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#1 steelsky

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 02:40 PM

I've started taking the stuff (Bupron 150mg, SR) about 3 days ago. Mainly interested in a replacement for Ritalin, which I take to combat excessive sleepiness (or hyposomnia, or whatever you want to call it), and for increased motivation and focus. The problem with Ritalin is that sometimes it makes me feel nauseous, and always jittery and horny. It's also extremely short lived, even Concerta (which helps for about 5 hours). I've also tried Modafinil, which is great, only it costs a lot and is also very short lived in my case... 200mg is good for about 4-6 hours. My goal is to maybe combine Bupropion with 100mgX2 Modafinil.

So far (taking 1 per day) I think I'm feeling a bit less susceptible to tiredness. I do get tired as before, but it's easier to overcome. I'll try not to take Ritalin or Modafinil during the assessment period (so far only taken 100mg Modafinil once, and 10mg Ritalin twice).

I was wondering:

1. Wikipedia says it's halflife is 20h. Why, then, are there an SR and XL versions? Does it have a lasting effect by accumulating in the plasma, like Prozac, or is it more like Ritalin, acting immedietly? If the former, should I expect an improvement in effect during the next couple of weeks?
2. Is anyone here taking it as a stimulant or to fight off fatigue? If so, why this and not Ritalin, Adderal or Modafinil?

#2 skinniest200

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 10:21 PM

2. I took it as a minor stimulant a few times, it didn't cause as much anxiety as modafinil does for me, and I don't have adderal or ritalin but prefer either of them, especially adderal. Bupropion is on about the same level as caffeine for me, with caffeine probably actually being a stronger general stimulant. A major reason for people using bupropion and not the others would probably be availability, the others are controlled substances and much harder to get without a prescription, modafinil less so than the others.

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#3 steelsky

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 11:02 PM

2. I took it as a minor stimulant a few times, it didn't cause as much anxiety as modafinil does for me, and I don't have adderal or ritalin but prefer either of them, especially adderal. Bupropion is on about the same level as caffeine for me, with caffeine probably actually being a stronger general stimulant. A major reason for people using bupropion and not the others would probably be availability, the others are controlled substances and much harder to get without a prescription, modafinil less so than the others.

You maybe argue that bupropion is just a less strong version of Ritalin. I'm not sure that's true, but even if it is... what I'm hoping for is for a more prolonged effect. On Ritalin, I get an incredible boost, but also feel sick and it doesn't last long. I'm hoping (and so far it seems like it may be working) for bupropion to supply a constant effect, even if milder, which will allow me to fight off sleepiness "attacks". Meaning that I'm hoping it helps maintain higher levels of dopamine throughout the day, and it might even be preferable that it's less strong than Ritalin.

#4 steelsky

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Posted 26 April 2009 - 03:34 PM

Fourth day experience - a great day. Took 20mg of Ritalin to wake up, then 100mg of Modafinil about 3 hours later. Two hours after that - 150mg Bupropion.
My day was EXTREMELY productive, while I didn't feel "rushed" or "boosted" too much, as with Ritalin.
I didn't experience ANY daytime sleepiness, not even after lunch (which was a big one, which usually leaves me a bit drowsy).
I was very focused throughout the day (even more than on 200mg Modafinil... which is quite an achievement) and very motivated. My mood was also very balanced (which is not usually the case). It was very easy to keep troubling thoughts out and concentrate on the job at hand.
It's now about 12 hours after the dose (of Bupropion) and I'm not feeling tired at all. Even a bit energized (which is weird since I should be starting to feel tired).

It's strange to me that Bupropion is more effective on me than Modafinil. I understand the Ritalin, since it might be too much of a boost and too harsh side effects. However, I might be able to explain it with the theory that my problem with Ritalin and Modafinil is always getting the proper dosage. It is either too low or too high... almost never just enough. It is also a very sharp incline and decline, which is tough to cope with.
I had low expectations from Bupropion since I seldom read about experiences and dramatic improvement from it (here's where you share yours). I really hope this keeps up.

#5 skinniest200

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 12:37 PM

You maybe argue that bupropion is just a less strong version of Ritalin. I'm not sure that's true, but even if it is... what I'm hoping for is for a more prolonged effect. On Ritalin, I get an incredible boost, but also feel sick and it doesn't last long. I'm hoping (and so far it seems like it may be working) for bupropion to supply a constant effect, even if milder, which will allow me to fight off sleepiness "attacks". Meaning that I'm hoping it helps maintain higher levels of dopamine throughout the day, and it might even be preferable that it's less strong than Ritalin.

I don't really think the effects of ritalin and bupropion are that comparable, just that ritalin is a much stronger stimulant but pretty dirty feeling, whereas bupropion doesn't feel like it would do much of anything to stop sleep but does seem to give some extra motivation and mental boost. Overall the effects of bupropion weren't very profound for me and caffeine seems to work better for most of the same purposes.

#6 jackinbox

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Posted 27 April 2009 - 10:47 PM

The SR version has been created mainly to reduce the risk of seizure. It prevent the stuff from hitting you too fast.

#7 steelsky

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Posted 28 April 2009 - 03:08 AM

The SR version has been created mainly to reduce the risk of seizure. It prevent the stuff from hitting you too fast.

I didn't know that. That kind of explains it, really... I mean, I do feel its effect even after 12h.
By the way, day 5 went pretty much the same - 20mg Ritalin + 100mg Modafinil two hours later, +150mg Bupropion two hours after that... The day was very productive and calm and no sleepiness I usually feel.

#8 steelsky

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 02:19 AM

The SR version has been created mainly to reduce the risk of seizure. It prevent the stuff from hitting you too fast.

I didn't know that. That kind of explains it, really... I mean, I do feel its effect even after 12h.
By the way, day 5 went pretty much the same - 20mg Ritalin + 100mg Modafinil two hours later, +150mg Bupropion two hours after that... The day was very productive and calm and no sleepiness I usually feel.

I'm very disappointed in you guys :)
Either that or not many of you take bupropion.
No amazing success stories? FunkOdessy - I know you take it... any interesting testimonials?

#9 ultranaut

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 03:52 AM

The SR version has been created mainly to reduce the risk of seizure. It prevent the stuff from hitting you too fast.

I didn't know that. That kind of explains it, really... I mean, I do feel its effect even after 12h.
By the way, day 5 went pretty much the same - 20mg Ritalin + 100mg Modafinil two hours later, +150mg Bupropion two hours after that... The day was very productive and calm and no sleepiness I usually feel.

I'm very disappointed in you guys :)
Either that or not many of you take bupropion.
No amazing success stories? FunkOdessy - I know you take it... any interesting testimonials?

I have been on bupropion for nearly 2 months now. I get generic XL version, 150mg per pill. Prescription said start at 150mg for the first week then move up to 300mg. After a few weeks at 300 I decided to see what 450 was like, I skip doses occasionally but usually take it at 6:30am except on weekends when I take it in early afternoon (or earlier if I wake up). At the start I felt it a bit the first day, felt it a lot more the second day, and after that I was flying. I leveled off after about 2 weeks. I'm happier than I've ever been, I sleep less but feel more awake, I have a lot more motivation to do things, and I generally feel sharper and more focused most of the time.
Sex is insane, I can have multiple orgasms now! It's only happened a few times, and I think the addition of other drugs has been a factor, but it is mindblowing. I'm horny all the time now too (I was before but now it's even moreso), orgasms are different in a very good way, and when I can't keep going immediately after ejaculating it only takes a minute or three to regain an erection.

Bupropion has been a wonder drug for me. I went from depressed and unmotivated to a happy sex fiend who gets things done. The only side effect I don't like is that my appetite is pretty supressed, some days I forget to eat. Also, I seem to have a serious craving for milkshakes regularly now. That could be coincidental but I have at least two chocolate milkshakes a week now. One week the cravings were so bad I had two in one day. It's weird.

An interesting side effect for me has been that dextromethorphan (DXM) produces effects similar to MDMA. From what I've read the liver procesess the two drugs the same way normally. However it works, I'm enjoying it. It only takes about 80mg for me to feel the effects.

MDMA still feels just like MDMA. I only did it once since starting on bupropion and I don't have a lot of experience with it previously. The only thing that stood out as being significantly different was that after coming down a fair amount I had a several minute long orgasm, followed by 3 short ones, followed by me finally ejaculating. My girlfriend was jealous but impressed.

I'm strongly considering adding deprenyl into the mix since everyone around here seems to rave about it, and/or possibly something else to increase dopamine levels a bit.

Edited by ultranaut, 29 April 2009 - 03:54 AM.

#10 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 04:59 AM

Bupropion cured my ADD-like Lyme symptoms and made me insanely productive for a couple of months, and then it started to produce awful side effects that forced me to stop taking it. I had severe anxiety and what I assumed was increased intracranial pressure, the sensation was like my brain was too large for my skull, and it felt like my eyes were bugging out in such a way that it was difficult to close my eyes or keep them shut. Very odd and unpleasant.

I'm not sure what exactly was going on with that reaction but I blame it on Lyme. If I could have continued taking it I would have.

#11 bgwithadd

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Posted 29 April 2009 - 07:53 AM

Yes, it is very effective and I am glad you are getting use from it. It's not really a stimulant but it has a lot of the effect people expect from a stimulant, as most people don't really get what a stimulant like amphetamine is supposed to do - if you are feeling speedy from it you are probably taking so much you are actually harming your focus ability (though ritalin is more like people expect, too). Also, it's great for any sort of tiredness. Unfortunately, most people seem determined to be ignorant. I doubt anyone can take it with absolutely no side effects if they up their dose enough, and you tend to get acclimatized to it a bit after a few months (after which it still works, just not quite so much).

Also, as pointed out, you will have incredible orgasms.

As for halflife, I am pretty sure that's wrong. There are three different versions and the IR type has a halflife of about 6-8 hours, I think. The longest acting one is 17 hours or something like that.

#12 steelsky

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 03:19 PM

Bupropion cured my ADD-like Lyme symptoms and made me insanely productive for a couple of months, and then it started to produce awful side effects that forced me to stop taking it. I had severe anxiety and what I assumed was increased intracranial pressure, the sensation was like my brain was too large for my skull, and it felt like my eyes were bugging out in such a way that it was difficult to close my eyes or keep them shut. Very odd and unpleasant.

I'm not sure what exactly was going on with that reaction but I blame it on Lyme. If I could have continued taking it I would have.

I thought you were still taking it (in conjunction with Deprenyl). I sure hope I won't get those side effects after two months. So far nothing.
I enjoy my days more. I'm able to "sit down" longer than on Ritalin. I'm less stressed and more motivated and alert. It's weird because it doesn't get much press for doing that... or I'm not looking in the right places (namely this forum).

Is it me or does its effect last more than 12 hours? I take it once a day.
As for orgasms.... Ritalin already increased my abilities to enjoy myself so nothing new there. However, I'm less horny than on Ritalin, which is good cause I can actually function.

#13 bran319

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 03:34 PM

Bupropion has a relatively short half-life compared to some of it's pharmacologically active metabolites such as hydroxybupropion, which has a half-life measured in days to weeks.

#14 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 30 April 2009 - 03:35 PM

I thought you were still taking it (in conjunction with Deprenyl). I sure hope I won't get those side effects after two months. So far nothing.
I enjoy my days more. I'm able to "sit down" longer than on Ritalin. I'm less stressed and more motivated and alert. It's weird because it doesn't get much press for doing that... or I'm not looking in the right places (namely this forum).

You are confusing me for someone else, I last took bupropion 18 months ago and I don't even remember the last time I took deprenyl.

I think I mentioned most of the same positives that you have if you search my old posts -- I was definitely raving about it. I did notice during the second month before things got really ugly that it was beginning to lose some of its effectiveness. I doubt you will have any reaction like mine but tolerance is certainly a possibility. My interest in memantine actually started because I was looking for a way to prevent tolerance to bupropion's "honeymoon period" of high motivation. I never had an opportunity to test that.

#15 steelsky

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 07:01 AM

Bupropion has a relatively short half-life compared to some of it's pharmacologically active metabolites such as hydroxybupropion, which has a half-life measured in days to weeks.

Does that mean that SOME of its effects last beyond 12h? Does that meant that some don't?
Also, I was wondering what are the implications of taking a "day off". On weekends I usually don't need it, and it's not cheap and hard to get so I'm saving as much as I can anyway. I know that in Prozac, for instance, you shouldn't miss a dose to keep the levels of the stuff constant, and it also won't give you a "break" anyway.

FO - I thought I've read in some posts that you used to take Bupropion and a bit of Deprenyl even though they're considered a dangerous mix. Maybe that was a long time ago.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that Bupropion eventually failed, and I seriously hope it won't happen in my case. I've tried so many things over the year to try to fight my excessive sleepiness. Ritalin and Modafinil seem to be the only ones that help but the former has nasty sides and the of the latter I need a relatively high dose. Both are also very short lived in my case. Bupropion, even one dose, seems to last pretty much all day (depending on the day).

#16 bran319

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 03:02 PM

Bupropion has a relatively short half-life compared to some of it's pharmacologically active metabolites such as hydroxybupropion, which has a half-life measured in days to weeks.

Does that mean that SOME of its effects last beyond 12h? Does that meant that some don't?
Also, I was wondering what are the implications of taking a "day off". On weekends I usually don't need it, and it's not cheap and hard to get so I'm saving as much as I can anyway. I know that in Prozac, for instance, you shouldn't miss a dose to keep the levels of the stuff constant, and it also won't give you a "break" anyway.

In a nutshell, yes. Some of the metabolites like the aforementioned hydroxylated metabolite of bupropion have a much stronger affinity for the NE transporter pump than bupropion itself.

Once steady state plasma levels are achieved I don't think taking a day off will make too much of a difference. Bupropion levels may fall initially but the metabolite levels which have therapeutic effects in some will remain highly elevated.

#17 ultranaut

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 03:28 PM

Bupropion has a relatively short half-life compared to some of it's pharmacologically active metabolites such as hydroxybupropion, which has a half-life measured in days to weeks.

Does that mean that SOME of its effects last beyond 12h? Does that meant that some don't?
Also, I was wondering what are the implications of taking a "day off". On weekends I usually don't need it, and it's not cheap and hard to get so I'm saving as much as I can anyway. I know that in Prozac, for instance, you shouldn't miss a dose to keep the levels of the stuff constant, and it also won't give you a "break" anyway.

In a nutshell, yes. Some of the metabolites like the aforementioned hydroxylated metabolite of bupropion have a much stronger affinity for the NE transporter pump than bupropion itself.

Once steady state plasma levels are achieved I don't think taking a day off will make too much of a difference. Bupropion levels may fall initially but the metabolite levels which have therapeutic effects in some will remain highly elevated.

This has matched my experience. I still feel it on days that I miss doses, of course it's not as strong but it's still there. I've yet to miss two days in a row, but based on how I feel waking up the morning after missing a dose I think it would take longer than two days for it to wear off significantly.

#18 steelsky

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:29 PM

In a nutshell, yes. Some of the metabolites like the aforementioned hydroxylated metabolite of bupropion have a much stronger affinity for the NE transporter pump than bupropion itself.

Once steady state plasma levels are achieved I don't think taking a day off will make too much of a difference. Bupropion levels may fall initially but the metabolite levels which have therapeutic effects in some will remain highly elevated.

For how long?
Also, where do you get your info from? I'd very much like to read more about it.

#19 steelsky

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 08:21 AM

In the last couple of days I've felt the effect somewhat diminishing. It might be circumstantial, but while when I started I didn't feel tired at all through the day, the sudden tiredness "attacks" are creeping back one or twice a day.

Should I up the dosage to 150mgX2? Is it best to take both together?
Suggestions would be appreciated.

Note that I have not experienced any side effects, except for harder erections (as was expected from some of the comments made here).
What I currently do is set an alarm clock for a 6-7 hour sleep. I wake up, take some Ritalin (5mg-20mg) and/or some Modafinil (50mg-150mg) and go back to sleep. I usually wake after about 40 minutes, and usually stay alert for 2-3 hours. If I'm feeling tired after that (commonly), I take some more Ritalin and/or Modafinil and go back to sleep. Again, I usually wake up after about an hour, after which I take 150mg bupropion, which for the first week or so was enough for the entire day.

#20 steelsky

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 07:55 AM

Damn, it worked so well for a week or so. Why am I tired again?
Maybe 300mg would help.

#21 bgwithadd

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 09:11 AM

Well, the ritalin and modafinil are useless to take on an every single day basis, especially if you are taking welbutrin you are going to eventually dampen down your production of dopamine and NE. You definitely need to cycle those two, and normally you want to take wellbutrin every day at the same time and it should usually be right when you wake up. You definitely get some diminished effect from it over time but you never get to the point where it ceases to work. It will be stronger when you start, though. 150 is really not a lot. 300 is considered the start range of the therapeutic dose but you can go up to 600 in most cases with no problems (which was the original dose when it first came) but after that you very quickly start to see a lot more seizure potential, especially when taking a ton of other crap like you do.

From the sound of it you are getting it online if I remember correctly. If it's available in your location I suggest getting it from a doctor. Virtually any doctor will give it out like candy - it is not like ritalin in that sense. You might have a harder time getting modafinil with more cautious drs, but half the doctors have no idea what it is and will write it out without really caring. Since you seem to have narcolepsy it is just difficult to treat. Not sure there is any sure fire advice for you. But, you can get a lot more oomph out of wellbutrin by taking tyrosine or ecgc with it, but be careful because you might end up decapitating someone. Nicotine patch also works well with it, but taking them together you will almost be sure to need something like guanfacine to help reduce the problems with vasoconscrictions.

#22 steelsky

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Posted 07 May 2009 - 10:25 AM

Well, the ritalin and modafinil are useless to take on an every single day basis, especially if you are taking welbutrin you are going to eventually dampen down your production of dopamine and NE. You definitely need to cycle those two, and normally you want to take wellbutrin every day at the same time and it should usually be right when you wake up. You definitely get some diminished effect from it over time but you never get to the point where it ceases to work. It will be stronger when you start, though. 150 is really not a lot. 300 is considered the start range of the therapeutic dose but you can go up to 600 in most cases with no problems (which was the original dose when it first came) but after that you very quickly start to see a lot more seizure potential, especially when taking a ton of other crap like you do.

From the sound of it you are getting it online if I remember correctly. If it's available in your location I suggest getting it from a doctor. Virtually any doctor will give it out like candy - it is not like ritalin in that sense. You might have a harder time getting modafinil with more cautious drs, but half the doctors have no idea what it is and will write it out without really caring. Since you seem to have narcolepsy it is just difficult to treat. Not sure there is any sure fire advice for you. But, you can get a lot more oomph out of wellbutrin by taking tyrosine or ecgc with it, but be careful because you might end up decapitating someone. Nicotine patch also works well with it, but taking them together you will almost be sure to need something like guanfacine to help reduce the problems with vasoconscrictions.

How would cycling prevent down regulation? If they basically have the same effect (of increased neurotransmitter), I should be less sensitive either way.
The problem with Ritalin and Modafinil is that the former make me horny, which is a problem to concentrate and be productive, while the latter is not always strong enough (only tried 200mg) and doesn't last much. Bupropion seemed to have a long lasting effect which wasn't too "boosty" as with Ritalin (of which I have trouble finding the right dosage every time).
Maybe 300mg would be the sweet spot, because I might have benefited an initial effect, for which 150mg might have been enough. I just worry that I might need more and more every time. But bupropion should be like that. The only explanation is the initial effect theory, which made a lower dosage than I need act just as well.

Also, bupropion is surprisingly expensive (even the generic), costing just a bit less than Modafinil.
I'll later check where I buy it from (it is eventually shipped from India and it seems like a product of a well known company there), but I'll appreciate any suggestions of a source for cheap and discrete purchasing (I CAN get it from my doctor... it still costs a whole lot here).

#23 steelsky

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Posted 08 May 2009 - 03:03 AM


#24 bgwithadd

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Posted 08 May 2009 - 05:52 AM

Cycling reduces tolerance, basically your brain will just keep dampening more and more if you are on something constantly until it doesn't work was well. It's like that for everything, but especially for stims there is a bit more to it than for other drugs. Just a few days break makes a huge difference. You'd probably get a lot more out of both the modafinil and ritalin that way. Also, tolerance is in large part based on individual drug and it's not just merely a lowering of neurotransmitters to respond to high levels, so it's silly to take ritalin and modafinil at once. If you use one for a week then the other, you will do better. Patchs sound like they would be great for you, I think named daytrana. If you are getting too racy try taking less but more frequently.

Wellbutrin's very expensive online because it's popular. It's also a little harder to make than some of the drugs, I think. But, if you get instant release then it is very very cheap with prescription. Only thing is you have to take it more often. Still lasts longer than ritalin, though. The XL is supposed to last like 17 hours, the SR 12, and regular is about 8. Whereas ritalin lasts usually 3-4 hours.

#25 steelsky

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Posted 08 May 2009 - 11:51 PM

Cycling reduces tolerance, basically your brain will just keep dampening more and more if you are on something constantly until it doesn't work was well. It's like that for everything, but especially for stims there is a bit more to it than for other drugs. Just a few days break makes a huge difference. You'd probably get a lot more out of both the modafinil and ritalin that way. Also, tolerance is in large part based on individual drug and it's not just merely a lowering of neurotransmitters to respond to high levels, so it's silly to take ritalin and modafinil at once. If you use one for a week then the other, you will do better. Patchs sound like they would be great for you, I think named daytrana. If you are getting too racy try taking less but more frequently.

Wellbutrin's very expensive online because it's popular. It's also a little harder to make than some of the drugs, I think. But, if you get instant release then it is very very cheap with prescription. Only thing is you have to take it more often. Still lasts longer than ritalin, though. The XL is supposed to last like 17 hours, the SR 12, and regular is about 8. Whereas ritalin lasts usually 3-4 hours.

It makes sense... unless the tolerance is for the substances on which the drugs act, namely dopamine and neurepinephrine. I mean, if the body develops a tolerance for high levels of these, then it shouldn't matter what causes the high levels. If the tolerance is for the drugs themselves - then sure.

Is it OK to cycle Bupropion? I wonder because it is said to "build up" in the body, whereas Ritalin and Modafinil operate as taken.
Also, do you know where I can purchase the IR version online?

#26 bgwithadd

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 12:08 AM

Ir is not much cheaper online. You could maybe cycle it but it's not usually

#27 steelsky

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 05:53 AM

Here are my conclusions thus far (about 3-4 weeks of use):

Ritalin is much stronger, yet (for me, at least) it wears off quickly (even the LA and Concerta types). I have hard time taking the proper dosage as each day I need a different amount.

Bupropion is much milder, yet its effect is very prolonged comparatively. It doesn't boost me up (when taking it after sleep I still feel tired even after 2 hours... which is the same as when I don't take anything) like Ritalin, but throughout the day it help considerably to fend-off sleepiness "attacks", such as after lunch. My motivation is up and it helps me concentrate, which is similar to Ritalin but much more exact (meaning the its easier to take the proper dosage and not too much or too little, as with Ritalin).
Still, it's not perfect. What I think about doing this week is evaluate it with 100mg of Modafinil (wake up dosage: 100mg Modafinil + 300mg Bupropion). That would be expensive if it works, but if it works - it's worth it. I hope it's not too much to take in one dosage, as I might even have to add sometimes (more Modafinil or some Ritalin).
Note that Modafinil is also hard for me to estimate the dosage... "mistaking" isn't as "harsh" as with Ritalin, but sometimes 200mg is plenty for a 4h-6h boost (which, for me, is plenty), and sometimes I hardly feel it.

Your thoughts?

#28 bgwithadd

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 03:59 AM

I'd actually just try the wellbutrin alone at first or come as close to that as you can. With enough wellbutrin I think virtually anyone could be awake as they want. Ritalin is going to be more attention affecting but since modafinil is so expensive and really shouldn't be necessary, I'd seriously try to ditch it or at least minimize its use.

Also, you could try to add in tyrosine or ecgc with the wellbutrin. For me, I can basically double the effect of the wellbutrin by adding in a bit of tyrosine, say 500mg. Be careful, though, because it can up your bp even higher than w alone. There's also DLPA or even deprenyl. I like how deprenyl gives a steady boost when taken daily, and if you get it through that new zealand company it's 30 cents a pill, from a reputable manufacturer, not the India-made selgin stuff but canadian made. You could probably get rid of the ritalin and the modafinil if you added in deprenyl and maybe tyrosine. I take deprenyl + wellbutrin + adderall, but since starting the deprenyl I have been able to cut back on the adderall a fair bit (and really, have had to I guess). I've experiemented with DLPA too and that seems to give a big bang when combined with the deprenyl, too, but it's a bit hard to get the dosing right (though easier than straight PEA by far).

#29 steelsky

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 06:56 AM

I'd actually just try the wellbutrin alone at first or come as close to that as you can. With enough wellbutrin I think virtually anyone could be awake as they want. Ritalin is going to be more attention affecting but since modafinil is so expensive and really shouldn't be necessary, I'd seriously try to ditch it or at least minimize its use.

Also, you could try to add in tyrosine or ecgc with the wellbutrin. For me, I can basically double the effect of the wellbutrin by adding in a bit of tyrosine, say 500mg. Be careful, though, because it can up your bp even higher than w alone. There's also DLPA or even deprenyl. I like how deprenyl gives a steady boost when taken daily, and if you get it through that new zealand company it's 30 cents a pill, from a reputable manufacturer, not the India-made selgin stuff but canadian made. You could probably get rid of the ritalin and the modafinil if you added in deprenyl and maybe tyrosine. I take deprenyl + wellbutrin + adderall, but since starting the deprenyl I have been able to cut back on the adderall a fair bit (and really, have had to I guess). I've experiemented with DLPA too and that seems to give a big bang when combined with the deprenyl, too, but it's a bit hard to get the dosing right (though easier than straight PEA by far).

OK, it seems like you're having a much more "dangerous" regimen (adderall isn't healthy, and deprenyl+wellbutrin is risky). Still, the combination was reported here to be a success by some members here so I might try to add deprenyl (it IS extremely cheap, yes), but I'm a bit afraid to mess too much with contradicting substances. Still, I've read contradicting reports about deprenyl boosting alertness.

I prefer Modafinil to Ritalin, it's effect is much better received in my case, but not by a large margin (which is why I cycle between them, as the Mod is expensive... albeit not much more than wellbutrin.
I've been meaning to ask - I've been using Bupron from India all this while and received a prescription from my doc so I've purchased the brand Zyban... should I expect slightly difference results? (maybe a mild increase in efficiency?)

I am taking Tyrosine daily. Nothing.

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#30 bgwithadd

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Posted 19 May 2009 - 07:24 AM

Hmm, that is odd you get nothing from the tyrosine. Maybe it is not absorbing. It has very strong effect on me. You might get some difference in the zyban. They are coated so they have a better, slower absorbtion compared to some of the generics. I have had a couple different generic brands and the ones I have now are clearly better than the uncoated ones I got, also easier on the stomach. Do you live in canada? I guess that's why you have zyban instead of wellbutrin. It is bizarre to me some of the stuff that they don't approve there, but I guess it's all about paying the money to get studies done.

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