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#1681 Passion

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:02 PM

That response to me is a perfect example of how no matter what you do to enhance yourself, some people just get it and some people don't. Why would you even bother to go against the specs and do it in your nose? Why mess with tried and true which saves the experimental process and allows you to focus on doing things that are actually significant? Why reinvent the wheel at all?

Excusing yourself and saying you're not being rude doesn't lessen the damages inflicted by your statement. Krabby has clearly shared with us some very important and disconcerting information about what could be potentially permanent damage to his brain. I know you want to come to the defense of the supplement because it's been so positive for you but that's no reason to act out in this way.

Krabby, I'm going to post your original entry here into the "Cerebrolysin Nasal Spray" thread to make sure nobody else treads this path. I really hope you recover soon and I'd like to hear how things turn out. I don't know what it is that could have gone wrong but perhaps asking around some more will get you some good speculation from the community.

So far, no one has seen anything like this from the supplement via IM injections but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Krabby's experience should not go unnoticed or unseen. Krabby has deleted his entry due to a rude response from a community member. I'm going to quote his response here if anyone is interested in reading it.

Krabby's separate post regarding adverse effects can be found here:

Note: I am not a doctor and the information above is for informational purposes only.
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#1682 nefarious one

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:16 PM

Please don't preach to me with complete bullshit. Krabby's response was deleted before I replied to it with mine - ask him yourself.

Never did I say it wasn't possible. I also would guess that Krabby has slightly larger concerns than the tone of my response, and I wish him the best in finding out the cause / cure for his pain. If you're unable to comprehend any of my writings, perhaps you should move on, as I am now.
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#1683 CatChelator

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:51 AM

I liked NSI189 on paper a lot. But I'm glad the group of you all did trial it because I would have wasted a fair amount of money on the stuff otherwise. I decided to forego the use of it as I really just don't need anything beyond Cerebro at this point.

Why are you turned off NSI? Seems like its getting good feedback...

Re Cerebro: finished my two orders, 400mls over 4 or 5 months into the thigh. The injections were starting to get a bit harder, started getting some leg twitches and spasm, maybe just from jabbing of the muscle? Not sure. Far as I can tell, it's made a positive impact on my life and abilities. I'll be going back for more over time. Maybe I'll combine with NSI if the 2nd buy takes off. Add it to the Lith orotate, NAC, Omega 3, TAU and ALCAR and I should have super powers. :ph34r:
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#1684 nefarious one

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 02:27 PM

The feedback seems quite mixed to me thus far. It's enough to make me not go forward with it. I really need nothing else than Cerebro. :)
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#1685 uppercut1991

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 04:01 PM

I recently finished my nearly month cere cycle. For the first two weeks i definitely felt the positive effects for my resistant depression, i described them earlier in the thread, these effects were not consistent, but after two weeks i felt nothing all positive effects vanished. What's more i noticed that on my skin appeared a lot of moles, before taking cere i had some but within month nearly twice as many came out, mainly on chest, back and arms. I hope they disappear but i doubt that. So my experience with cere is rather dissapoiting.

#1686 nefarious one

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 04:02 PM

What dose and duration did you run? (daily, cycling, etc).
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#1687 uppercut1991

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 07:07 PM

i took 5 ml a day for 25 days with one day off after every five days.

#1688 xsiv1

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 07:57 PM

i took 5 ml a day for 25 days with one day off after every five days.

Were you using the same source as most people in this thread? Not saying it's the source but perhaps a variable. Otherwise it could entirely be your response from it.

#1689 nefarious one

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 10:07 PM

That's just unimaginable that you'd see no benefits at that dose. What's your diet like? Activity level / exercise routine? Profession?

source is either eventually going to be Ever Pharma or Renacentz. I'm sure his stuff was legit.
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#1690 Passion

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 07:37 AM

Today is the third day of my second five-day cycle. I'm dosing 10ml per day with a 2 day break every five days. The effects range from "extremely noticeable" to "not such a big deal". Here's a breakdown of my experience...

Day 1: I dosed at night time on day 0 and I actually felt some negative effects right after the dose. I used a 22G needle because that's all I had available to me. It could have been negative placebo, but I felt almost like I was on a roller coaster or like I had my head full of air. The next morning though, I woke up with exuberant energy and I really noticed the positive effects. The air-in-head feeling was still there but I was sharp, energetic and powerful. This wore off by night time though and I was left with that airy feeling.

Day 2: Still dosing at night but this time I used a 27G needle. I didn't feel a whole lot in the morning but still the same negative effects at night.

Days 3-5: These were all the same as Day 2.

Days 6-7 (OFF DAYS): These two days were horrible and full of exhaustion. It required significant energy to think, move, or do much of anything. This is blurred by the fact that I got very little sleep and a lot of stress on these two days due to work circumstances but I've been under similar circumstances before and never felt this way.

Days 8-10: I'm actually at the end of day 10 now. On day 8, I managed to get a hold of several 25G needles. I suspected the 27G needles were too small for some reason. I might be right because on these days, I felt a significant boost in focus. Still nothing out of this world like when I first used Piracetam, but quite powerful nonetheless. I also changed my dosing here to dose in the mornings before work. Worse negative effects came on these days though. Although I'm focused and full of energy in the daytime, I'm completely exhausted, lethargic and depleted in the evenings. I can barely get myself to even read or cook anymore. I'm so completely exhausted and lazy and just generally unmotivated. It was the worst on day 8, still pretty bad on day 9, and somewhat manageable on day 10. Here's to hoping the negatives continue to diminish.

Any thoughts on these experiences? I read something about CERE depleting glutathione, so I bought some NAC as well as sublingual glutathione and I'm waiting for it in the mail now.
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#1691 spookytooth

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 11:25 AM

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

#1692 nefarious one

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 01:29 PM

I can tell you the 27g has nothing to do with it, because I've done up to six 1mL shots per day with a 31g insulin syringe and seen the same benefits. obviously a 31g is smaller than a 27g.

other than that, I really don't know what to say. I'd call anything that enabled me to raise my yearly income by 33% as significant, albeit 'miracle drug' would be a stretch for me on anything. I'd be hard-pressed to base it off of a week's trial, as the stuff (in my experience at least) takes a solid 10 days to accumulate in your system. I have no idea as to the half-life of the stuff, i'm going purely anecdotally here. Of course, you see benefits after the first shot, but just putting it all in perspective.

I'm really more convinced that the stuff is to be used by those with high stress / demanding / high pressure situations / lifestyles / etc. anyway, that's all. :)

#1693 Sholrak

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 05:58 PM

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

It's not a miracle but it's simply one of the best (if not the best) we actually have. Miracles don't exist but Cere is the nearest to that available right now.

I hope to see you saying the same with every other drugs commented in this forum. There's a lot of crap people call miracles very easily, not precisely Cerebrolysin.

#1694 spookytooth

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:10 PM

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

It's not a miracle but it's simply one of the best (if not the best) we actually have. Miracles don't exist but Cere is the nearest to that available right now.

I hope to see you saying the same with every other drugs commented in this forum. There's a lot of crap people call miracles very easily, not precisely Cerebrolysin.

I agree with you 100% and I do consider Cerebrolysin the best nootropic available.
I am just very wary and a little weary of people claiming miraculous efficacy (for basically every psychological/neurological ailment there is) which has been the case a number of times.
You can find the same kind of exaggerated claims on websites/forums about homeopathy etc which goes to show that our own perception of a drug's efficacy is more than flawed.
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#1695 Passion

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:11 PM

Sholrak (and everyone else), do you dose in the morning or at night?

#1696 spookytooth

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:17 PM

Sholrak (and everyone else), do you dose in the morning or at night?

In the morning. I take Cerebrolysin most of the time but after I take a break it can be quite stimulating for a few days which would keep me awake at night if I dosed too late.

#1697 nefarious one

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:36 PM

lol @ placebo. I assure you a 33% increase in net income isn't exactly placebo! But I respect your point. Homeopathy is a joke in itself, and shouldn't really be compared.

#1698 spookytooth

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:54 PM

lol @ placebo. I assure you a 33% increase in net income isn't exactly placebo! But I respect your point. Homeopathy is a joke in itself, and shouldn't really be compared.

You do not know how it would have went without Cerebrolysin. The 33% might just be coincidence. That is why to truly judge a drug's efficacy and to rule out chance large randomized double-blind studies/RCTs are needed. I consider a healthy amount of scepticism crucial when dealing with medications and life in general.

That aside I'm glad Cerebrolysin worked out well for you! :) If I weren't a "fan" I wouldn't take it more or less everyday.
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#1699 nefarious one

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 06:59 PM


I've been in this position (job) for 18 months prior to finding the loopholes. I'm pretty sure it was the cerebro, but OK.

I'm signing off this thread. Obviously people want to find a reason for things NOT to work instead of embracing what is in front of them. Be well.
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#1700 spookytooth

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 07:01 PM


I've been in this position (job) for 18 months prior to finding the loopholes. I'm pretty sure it was the cerebro, but OK.

I'm signing off this thread. Obviously people want to find a reason for things NOT to work instead of embracing what is in front of them. Be well.

Chill ^^
Nobody's saying Cerebrolysin doesn't work. I am just promoting some scepticism towards our own perception of the medications we use ;)
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#1701 Heh

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 08:58 PM

I've been a fan of Cerebrolysin for ages. I have tried everything under the Sun to no avail, so I hope my adventure into Cerebrolysin land won't be futile.

#1702 CatChelator

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 11:52 PM

lol @ placebo. I assure you a 33% increase in net income isn't exactly placebo! But I respect your point. Homeopathy is a joke in itself, and shouldn't really be compared.

33% increased income isn't the placebo effect itself of course, but it could very well result from the improved health and mental state that is caused by the placebo effect.

Placebo effect isn't about imagined results, it's relating to the real benefits caused by thinking that you're doing something to treat whatever ailment. Placebo effect is real and complex.

The best way we can evaluate all of our experiences on longecity is to assume that placebo effect is playing some role in all outcomes. Ie assume it's present at all times, along side the direct benefits of treatment.

We all inherently want to believe that we're aware of placebo enough to mitigate its involvement, not sure it's that easy though.

Having said that, I love cerebro. Pretty sure it has helped raise my grades. But, maybe that's just placebo. :)
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#1703 spookytooth

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Posted 15 September 2013 - 02:14 PM

lol @ placebo. I assure you a 33% increase in net income isn't exactly placebo! But I respect your point. Homeopathy is a joke in itself, and shouldn't really be compared.

33% increased income isn't the placebo effect itself of course, but it could very well result from the improved health and mental state that is caused by the placebo effect.

Placebo effect isn't about imagined results, it's relating to the real benefits caused by thinking that you're doing something to treat whatever ailment. Placebo effect is real and complex.

The best way we can evaluate all of our experiences on longecity is to assume that placebo effect is playing some role in all outcomes. Ie assume it's present at all times, along side the direct benefits of treatment.

We all inherently want to believe that we're aware of placebo enough to mitigate its involvement, not sure it's that easy though.

Having said that, I love cerebro. Pretty sure it has helped raise my grades. But, maybe that's just placebo. :)

Very well put!

Edited by spookytooth, 15 September 2013 - 02:15 PM.

#1704 Plasticperson

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 05:50 PM

That response to me is a perfect example of how no matter what you do to enhance yourself, some people just get it and some people don't. Why would you even bother to go against the specs and do it in your nose? Why mess with tried and true which saves the experimental process and allows you to focus on doing things that are actually significant? Why reinvent the wheel at all?

Excusing yourself and saying you're not being rude doesn't lessen the damages inflicted by your statement. Krabby has clearly shared with us some very important and disconcerting information about what could be potentially permanent damage to his brain. I know you want to come to the defense of the supplement because it's been so positive for you but that's no reason to act out in this way.

Krabby, I'm going to post your original entry here into the "Cerebrolysin Nasal Spray" thread to make sure nobody else treads this path. I really hope you recover soon and I'd like to hear how things turn out. I don't know what it is that could have gone wrong but perhaps asking around some more will get you some good speculation from the community.

So far, no one has seen anything like this from the supplement via IM injections but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Krabby's experience should not go unnoticed or unseen. Krabby has deleted his entry due to a rude response from a community member. I'm going to quote his response here if anyone is interested in reading it.

Krabby's separate post regarding adverse effects can be found here:

Note: I am not a doctor and the information above is for informational purposes only.

You need to stop protesting against intra nasal with your posts about krabby. He deleted his post because it was exaggerated.

Everyone is going to respond different, especially someone with gaba A/B agonism/potentiation sensitivity.

Iv'e been taking cere intranasally at a dose of about 1-1.2 ml a day and have had nothing but amazing results. I actually think it works way better than iv/im. However, duration is decreased and a redose throughout the day is needed.
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#1705 Perception-Is-Reality

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Posted 17 September 2013 - 11:50 PM

Would cerebrolysin be absorbed aptly if taken subcutaneously? I know IM injections are the norm, because their absorbed faster; however I'm wondering if the bioavability would be the same if administered subcutaneously.
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#1706 protoject

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 12:45 AM

sooo is cerebrolysin availible in vials sealed with rubber yet? Or should I still inject glass into my hip??

#1707 CatChelator

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 02:45 PM

I've noticed a relapse into compulsive and impulsive tendencies post cycle. Would be great if clinical trials were able to be conducted into Cere treatment of bipolar and OCD. Considering neural atrophy theories of depression and other mental illness (schizophrenia for example) you would think Cere's potential to treat these would have led to broader clinical testing. Also has potential to treat Post Chemo Cognitive Impairment.

On another point, has anyone combined Cere and NSI?

#1708 Sholrak

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Posted 05 October 2013 - 03:44 AM

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

It's not a miracle but it's simply one of the best (if not the best) we actually have. Miracles don't exist but Cere is the nearest to that available right now.

I hope to see you saying the same with every other drugs commented in this forum. There's a lot of crap people call miracles very easily, not precisely Cerebrolysin.

I agree with you 100% and I do consider Cerebrolysin the best nootropic available.
I am just very wary and a little weary of people claiming miraculous efficacy (for basically every psychological/neurological ailment there is) which has been the case a number of times.
You can find the same kind of exaggerated claims on websites/forums about homeopathy etc which goes to show that our own perception of a drug's efficacy is more than flawed.

Nobody said it's miraculous. Maybe I said something but you have to read things between lines. You can see as I talked too it's a valid tool for almost everything and this is not a joke I'm afraid. That doesn't mean it will be the cure to every malaise in world. It won't make you become a genius. But again, negate the power (or probability, if you want) to induce conscience changes in either healthy or not healthy humans? I would desire to see a drug with such a safety profile, and such a pronounced effect on learning, anxiety, depression, somatization, libido, mood, motivation, sleep...

Your opinion is yours. I keep thinking with this you can improve almost every mental condition.

#1709 spookytooth

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Posted 05 October 2013 - 06:43 AM

I've noticed a relapse into compulsive and impulsive tendencies post cycle. Would be great if clinical trials were able to be conducted into Cere treatment of bipolar and OCD. Considering neural atrophy theories of depression and other mental illness (schizophrenia for example) you would think Cere's potential to treat these would have led to broader clinical testing. Also has potential to treat Post Chemo Cognitive Impairment.

On another point, has anyone combined Cere and NSI?

I have used NSI in combination with Cerebrolysin since I started using NSI. In the beginning this combination was ridiculously stimulating although this effect has faded and I don't get a lot of acute effects anymore. Maybe I am just used to the effects by now to the extend that I just don't notice them anymore. I guess I'll see when I run out of NSI.

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

It's not a miracle but it's simply one of the best (if not the best) we actually have. Miracles don't exist but Cere is the nearest to that available right now.

I hope to see you saying the same with every other drugs commented in this forum. There's a lot of crap people call miracles very easily, not precisely Cerebrolysin.

I agree with you 100% and I do consider Cerebrolysin the best nootropic available.
I am just very wary and a little weary of people claiming miraculous efficacy (for basically every psychological/neurological ailment there is) which has been the case a number of times.
You can find the same kind of exaggerated claims on websites/forums about homeopathy etc which goes to show that our own perception of a drug's efficacy is more than flawed.

Nobody said it's miraculous. Maybe I said something but you have to read things between lines. You can see as I talked too it's a valid tool for almost everything and this is not a joke I'm afraid. That doesn't mean it will be the cure to every malaise in world. It won't make you become a genius. But again, negate the power (or probability, if you want) to induce conscience changes in either healthy or not healthy humans? I would desire to see a drug with such a safety profile, and such a pronounced effect on learning, anxiety, depression, somatization, libido, mood, motivation, sleep...

Your opinion is yours. I keep thinking with this you can improve almost every mental condition.

I am not a fan of personal opinions which is why I mentioned the phrase "Let's stay scientific" a couple of times. Do you have any evidence for those claims except for your personal experience?

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#1710 Sholrak

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Posted 07 October 2013 - 01:24 PM

I've noticed a relapse into compulsive and impulsive tendencies post cycle. Would be great if clinical trials were able to be conducted into Cere treatment of bipolar and OCD. Considering neural atrophy theories of depression and other mental illness (schizophrenia for example) you would think Cere's potential to treat these would have led to broader clinical testing. Also has potential to treat Post Chemo Cognitive Impairment.

On another point, has anyone combined Cere and NSI?

I have used NSI in combination with Cerebrolysin since I started using NSI. In the beginning this combination was ridiculously stimulating although this effect has faded and I don't get a lot of acute effects anymore. Maybe I am just used to the effects by now to the extend that I just don't notice them anymore. I guess I'll see when I run out of NSI.

Although Cerebrolysin is great and I AM a big fan it is not quite the miracle drug some users portray it to be.

It's not a miracle but it's simply one of the best (if not the best) we actually have. Miracles don't exist but Cere is the nearest to that available right now.

I hope to see you saying the same with every other drugs commented in this forum. There's a lot of crap people call miracles very easily, not precisely Cerebrolysin.

I agree with you 100% and I do consider Cerebrolysin the best nootropic available.
I am just very wary and a little weary of people claiming miraculous efficacy (for basically every psychological/neurological ailment there is) which has been the case a number of times.
You can find the same kind of exaggerated claims on websites/forums about homeopathy etc which goes to show that our own perception of a drug's efficacy is more than flawed.

Nobody said it's miraculous. Maybe I said something but you have to read things between lines. You can see as I talked too it's a valid tool for almost everything and this is not a joke I'm afraid. That doesn't mean it will be the cure to every malaise in world. It won't make you become a genius. But again, negate the power (or probability, if you want) to induce conscience changes in either healthy or not healthy humans? I would desire to see a drug with such a safety profile, and such a pronounced effect on learning, anxiety, depression, somatization, libido, mood, motivation, sleep...

Your opinion is yours. I keep thinking with this you can improve almost every mental condition.

I am not a fan of personal opinions which is why I mentioned the phrase "Let's stay scientific" a couple of times. Do you have any evidence for those claims except for your personal experience?

Well we try to stay scientific which is a different thing than telling a subjective experience with a drug. I have all this thread with the abundant positive feedback, and a lots of studies have been done and are available in Scholar. It can influence cholinergic system, GABA receptors density and surely it has some dopamine/serotonin regulating effect, as well as an adrenal improvement. It also slows EEG wavelenght. Just take a look.

About filters, I do have a solid veredict now. I have been feeling an almost imperceptible pain or stiff (pseudo-sciatic maybe?) near the ventrogluteal site, where I injected. I had barely noted it but surely, this is not a harmful thing at least at short-term. BUT, I recommend using filter needles always just in case. I will be ordering for sure some monoject filter needles for the next time. Just find a site-shop where they're not very expensive. I saw yesterday a good deal, 100x per 25 $. We have not excuse to avoid filters, neither the price, in my opinion.


There should be more sites like this, with no medical permission required to order.

Edited by Sholrak, 07 October 2013 - 01:29 PM.

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