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Guest suggestions

podcast members suggestions

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#1 Mind

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 01:47 PM

Please add suggestions for interview guests below, including a link to the guests bio or page and some questions you'd like to see them asked.

Previous guests include:
  • Aaron Drake
  • Anne Corwin
  • Arthur De Vany
  • Aubrey de Grey
  • Ben Goertzel
  • Calvin Mercer
  • Christine Peterson
  • David Gobel
  • Didier Coeurnelle
  • Dr. Brian Wowk
  • Eliezer Yudkowsky
  • Eric Schulke
  • Felicia Nimue Ackerman
  • Gary Taubes
  • Geordie Rose
  • Geordie Rose
  • George Dvorsky
  • Hugo De Garis
  • Jacque Fresco
  • James Clement
  • Jan Gruber
  • John Schloendorn
  • John Schloendorn
  • Josh Mitteldorf
  • Kelsey Moody
  • Kevin Perrott
  • Kevin Warwick
  • Luigi Fontana
  • Mark Hamalainen
  • Max More
  • Michael Anissimov
  • Michael Rose
  • Paul Wakfer
  • Peter Passaro
  • Randal Koene
  • Robin Hanson
  • Ronald Klatz
  • Scott Miller
  • Shannon Vyff
  • SJ Olshansky
  • Susan Fonseca-Klein
  • Tanya Jones
  • Terry Grossman
  • Tobiloba Oni
  • Todd Huffman
  • Tom Mooney
  • Vijay Pande
  • William Davis

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Edited by caliban, 09 March 2013 - 03:41 AM.

#2 caliban

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Posted 12 January 2012 - 09:54 PM

Ilia on LE in Israel


John Schloendorn


Martine Rothblatt

Eliezer Yudkowsky


2x supporters: Obama & Republican on who's better for LE

BJ Klein

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 12 January 2012 - 11:15 PM

Bill Andrews has been in the news, is on an interesting path, is trying to become a new face to put to the cause which I think helps the cause, and he is currently out looking for publicity to try to secure some more funds for his projects.
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#4 Shepard

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

Not sure if this one is feasible, but Marvin Minsky would be interesting.


I second the suggestion of Bruce.

David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg (guys behind The Methuselah Generation documentary)

#5 Shepard

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Posted 20 January 2012 - 05:04 PM

Some of our members in the nutrition section might be interested to hear from any of these people:

Petro Dobromylskyj
Stephan Guyenet
Chris Masterjohn
Mark Sisson
Seth Roberts
Mathieu Lalonde

I'm not giving a personal endoresement for any of these, but they should be known by anyone that follows the current trend of "paleo". A mention on their blogs (where applicable) certainly wouldn't hurt our traffic, either.
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#6 rwac

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 07:21 PM

Moustapha Kassem is Anders' (of imminst/M&M fame) father, he's done some research on longevity. Wonder if he might be interested in giving us an interview.



#7 Mind

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 10:32 PM

Thanks for all the good suggestions everyone!

#8 mpe

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Posted 10 May 2012 - 06:05 AM

Carl Lenore from SuperHuman Radio would make a great guest

#9 caliban

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Posted 20 July 2012 - 08:42 PM

Kenneth Hayworth

#10 Mind

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:19 PM

Recently I have sent out invitations to:

Suzanne Sommers
Dr. Oz
Chris Masterjohn
Carl Lenore
Moustapha Kassem
Dean Ornish
Martine Rothblatt

No responses yet.

I sent an invitation to Leon Kass but he politely declined.

Will send an invitation to Bill Andrews and Marios Kyriazis this week.

#11 Ares

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:34 PM

Cynthia Kenyon would be interesting, in the subject of aging:


#12 YOLF

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 04:39 PM

Logan Laplante

Ashley Hesseltine (Witty + Pretty)
Cryonics (sorta):

Was also thinking she would make a good Guest Editor.

#13 YOLF

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Posted 11 May 2015 - 11:06 PM

Keith Henson on the topic of futurism.

#14 Mind

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 06:11 PM

Thanks Peter! Will reach out today.

#15 sthira

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Posted 12 May 2015 - 06:22 PM

Steven Spindler
Michael Rae

Edited by sthira, 12 May 2015 - 06:23 PM.

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#16 jroseland

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 11:56 AM

Let me know if you think these guests would make interesting interviews on the Longecity Now podcast. Some of these you may have heard of, some are lesser known...

Dr. Mark Ashton Smith, brain training software developer

Zoltan Istvan, Author & Politician
Nikola Danaylov w/Singularity weblog
Jason Silva, Philosopher
Ginger Campbell, MD w/Brain Science Podcast
Ramez Naam, Author
Martin Ford, Silicon Valley Entrepreneur
Bill Andrews, Sierra Sciences, LLC
Julio Ferrari, MS & Tony Larson on Kratom
Gwern, Biohacker
Max More and Natasha Vita-More, authors
Any other suggestions?

#17 The Ripper

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Posted 25 October 2015 - 03:08 PM

Dr Rhonda Patrick

#18 Antonio2014

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Posted 28 October 2015 - 08:20 AM

Any other suggestions?


Maybe you can make a poll so we can vote?

#19 onz

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 03:26 AM

I've messaged Ryan Bethencourt and he said he's happy to do an interview if we're interested. He's one of the pioneer's of the community lab movement amongst a lot of other projects.




#20 alc

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 12:07 AM

Here is my suggestion list:



Jan Karlsreder @ Salk Institute - http://www.salk.edu/.../jan-karlseder/

Michael Fossel @ Telocyte - http://www.telocyte.com/

Maria Blasco @ CNIO - https://www.cnio.es/...ulum.asp?pag=39

George Church @ MIT - http://arep.med.harvard.edu/

Alex Zhavoronkov @ InSilico Medicine - http://insilicomedic...com/about/team/

Helen Blau @ Stanford - http://web.stanford.edu/group/blau/

Harold Katcher @ University of Maryland - https://www.linkedin...katcher-340aa78

Tony Wyss-Coray @ Stanford - https://med.stanford...tony-wyss-coray

Thomas Rando @ Stanford - http://randolab.stanford.edu/

Irina & Michael Conboy @ Berkeley U of California  - http://vcresearch.be...ty/irina-conboy

Amy Wagers @ Harvard - http://hsci.harvard..../amy-wagers-phd


Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte @ Salk - http://www.salk.edu/...pisua-belmonte/





#21 Antonio2014

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 08:42 AM

David Spiegel. There is an interesting debate on FA! in the comments section about the details of glucosepane breakers development, and he can maybe clarify these and other issues.

Edited by Antonio2014, 28 January 2016 - 08:47 AM.

#22 Mind

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Posted 28 January 2016 - 10:51 PM

Invited Spiegel. Awaiting an answer.

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#23 Mind

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 05:18 PM

Invited Dr. Rhonda Patrick.


Also have commitments for later this Spring from authors Robin Hanson and Robert Colvile.

#24 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 05:15 AM

Bernie Sanders or some other national politician like a senator or congressman, you know just get some political exposure @ the federal level.

Edited by noot_in_the_sky, 07 March 2016 - 05:15 AM.

#25 Mind

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 07:29 PM

I did interview one presidential candidate: Zoltan Istvan.


The more well-known politicians are tough to schedule, but I will keep my eyes open.

#26 Antonio2014

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Posted 23 April 2016 - 07:32 AM

Somebody of the FDA that is involved in the metformin trial. Has it been approved? What kind of age-related trials can be approved in the future? What are the requirements? Is there some legislation change planned? Etc.

#27 ceridwen

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Posted 23 April 2016 - 08:29 AM

Any one from Bioquark. They are into regenerative medicine and bringing back the brain dead

#28 YOLF

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Posted 24 April 2016 - 03:19 AM

Someone regarding RAADFEST before or after.

#29 Limitless

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Posted 23 June 2016 - 03:17 AM

For a guest suggestion, I would suggest Dr. Todd H. Rider, inventor of DRACOs, the potential broad-spectrum antiviral candidates. I know DRACO has been discussed on this site, and I don't believe he's ever been interviewed by LongeCity. There are ten days left in the current DRACO crowdfunding campaign. I'm sure many people have questions for him. I know I do. His cause can certainly use all the publicity it can get.


Here is the link to The Rider Institute:  https://riderinstitute.org/


Also, here is the link to the current crowdfunding campaign:  






Thanks. Any thoughts?




  • Good Point x 2

#30 YOLF

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Posted 23 June 2016 - 06:00 AM

Sounds like a great idea, his work is connected to SENs too.

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