Just came across this India Daily news site while reading about the Indian moon probe.
Then I started looking at some of the other stories. Is this a real news site or is this a version of America's National Inquirer???
Most all the tech stories left me blinking in huh mode.
Hello Valkyrie,
The news reg. Indian Moon Probe is real; -FYI the Indian space research program existed as early the late 1960's; and they had a tie up with NASA etc;-FYI,- the initial location of our launch facility and research center was near TRIVANDRUM on the SW corner of India;-- In my self-intro letter dt 14-June-2004 to ImmInst I have mentioned my visit to this facility some time in 1968 or '69 to see a documentary film & a moon rock from the 1st US moon landing mission.// [see link below]
http://www.imminst.o...amp;#entry33363 India is an amalgam of pockets of high technology & wealth in the urban areas, along with significant poverty and underdevelopment in the villages and remote areas.//
Thanks for your interest.
Have a nice day !
Sasy Kumar.
25-April -2010