Gums do recede because bone does, bone recedes because trauma to it or bacterial infection in gums pockets, brushing too hard may cause gums recession too,usually on front teeth (for some reason back teeth seems less effected by hard brushing), when caused by hard brushing usually the receding appear as oblong (much deeper on the front of the teeth and much less between teeth or on the sides of the teeth face).
Officially it is not possible to grow back gums (that is what a dentist usually will tell you), it doesn't necessarily mean it will not be possible but...the problem is the gums line will stay only a few millimeters from the bone, if there is a bone loss the gum has no support and recedes as well, the solution will be to re-grow bone and that doesn't seems to be feasible yet (at least not around teeth, it may be possible only where one or more teeth are missing).
Anyway what REALLY WORKS in stopping bacterial infections and strengthen gums WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS is as simple and cheap as you'll hardly imagine: Hydrogen peroxide.
Just put a little bit of 3,5% hydrogen peroxide (common strength, the one used to clean wounds) in a small non-metal scoop and dip the tooth brush in it, brush as usual, actually you don't need to brush all that much as recommended by dentists, brush carefully everywhere but gently and for only a short time (30 seconds or so for the whole denture will suffice).
It will cause foam to form in the mouth that after getting used to resemble toothpaste.
Spit,and rinse with water, use some more hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash, you really don't need much of it since the foam will fill you mouth and goes everywhere, swish around and keep in your mouth for as long as few minutes, spit, rinse with water.
Brushing will displace food particles, hydrogen peroxide will kill unwanted bacteria (anaerobic), brushing too much or too hard damages enamel and does nothing to bacteria hidden in pockets or lurking in difficult to reach areas, hydrogen peroxide mouth washes reaches everywhere and kills all of them easy.
Follow this procedure once a day before bedtime and in no time all bacterial problems will be gone guarantee.
If gums are in bad conditions in the beginning will get white from the hydrogen peroxide and get painful, just use regular toothpaste for one or 2 days and start again, soon your gums will heal and get so strong and healthy you'll throw away all toothpastes and mouth washes without ever look back.
Common hydrogen peroxide works well (the one sold in drugstores for cleaning wounds) but usually tastes horrible because in order to be conserved other substances are added to it, I strongly suggest, even if it is not mandatory at all, to buy food grade hydrogen peroxide, maybe 35% strength (don't use it pure, of course, dilute 1 part in 11 parts of distilled water, it will provide 3,5% strength).
Food grade hydrogen peroxide is pure and needs to be kept in the FREEZER, that is why I suggest 35% (small bottle), keep it in the freezer (it doesn't freeze), once in a while dilute some as above in order to get 3,5%, keep that in the FRIDGE.
Avoid contact with metals when diluting or storing hydrogen peroxide, light damages Hydrogen peroxide, storing it in dark containers may be better (the freezer is quite dark anyway

250ml 35% hydrogen peroxide will last me more than 1 year, brushing teeth and mouth wash with it every day.
Is that cheap enough? :D
I guarantee it works far beyond your wildest dreams.
If you like adding some drops of mint essential oil (vapor distilled) to the the hydrogen peroxide it will give a nice taste to it and provide an extra antibacterial action.
It is possible to mix hydrogen peroxide to baking soda to brush teeth with, make a paste quite loose, baking soda is good for many reasons but it may be a little abrasive on teeth enamel, if your enamel is strong go for it, otherwise do it only once a week or so in order to provide some extra abrasive cleaning (if you wish).
Miswak in powder can be added too in order to obtain a paste like consistency and added "medicinal" power, if you don't find it in powder buy sticks, peel the bark off, place in a coffee grinder, done.
Add some xylitol to hydrogen peroxide mouthwash if you like.
When gums are inflamed become swollen, if after a while your gums seems to retract it is because the swollen is gone.
The above doesn't grow gums back but STOPS from further retracting and heals pockets, inflammation and any pathogen in the mouth, including canker sores, prevent cavities, whiten teeth, doesn't damage enamel, doesn't poison you, no fluoride, no chemicals, cost almost nothing.
For sensitive teeth/exposed roots try mumio solved in a bit of distilled water once or twice a day, a few drops on the effected areas or mouth wash after the hydrogen peroxide procedure, in my experience works so fast it is hard to believe, it is a very good idea in order to help healing gums and mouth even faster than with hydrogen peroxide alone..
I hope this will help, certainly has done miracles for me.