True life extension activists should think objectively and rely on numbers and probabilities. Anyone who panics now regarding his personal infection risk isn't thinking scientifically enough yet. Also dealing honestly with questions of mortality is supposed to make you less afraid of it (fear correlates with ignorance), not more. IMO if engagement in the life extension community makes you more scared of death and health risks,
you are doing it wrong 
Now for some nice "conspiracy" links, please sort signal from noise yourself:
1. Fact: the last swine flu outbreak came from a US military base:
http://en.wikipedia....ne_flu_outbreak2. Just a few weeks ago, another US military base reported missing probes:
http://edition.cnn.c...g.virus.sample/3. For human-human transmission, an animal virus needs either a set of rare genetic mutation (gene drift), or recombination with a different flu subtype (gene shift). Both are quite rare (at least 1:thousands). Now, we suddenly have "manbirdpig flu", a merger of bird and pig, plus human or mutations that make it human transmittable. Without an in-between step. Hmm.
4. Some warnings were issued as early as Feb 09, where panasonic recalled employees in several countries due to pandemic risk: There are isolated cases of crazy elitists who dream of a depopulation agenda and have a lot of leverage due to their power, $ and authority. This is not a conspiracy argument, as I am not saying that any of these cooperate. However,
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
Foreword to Fleur Cowles, If I Were an Animal (William Morrow, publisher, 1987, ISBN 9780688061500), by
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. And a leading US gov. technology advisor says openly on BBC that
there are too many people on the planet.
As said, have fun separating signal from noise.

But since the 2001 anthrax originated from US military scientists, it is not impossible that the current influenza originated, for example, from Fort Detrick. There are too many nutcases in positions of power. Their conservative stance is religious or secular
deathism, and the extreme radical form of that is supporting a
depopulation agenda, in secret or openly like Prince Phillip. I don't think these elitist nutcases could work together, but perhaps influence a scientist here or there working for the government, and it just needs one guy to recombine a virus and release it.
Of all people, life extensionists must be the last to panic about incidents like these. Instead we must do everything to fight the deathist attitude, by producing good science and blogging/being active in politics and civil rights.PS: I forgot:
Edited by mixter, 01 May 2009 - 08:10 PM.