Thanks again.
Edited by SLR2009, 13 November 2013 - 10:38 PM.
Posted 13 November 2013 - 10:37 PM
Edited by SLR2009, 13 November 2013 - 10:38 PM.
Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:15 PM
Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:51 PM
Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:05 PM
A good reminder to have in mind, by russianBEAR:
Well, if you guys are still interested in hearing all about Cerebrolysine and how it compares to other similar drugs...
I live in Russia so we have the widest possible variety of nootropics available mostly over the counter, and mostly without prescription (pharmacies are all about cash here).
Basically I've done pretty much every "smart drug" you can name both as part of some kind of a "monthly cycle/course" alone, as well as in a variety of combinations.
As far as Cerebrolysine goes, yeah it's expensive as **** and it's also very effective. I've worked an incredibly stressful job where you have to work very very fast under enormous amounts of pressure, and one even small mistake can lead to you being fired or worse. Basically doing something that takes 10-15 minutes in 30 seconds was the absolute norm in the workplace at the time (24-hour television news, working in the directors gallery where the stuff airs from, what can I say it was crazy, glad I moved to a lower-stress department).
I was taking up to 10 ml of cerebrolysine daily at work though I/M injections, easily for a good 6 months if not more. (Usually in 2 injections, although I've shot 10ml straight up before in one large syringe) Since I worked in 4-day shifts, I'd usually go 4 days on and then 4 days off to cool off my neuronsThat easily allowed me to handle all the stresses, and I was one of the best at that particular job. Despite having abused illegal drugs in the past and being a frequent cannabis smoker, I experienced little to no "stoner burnout" and was able to concentrate and perform tasks faster than most of my colleagues at the same experience level. After a long 12-hour work day, after which a normal brain turns to mush, I was still fresh and eager to go out with friends/ see girls etc, while otherwise I'd be drained and only wanting to sleep.
So instead of rambling on further, let me just break down some effects and side-effects, short and long term:
-This stuff has a MARKED anti-depressant effect. You basically feel like back in the happiest moments of your childhood. Everyone has had one of those days when they're just "on fire" and "on top of the game". With Cerebrolysine, pretty much every day is like that - you're not overly happy or vegetated like off standard anti-depressants, but you're "on point" at whatever you do. Stuff like your subconscious and conscious fears all go right out of the window, and it has a bit of a socially-inhibiting effect too.
-If you thought weed gets you the munchies, wait till you try this stuff. When you first start on this cycle, you get hungry as a SAVAGE. I usually eat just enough to be full, not overly gorged, but this stuff had me tearing up huge meals and not even feeling incapacitated by everything I just ate. I'd attribute this to the fact that with all the additional peptides and stuff, your body needs more nutrition. Sort of like adding B-vitamins to stuff like Pyritinol or even good old 5-HTP.
-Cerebrolysine helps alleviate most, if not all symptoms of post-intoxication syndrome for illicit drugs. I once gave my friend a shot after his most recent cocaine binge and he turned from a pale shadow who was about to pass out back to his normal self - energetic, enthusiastic, and motivated. Plus his foul mood and edginess were completely gone. It also seems to ease the alcohol-related hangover better than some other substances (although many nootropics are much better for that IMO since they're GABA-active). My other friend also liked taking it as a "corrector agent" for other nootropics/supplements, claiming it helped alleviate certain unwanted effects of piracetam, while preventing one from overloading on one particular amino acid too much. I personally avoid ALL other substances when doing cerebrolysine. It simply overshadows them all for me.
-They definitely put some kind of a painkiller in there. Shooting cortexin (which is similar, but I like it alot less, as it "vegetates" and sedates me too much to where I'm more mentally capable, but simply don't care) without a novacaine solution is literally a huge pain in the rear, while shooting straight cerebrolysine into my tiny tricep with a huge needle made my whole arm go numb for a short time, like an anastetic would.
-I've measured my blood pressure several times before and after the injections, and there is a slight blood pressure elevation. If you inject too fast, the heart rate jumps and you may sweat profusely. However it gives you a nice sort of a "rush" to where you feel very relaxed, but not incapacitated or drugged by any stretch of imagination. The headaches are there, but are very slight, and usually start about 2-3 hours after the injection.
-The long-term effects aren't so pleasant. There is an increasing feeling of "mounting personal hell" as I like to call it. Basically, all the negative traits of one's character seem to be unnaturally emphasized and underlined in your mind, while the positives seem little and insignificant. It doesn't really manifest itself in a severe form to others, but you may feel "grumpy" and "dissatisfied" even when you seem to be razor-sharp mentally. A good comparision would be some rich spoiled kid who has everything throwing tantrums and breaking stuff, just because he is rich and spoiled. Several of my friends reported very similar mental side effects. This is what initially led me to stop taking it by "tapering down" (I don't think it's a good method by the way, but since I was doin it daily for a while I decided for a slower descent). A .5 ml less every day for several days, then a week at 1ml and then 0.5 and then you're shooting colored water for placebo effects
- Some people report a HUGE boost in their sexual activity. I noticed only a slight boost![]()
- When you're off the cerebrolysine, you feel like it's a bad day for no reason (see above having a top of your game day for no reason lol). I didn't notice any significant negative long-term effects on my cognitive processes. On the contrary I seem to be able to concentrate better at any time, without taking any substances, or even after smoking a lot of weed. I'm now able to "zone in" on something more completely and do better at focusing.
-This stuff has very strong and powerful overall effects, it is the most effective out of injectable nootropics/smart drugs that I've tried. Cortexin doesn't even come close, and various Cerebrolysine derivatives (we ahve a Cerebrolysate here) are nothin more than cheap imitations.
I've decided for another mini-cycle just now, about 3 years after that last lengthy episode. I'm sticking to what the doctors here recommend: 5ml every OTHER day. Seems to be the correct dosage and schedule.
I hope it doesn't sound too much like promo for the Austrian pharmaceuticals company which makes this stuff. It's really not somethin you want to mess around with if you don't know what you're doing.
Well all this is true as well.
Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:34 PM
Cerebrolysin sounds like it's definitely up your alley (high stress, business owner, etc). I'd say 5ml/day (up to 10ml if really mentally stressed) should be good enough. Once a quarter should work, but you could inject more frequently (up to once every.. other month) if you feel the effect wearing off.Hi all,
I just heard about this drug from a doctor friend, she's a middle aged woman and apparently takes it once a year. She didn't mention the dosage, but i'm assuming its 1 injection ~5ml.
Is this too small a dosage to be effective?
I'm a young healthy man in my early twenties running my own business. It gets mentally draining working long hours and having to make decisions and design strategies on a daily basis. Basically dealing with mentally challenging tasks and stress.
I'm starting piracetam at 1600mg X 2 doses daily too.
Please let me know your thoughts on the recommended cerebrolysin dosage required for healthy individuals and relevant studies if any.
Edited by Joel, 17 November 2013 - 09:36 PM.
Posted 18 November 2013 - 02:29 AM
Posted 18 November 2013 - 03:49 AM
Posted 18 November 2013 - 04:37 PM
I would try 5 ml every 48 hours. Seems the razonable way to me, as a dose's effect lasts almost two days. Definitely the path to go with this. This is not a substance you wanna 'burn' continously like any regular with "daily/weekly routine" schedule, but a one you wanna slowly enjoy and adjust over the time.
It's a big missunderstanding it spoils the character in any form. It doesn't spoils, it enhances it. But long term has it's own contras, ie. you can feel you are aware of almost everything a human mind should/could be. It's oppressing if you do too much of it, how you can see every detail in the picture. Nothing to worry about really as the benefits hugely counter the contras
There are two modes: 5 days on/2 off during 4 weeks AND every other day during a month (15 doses). In any case, you'll have to wait two months off before restarting wiht these cycles.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 08:35 PM
Posted 21 November 2013 - 01:22 AM
Edited by Braziliandude, 21 November 2013 - 01:23 AM.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 03:01 AM
Posted 22 November 2013 - 11:50 AM
Edited by Flex, 22 November 2013 - 11:54 AM.
Posted 22 November 2013 - 11:24 PM
Posted 22 November 2013 - 11:31 PM
Posted 23 November 2013 - 09:33 PM
Edited by formergenius, 23 November 2013 - 09:36 PM.
Posted 24 November 2013 - 12:09 AM
Posted 24 November 2013 - 09:37 AM
It is; this is where I bought mine I believe. It's paramount to have a proper set, setting, and sitter! I failed in all these regards and had a rather difficult experience. Preferably a person with a little medical background (i.e. able to reaffirm to you that your heart is fine; which may or may not do funny things one Iboga) and do it somewhere where you feel seems like this is a reliable source its from holland
Posted 24 November 2013 - 06:14 PM
Posted 24 November 2013 - 08:09 PM
I did. "Reset brain" sounded quite attractive. Didn't work. PM sent. Now back on topic pleasedid u actually use the ibogaine? for what? whats the outcome ??
Posted 25 November 2013 - 01:22 AM
Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:02 AM
Cerebrolysin sounds like it's definitely up your alley (high stress, business owner, etc). I'd say 5ml/day (up to 10ml if really mentally stressed) should be good enough. Once a quarter should work, but you could inject more frequently (up to once every.. other month) if you feel the effect wearing off.Hi all,
I just heard about this drug from a doctor friend, she's a middle aged woman and apparently takes it once a year. She didn't mention the dosage, but i'm assuming its 1 injection ~5ml.
Is this too small a dosage to be effective?
I'm a young healthy man in my early twenties running my own business. It gets mentally draining working long hours and having to make decisions and design strategies on a daily basis. Basically dealing with mentally challenging tasks and stress.
I'm starting piracetam at 1600mg X 2 doses daily too.
Please let me know your thoughts on the recommended cerebrolysin dosage required for healthy individuals and relevant studies if any.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:48 AM
What dosage should I take for the brain damage which I have?
Would 10 ml be sufficient or would 20 ml (or more) be what I would need?
I should do this 5 days a week for 1 month? I then stop for 2 months and start the treatment again if I wanted?
I think I feel better going off my anti-depressants before I start this.
I can't do the IV myself, who would be able to do this for me? A hospital?
Edited by SLR2009, 25 November 2013 - 05:49 AM.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 09:58 AM
Posted 25 November 2013 - 12:22 PM
What dosage should I take for the brain damage which I have?
Would 10 ml be sufficient or would 20 ml (or more) be what I would need?
I should do this 5 days a week for 1 month? I then stop for 2 months and start the treatment again if I wanted?
I think I feel better going off my anti-depressants before I start this.
I can't do the IV myself, who would be able to do this for me? A hospital?
Anyone? Please help.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 12:34 PM
Posted 25 November 2013 - 02:25 PM
I think it would be good to do it for one month. The effect eventually wears off after about 2-3 months, hence the reason for redoing it. I think there is a graph somewhere that shows the steady decline after stopping, but I can't remember where it is or what it was measuring.Cerebrolysin sounds like it's definitely up your alley (high stress, business owner, etc). I'd say 5ml/day (up to 10ml if really mentally stressed) should be good enough. Once a quarter should work, but you could inject more frequently (up to once every.. other month) if you feel the effect wearing off.Hi all,
I just heard about this drug from a doctor friend, she's a middle aged woman and apparently takes it once a year. She didn't mention the dosage, but i'm assuming its 1 injection ~5ml.
Is this too small a dosage to be effective?
I'm a young healthy man in my early twenties running my own business. It gets mentally draining working long hours and having to make decisions and design strategies on a daily basis. Basically dealing with mentally challenging tasks and stress.
I'm starting piracetam at 1600mg X 2 doses daily too.
Please let me know your thoughts on the recommended cerebrolysin dosage required for healthy individuals and relevant studies if any.
The schedule recommended by my friend is 10ml/day 5 days on 2 days off for a total of 100ml. She does this once a year and i don't think she will give me more if I ask for it for fear of my well being.
My question is, are there any long term changes in your brain (negative/positive) or is this a kind of drug that fades as soon as you go off it?
Will I end up dumber or go back to baseline if I go off it for a prolonged period (few years)?
Also since this drug is used predominantly in older folks and people with brain damage, what's the long term effect on young healthy individuals as they approach middle- old age without continuing this drug?
Appreciate any input or researches.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:20 PM
How did you feel before starting this routine?Today is the third day of my second five-day cycle. I'm dosing 10ml per day with a 2 day break every five days. The effects range from "extremely noticeable" to "not such a big deal". Here's a breakdown of my experience...
Any thoughts on these experiences? I read something about CERE depleting glutathione, so I bought some NAC as well as sublingual glutathione and I'm waiting for it in the mail now.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 03:26 PM
I should add that some regenerative effects are "permanent."I think it would be good to do it for one month. The effect eventually wears off after about 2-3 months, hence the reason for redoing it. I think there is a graph somewhere that shows the steady decline after stopping, but I can't remember where it is or what it was measuring.Cerebrolysin sounds like it's definitely up your alley (high stress, business owner, etc). I'd say 5ml/day (up to 10ml if really mentally stressed) should be good enough. Once a quarter should work, but you could inject more frequently (up to once every.. other month) if you feel the effect wearing off.Hi all,
I just heard about this drug from a doctor friend, she's a middle aged woman and apparently takes it once a year. She didn't mention the dosage, but i'm assuming its 1 injection ~5ml.
Is this too small a dosage to be effective?
I'm a young healthy man in my early twenties running my own business. It gets mentally draining working long hours and having to make decisions and design strategies on a daily basis. Basically dealing with mentally challenging tasks and stress.
I'm starting piracetam at 1600mg X 2 doses daily too.
Please let me know your thoughts on the recommended cerebrolysin dosage required for healthy individuals and relevant studies if any.
The schedule recommended by my friend is 10ml/day 5 days on 2 days off for a total of 100ml. She does this once a year and i don't think she will give me more if I ask for it for fear of my well being.
My question is, are there any long term changes in your brain (negative/positive) or is this a kind of drug that fades as soon as you go off it?
Will I end up dumber or go back to baseline if I go off it for a prolonged period (few years)?
Also since this drug is used predominantly in older folks and people with brain damage, what's the long term effect on young healthy individuals as they approach middle- old age without continuing this drug?
Appreciate any input or researches.
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