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Piracetam - for the first time

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#1 kassem23

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Posted 21 September 2009 - 02:16 PM

Hi there ImmInst.org members,
I just bought 100 pills of piracetam combined with choline from boostyourgrade and I just wanted to share my experience. I have some questions as well, that I hope you can answer.

First of all, from the site; 1 pill includes 300mg Piracetam and 200 mg choline (which, the homepage suggests, is the perfect ratio).
I took my first attack-dose, which consisted of 7 pills, to "attack" my system, as the homepage said would be beneficial. 1 hour went and I began to feel extremely tired, mentally and physically, so I lied down and took a 10 minute powernap and felt really refreshed afterwards. The effects during the day were subtle, but I guess, I felt that "something" was going on. After about 7 hours, I said to myself that I would try again, so I gave myself 4 extra pills, and after about 30 minutes I felt a boost. Music sounded entirely different, my vision seemed clearer, and what I noticed was that my eyes looked a lot clearer. Like they were shining? Do anybody know about that, or experience the same?

When it was time to go to sleep, I took 2 pills (after reading a lot of topics in here about the effects of piracetam and sleep) it took some time to fall asleep, but when my alarm woke up. I just naturally went up and felt NO TIREDNESS what-so-ever. I've never been able to do that, so that's pretty crazy, and I only had about 6.5 hours sleep. It was an amazing feeling.
I took my second "attack-dose" which will be the last, recommended by the site and been feeling extremely alert today. My vision is enhanced some weird way. I seem to notice details and when the teacher wrote something wrong, or somebody said something just a tiny bit wrong, I noticed it immediately. Quite scary actually. In math, we were doing some functions in a program and I looked at the function: f(x):=3x^3-6x+1 and wrote it in the program.. Later when the teacher asked: "What was the function called again?" I could recall it from heart without even thinking about it. It might be placebo, but it kind of "shocked" me.

Then there was PE, we were doing something called "long-ball" or something like that, where you really had to be good at catching a ball and don't take it wrong, I've always been a good athlete, but I've never tried anything like this. I literally had no problem of avoiding running into people while catching the ball effortless. It was like my reactions were top tuned. I had no problem at all with focus and it seemed like I could concentrate on a lot of things on the same time and it felt really great.

When I look at my eyes in the mirror again now, after about 10 hours, my eyes still looks extremely focused, they are shining in some weird way, like they look incredibly "fresh" .. Don't know what that is?

Anyways, I figured that my supply would soon run out with the amount of pills I consume everyday, so I'm thinking about buying aniracetam instead of piracetam and some more pills, because the effects are said to be stronger, right?

Is it just me or do the pills taste really, really bad? The pill has a gelatin coating but as soon as it touches my tongue it really is disgusting.. Maybe that's just the gelatin?

Overall: An interesting experience, and I would love to hear about your experiences too, and "similarities" as well.

I've also been looking on Modafinil as a productivity tool, which I may buy some day, just to try it as well.

There is also something called "Get Smart" Brain Formula from Smart Nutrition, which includes both aniracetam, oxiracetam (both more potent than piracetam), Vinpocetine, Centrophenoxine, Pyritinol, Picamilon, Idebenone, Galantamine and Huperzine A all what goes under the category "nootropics". It has been reviewed by cracked.com, and they say that it is actually pretty good. What do you guys think? aniracetam only, or 1 pill of Get Smart á day? It's really expensive..

Please give me your thoughts on this..I'll really appreciate it. Being a newbie here with all these brain enhancers makes the choices harder, I need some guidance please.

Thanks in advance,

by the way I'm 17 years old, I'm a student, and I'm from Denmark.

#2 Piracetam

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Posted 21 September 2009 - 11:51 PM

Piracetam and Aniracetam are different.
Piracetam lasts longer for me (about 4-5hrs) while aniracetam lasts much less (2hrs). The effects are stronger but short lived. Aniracetam also drains your acetylcholine much more than Piracetam in my experience.
For the purpose of focus and socializing aniracetam is better. However Piracetam is a good stable nootropic.
If I were you I'd order a tub of Piracetam for regular use (go to bodybuilding.com 20 bucks for 500g), a bottle of Aniracetam for whenever it is necessary and a good choline source (not choline bitartrate). Don't waste your money on products that give you a low-dose and are overpriced.

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#3 cb37

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 05:37 AM

Ok, my biggest question about piracetam is this:

Does piracetam increase your ability to LEARN information (i.e. to be recalled later), or does it help you RECALL information? In other words, is it beneficial during studying for a test, or taking a test? Or... both? Thanks.

#4 csrpj

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 06:03 AM

Ok, my biggest question about piracetam is this:

Does piracetam increase your ability to LEARN information (i.e. to be recalled later), or does it help you RECALL information? In other words, is it beneficial during studying for a test, or taking a test? Or... both? Thanks.

i can't speak for piracetam on this matter, but i've heard that oxiracetam does have this function to a high degree.

#5 cb37

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 09:03 PM

Ok, my biggest question about piracetam is this:

Does piracetam increase your ability to LEARN information (i.e. to be recalled later), or does it help you RECALL information? In other words, is it beneficial during studying for a test, or taking a test? Or... both? Thanks.

i can't speak for piracetam on this matter, but i've heard that oxiracetam does have this function to a high degree.

Which function... to learn or recall?

#6 sunshinefrost

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Posted 23 September 2009 - 09:51 PM

from what i've read and experienced;

- oxiracetam: could make your balls shrink (don't remember where i've read this and i have no reference. i believe you can find it in this forum.)

- aniracetam: apparently good for neurogenesis. i tried it for the BDNF qualities, but i feel it's too intense... i get brain-fog all the time sand i lost my ability to concentrate. the pubmed studies are very encouraging and promising (neurogenesis, BDNF enhancement, dopamine and serotonine enhancement, neuroreceptor potentiation, neuroreceptor upregulation , etc) but it's hard to notice if my brain has actually been upgraded or downgraded.... i sometimes feel stupid on it. I can say that it provides occasional brain boost but it is only temporary. One thing i am convinced of though is that the colors in my vision are much more intense.... they seem saturated.

- piracetam: may not be as intense as aniracetam but it works. i feel that the interhemispheric communication aspect of it is stronger than aniracetam. I feel a subtle enhancement of my speech because i noticed better wordings and deeper thinking for my sentances.

I was hoping to benefit of the Ampakine aspect of aniracetam wich was supposed to help me LEARN but it didn't.... personally i prefer Piracetam.

Edited by sunshinefrost, 23 September 2009 - 09:58 PM.

#7 Imagination

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Posted 24 September 2009 - 06:35 AM

You could of bought 500g for about the same price.

#8 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 08:09 AM

Yes, kassem23, my eyes were shining!

With that came a shiny smile too - a natural thing to do when the brain is purring smoothly, saturated by piracetamic neurolube.

I've already described in some of my posts on this forum, the effect of higher brain function and maybe even something more, is the shine of the eyes. I say that it is an effect, not a cause - a result of physiologic reconstitution which allows the organism to channel more power.

The shine of the eyes can be seen from both without and within, and it is not only the marker of higher cognition, but also the indicator of life and death. The weak, the dying and the stupid have a flatness to their eyes.

People of power and health have shiny eyes. Killers have shiny eyes. Babies first born have especially shiny eyes. They are still full of power, unused. The shine of power is the visible upwelling of energy from the soul, and is reliant on the health of the physical organism too.

Of all the people, sorcerers have the shiniest eyes. The look of those eyes kills. Eyes like that must be carefully hidden from view, lest the dull multitudes spook.

More than a year ago I decided that my eyes weren't shiny enough - among other things - and so I started taking real doses of piracetam (one tablespoon every 3 waking hours, and one right before bed regardless, 24/7/365).

I wrote about this and more in these posts:

Oct 12, 2009: http://www.imminst.o...mp;#entry353680

Oct 12, 2009: http://www.imminst.o...mp;#entry353673

Oct 6, 2009: http://www.imminst.o...mp;#entry352234

There's lots more so I won't quote myself, but if you search for all my posts you'll get most of it.

Since you're just getting started, here's the pricelist - Racetam Prices - which lists the cheapest 1-4 suppliers for: Piracetam, Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Pramiracetam, Nefiracetam and Phenylpiracetam. It's a frequently-updated copy of the webpage on my HDD used for personal ordering sources, provided online for others without ads, etc. Hand recoded after Frontpage manglification too, btw.

p.s. Bulk powder is much cheaper than caps, and it has a more dramatic effect without the constant consumption of pill material. Some prefer them, and some suppliers on my list also carry gelcaps. Also, your dosage is low, try a tablespoon every 3-4 hours for a few days to a week, then report if you get any greater effects.

Also, fish oil cross-potentiates piracetam and superbly enhances dreaming, but it must be taken in decent doses (at least equal to the sum of all other non-omega3 fats in the diet).

Edited by Isochroma, 12 November 2009 - 08:24 AM.

#9 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 08:36 AM

cb37: you asked:

"Ok, my biggest question about piracetam is this:

Does piracetam increase your ability to LEARN information (i.e. to be recalled later), or does it help you RECALL information? In other words, is it beneficial during studying for a test, or taking a test? Or... both? Thanks"

And being a heavy piracetam user who does loads of intellectual work all day, that it enhaces both. It enhances everything, memory, visualization, other drugs, sleep, dreaming, on and on and on. Check my post history for more posts on what a regime like this can do.

In short, piracetam is a miracle drug that rebuilds damaged and aged brains, and slows and prevents new damages. The effects are immediate, and also cumulative. It also adds some new capabilities - extending existing functionalities beyond even their peak in natural performance - without the toxic depletion caused by stimulants like caffeine.

One of these is the elimination or drastic reduction in vertigo, motion-induced in particular. That's when you spin around for a while and suddenly stop - the world's still spinning for a while if you're a normal undosed humanoid.

Many users don't take enough to really see its full benefits, and thus complain about not benefiting.

Thus I recommend to take a full saturation dose to begin: one level tablespoon every three hours all day. The stuff's so cheap that maintaining full saturation is not only economical, but ensures that every day you're getting the absolute maximum possible benefit.

The results of a saturation dose can be revolutionary, as my previous posts indicate. Read 'em to find out what it's been like to lose the need to sleep but yet sleep whenever I like, and never once in months - soon to be years - actually feel tired. Yet sleep like an artistic perfection with super dreams so full of screams, beasts howling and impossible growlings, and total recall - yeah, total fucking recall - and be awake before even waking up totally refreshed, all without any caffeine or alcohol of course.

The effects get stronger after taking it longer - every single day is slightly better than the last (yes, I can still notice daily improvement after over a year and three months from beginning). This is because piracetam is one of only a handful of builder drugs, rather than depleter drugs or noneffect drugs. When I think about drugs (and other stuff put into the body), in terms of what it does to base health, especially metabolic health - they can all fit nicely into one of these three categories. Depleter drugs include: stimulants, stimulant-psychedelics, psychedelics, alcohols, and numerous others.

Depleter drugs are like vampires: they suck the life-force out of the organism, or rather make the organism deplete not only its reserves but damage its metabolic machinery in the process. Stimulants don't rebuild the brain's structure, they grind its structure and functionality into the ground and we dance around the flames and say 'Wow!' while pointing to the dramatic flames.

Only tears remain after those candles that burned twice as bright burn only half as long. That's the way it is with candles - and mitochondria too - nevermind the overarching interwoven vastness of the organism. Play nice or pay the price - that is the message.

Thus the cruel irony of the caffeinated 'Energy Drink' is that it hotwires the metabolic thermostat, speeding up lots of processes and also aging: by accelerating the metabolic machinery it damages those systems which it affects. To complete the dish it adds a dash of nasty side effects and evil withdrawal effects. In the case of caffeine, it's also quite acid-forming and has lots of negative health effects - like decalcification of bones [osteoporosis, worst in older women] and some especially insidious ones - like damage to the adrenals from overuse, especially of cortisol, the stress hormone. Thus the energy drink may even supply calories, but the damage it does is cumulative and there are no net benefits, only net losses over time. The catchphrase for stimulants is: "Sell Your Present & Future Health for some Stimulation Today!".

Piracetam is a complete caffeine replacement, except it's far, far superior.

Piracetam - being one of a few builder drugs - fluidizes the cell membranes, grows new receptors, enhances oxygen delivery, platelet & red blood cell deformability, and lots more. It makes the energy converters called mitochondria - the cylinders of the cellular 'engine', run more efficiently - rather than just burning them out due to over-revving like stimulants.

Like synthetic superlube, it cleans out the lipofuscin junk from inside and between cells, making them efficient and allowing new growths between neurons and delaying their death. Neurolube penetrates deep within and between the cells, both softening them and leaving them shiny clean inside & out - just like Mr. Clean and a good carpet cleaner, it massages the neuronal bristles and gently loosens dirt particles, washing them away without the trouble of a bubble. Eventually the shine spills over into the eyes, where it's visible from both the inside and outside. It's a shine that's so fine that it can be worn or hid with pride.

Those are the days I consistently appraise, since after a year when I first became clear. Never tired and always fired, completely reformed from the old and deformed.

Edited by Isochroma, 12 November 2009 - 09:35 AM.

#10 jackj

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 05:54 PM

I found Piracetam good but I soon found it made me feel very dry, dull and boring to be around and I felt more disconnected than I normally do - it was all very black and white. Anyone got a solution?

Edited by jackj, 12 November 2009 - 05:59 PM.

#11 Johann

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 07:45 PM

I found Piracetam good but I soon found it made me feel very dry, dull and boring to be around and I felt more disconnected than I normally do - it was all very black and white. Anyone got a solution?

Isochroma makes me want to go get some Piracetam. i've been a big believer in Ani but may try
the other as well.

Jack, I dunno. I feel disconnected but in an objective way. Its like I'm no longer down in the forest looking at all the trees up close but rather up high above seeing the bigger picture. The anhedonia is for some too much. But for me, it is as they say, break free from the chains that are causing ya pain.. ;) yowza?

#12 acantelopepope

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 01:11 AM

I found Piracetam good but I soon found it made me feel very dry, dull and boring to be around and I felt more disconnected than I normally do - it was all very black and white. Anyone got a solution?

You need to define "good". Please see my post on non-responders vs. responders, do the test and post your results. Out of all the places on the internet, in any forum, or book for that matter, it is probably the closest to offering a solution-- and the more people that add to the discussion the faster we will figure it out.

#13 LIB

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 04:04 AM

I found Piracetam good but I soon found it made me feel very dry, dull and boring to be around and I felt more disconnected than I normally do - it was all very black and white. Anyone got a solution?

Isochroma makes me want to go get some Piracetam. i've been a big believer in Ani but may try
the other as well.

Jack, I dunno. I feel disconnected but in an objective way. Its like I'm no longer down in the forest looking at all the trees up close but rather up high above seeing the bigger picture. The anhedonia is for some too much. But for me, it is as they say, break free from the chains that are causing ya pain.. :|? yowza?

It's well worth a shot for how cheap it is. When I first took it, I got a few nice episodes, then it just made me fuzzy and tired...so I forgot about it on the shelf. I got great results when I got my cortisol down by taking phosphatidylserine, and took a little pregenelone. excess cortisol makes ALL your hormones less available. I read in another post that if piracetam doesn't work for you to give pregenelone a shot. acantelopepope narrowed this down even further by coming up with a very likely possibility that if piracetam doesn't work for you, you may be low in aldosterone. Pregenelone eventually converts into aldosterone down the line.

I remember messaging you about the NSI phosphatidylserine. Stuff is way less potent and effective than the Jarrow stuff I was taking! And, I looked a little closer at NSI' deceptive labeling...I don't even think it's much cheaper than Jarrow PS-100 on iherb.

So at the moment I'm feeling lousy without my Jarrow phosphatidylserine and piracetam that doesn't work for me.

#14 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 06:49 PM

Do you take caffeine?

#15 nito

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 12:39 AM

Do you take caffeine?

Hey Isochroma

I read something you wrote piracetam and the state of vertigo which you can experience if you spin on a chair. Well i spun on a chair for like a minute and a fast speed. As i stopped and tried to walk i felt it took roughly 3 sec to get back to full normal state where previously it would have taken at least 10 + sec to regain full compusure. It felt so weird because it was as if the brain regained it's control much faster than usuall.

Is this evidence of piracetam at least having some sort of effect on me? I have been taking it for more than 2 weeks at different dosages ranging from 10 g a day to 2g.



#16 jackj

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 08:53 PM

Anyone know the shelf life of piracetam or alpha gpc? Nothing is written on my bottles.. I have the bulk fast1-400 brand and I've had them for a long time, maybe 12 months plus, maybe that's a problem?

I found Piracetam good but I soon found it made me feel very dry, dull and boring to be around and I felt more disconnected than I normally do - it was all very black and white. Anyone got a solution?

You need to define "good". Please see my post on non-responders vs. responders, do the test and post your results. Out of all the places on the internet, in any forum, or book for that matter, it is probably the closest to offering a solution-- and the more people that add to the discussion the faster we will figure it out.

Good as in what I thought was a positive effect. Everything seemed a lot less confused and and I could organise and control my thoughts a lot better. Now when I take it I get a similar effect but I feel very despondent and grumpy. I will try your test though.

Edited by jackj, 14 November 2009 - 09:04 PM.

#17 Guest_Isochroma_*

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 08:59 PM

Yup, that's the piracetam!

The stuff is a powerful tool for anyone who does sports or martial arts (I've got a wonderful experience post on my piracetam experiences page, here's the source - quoted below).

Not only does piracetam decrease vertigo, but it also accelerates neurokinetic impulse transmission. That means anything requiring fast and precise brain-muscle-brain feedback will benefit.


"Mindset: Clear concise, yet tired from rave.

I was turned on to Piracetam after having experienced Modafinil for a while. Modafinil is great I just don't feel like staying up all the time. Though I did like the increased memory and cognitive ability(s).

After taking into concern what I was putting my body through while sleeping only every other day, I decided to try Piracetam. There are many different 'racetams' out there but this one seemed to be the safest and affected most people that tried it. There are others but they seem to have a higher failure rate and one or two have some nasty effect on the liver.

I found the taste of Piracetam to be horrid and decided that at the dosages I would be taking, I should invest in a capsule machine.

2x800mg Piracetam - 3 times a day (spaced about 4-6 hours apart)
1x200mg DMAE - 2 times a day (spaced about 8 hours apart)
1x Mens 1-A-Day Multi-vitamin

I noticed clear benefits the first day after the attack dosage (roughly 4 grams, sometimes not necessary for everyone). I felt more aware of my surroundings and had a general feeling of being on my game. These effects disappeared for 2 days only to reappear and grow stronger over time. (this seems to happen in alot of cases)

As a martial artist and a type2 diabetic I pay attention to what my body is doing more than most and I've grown quite attuned to how I feel and what's causing that feeling. The first thing I noticed was increased reflexes. My neuro-kinetics are great to begin with, they are noticably better now. Things fall in slo-mo from time to time. My general attitude is better. Being more on top of things and having less procrastination seems to be a benefit as well. Anxiety is a thing of the past. I feel like I have the patience of a tibetan monk now.

I don't believe my dopamine levels are raised from Piracetam or DMAE, however they may be slightly increased due to how well I'm accomplishing things in my daily life now.

The most pleasant effect was noticed about a week after starting. My blood sugar no longer seems to be a factor in my daily life! My life usually revolves around my blood sugar being too high or too low, causing me to feel sluggish and sleepy, almost stoned.

After researching, Piracetam increases brain glucose usage and metabolism up to 25%, this percentage being different for everyone. THATS DAMN SIGINIFICANT! Not only that, but the same mechanism causes the blood in the brain to carry slightly more oxygen! I've never been more amazed!

Think of the nasty drugs that MD's prescribe for Diabetes and though they help, they can also damage other systems. Now I find something that has no LD50 and is so non-toxic that the FDA sees no reason to regulate it? I'm ecstatic!

I notice now that I'm eating smaller meals more often. Not by choice, but because of the increase in metabolic rate and usage of glucose.

Other welcome effects...

* Vivid long-term memory recall. I have good recall to begin with, but now I can remember experiences I've had years ago in tremendous detail.

* Increased ambi-dexterity. Training with weapons in either hand is much easier now. My training partners are becoming scared at my increased understanding of techniques and ability to use either side of my body to enact them.

* Increased speed. They are even more scared of the slightly increased neuro-kinetics.

* Slight strength increase. Maybe because of stronger or more efficient signals to nerves?

* Greater ability to multi-task without getting confused. (self explanatory)

So far I haven't found any problems while using alcohol, marijuana, or modafinil. Though alcohol and marijuana have the opposite effect of what I'm trying to achieve.

I'm now free of the daily struggle that was food. I still eat right and even better in some cases as the sugar cravings are gone. Now I have more of a genuine 'belly hunger' when I need to eat.

I make sure I have a choline source as Piracetam depletes this from the system. This depletion is usually denoted by headaches."

Edited by Isochroma, 14 November 2009 - 09:01 PM.

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#18 nlpthinker

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 05:59 PM

This may be a longe shot, but any updates using Piracetam?

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