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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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We can all have indefinite life extension in our life times.

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 02:42 AM

We can all have indefinite life extension in our lifetimes.

Will we reach Longevity Escape Velocity? Will we make any of the right kinds of research breakthroughs to get us through to indefinite life extension? Many of us ask ourselves questions like these, unsure of who’s doing what and how fast or slow they may be going. We think that maybe "they" can get it done in 25 years, maybe 45, maybe 75, 100, 1,000 we don’t know.
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Here is the good news though, we are they. This happens at the same rate as the speed at which we all collectively go. Every, single, input of volunteer hours is unbelievably priceless. Its you that makes this difference. Its your contribution that decides whether we live or die. We are like Generals woken in the middle of a battle field, with one eye, in the land of the blind. It is our duty to bring the vision that we have to the rest of the world. The rest of the world depends on us, they need us to bring this cause to them.
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There is more good news to this too, bringing this cause to them is as simple as spreading the word. All we have to do is inform them, and we have many projects, big and small, short and tall, for one and all, we have something for everybody. You can get in where you fit in, in action that is under way, or in development.
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It is the small things that are the big things at this stage in this movement for indefinite life extension, like the penny doubling effect. This really is a unique time filled with extraordinary opportunities for any body to make a big difference in a pivotal and crucial cause. Every single action that we take now ads up like those pennies in the penny doubling effect.
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If you double a penny once a month for 35 months you end up with over a billion dollars. So these first 35 doubles mean the most. Once this cause is world wide, then your small contributions won’t mean as much. Don’t wait till then to make them, make them now, when their impact and reward is the greatest. The iron is red hot and now is the time to strike. Strike now.
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We can get through to the world in around 5 years. If we all put in our 2 cents today then this can be world wide in 5 years, easy. Think about it, new sodas, new fads, bubbly pop stars hopping around squealing gibberish on stages, and all kinds of things can influence the mentality of the world in far less than 5 years. We can definitely do this in 5 or so.

So, my recommendation to everybody, and I could be wrong, but put everything else that you can bring yourself to, aside, for the next 5 years or so, and pour all of your energy, resources, and efforts in to doing what you can in this grass roots stage of this cause now. When the cause goes mainstream, worldwide, then lets resume our niches in society, then lets continue with our degrees full time, and really put the heat in to our businesses, and go out and build on to our houses, and buy those boats and things. Now is the time to strike. We need you all now, desperately, today, this is a battle for indefinity, and we need every single recruit at the front lines asap like there is no tomorrow.
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Many thanks to everybody who has already put in their two cents, and to all those who continue to, your work and efforts and donations and contributions have been priceless. You are helping lead the way and the world may end up owing you their lives.

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Edited by brokenportal, 15 November 2010 - 11:19 PM.

#2 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 08:28 PM

Nicely done brokenportal :). Its an often overlooked point that everyone's contributions matter, no matter how small. If we don't want to speak publicly there are many ways to donate anonymously to organizations that fund life extension research.

#3 bacopa

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 02:11 AM

awesome, riveting and inspiring post Portal! I wish more people would think like this.

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#4 brokenportal

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 02:46 AM

Thanks Shannon.

I wish that too Fowler. I wish it, we wish it, and little by little, by all the volunteers here helping to facilitate, and inspire, and lead, and provide resources for, etc... more people are coming to think like this.

If this is true, and if at this stage in the game it is the little things that are the big things, then we need everybody to make a pledge here. We have until the 11th. We just need a few more pledges of any number. Get yours in today.

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 01:05 AM

We are looking for more volunteers, and more participation. We can probably get through to and inform the world with just 100 to 300 volunteers. The path is right in front of us. All we have to do is make the decision to walk it. Whatever you have going on in your life, you know, this cause needs you first. Make this cause your number one priority and everything else will follow. If you dont, then everything else will follow you in to a dank, dark, pointless, boring hole in the ground where you will miss out on everything for the rest of your life.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 10:57 PM

I was just reading and thinking of this quote,

“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.” -Douglas MacArthur

It reminded me of this topic. I could be wrong, but Im quite positive that we need to beleive that we can get this done in our lifetimes, lest our lack of beleif become the fatal blow that kills us, and not the ravages of aging.

Beleiving that we can get this done in our lifetimes is different than beleiving that we will get this done in our lifetimes. We can do this, there is no doubt about it. 100,000 people per day, and yourself, and everybody you know depends upon us all beleiving that we can get this done in our lifetimes. We have no time to waste.

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#7 bacopa

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Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:27 AM

Portal you don't fuss around much do you? :)

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 06:45 PM

Well, I think that having the world all be aware of this cause is the most ideal thing that this cause could ask for. We then have max potential to use every resource that we can muster to fight aging.

I think that we can inform the world. Therefore, 1 day of fuss could mean 1 day later that the world becomes informed, which means one day later that the potential cures might get here, and of course, thats 100,000 more people down the tubes, dead, obliterated, erased from existence for eternity, dreams shattered, the information and character they have logged destroyed, dissolved in to the abyss. Of course also, its not usually fun.

For example I watched my dear old uncle Leonard laying there, cancer had eaten away his mid section, he was in some kind of trauma or injury induced coma at that stage as I watched him in that nursing home. He was jolting in pain, wracking subtly, the white tiles, I remember those white tiles above his face, for some reason, thinking to myself, this is the last snap shot of existence he gets. Some white plain useless fucking tiles, as aging sucked the life out of him. Here he is, nobody cares, ready, set, obliterate.

Thats 100,000 of those a day. I try not to fuss.

#9 Eugene

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:07 AM

I'm in!

#10 brokenportal

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 02:04 AM

I'm in!

Alright, great. A good place to jump in is to answer this question: What is a project, or projects that you think the cause would be well off to get going, or to get going more for exposure for the cause?

#11 The Immortalist

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Posted 29 March 2010 - 06:10 AM

This is our lives we are fighting for. Our lives. What else is there to fight for?

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 13 April 2010 - 11:07 PM

Well, that is the most important one, it is the prerequisite to all others, and then after that, we have the opportunities presented by all of existence to fight for.

#13 N.T.M.

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 02:24 AM

Well, that is the most important one, it is the prerequisite to all others, and then after that, we have the opportunities presented by all of existence to fight for.

Exactly! There are endless reasons for this endeavor. It's required for the fulfillment of one of my life's most important pursuits: true freedom, which would obviously entail freedom from biological aging and all it heralds.

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 06:29 PM

I dont know if 100% true freedom can ever be had, but it would be an interesting pursuit, and its part of the 7th one listed there in the opportunities presented by all of existence link.

I usually think of the future rather abstractly and superficially, but the other day I was thinking, if this indefinite life extension stuff works, what might become the norm in the future? For some reason one of the first things that came to mind is that some kind of jet packs will probably become the norm, and that people will probably have crash resistant metal bodies or exoskeletons, and that we would explore the world of increasing transhumanism and exploration from there in a free, everything is produced dirt cheap and available to most all sort of way.

I imagined the freedom involved with that and wondered where I might hypothetically go from where I was driving, if I had had a jet pack instead. There are so many possibilities that it gave me a bit of anxiety, but thats a good thing. We would be like the flinstones stepping out the front door into the world of the jetsons.

#15 N.T.M.

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 09:28 AM

I dont know if 100% true freedom can ever be had, but it would be an interesting pursuit, and its part of the 7th one listed there in the opportunities presented by all of existence link.

You could argue that it couldn't, but really I was referring to both technological and biological limitations. You should be able to choose to at least simply exist, and technological limitations now confine us to a single planet among (presumably) billions. Putting things in perspective I feel divested of freedom that everybody should be entitled to. :(

We would be like the flinstones stepping out the front door into the world of the jetsons.

lol yes

#16 brokenportal

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 08:17 PM

but really I was referring to both technological and biological limitations. You should be able to choose to at least simply exist,

To at least exist, exactly, that would be the freedom to pursue the big 8. That kind of freedom is the prerequisite, the key to unlocking our shot at the big 8.

#17 atp

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 09:52 PM

We can all have indefinite life extension in our lifetimes.

Will we reach Longevity Escape Velocity? Will we make any of the right kinds of research breakthroughs to get us through to indefinite life extension? Many of us ask ourselves questions like these, unsure of who’s doing what and how fast or slow they may be going. We think that maybe "they" can get it done in 25 years, maybe 45, maybe 75, 100, 1,000 we don’t know.

Here is the good news though, we are they.


Now is the time to strike. We need you all now, desperately, today, this is a battle for indefinity, and we need every single recruit at the front lines asap like there is no tomorrow.

good statement.

Edited by atp, 29 April 2010 - 09:53 PM.

#18 brokenportal

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Posted 30 April 2010 - 07:05 PM

Do you want to join a team and help those pennies continue to accelleratingly add up atp?

The teams are listed here right now and are currently transitioning into a new dynamic teams fucntion that Caliban recently installed and got to work.

There is also a listing of team openings here.

#19 N.T.M.

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 08:46 AM

Hey check this out!

I just started a blog about age reversal. I guess it's one way to help disseminate the news.

It's kinda broad-scope right now, but it'll grow more specific.


#20 brokenportal

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 06:31 PM

Hey check this out!

I just started a blog about age reversal. I guess it's one way to help disseminate the news.

It's kinda broad-scope right now, but it'll grow more specific.


Thats great. Its another example of an additional penny that can quickly extrapolate out into many more pennies. People will see your blog, you can list it in the internetworking team to help gain positive comments which will impress better upon the public at large. It can help drive popularity for your blog, if you keep this up then as a volunteer for the cause it will help inspire more volunteers to join, it motivates current volunteers to keep it up, if you add this to the internetworking team you become eligible for our growing monthly prize. Every bit of contribution is just so incredibly priceless in such an important, growing, world movement.

Eventually your blog will make at least one medium sized connection, maybe you attract a person to join imminst that donates $1,000, maybe your blog is a tipping point that causes a searching journalist to do a story about in the Huffington Post, maybe you attract 1 more blogger to join this team, and that might ultimately be the tipping point that leads to 25 more joining. It all adds up. Your contributions are valuable to the Nth degree.

Thank you, let me know what you think about joining this up with the internetworking team and we can go over it a bit.

#21 N.T.M.

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 06:21 AM

Hey check this out!

I just started a blog about age reversal. I guess it's one way to help disseminate the news.

It's kinda broad-scope right now, but it'll grow more specific.


Thats great. Its another example of an additional penny that can quickly extrapolate out into many more pennies. People will see your blog, you can list it in the internetworking team to help gain positive comments which will impress better upon the public at large. It can help drive popularity for your blog, if you keep this up then as a volunteer for the cause it will help inspire more volunteers to join, it motivates current volunteers to keep it up, if you add this to the internetworking team you become eligible for our growing monthly prize. Every bit of contribution is just so incredibly priceless in such an important, growing, world movement.

Eventually your blog will make at least one medium sized connection, maybe you attract a person to join imminst that donates $1,000, maybe your blog is a tipping point that causes a searching journalist to do a story about in the Huffington Post, maybe you attract 1 more blogger to join this team, and that might ultimately be the tipping point that leads to 25 more joining. It all adds up. Your contributions are valuable to the Nth degree.

Thank you, let me know what you think about joining this up with the internetworking team and we can go over it a bit.

That's right, man. It's basically exponential dissemination.

I'm willing to do anything to support the movement (that time permits). So just tell me what needs to be done and I'll cooperate.

#22 brokenportal

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Posted 04 May 2010 - 08:08 PM

That's right, man. It's basically exponential dissemination.

I'm willing to do anything to support the movement (that time permits). So just tell me what needs to be done and I'll cooperate.

Go to the Internetworking (INW) team here. In the pinned topic section there youll find all the topics you need. One is titled with Join Here. Indicate that your joining at that topic. Another topic has Blog in the title. All you have to do to be on the team, and be eligible for the prize drawing is blog atleast one time per month at your blog, and then link it there.

By linking it there your helping to build this main source of things like blogs that the internetworking team is working with. This brings them, and is going to be bringing them, all the links, higher profiles in a variety of ways. Besides getting more exposure for them here at imminst, another thing it does is make it easier for other team members to add your blogs to digg, and other things.

As another example, your already inspiring at least me, Im thinking more about getting my blog moving more too. Also, add me in skype, my id there is brokenportal.

#23 N.T.M.

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:33 AM

That's right, man. It's basically exponential dissemination.

I'm willing to do anything to support the movement (that time permits). So just tell me what needs to be done and I'll cooperate.

Go to the Internetworking (INW) team here. In the pinned topic section there youll find all the topics you need. One is titled with Join Here. Indicate that your joining at that topic. Another topic has Blog in the title. All you have to do to be on the team, and be eligible for the prize drawing is blog atleast one time per month at your blog, and then link it there.

By linking it there your helping to build this main source of things like blogs that the internetworking team is working with. This brings them, and is going to be bringing them, all the links, higher profiles in a variety of ways. Besides getting more exposure for them here at imminst, another thing it does is make it easier for other team members to add your blogs to digg, and other things.

As another example, your already inspiring at least me, Im thinking more about getting my blog moving more too. Also, add me in skype, my id there is brokenportal.

Alright, man. I'll do that right now. And as for skype: my sister's MUCH more computer savvy than I am. I work all day tomorrow, but it's my Friday. So the following day I'll ask her to help me out.

#24 brokenportal

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 08:50 PM

Alright, man. I'll do that right now. And as for skype: my sister's MUCH more computer savvy than I am. I work all day tomorrow, but it's my Friday. So the following day I'll ask her to help me out.

You got that all hooked up now? The more of us we can get on the same page, into more discussions like this, into more of the circles of contacts, like the excellent vehicle that is skype, and this forum, then the more we can get done. Every one that adds on, that takes that step, that doesnt forget, is a major success. Thanks for considering getting a move on with it.

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