Again smart vegetarians don't just eat anything that doesn't have meat in it, including whatever sweets, fruits and other high fructose or artificially sweetened foods may come their way. I am sure the control group ate lots and lots of high sugar foods in that study. Otherwise it is still clear that vegetarians have lower incidents than most diseases when compared to meat eaters. And you can supplement taurine.
So you're basically saying that negative studies on vegetarians should be ignored because the vegetarians in those studies eat an unhealthy vegetarian diet, but that we shouldn't ignore studies on meat eaters, despite how much garbage they eat. Right.
I don't think their consumption of sweets and sweetened foods was any higher among the vegetarians. They didn't control for anything, they just took a bunch of people and measured their serum levels of AGEs. Generally, vegetarians tend to be more careful with their health than meat eaters (which is why in association studies, things like smoking, total calorie intake, exercise etc. are controlled for), so if anything, I expect them to have consumed
less sweets.
They did eat more high-fructose foods such as apples, however, which would explain their higher AGE levels.
The point here is that even though meat is very high in AGEs and fruit is very low in AGEs, the meat eaters had lower levels of AGEs than the fruit eaters.
Let's talk about designing the perfect diet instead of selecting merely from what is presented to us. To me well thought-out vegetarianism that is low in dairy or that cycles dairy (couple months here and there or just no dairy at all), coupled with optimal supplementation, is the best diet available for longevity and extended youthspan. Obviously there is something in meat that causes it to create more AGEs when cooked, just as lactose containing dairy, when highly processed, produces more AGEs. To say that because a mere 30% is reabsorbed we should still eat it is silly. That still leaves 60% wide opened and with the numbers of AGEs per serving on these sites, that is ample reason to stay away.
I don't know what you're referring to with the 60% figure, but I didn't say "we should eat meat". I'm saying that, if we look at AGEs, you can't make meaningful conclusions on the meat/vegetarian issue based on this food item list only, because there is much more to AGEs.