a few notes about my experience with cerebrolysin:
RussianBear's experience and annotations about the compound are very accurate for me this far, minus the negatives. I have not had a single negative experience with it, but I also have not used it for nearly as long nor am I dosing as high as he was (mine @ 5mL/day nonstop vs his 10mL/day 4 days on, 4 days off).
Colors are richer, but not overwhelming. Brain stamina, which is fairly hard to describe until you go through it, is more/less unending. Driving is much more fun, relaxing, engaging, and exhilarating while on Cerebro.
The feeling of being 'in the zone' so to speak, is pretty much every moment of every day. Emotions are easier to face. You deal with things in a very collected manner, yet everything is easy to express and articulate. There are no low points at all. When you're sad (and trust me, I've had two MAJOR life events going on that have made stress levels at all-time highs right now), you're able to handle the situations with relative ease.
I have not done any performance testing as I wasn't interested in any of that. I am a contract technology trainer for a top-five financial institution and I've increased my daily rate by 28.8% all within the boundaries and ethical means to which we are allowed to bill them. It took a little legwork, but I never would have come up with the ability to put it all together exclusively on my own. So, that real-life test has been a very, very high positive. I also plan to resume a side business and have already seen a TON of plans come together that normally wouldn't... but more importantly, the plans are already being worked through on my end. Cerebro gives you the power to formulate ideas, thoughts, and methods in your head - and the ability / drive / fortitude to follow through with them in a meaningful fashion.
I think earlier on in this thread someone mentioned how it should be used for "sports doping" (related to driving / competing / etc) and that was a very good observation.
I do not cycle it and have used it since ... April? off and on. I started at 1mL/day and felt the anxiolytic effects nicely around the 1-2mL/day dose. but there is a marked, marked difference on the entire experience at 4-5mL/day. I went to 6mL/day once and felt so good that I backed it off to 5. That's a little counterintuitive, but I'm a fan of using the lowest dose possible to achieve the results that I want. That said, I may push higher to the 7-8mL/day range over the next few months.
Hope this helps. I have dosed three different methods - IV, IM, and subQ. IV hits the fastest, but these are still a little scary as I had no experience in IM administrations prior to trying. I have done hundreds of IM/SubQ injections and I don't feel that either is more advantageous than the other, but going IM will be much less likely to leave any bumps or marks that you may see with SubQ.
I buy only from Nootropic.eu. You can get insulin or other syringes at East Coast Medical Supply, or Hocks.com as well. I have only used insulin syringes up until this point and will be using 25g 1" 3cc going forward for IM administration.
i also just typed out this entire message in about six minutes, so apologies if it's a bit jumbled. I'm listening to advisors while in the middle of it.

Oh, yes - multitasking - the whole "hack the Matrix" remark by RussianBear - spot on!!