can bring help with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, or profound depression. It shows more real promise on AD(H)D, brain fog, migraines, autism spectrum disorders, speech disorders, anxiety and mild to moderate depression, social fobia. I'm now waiting for another sending of Cere, in order to complete a 20 IM a month or 15 a month if I choose every other day.

At date, I only did it five or six times, and then stopped because I want to see the full effect of one cycle. I can definitely say, things I learned on those on days and consecutive near off days, likely stay with me. I feel calmer, a little less overhelmed by everything,a bit clearer. And I suspect it can be just the beginning, if it's cumulative.

I remember read on this topic, how important is to make the right connections while on Cere to achieve some permanent changes. While ON days, probably is difficult to realize but, your brain is literally an sponge, it will absorb everything. If you exercise your mind, your skills and domains, try to meditate, put you under stress and learn to "chelate" that stress, it's something you'll have léarned and it will stay with you.

As I just said, it's the beginning. I can claim this drug has the potential to change thing in your life as no one other substance may have. They were right when they say it's not for begginners, you need to be clear about what you intend to improve and work on it.

I may say, even in schizophrenia, bipolar, mania, depression... it can give you some valuable insight on everything.
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#1565 Shay

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 07:06 PM

Very interesting points. I'm about to start a challenging new job with 5-6 weeks of orientation and training. This seems like the perfect time to give it a try!

#1566 Sholrak

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Posted 25 June 2013 - 11:19 AM

Physiol Res. 1995;44(3):151-5.
Potentiation of GABAA receptor in cultured mouse hippocampal cells by brain-derived peptide mixture cerebrolysin.

Zemková H, Krůĕk J, Vyskocil F.


Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.


Application of Cerebrolysin (0.1 microgram per 1 ml) by a fast microperfusion system induced an inward current of 0.2 to 1 nA in all neurones from newborn mouse hippocampi held at -30 mV membrane potential. Cerebrolysin-induced currents were reduced by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (2 microM) by 65%, by the NMDA antagonist aminophosphovaleric acid (APV, 10 microM) by 27% and by the non-NMDA antagonist cyanonitriquinoxalinedione (CNQX, 10 microM) by 20%. Cerebrolysin dialyzed through a 3.6 kD gut did not induce any transmembrane current but potentiated the response induced by GABA (10 microM) to 135%. We conclude that, in addition to amino acids which activate GABAA, NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, Cerebrolysin also contains a peptide which potentiates the GABAA receptor response.

PMID: 8869271

Inetresting information, as I tought Cerebrolysin's main action was on cholinergic system. Maybe GABA-A receptors are mainly related to acetylcholine system proper function. A potential treatment for smokers and also benzo withdrawal?
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#1567 Sholrak

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 06:29 PM

Guys, an update.

I'm starting to feel the real effect, in a form which I would describe cumulative. Definitely, there is a loading phase, and I'm starting to bypass that barrier. Each day, the benefits become more extended in time during the day. They come and go, but now I can feel it almost continously now. I know they will get stronger in the next days.

From now, 8 injections 5 ml done, I'm doing it 1 of each 2 or 3 days, that way I will give time for the new shipment to come. Looks like estomach, GI and suvbjetive stress effects can be totally diluted doing each other day or every 3 days. For now, making experiments with it.

The effects, generally:

- Less anxiety

- Faster fear extinction

- Better mood, more spontaneity in spoken and social situation. My language fluidity is far correct. I look that again, I feel more eloquent as I said. My language abilities have improved.

- Better reflexes, I'm now more in control of my motor skills.

- Better smelling, which seems to be closely related to deep memories more than other senses.

- Better apreciation of sounds (including music, harmonics of every kind, scales and human voices too). I understand spoken english much more widely (the only language I speak apart of spanish)

- Better comprehension of language, sarcasm, irony, deception, etc... I feel like more human, more alive, and much more empathetic.

- I have better vision, and panoramic wiew is vastly increased. I can read body language with ridiculous easiness. I can hold more time the eye visual contact. I can read faster.

- Increased working memory, and surely also mid and long memory.

- I can wake up in the mornings without so much tiredness.

- Libido is bigger.

- A medium antidepressant state has been settled.

- And I have much more motivation and decision to do the things I want to do (this has appeared today, and is which I called the cumulative effect). I am clear, and focused almost the entire day. Like a day-lasting meditation.

And that's it. All this happens in a sincronic and automatic mode.

The effects would be described as being able to have the mental freshness you did have a teenager age. However, I'm indetifying sensations I would say match with my childhood brain and memories.

And I add, although I can say the most precise for to describe it is as having a fresher and younger brain, I never saw anything like this being younger. It's like if you take the state of mind of being clear, fresh and happy (like after a shower) and expand it to last much more.

This is amazing, guys.

And I think you can get more benefits if you do every other day or so. Let's see the long term, if this preserves like it's right now.

Edited by Sholrak, 01 July 2013 - 06:47 PM.

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#1568 OpaqueMind

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 07:12 PM

Wow, very impressive results man. I'm really glad it's working for you ;) Are you coming from a background of any kind of abnormal brain function?

Reading this I am reminded of the awesomeness which I experienced during and after my own cycle. The majority of the effects, for me at least, seemed to remain after finishing the cycle. It's been many months now, so perhaps it's time for another one! I've been so caught up in the frenzy of novel experimentation that I forgot all about this awesome little peptide.
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#1569 xsiv1

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 01:31 AM

Wow, very impressive results man. I'm really glad it's working for you ;) Are you coming from a background of any kind of abnormal brain function?

Reading this I am reminded of the awesomeness which I experienced during and after my own cycle. The majority of the effects, for me at least, seemed to remain after finishing the cycle. It's been many months now, so perhaps it's time for another one! I've been so caught up in the frenzy of novel experimentation that I forgot all about this awesome little peptide.

Sounds very interesting. Does anyone have experience purchasing this from Deboralabs.com?

#1570 Sholrak

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:25 AM

Wow, very impressive results man. I'm really glad it's working for you ;) Are you coming from a background of any kind of abnormal brain function?

Reading this I am reminded of the awesomeness which I experienced during and after my own cycle. The majority of the effects, for me at least, seemed to remain after finishing the cycle. It's been many months now, so perhaps it's time for another one! I've been so caught up in the frenzy of novel experimentation that I forgot all about this awesome little peptide.

Alcohol abuse the last ten years, cannabis the last five and tobacco the last six or seven. Depression, Anxiety. Shyness. Lack of higher executive function and very complex tasks developing and things to get done. ADD. Some kind of Asperger's (maybe, I said this is difficult to know by one self). Brainfog. Difficulty reading and understanding. Speech problems. Social problems and lately social phobia. Bad sleep cycle Body tension and uncoordination. Some kind of PTSD. Bad situation and social cues reading, some difficulty maintaining visual contact the whole time I talked to a person. And that's all I think :mellow:

IN some hours, another dose. Things will keep improving. I think this is the model of medication to be explored in a future, honestly. The best quality of Cere is it makes you feel like that a in a very natural way. No nasty receptor unregulation (maybe Trk A, B and C receptors in high doses and abuse of Cerebrolysin, as they are the main receptors aiming AFAIK), no drugged sensation. Clear, cristalline. pure, genuine.

I love it and I'm glad taking the decision of going to the number one nootropic directly, despite the price and the administration method. From now, I have even more insight in researching other nootropics.
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#1571 sunshinefrost

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:48 PM

Guys, an update.

I'm starting to feel the real effect, in a form which I would describe cumulative. Definitely, there is a loading phase, and I'm starting to bypass that barrier. Each day, the benefits become more extended in time during the day. They come and go, but now I can feel it almost continously now. I know they will get stronger in the next days.

From now, 8 injections 5 ml done, I'm doing it 1 of each 2 or 3 days, that way I will give time for the new shipment to come. Looks like estomach, GI and suvbjetive stress effects can be totally diluted doing each other day or every 3 days. For now, making experiments with it.

The effects, generally:

- Less anxiety

- Faster fear extinction

- Better mood, more spontaneity in spoken and social situation. My language fluidity is far correct. I look that again, I feel more eloquent as I said. My language abilities have improved.

- Better reflexes, I'm now more in control of my motor skills.

- Better smelling, which seems to be closely related to deep memories more than other senses.

- Better apreciation of sounds (including music, harmonics of every kind, scales and human voices too). I understand spoken english much more widely (the only language I speak apart of spanish)

- Better comprehension of language, sarcasm, irony, deception, etc... I feel like more human, more alive, and much more empathetic.

- I have better vision, and panoramic wiew is vastly increased. I can read body language with ridiculous easiness. I can hold more time the eye visual contact. I can read faster.

- Increased working memory, and surely also mid and long memory.

- I can wake up in the mornings without so much tiredness.

- Libido is bigger.

- A medium antidepressant state has been settled.

- And I have much more motivation and decision to do the things I want to do (this has appeared today, and is which I called the cumulative effect). I am clear, and focused almost the entire day. Like a day-lasting meditation.

And that's it. All this happens in a sincronic and automatic mode.

The effects would be described as being able to have the mental freshness you did have a teenager age. However, I'm indetifying sensations I would say match with my childhood brain and memories.

And I add, although I can say the most precise for to describe it is as having a fresher and younger brain, I never saw anything like this being younger. It's like if you take the state of mind of being clear, fresh and happy (like after a shower) and expand it to last much more.

This is amazing, guys.

And I think you can get more benefits if you do every other day or so. Let's see the long term, if this preserves like it's right now.

Yep, that's what i got as well. In my last cycle i used it on a need to basis. Once every 2 days should work ;)
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#1572 Sholrak

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:42 AM

Interesting anecdote. Yesterday I used only 2 ml, to see how it compared to the 5 I've been doing. Surprisingly, 2 ml felt almost almost identical to my old me. Let's say 5 gives me a totally new insight, and I calculate between 1 and 2 ml (1.5 ml?) will make me feel like my old me very accurately and naturally. However, I'll experiment with 3 and 4 ml to see how it compares.

No matter what dose you take if you do it in a regular basis, every benefit you experience everyday is cumulative. I'm not in a hurry to make a 5 ml month course, as I feel amazingly comfortable with this substance and can afford to experiment with different doses.

I forgot to say, I have left cannabis two or three days ago, and have reduced smoking and drinking literaly to half. Is simply astonishing how Cerebrolysin feels cholinergic, gabaergic and even opioid in some manner at the same time.
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#1573 unregistered_user

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:13 AM

I'd love to try this but am trepidatious about making injections. Is there anyone using cere now that was previously inexperienced with injections? Are they difficult? What level of risk is involved or in other words, what could potentially go wrong (eg: puncturing nerve/artery, injecting glass from the ampule, etc?)

What is the best site to inject at?

Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 07 July 2013 - 02:53 AM.

#1574 progress_

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:52 AM

I'd love to try this but am trepidatious about making injections. Is there anyone using cere now that was previously inexperienced with injections? Are they difficult? What level of risk is involved or in other words, what could potential go wrong (eg: puncturing nerve/artery, injecting glass from the ampule, etc?)

What is the best site to inject at?

Injections are NOT difficult. Both intramuscular and subcutaneous injections are easy to learn and if you do them right (learn the technique, use proper procedures, very easy stuff) the risk is very low. Spend 30 minutes reading about it, get the gear and you'll be injecting in no time. You can pick up the techniques on youtube and once you do them a couple of times it becomes second nature :)

#1575 xsiv1

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:17 AM

I'd love to try it as well and know how to inject intramuscularly. I usually go for the glutes (in my past life heh). Anyways, does this improve "mood" at all? I'm kind of moody and certain noots make me irritable unless I cycle off of them eg. Noopept.

#1576 Sholrak

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:10 PM

The best place to do an intramuscular injection is, in my opinion, the ventrogluteal site. You will aid gluteus minimus or gluteus medius. That place is nerve free, vein free, and you don't need to aspirate before injecting. You can take the iliac crest and the femur's trochanter to guide yourself.

#1577 Sholrak

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:23 PM

By the way, I wanna advice something. Cere increases alcohol sensitivity A LOT, even when you are in an off day. I went to a party yesterday and started drinking at 12 AM, and I got very drunk, can't remember about the 75% of the day, which is strange, and I bet I did not drink so much. So, be careful if you use Cere and go to some important meeting or party with alcohol, you are in danger to become the show, as happened to me LOL.

I'd love to try it as well and know how to inject intramuscularly. I usually go for the glutes (in my past life heh). Anyways, does this improve "mood" at all? I'm kind of moody and certain noots make me irritable unless I cycle off of them eg. Noopept.

Yes, it improves mood. And I'm starting to see, in some situations, it has made me irritable as fuck. Not like Piracetam although.
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#1578 Sholrak

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:08 PM

I just realized about something. Right now I feel like in a dream. I have a feeling of dreaming awake. And few hours ago, was lying in my bed in a meditative/trying to sleep state. Then I realized the dreaming effect. I have felt something very spiritual. Warm and maternal. Highly meaningful thoughts about everything, family, friends, my life, Can't even start explaining how good, loving and grateful for live I feel. Things keep improving in a cascade effect. This is cool.
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#1579 Izan

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:34 PM

well, you are giving you brain a very healthy bath. did your libido improve significantly while on cerebrolysin?
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#1580 xsiv1

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:42 PM

pig brain proteins. mmmm.
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#1581 sunshinefrost

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:48 PM

I just realized about something. Right now I feel like in a dream. I have a feeling of dreaming awake. And few hours ago, was lying in my bed in a meditative/trying to sleep state. Then I realized the dreaming effect. I have felt something very spiritual. Warm and maternal. Highly meaningful thoughts about everything, family, friends, my life, Can't even start explaining how good, loving and grateful for live I feel. Things keep improving in a cascade effect. This is cool.

Well this kinds of proves that it DOES improve mood :)

My theory is that it improves concentration gradualy, that you attend more and more, you are certainly contemplating more. By contemplating more efficiently, you may slowly become more gratefull.

Shit i down rated you instead of voting +.... Damn thumbs with iphone... Sorry
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#1582 kobokok

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Posted 08 July 2013 - 12:12 AM

Has anyone tried this with hyperbaric treatment?

Edited by kobokok, 08 July 2013 - 01:06 AM.

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#1583 xsiv1

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Posted 08 July 2013 - 02:56 AM

I'd like to try it. I had some damage from alcohol abuse and have been clean for 7 years tomorrow. If anyone can PM me a reliable, used source - I'd be grateful as this compound sounds like it has promise. My mood has been effected adversely ever since but it is under control with a variety of supplements that I always make sure to use cyclically. Nootropics have really helped me in aspects of verbal fluency. For some years after I quit alcohol, it was almost as if I'd slur the occasional word..it was rare, but it occurred and it drove me nuts. It led me to believe the damage had been done. Anyways, thanks for anyone who can do that despite the rules against it - if it even exists. After all, this is a legal compound right? It's not like it's a scheduled drug.
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#1584 Nero

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:09 PM

I'm posting this here some questions I asked Everpharma.
Takes them a while to respond to questions because they get overwhelmed I'm sure.

Administration Method: What's more effective IV or IM injections? In Austria is IM ever used?
Does Cerebrolysin get 100% absorbed when doing IM injections?

Will filters filter out important peptides?

Cycle/Tolerance : Does Cerebrolysin have a tolerance?

1. Both methods of administration are equally effective; IM is less practiced due to the limitation of the dosage (up to 5 ml). In pediatric patients it is used by doctors quite often, though. We do not know exactly who is using which route of administration in Austria. Again, for pediatric patients it is highly probable that doctors use IM. Please, note pediatric use is off-label: EVER does not promote Cerebrolysin use in children.

2. It seems that absorption rate is equally good between IM and IV; however, the nature of Cerebrolysin precludes direct comparisons: we cannot generate pharmacokinetics data with a complex mixture of peptides; indirect evidence suggests that absorption is not a problem

3. What is important is what Cerebrolysin is, not what it is not… Peptides of Cerebrolysin have beneficial properties; other drugs can be developed on the basis of different composition of peptides; what is filtered out can also be potentially harmful, not only beneficial (side effects)

4. We do not have any data indicating development of tolerance toward Cerebrolysin therapeutic effect; however, as Cerebrolysin supports natural recovery processes from injuries to CNS, its effect depends on the phase of recovery (in acute disorders, like stroke) or on the phase of progressive degenerative disorder
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#1585 xsiv1

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Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:29 AM

I'm posting this here some questions I asked Everpharma.
Takes them a while to respond to questions because they get overwhelmed I'm sure.

Administration Method: What's more effective IV or IM injections? In Austria is IM ever used?
Does Cerebrolysin get 100% absorbed when doing IM injections?

Will filters filter out important peptides?

Cycle/Tolerance : Does Cerebrolysin have a tolerance?

1. Both methods of administration are equally effective; IM is less practiced due to the limitation of the dosage (up to 5 ml). In pediatric patients it is used by doctors quite often, though. We do not know exactly who is using which route of administration in Austria. Again, for pediatric patients it is highly probable that doctors use IM. Please, note pediatric use is off-label: EVER does not promote Cerebrolysin use in children.

2. It seems that absorption rate is equally good between IM and IV; however, the nature of Cerebrolysin precludes direct comparisons: we cannot generate pharmacokinetics data with a complex mixture of peptides; indirect evidence suggests that absorption is not a problem

3. What is important is what Cerebrolysin is, not what it is not… Peptides of Cerebrolysin have beneficial properties; other drugs can be developed on the basis of different composition of peptides; what is filtered out can also be potentially harmful, not only beneficial (side effects)

4. We do not have any data indicating development of tolerance toward Cerebrolysin therapeutic effect; however, as Cerebrolysin supports natural recovery processes from injuries to CNS, its effect depends on the phase of recovery (in acute disorders, like stroke) or on the phase of progressive degenerative disorder

Interesting answers there. I'm more curious as to how it might be beneficial to a recovered alcoholic of 7 years. I know I've damaged some of my brain and it manifests itself in the occasional, out of the blue, slurred word. I hate it. Luckily having a graduate degree and spending 'too' much time in academia has left me with a career that requires vigilance and cautious aforethought before making decisions. Decisions that impact employees. I'd love to give this compound a whirl from what I've been reading. Btw, I came across this thread and wondered if anyone has ever tried N-PEP-12 (since it's available here in Canada) and Cerebrolysin during different periods. Is there any similarity or is N-Pep-12 all hype. I don't see much about it. http://www.longecity...830#entry598830

#1586 Sholrak

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:40 PM

Well I have already ended my cycle. Aprox. 50 ml in two rounds of 25 ml each one. I've adjusted the quantity as needed, doing it two consecutive days, other day, other 2/3/4/5 days and have done 2, 2.5, 4, 4.5 y 5 ml. Pretty random yes :ph34r:

Has been long time to consume that 50 ml, like a month and half or so. I can attest it has been a time of peace and changes, I've runned trough a month of more of total serenity, smartness, kindness, peace, clarity, freshness, spontaneity, and mood. I look back and realize time has passed more slowly and I have recovered my child sensation of living the time more slow. I notice that the days are full of things and go to sleep/awaken thinking how fucking long has this day been. Maybe stress makes your mind think more slow, and the time pass more quickly to your perception and your memory, while when you process fast as woth Cere, the time 'dilates' and lets you learn and process, and recall.

I now understand why some people said it was scary. IT IS :laugh: It's a privileged reality, like a door inside of your head being opened.

Has any user noticed that, like an emotional, motivational, mystic and skilled enhancing condition? Like being more in contact daily with your dreaming you. Like if you know what you want without a doubt?

I'm freaking out now but excited at the same time. I didn't realize until know, but it's a kind of spirit potion or something like that. I can say as I said previously (and the effect is strongly building up) I have a growing spirituality and feel even better than in my childhood, and more alive, and more in the evolution and survival career. It's big deal.

Pineal Gland is the only structure in the brain that is not two hemispheres, the only single piece, as has been named as the "soul chair". Probably, it just will be a gland related to cronobiology functions.
For me, looks like pineal gland is our personality and the rest of the brain is the processing machine of the senses and your body. Why couldn't the brain be seen just as a game itself? A little gland where our conscience is placed and a labyrinth between it and the world. Every stimuli, fear, curiosity, watching, smelling, hearing, touching, would wire us as a babies in the Pavlovian model. That places a personality and a condition, a limit of action, a circuit, a way. That personality of us and conditioned fear. That stress us, the limits and the modern life is dynamic and constantly stimulating and attention demanding. That's like being flashed in the face with images of your fears.

Hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and the lymbic system are a biofeedback circuit also ruled by catecholamines, the entry of our body in our mind, the reaction. All that system, plus the lobes, pineal gland and other structures have the mission to make the being survive and learn how survive. Learn. The objective of you is that. And that expresses in NGF and other neurotrophins. If you can mimick- that process by a substance you are cheating on evolution. NGF and other growth factors may open an instant pineal gland signal. Now is like being with that signal more time, and for that could come the dreaming effect.

I think it is, and contemplative states lead to undo knots, as traumas, fears, wishes, and yes, DISORDERS. Disorders are just lack of time to make us grow. We have to unlearn wrong learned things. There is a kid, a kind of essence inside us, totally buried. We have to recover him/her. We must learn how think and feel. Some drugs or agonists won't give us what we want, neither Cerebrolysin.
Cerebrolysin is able to do this only if you want and put tons of work there. Is a lifechanger, yes, but you are going to suffer (not only enjoy, of course) the changes, in order to make you stronger. But you will. You realize everything is cyclic. You are happy, you don't know how you're gonna feel in a seconds. Today was a day. Tomorrow could be hell. And every of us, must own an unique way too deal with that, Changes, constantly.

It's just so little the little peace and meditation and intimacy feeling TIME we take with the modern era, we are just lost and depressed. Cere makes you that, slow time and not being so hurry for everything, with patience and judgement.

It's just too good to be true. Yeah. But you need to be wise using this, sometimes, you'll feel so in connection with everything, you feel it can be overhelming, like "life it's never ending", people causes me more impression (good or bad), feel more caregiving and critic, and more reactive to disapointness, but in a kind of hide expression of those feelings. I have the impression I'm in contact with a meditation, daily, not constant but ocassional state of higher thinking and feeling and remembering and more motivated. I perceive, my whole reward system is being corrected.

Edited by Sholrak, 13 July 2013 - 02:27 PM.

#1587 Sholrak

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 07:55 PM

That just sounded manic. I am not maniac, it's more of an euphoric feeling. I maintain my theory about pineal gland. Every system in my brain is becoming more balanced, maybe that correct (if not artificially perfect) functioning of my whole brain is decalcifying or at least slowing the aging of the pineal gland. I think is the only structure in brain that changes so drastically over the time, among with the hippocampus. The dream living perception makes me be sure it is related to it.

I was reading some weeks ago about fluoroquinolones poison. It seems so awful, I can't even start imaginating how it feels like. Is known, fluorides join strongly to Pineal gland, hence that poisoning is basically a deconnection between pineal and the rest of the brain. Fluoride is added to cities' water to prevent infections. That's an interesting part of the brain to be searched for nootropic benefits, although we know nothing about it.

Also, Rita Levi demonstrated (at least with her great lifespan) that NGF augment clearly provides a lifespan increasing. Perhaps, the expression 'make your dreams come true' has some wisdom. Maybe all we need and look for is dreaming awake.

Edited by Sholrak, 13 July 2013 - 07:57 PM.

#1588 sunshinefrost

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:41 PM

I'm posting this here some questions I asked Everpharma.
Takes them a while to respond to questions because they get overwhelmed I'm sure.

Administration Method: What's more effective IV or IM injections? In Austria is IM ever used?
Does Cerebrolysin get 100% absorbed when doing IM injections?

Will filters filter out important peptides?

Cycle/Tolerance : Does Cerebrolysin have a tolerance?

1. Both methods of administration are equally effective; IM is less practiced due to the limitation of the dosage (up to 5 ml). In pediatric patients it is used by doctors quite often, though. We do not know exactly who is using which route of administration in Austria. Again, for pediatric patients it is highly probable that doctors use IM. Please, note pediatric use is off-label: EVER does not promote Cerebrolysin use in children.

2. It seems that absorption rate is equally good between IM and IV; however, the nature of Cerebrolysin precludes direct comparisons: we cannot generate pharmacokinetics data with a complex mixture of peptides; indirect evidence suggests that absorption is not a problem

3. What is important is what Cerebrolysin is, not what it is not… Peptides of Cerebrolysin have beneficial properties; other drugs can be developed on the basis of different composition of peptides; what is filtered out can also be potentially harmful, not only beneficial (side effects)

4. We do not have any data indicating development of tolerance toward Cerebrolysin therapeutic effect; however, as Cerebrolysin supports natural recovery processes from injuries to CNS, its effect depends on the phase of recovery (in acute disorders, like stroke) or on the phase of progressive degenerative disorder

Interesting answers there. I'm more curious as to how it might be beneficial to a recovered alcoholic of 7 years. I know I've damaged some of my brain and it manifests itself in the occasional, out of the blue, slurred word. I hate it. Luckily having a graduate degree and spending 'too' much time in academia has left me with a career that requires vigilance and cautious aforethought before making decisions. Decisions that impact employees. I'd love to give this compound a whirl from what I've been reading. Btw, I came across this thread and wondered if anyone has ever tried N-PEP-12 (since it's available here in Canada) and Cerebrolysin during different periods. Is there any similarity or is N-Pep-12 all hype. I don't see much about it. http://www.longecity...830#entry598830

Ive tried it, its weak compared to cerebrolysin but it works. I suspect something though... My ligaments became really weak when i tried it.. I used to exercise a lot but when on npep12/cebria, i crushed 2 vertebra... I have to live with 2 hernias.... My dammaged knee hurted a lot while on it as well. I really feel there is a negative impact on cartilage... I wouldnt recommend it, but it works

#1589 sunshinefrost

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:50 PM

That just sounded manic. I am not maniac, it's more of an euphoric feeling. I maintain my theory about pineal gland. Every system in my brain is becoming more balanced, maybe that correct (if not artificially perfect) functioning of my whole brain is decalcifying or at least slowing the aging of the pineal gland. I think is the only structure in brain that changes so drastically over the time, among with the hippocampus. The dream living perception makes me be sure it is related to it.

I was reading some weeks ago about fluoroquinolones poison. It seems so awful, I can't even start imaginating how it feels like. Is known, fluorides join strongly to Pineal gland, hence that poisoning is basically a deconnection between pineal and the rest of the brain. Fluoride is added to cities' water to prevent infections. That's an interesting part of the brain to be searched for nootropic benefits, although we know nothing about it.

Also, Rita Levi demonstrated (at least with her great lifespan) that NGF augment clearly provides a lifespan increasing. Perhaps, the exp<b></b>ression 'make your dreams come true' has some wisdom. Maybe all we need and look for is dreaming awake.

I doesnt sound manic, it just seems like you took 10ml or cere ;)

You seem to have responded in a similar way than i did. I too discovered/enhanced deep meditation abilities. Did you notice any ligaments, cartilages issues ?

Cerebrolysin's effectiveness is the reason why i'm really enthousiast about nsi-189.
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#1590 sunshinefrost

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:54 PM


Edited by sunshinefrost, 13 July 2013 - 08:55 PM.

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