Newbie here, on day 3 of 500mg of res by Biotiva. My stats: 34 yr old, female, 166 lbs, 5ft 7. Size 10. BP: 100/72, Resting Heart Rate: 48. Healthy but about 20 lbs overweight. I run cross country for 4 miles, 3x week, lift weights 3x week, do gym and home cardio about 3x week for 1 hr. I am trying to lose weight. I've lost 40 lbs over the past year. My reason for taking res is for the memory/learning benefits (getting ready to take board certification exams), overall health, and help in the weight loss department.
Only problem is I'm soooo hungry! Since day 2 I've nocticed I am constantly hungry. I was keeping my calories at 1500/day but now I'm having a real hard time sticking to 1700 cal. What gives? I thought I was supposed to have appetite suppression? I want to keep taking res but not if I have to fight away the hunger pangs all day... It's like I'll eat a meal and 20 min later am hungry again. I am eating the same routine foods that before res would satisfy my appetite.
One other thing is I feel a bit more tired. Granted it's only been 3 days so this might not be due to res.. I have noticed my dreams last night were incredibly visible, very real, in color, and I can still recall them. That is kinda neat (so long as I don't have nightmares, lol). I have also experienced flourescent yellow pee and increased # of bowel movements (all of which I've read others experience as well).
Is the increased hunger going to go away or get worse?