I would like to remind everyone that I'm still selling my Cerebrolysin. It will be shipped within the US and I want 70$ for 5x5mL and 2x10mL. I got them from Nootropic.EU and I've been storing them in the fridge just in case.
PM sent.
Posted 04 June 2013 - 08:22 PM
I would like to remind everyone that I'm still selling my Cerebrolysin. It will be shipped within the US and I want 70$ for 5x5mL and 2x10mL. I got them from Nootropic.EU and I've been storing them in the fridge just in case.
Posted 06 June 2013 - 03:34 PM
Now you talk about NSI-189, I think Cerebrolysin exerts also some effect on hippocampus. I would bet, there are little drugs in the market being nearest to the new hippocampal growth experimental drugs as Cerebrolysin. I disagree with your opinion, can't compare racetams with Cerebrolysin.
And I DO think it's one of the best medications right now for everything, it can give you a fishing rod and teach you to fish, instead of giving you the fish, as is said.
However, I agree, with the NSI-189 hype with you. The first drug developed to multiply hippocampal stem cells, wow.
Edited by spookytooth, 06 June 2013 - 04:05 PM.
Posted 06 June 2013 - 08:21 PM
Posted 18 June 2013 - 07:03 PM
Posted 18 June 2013 - 07:06 PM
Posted 25 June 2013 - 11:19 AM
Physiol Res. 1995;44(3):151-5.
Potentiation of GABAA receptor in cultured mouse hippocampal cells by brain-derived peptide mixture cerebrolysin.
Zemková H, Krůĕk J, Vyskocil F.
Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
Application of Cerebrolysin (0.1 microgram per 1 ml) by a fast microperfusion system induced an inward current of 0.2 to 1 nA in all neurones from newborn mouse hippocampi held at -30 mV membrane potential. Cerebrolysin-induced currents were reduced by the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (2 microM) by 65%, by the NMDA antagonist aminophosphovaleric acid (APV, 10 microM) by 27% and by the non-NMDA antagonist cyanonitriquinoxalinedione (CNQX, 10 microM) by 20%. Cerebrolysin dialyzed through a 3.6 kD gut did not induce any transmembrane current but potentiated the response induced by GABA (10 microM) to 135%. We conclude that, in addition to amino acids which activate GABAA, NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, Cerebrolysin also contains a peptide which potentiates the GABAA receptor response.
PMID: 8869271
Posted 01 July 2013 - 06:29 PM
Edited by Sholrak, 01 July 2013 - 06:47 PM.
Posted 01 July 2013 - 07:12 PM
Posted 02 July 2013 - 01:31 AM
Wow, very impressive results man. I'm really glad it's working for you
Are you coming from a background of any kind of abnormal brain function?
Reading this I am reminded of the awesomeness which I experienced during and after my own cycle. The majority of the effects, for me at least, seemed to remain after finishing the cycle. It's been many months now, so perhaps it's time for another one! I've been so caught up in the frenzy of novel experimentation that I forgot all about this awesome little peptide.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:25 AM
Wow, very impressive results man. I'm really glad it's working for you
Are you coming from a background of any kind of abnormal brain function?
Reading this I am reminded of the awesomeness which I experienced during and after my own cycle. The majority of the effects, for me at least, seemed to remain after finishing the cycle. It's been many months now, so perhaps it's time for another one! I've been so caught up in the frenzy of novel experimentation that I forgot all about this awesome little peptide.
Posted 02 July 2013 - 09:48 PM
Guys, an update.
I'm starting to feel the real effect, in a form which I would describe cumulative. Definitely, there is a loading phase, and I'm starting to bypass that barrier. Each day, the benefits become more extended in time during the day. They come and go, but now I can feel it almost continously now. I know they will get stronger in the next days.
From now, 8 injections 5 ml done, I'm doing it 1 of each 2 or 3 days, that way I will give time for the new shipment to come. Looks like estomach, GI and suvbjetive stress effects can be totally diluted doing each other day or every 3 days. For now, making experiments with it.
The effects, generally:
- Less anxiety
- Faster fear extinction
- Better mood, more spontaneity in spoken and social situation. My language fluidity is far correct. I look that again, I feel more eloquent as I said. My language abilities have improved.
- Better reflexes, I'm now more in control of my motor skills.
- Better smelling, which seems to be closely related to deep memories more than other senses.
- Better apreciation of sounds (including music, harmonics of every kind, scales and human voices too). I understand spoken english much more widely (the only language I speak apart of spanish)
- Better comprehension of language, sarcasm, irony, deception, etc... I feel like more human, more alive, and much more empathetic.
- I have better vision, and panoramic wiew is vastly increased. I can read body language with ridiculous easiness. I can hold more time the eye visual contact. I can read faster.
- Increased working memory, and surely also mid and long memory.
- I can wake up in the mornings without so much tiredness.
- Libido is bigger.
- A medium antidepressant state has been settled.
- And I have much more motivation and decision to do the things I want to do (this has appeared today, and is which I called the cumulative effect). I am clear, and focused almost the entire day. Like a day-lasting meditation.
And that's it. All this happens in a sincronic and automatic mode.
The effects would be described as being able to have the mental freshness you did have a teenager age. However, I'm indetifying sensations I would say match with my childhood brain and memories.
And I add, although I can say the most precise for to describe it is as having a fresher and younger brain, I never saw anything like this being younger. It's like if you take the state of mind of being clear, fresh and happy (like after a shower) and expand it to last much more.
This is amazing, guys.
And I think you can get more benefits if you do every other day or so. Let's see the long term, if this preserves like it's right now.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:42 AM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:13 AM
Edited by semi-retarded-individual, 07 July 2013 - 02:53 AM.
Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:52 AM
I'd love to try this but am trepidatious about making injections. Is there anyone using cere now that was previously inexperienced with injections? Are they difficult? What level of risk is involved or in other words, what could potential go wrong (eg: puncturing nerve/artery, injecting glass from the ampule, etc?)
What is the best site to inject at?
Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:17 AM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:10 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:23 PM
I'd love to try it as well and know how to inject intramuscularly. I usually go for the glutes (in my past life heh). Anyways, does this improve "mood" at all? I'm kind of moody and certain noots make me irritable unless I cycle off of them eg. Noopept.
Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:08 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:34 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:42 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:48 PM
I just realized about something. Right now I feel like in a dream. I have a feeling of dreaming awake. And few hours ago, was lying in my bed in a meditative/trying to sleep state. Then I realized the dreaming effect. I have felt something very spiritual. Warm and maternal. Highly meaningful thoughts about everything, family, friends, my life, Can't even start explaining how good, loving and grateful for live I feel. Things keep improving in a cascade effect. This is cool.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 12:12 AM
Edited by kobokok, 08 July 2013 - 01:06 AM.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 02:56 AM
Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:09 PM
Posted 11 July 2013 - 01:29 AM
I'm posting this here some questions I asked Everpharma.
Takes them a while to respond to questions because they get overwhelmed I'm sure.
Administration Method: What's more effective IV or IM injections? In Austria is IM ever used?
Does Cerebrolysin get 100% absorbed when doing IM injections?
Will filters filter out important peptides?
Cycle/Tolerance : Does Cerebrolysin have a tolerance?
1. Both methods of administration are equally effective; IM is less practiced due to the limitation of the dosage (up to 5 ml). In pediatric patients it is used by doctors quite often, though. We do not know exactly who is using which route of administration in Austria. Again, for pediatric patients it is highly probable that doctors use IM. Please, note pediatric use is off-label: EVER does not promote Cerebrolysin use in children.
2. It seems that absorption rate is equally good between IM and IV; however, the nature of Cerebrolysin precludes direct comparisons: we cannot generate pharmacokinetics data with a complex mixture of peptides; indirect evidence suggests that absorption is not a problem
3. What is important is what Cerebrolysin is, not what it is not… Peptides of Cerebrolysin have beneficial properties; other drugs can be developed on the basis of different composition of peptides; what is filtered out can also be potentially harmful, not only beneficial (side effects)
4. We do not have any data indicating development of tolerance toward Cerebrolysin therapeutic effect; however, as Cerebrolysin supports natural recovery processes from injuries to CNS, its effect depends on the phase of recovery (in acute disorders, like stroke) or on the phase of progressive degenerative disorder
Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:40 PM
Edited by Sholrak, 13 July 2013 - 02:27 PM.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 07:55 PM
Edited by Sholrak, 13 July 2013 - 07:57 PM.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:41 PM
I'm posting this here some questions I asked Everpharma.
Takes them a while to respond to questions because they get overwhelmed I'm sure.
Administration Method: What's more effective IV or IM injections? In Austria is IM ever used?
Does Cerebrolysin get 100% absorbed when doing IM injections?
Will filters filter out important peptides?
Cycle/Tolerance : Does Cerebrolysin have a tolerance?
1. Both methods of administration are equally effective; IM is less practiced due to the limitation of the dosage (up to 5 ml). In pediatric patients it is used by doctors quite often, though. We do not know exactly who is using which route of administration in Austria. Again, for pediatric patients it is highly probable that doctors use IM. Please, note pediatric use is off-label: EVER does not promote Cerebrolysin use in children.
2. It seems that absorption rate is equally good between IM and IV; however, the nature of Cerebrolysin precludes direct comparisons: we cannot generate pharmacokinetics data with a complex mixture of peptides; indirect evidence suggests that absorption is not a problem
3. What is important is what Cerebrolysin is, not what it is not… Peptides of Cerebrolysin have beneficial properties; other drugs can be developed on the basis of different composition of peptides; what is filtered out can also be potentially harmful, not only beneficial (side effects)
4. We do not have any data indicating development of tolerance toward Cerebrolysin therapeutic effect; however, as Cerebrolysin supports natural recovery processes from injuries to CNS, its effect depends on the phase of recovery (in acute disorders, like stroke) or on the phase of progressive degenerative disorder
Interesting answers there. I'm more curious as to how it might be beneficial to a recovered alcoholic of 7 years. I know I've damaged some of my brain and it manifests itself in the occasional, out of the blue, slurred word. I hate it. Luckily having a graduate degree and spending 'too' much time in academia has left me with a career that requires vigilance and cautious aforethought before making decisions. Decisions that impact employees. I'd love to give this compound a whirl from what I've been reading. Btw, I came across this thread and wondered if anyone has ever tried N-PEP-12 (since it's available here in Canada) and Cerebrolysin during different periods. Is there any similarity or is N-Pep-12 all hype. I don't see much about it. http://www.longecity...830#entry598830
Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:50 PM
That just sounded manic. I am not maniac, it's more of an euphoric feeling. I maintain my theory about pineal gland. Every system in my brain is becoming more balanced, maybe that correct (if not artificially perfect) functioning of my whole brain is decalcifying or at least slowing the aging of the pineal gland. I think is the only structure in brain that changes so drastically over the time, among with the hippocampus. The dream living perception makes me be sure it is related to it.
I was reading some weeks ago about fluoroquinolones poison. It seems so awful, I can't even start imaginating how it feels like. Is known, fluorides join strongly to Pineal gland, hence that poisoning is basically a deconnection between pineal and the rest of the brain. Fluoride is added to cities' water to prevent infections. That's an interesting part of the brain to be searched for nootropic benefits, although we know nothing about it.
Also, Rita Levi demonstrated (at least with her great lifespan) that NGF augment clearly provides a lifespan increasing. Perhaps, the exp<b></b>ression 'make your dreams come true' has some wisdom. Maybe all we need and look for is dreaming awake.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:54 PM
Edited by sunshinefrost, 13 July 2013 - 08:55 PM.
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