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Flyer/Chapter Project

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#1 captainbeefheart

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 10:29 AM

Need to request a sub forum to pin flyer packages, not sure who I go through for this, anyone?

Need to request a drupal page be made explaining and linking up to chapters.

Edited by brokenportal, 26 September 2009 - 05:46 PM.

#2 brokenportal

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 05:05 PM

If the outline we went over looks good to you, then propose that whole thing. We need project leaders like theres no tomorrow, so then since your in for this, if you want to rearange it, add things in, or whatever then do that. Do what makes sense to you, and you can request help and meetings along the way.

#3 captainbeefheart

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 08:03 PM

Ok, the proposal is as follows, firstly anyone interested in being part of the team?:

This is the flyers team, but we'll just plug chapters into it right away and kill two birds with one stone. After the initial stuff is set up, if its approved then the only thing youll really have to do for the chapters part of it is make sure that your recruits are putting, "find your local chapter at imminst.org/chapters" at the bottom of the flyers. We, I, the recorders, can then find another person to coordinate the chapters if people start coming in for them. Hopefully in time we'll be able to get links for each chapter, such as "imminst.org/chapters/omaha".

-Set up a recruit topic for the team.
-Optionally appoint 2nd and 3rd co captains to take your place when your not there, or if you leave, and for you to task things out to.
-Schedule a weekly meeting at http://imminst.org/meetings but make it optional if you want it to be.
-Gather a couple of packets of ready to print flyers. Make sure they say, "Find your local chapter at imminst.org/chapters" Just search through the art teams topics filled with flyers in various stages of completion. Find the good completed ones, or request that this or that flyer be completed or modified to fit your packages and then arrange them. Just take control of getting these packages done. Flyer creators want to work with people on things like this.
-Also put a recruiting plug in the volunteer opportunities topic.
-Remind the newsletter people to get it into the next newsletter.
-Find more ways to advertise it.
-But most of all, your main job will be recruiting people one by one. Find them in the chat, pm them, find people that seem like they would be into this, and then slowly, over time, recruit one by one by one. Its kind of hard, but thats where the progress is at. If more people do this then by the end of the year we will have dozens or more volunteers. Dozens more volunteers will then attract hundreds more. Youll want to set a monthly minimum for your recruits. Give them two options for a monthly goal. 1. Display set number of flyers, probably something like, put out at least 10 flyers per month, and take picture of themself by at least one of them and post it in a topic you set up for it in the team sub forum. 2. Get a recruit. If they can get a recruit for the team then all the better. Youll then want to also hold to the same standards your self to help lead the way.
-Give your team advice and support. If they need suggestions for the best places to put them up then do that. If they feel like it wont make enough of a difference then explain why it will.
-Expound on the incentives to them and sell them on volunteering. Tell them the small incentives are that their name gets published in various sources like the newsletter, and they get entered in the volunteer and team member prize drawing. Tell them its t shirts for now, but we are working to get the prize pool to grow. Tell them that it is getting a fund raiser and that it could raise any where from $0 to who knows, $5,000. Tell them the big incentives are that of course, its for the cause, but that most of all it inspires more people to volunteer and join teams, and that that is priceless and that that is what is going to get us there. Remind them of tipping points and things like the penny doubling effect. A tipping point is a small to medium sized number that you reach which causes somethings popularity to explode. In the penny doubling effect, if you double a penny once a month for 35 months you will end up with over a billion dollars.
-Keep a list of active volunteers in a topic for the prize system coordinator, me for now, to assimilate into the big volunteer list for the periodic prize drawing. Youll be entered in it too.
-Pat yourself on the back and say, dang, Im doing something about my own impending obliteration, inspiring more critical, crucial, life saving action, and helping create the potential for us all to harness the great glorious requisite 8, it sure feels good.

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#4 captainbeefheart

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Posted 23 August 2009 - 09:27 AM


anyone? In essence it will require little work, in fact we should all be doing it anyway!, just go here: http://www.imminst.o...o...14732&st=40 pick a flyer, or perhaps create your own with the logo and message and put them up where you can or leave piles around. Many places like Libraries, supermarkets, leasuire centres (gym), coffee shops (esspially independent ones), some shops will allow you to do this also. I have posters for various LE stuff in various locations around my local town, it's simply a matter of picking the right message for the right locatio.

It's stuff you can do while you're out and about in town, getting a coffee, getting some food shopping just have some flyers, posters etc on you, or in your car. Locations seem to spring out at you all of a sudden so it can be annoying if you have nothing on you.

#5 caliban

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:46 PM

Thanks for your suggestion captainbeefheart, Recorders deadline is Sept.4th

-- it would be nice if we could approve the flyers before they get handed out. This is not to put brakes on, ot to keep control but just to make sure that rogue marketing however well intentioned doesn't go in a strange direction.

-- while a couple of posters/flyers could be shouldered by anyone with a printer and have a homebrew charm,
printing better quality/ higher quantity flyers may be expensive. Maybe we could get these printed centrally and then send them out to local volunteers?

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:56 PM

Thanks for your suggestion captainbeefheart, Recorders deadline is Sept.4th

-- it would be nice if we could approve the flyers before they get handed out. This is not to put brakes on, ot to keep control but just to make sure that rogue marketing however well intentioned doesn't go in a strange direction.

-- while a couple of posters/flyers could be shouldered by anyone with a printer and have a homebrew charm,
printing better quality/ higher quantity flyers may be expensive. Maybe we could get these printed centrally and then send them out to local volunteers?

Indeed, the flyers would run through some checks. The sets of recommended packages of links to print ready flyers can be put together, we then as recorders kind of manage these, so we'll be keeping on eye on and helping to facilitate the projects. If we see flyers that are questionable we can discuss them at a meeting and disapprove them or not.

Better flyers printed centrally, good idea. A little gloss goes a long way in portraying added credibility.

Captainbeefheart is looking for an embedable area finder, where you type in like, "Ala" for Alabama and then it brings you to Alabama on the list, you click and it brings you to the Alabama section. This is to kill two birds with one stone, by creating the flyers project, and the chapters project at the same time. Does anybody know if a location key word search finder thing, whatever it is called, is built in as an add on, in ipb or drupal or someplace around here?

#7 captainbeefheart

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 04:14 PM

Hi guys,

Yeah I have located a service that will do this, I have set up an account for Imminist it can be accessed through http://www.blipstar..../...66517&hl=en (no locations currently in there however

not sure who does the main site but the code is like this if we wanted to open the component in a new window so it sort of looked integrated!

function openStoreLocator()

Link name goes here

Edited by brokenportal, 25 August 2009 - 04:36 PM.

#8 captainbeefheart

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 04:19 PM

IMO the best flyers I have come across so far are these, although there all a bit small say we wanted to print out A4 versions:





#9 captainbeefheart

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 04:21 PM

I like the first one, the image is pretty cool, although I think perhaps the message implies it's a fore gone conclusion and you don't have to do anything, which is totally the wrong thing!

Edited by captainbeefheart, 25 August 2009 - 04:21 PM.

#10 Mind

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Posted 27 August 2009 - 09:21 PM

Recorders Minute: Since this will not cost the Institute money (chapter members print their own flyers) and Captainbeefheart is the project champion, this will be moved into the project area with the title "Local Chapters".

Needed: Drupal page for entering location data and listing chapters.

#11 captainbeefheart

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Posted 09 September 2009 - 11:07 AM

Link to a bigger version of one of the flyers:


#12 brokenportal

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Posted 18 September 2009 - 09:04 PM

Alright beefheart, good initial work on this. That flyers package will do for now. The lettering can stand to be bigger and bolder on them, but it does work. Ive used some of them myself already.

The link and the embed for the chapter drop down finder list doesnt work. Can you re link to that?

Ill check it out and we'll go from there.

#13 captainbeefheart

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 05:26 PM

http://www.blipstar..../...66517&hl=en this one? Works for me?

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 06:14 PM

Alright, nice. It works for me now.

Do you think there is any threat of that finder becoming obsolete, the site going down, the site charging later, etc..? I mean, Im just wondering if you can do a double check to see if that is amongst the best we could use. One where a drop down of options pops up might be better, but its not neccessary. Or maybe this one can be configured that way?

Alright, now lets decide on this area finder by wednesday, and then propose the drupal page for it at the next recorders meeting. Do you think that we should go ahead and make a section for every state and European country for the box to link to? Should we include every country right away or just the misc. other most active?


Should we propose that we have potential incoming people who are interested in a chapter, request that a section for their area be made on an individual basis?

Once we get the kinks of that page worked out and set up then we'll start in on a monthly minimum. Youll want to lead the way by example, and then recruit co project leaders for this, and helper/members for this.

Remember, there are small incentives, big incentives, and if you ever tire of this then you can hand the team off to a co project leader. Its going to be rough for you at first, being the only person on the team, feeling like its futile and not making a difference, but youll have support from people like me. Ill help when I can, maybe all the time. And, I assure you that this is far, far from futile. These first couple dozen projects we will have all going over the next couple of years are forming a frame work, a coordinated framework that we're working on, that is going to launch us to the next level of support and awareness. We cant do it with out every component like this chapters/flyers team in this framework. This makes your work with this team, as far as I can see, priceless. Ide pay you $1,000 an hour if I could, thats what I think this position is worth. A key to this is getting this ready to go. If you keep this set up and moving along, then it will provide an outlet for the thousands, and tens of thousands, could be even hundreds of thousands of incoming members we will likely/may have over the coming few years.

We'll get a skype meeting going later today or tomorrow too, if you have time. Ill see who else is available to bring in for the discussion.

#15 captainbeefheart

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Posted 21 September 2009 - 05:24 PM

Yeah, there are a number of software packages that will plug into your site, but i don't know what the requirements would be, plus looks like you got to pay for them.

I guess if we don't have a person in a place putting a chapter in might confuse people?

#16 brokenportal

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Posted 21 September 2009 - 06:40 PM

Yeah, there are a number of software packages that will plug into your site, but i don't know what the requirements would be, plus looks like you got to pay for them.

Is the one you found free?

Could you rephrase this "I guess if we don't have a person in a place putting a chapter in might confuse people?" Im not sure that Im reading that right.

#17 captainbeefheart

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Posted 22 September 2009 - 07:47 AM

yeah the blipstar is free.

If we put in Chapters on the map that don't actually have a chapter would this not confuse people?

#18 brokenportal

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Posted 22 September 2009 - 04:21 PM

Can you find out how long blipstar has been around? Im afraid they might discontinue the service soon as many are prone to. We dont need to know how long they have been around but if you want to then find that info.

Alright now I know what you mean. If we dont put in any pre made chapter sections, then when interested people see the potential, "find your local chapter at imminst.org/chapters" they would go to imminst.org/chapters, and we would have to put a note in there that says, something like, if your area doesnt pop up in this chapter finder then request your chapter HERE. Then we would link HERE to a topic or something like that that they could request it in.

However, if we do put in pre made chapter sections, like each state, and each European country and province, then each of those that doesnt already have an active chapter would have a note in it that reads something like, "There are no active chapters here at this time, but leave your name in this section and we will help you build a chapter for this area." We'll want a chat box in there to aid in the communication facilitation, chances are most will be to hesitant to mark down their info as the initial one, but a live crew can help engage and persuade them to leave their info right there on the spot. Hopefully we can get the shoutbox back and that it will be reinstated by that time.

#19 captainbeefheart

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Posted 22 September 2009 - 06:32 PM

Been around since 2006, says there'll always be a free option. Might be worth getting the plus account (have to pay) as it removes their branding, can have more then 300 locations (might not be an issue though) and can embed the stuff directly into the imminist site. Is this going to be used for more then just flyer stuff? If so might be worth getting, perhaps. But free option is still there anyway.

Yeah, ok putting in the chapters sounds like the better option.

#20 brokenportal

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Posted 22 September 2009 - 10:30 PM

Alright super. How much is the pay option and what all else does it include besides more locations and brand removal?

More than just flyers? Well, it will also be for chapters. Chapters can be be as simple or complex as each individual chapter wants them to be, and we can give suggestions to chapters that are as simple or complex as we want the suggestions to be. I mean, we could just plot out an outline for chapters to disseminate more flyers. We plan on likely including a bunch of other suggestions in some packages though, like coordinating speeches, setting up merchandise booths, stocking local libraries and book stores, meeting with local school boards, principles and Deans, etc..

So then, you think we should list a bunch of pre made chapters in the blipstar box? How far should we go then? Each state, European Country and Principality to start off with, or every major US and European City, or all that and Asia, South America, Africa, Australia, etc..? This is a little complex, but with discussion we can work this all out. If you can find a working example, or propose an outline for example that we can see will work then see if you can do that.

I mean, lets say somebody types in Io and then Iowa pops up in the box. Now the click enter, it takes them to an Iowa topic right? Or should it take the person to an Iowa sub forum with in the proposed "Chapters" sub forum? I guess it should probably go to an Iowa sub forum with in the chapters sub forum, and then each city in that state can be listed with in that sub forum as people come and start them. We can pin a topic in there that asks people to leave a set of information that we plot out a form for. Name, location, meeting times, resources and connections, things like that. We can also pin a topic in the state section that lists all of the cities that are listed in that sub forum. That way if a person is looking at the forum, and they dont see their city, they can check the list of "current Iowa locations with chapters" topic to double check, and then that list can link to each topic for easy reference too.

#21 captainbeefheart

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 11:58 AM

Other then those two it allows us to embed the locator directly into the site, rather then just a link. Prices are here for the plus account: http://www.blipstar....lus/upgrade.php if we only have 25 locations looks like we can try it for free, probably need more then that though.

Yeah UK and European States seem good to start, my geography of Asia isn't to good, but could do yeah, do we have many active members in Asia?

#22 brokenportal

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 02:50 PM

I just wrote to blipstar. Ill report on that when they write back. Ive invited them to this topic, but of course, chances are they wont respond here. I see the box seems to have potential to be pretty dynamic. Can you try out that free version and then link us to a demo here?

If this looks good, and we pay the $100, which I will probably pay personally if I have to, then lets put in every US State, every European Country, and State that you recommend, and all the major areas in Australia and South America that we can think of. Probably about 5 or 10 total for the both of those from what I can think of. We can then add in other areas by request later on. For each of these areas, lets request a sub forum. Then we can construct some introductory topics for all those section.

#23 captainbeefheart

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Posted 24 September 2009 - 08:09 AM

cool cool, yeah I have chucked in a few addresses, http://www.blipstar..../...66517&hl=en try somewhere in New England or the California area and should come up. Basically we can put a name and location and then there's a box we can but any HTML we want, I have juts linked to this topic for the time being.

#24 Shepard

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Posted 24 September 2009 - 06:56 PM

Created new subforum as decided here: http://www.imminst.o...&...st&p=343573

Moved thread to the new forum.

#25 brokenportal

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 05:13 PM

Alright thanks for the sub forum.

CaptainBeefHeart, here is the email I got from blipstar.

From: support@blipstar (support@blipstar.com)

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your email.

Just to clarify you're interested in upgrading your Blipstar Plus account to 500 locations? The cost ($100) is a one-off fee and to set it up I just need to know your Blipstar Plus username.

Hope that helps, and if you have any other questions just let me know!


So, if we get that bought - and if we have a sensible proposal for what we want to put in it with in the week then we might be able to get the recorders to buy it with in the week - then will you put in the time to go through and create a topic for every major country, and then every state and province with in each of them? We'll then put in all the other major areas, and the towns and cities by request later over time.

So, this week, let me know if you can work on that list. It would be an expansion of the regional forums list, but also seperate things like Australia and New Zealand and US and Canada.

Thats all you would have to list for now. We'll create a standard pinned topic with in each one of those then as an introduction to people that come to that section looking for their chapter. We will prompt them to give their area info. We can go over those details later. Then with in each of those states we would have the towns and cities listed randomly through out the forum, but we will also organize them with in a pinned topic when there are many towns and cities listed for that state or province.

We'll try to bulk up the chapters initially, so that other incoming people will see there is some substance there and not run away, by trying to get all current imminst members to sign up in various chapter areas.

When that is all set up then we'll put a url to the blipstar chapter locator at imminst.org/localchapters and then youll recruit people to put out a minimum of flyers with that url on them per month. Then all youll have to do is put out flyers at least once per month, and recruit when you can. Remember, there isnt to much pressure because you can hand the team off any time you find a good co captain to hand it off to that the recorders dont disagree with. You could also recruit a recruiter if you want so you wouldnt have to worry about that at all.

If you see this through to completion with us then Ill send you a copy of Ending Aging. I know its not much but its all I can afford. I would pay you $1,000 an hour if I could. Thanks for your help, its inspiring and drives me, and I suspect others, on more.

#26 brokenportal

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Posted 16 October 2009 - 07:24 PM

Im going to buy this blipstar when I get the money, probably with in the next 3 weeks. Its a little hitch in this but I would rather take the gamble myself. I dont think it will, but this might not work out. It might fail. Its well worth this shot though. If this succeeds it is going to help a lot.

So, when I get the blipstar ordered Ill send you all the information. Then, how do you think we should hook this up? Do you recommend we try it with each country and state each with a sub section with in the "local chapters" section? or do you think that each should be a topic? Is say, Texas, was a topic, then how would we link to cities with in? Im thinking we could pin every country and state, then have every town be down below in the local chapter forum. The blipstar can link to every country and state, then with in each pinned country and state topic, we can link to the city and town topics that have been started so far. We can also leave instructions there on starting up a city or town if its not already in there. Then either right away or later, you can also link the blip star up to every single city and town topic.

We'll work on the instruction and introduction posts when we get to that point then.

I was thinking about some possibilities with meetup and I created a group. I found though that they charge like $70.00 for six months, so unfortunately, from what I can see, that is out of the equation now. Although, having this all imminst grown should help in the long run.

#27 brokenportal

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Posted 30 October 2009 - 07:15 PM

Captainbeefheart and I continually discuss this in skype too. We need some feedback.

The options are opening up and changing a bit as we discuss it.

What we are looking at is that we will use the regional forums. We will start topics with a theme for the chapters to differentiate them from the rest of the regional forum topics. For example we would do the 50 states like this, "Alabama Chapters" "Alaska Chapters" "Arkansas Chapters" etc...

We have two main options we are considering for other countries at this point but we could use some feedback in making this decision, we want to make the best one. The two options are:

-that we can put chapters by country in the other section of the regional forums. For example in Scandanavia we would put "Norway Chapters" "Sweden Chapters" "Finland Chapters" "Denmark Chapters" "Iceland Chapters".

-or we can put them by regions with in those countries. For Sweden for example it would go like this: like "Dalarna Chapters" "Gävleborg Chapters" "Jämtland Chapters" "Jönköping Chapters" "Kronoberg Chapters" etc...

Then, with in these states and regions we will have a short form for people to fill out in a response in that "Chapters" section. When we get say, 3 or more people for a St. Louis Chapter we will contact them, help them set it up, and then create a "St. Louis Chapter" topic in the United States regional forum. We will then add a link to that in to the "Missouri Chapters" topic.

They will be floating around randomly in the regional forums, but they will all be organized alphabetically by state and region at a page we will create for this called "imminst.org/chapters" If we can get the blipstar drop down box or a box like it to work then they will all be organized more conveniently in there too.

Discuss please.

Edited by brokenportal, 30 October 2009 - 07:17 PM.

#28 The Immortalist

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 02:02 AM

Are these chapters intended for Supporters of life extension who live relatively close to one another to meet up in real life? Are there any currently in existence?

#29 captainbeefheart

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 10:17 AM

Hi immortalist, yeah that's it basically. You can sign up to a chapter in the regional forums, here

#30 brokenportal

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 06:46 PM

and soon through here, imminst.org/chapters - but its still under construction at this time. If anybody wants to help then let us know.

We are going to be promoting this as a two birds with one stone angle through flyer drives that we will be setting up. We are also hoping that this chapters structure is going to be useful to help in absorbing ambitions of floods of more people we expect to be coming in in the upcoming years. A few years ago we had around 100 new people signing up here a month, now we have around 500 and it seems like its probably going to exponentially grow from here.

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