We can all have indefinite life extension in our lifetimes.
Will we reach Longevity Escape Velocity? Will we make any of the right kinds of research breakthroughs to get us through to indefinite life extension? Many of us ask ourselves questions like these, unsure of who’s doing what and how fast or slow they may be going. We think that maybe "they" can get it done in 25 years, maybe 45, maybe 75, 100, 1,000 we don’t know.

Here is the good news though, we are they. This happens at the same rate as the speed at which we all collectively go. Every, single, input of volunteer hours is unbelievably priceless. Its you that makes this difference. Its your contribution that decides whether we live or die. We are like Generals woken in the middle of a battle field, with one eye, in the land of the blind. It is our duty to bring the vision that we have to the rest of the world. The rest of the world depends on us, they need us to bring this cause to them.

There is more good news to this too, bringing this cause to them is as simple as spreading the word. All we have to do is inform them, and we have many projects, big and small, short and tall, for one and all, we have something for everybody. You can get in where you fit in, in action that is under way, or in development.

It is the small things that are the big things at this stage in this movement for indefinite life extension, like the penny doubling effect. This really is a unique time filled with extraordinary opportunities for any body to make a big difference in a pivotal and crucial cause. Every single action that we take now ads up like those pennies in the penny doubling effect.

If you double a penny once a month for 35 months you end up with over a billion dollars. So these first 35 doubles mean the most. Once this cause is world wide, then your small contributions won’t mean as much. Don’t wait till then to make them, make them now, when their impact and reward is the greatest. The iron is red hot and now is the time to strike. Strike now.

We can get through to the world in around 5 years. If we all put in our 2 cents today then this can be world wide in 5 years, easy. Think about it, new sodas, new fads, bubbly pop stars hopping around squealing gibberish on stages, and all kinds of things can influence the mentality of the world in far less than 5 years. We can definitely do this in 5 or so.
So, my recommendation to everybody, and I could be wrong, but put everything else that you can bring yourself to, aside, for the next 5 years or so, and pour all of your energy, resources, and efforts in to doing what you can in this grass roots stage of this cause now. When the cause goes mainstream, worldwide, then lets resume our niches in society, then lets continue with our degrees full time, and really put the heat in to our businesses, and go out and build on to our houses, and buy those boats and things. Now is the time to strike. We need you all now, desperately, today, this is a battle for indefinity, and we need every single recruit at the front lines asap like there is no tomorrow.

Many thanks to everybody who has already put in their two cents, and to all those who continue to, your work and efforts and donations and contributions have been priceless. You are helping lead the way and the world may end up owing you their lives.
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Edited by brokenportal, 15 November 2010 - 11:19 PM.