Thanks mentatpsi for your research posts. I've been taking 800 mg Piracetam for about 14 months now. The first 3 months I was on it, I took 800 mg in the morning with 250mg alphaGPC. I noticed I was a lot more alert and motivated to get work done. However, months 3-10 I didn't notice any effect, and took breaks from it on the weekends, and at 1 point took a week off from it completely. I noticed no gain when resuming it. Months 11-12 I started having horrible headaches, which was from the AlphaGPC and stopped when I switched to CDP Choline. Starting at month 13, I noticed my extreme short term memory was great for small tasks (like brain games that use memorization of numbers in a 4x4 grid). However, my everyday useful memory was horrible, and still is, even since I stopped taking piracetam and cdp choline 2 weeks ago. Before I took piracetam, I could remember 5 tasks I needed to accomplish throughout the day. Now, 14 months later, I can remember 1-2 at most, and MUST write the other 3 down or I will forget. These are things as simple as remembering to pay a bill or call someone back. These aren't things that happen occasionally, these happen daily now.
Conclusion: When I first took piracetam, I was a huge fan of it. Now that I have taken it for 14 months, I want to warn other people from making the same mistake I did. It still might be useful for short periods of time, but in my case, long term use has HARMFUL effects.
Do you cultivate distractions? If you routinely work on multiple tasks without focusing on one thing for more than 20 or 30 minutes, or if your day is full of interruptions, maybe you've trained your mind to operate in a distracted state. There's a study referenced in another thread, too, with the finding that piracetam made ADD worse.
Are you serious? What's the link? From what I've read piracetam is used to treat adhd.