I was wondering if anyone could help me..
I want to move to the UK, mostly to be with my boyfriend, who is not british (he is a student there and working).
I also want to try and find a job there and generally, move to the UK.
I don't have any degree or finance for studying there, I was wondering what are my options.
I am itnerested at the cambridge area this year but I might have to move to huddersfield next year as my boyfriend starts his third year of university.
As far as I found, I need to be invited to work in the UK by a company to get a working visa, I am a bit lost when it comes to that (where to look? who would invite me? why would anyone take me without any specialty?)
I would love to hear any advices people might have and any help possible!
If anyone has ideas, feel free to PM me.
Thanks! ^^