Anybody else stacked it with Pramiracetam? I know it is mood flattening, but for that removes the irritability from noopept.
yes after being on noopept for 2 months or so, i added prami. At that point, the initial irritability (from noopept?) had resolved itself. I started taking 300mg prami capsules in addition to 10 mg of noopept, seperated by 4-6 hours or so. Honestly, I did not feel any subjective effects of the prami. The noopept I had felt from the first dose. But it seemed that my memory was decent, though not sure if it was placebo, so I just kept on taking it till my bottle of prami was done, which was just long enough to get me through finals.
So my subjective conclusion is that noopept is awsome; I am taking a month off and will continue taking it next semester. Prami on the other hand, is too pricey to buy again, considering i didn't really feel *anything* from it (which doesn't necessarily mean it didn't help me, but for that kind of $, I want to feel my brain kicking in hardcore).
So maybe I will try mixing the noopept with piracetam instead, if I can find a cheap source.