Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:22 AM
It's for those with hypogonadism and anyone else who wants to chat about alternative low-T therapies, concerns, questions or suggestions.
The channel is a resource for real-time questions/answers/consultations in a private setting for those who prefer to keep their medical concerns confidential and also for anyone who simply has questions, concerns or suggestions and prefers realtime discussion.
I'll be on the channel under the same username as I post with on this forum. My box is booted up each morning around the 7:00a - 8:30a timeframe with me being available to chat for a brief window somewhere in that time range.
After that is usually chores/housework until early afternoon - around 2:00p - 3:00p and sometimes as late as 4:00p. Then I'm active on the channel until about 9:30p.
Exceptions to this rule: I'll be unavailable for realtime chat every Tuesday until either 1:40p or sometimes 4:30p.
Posted 28 September 2013 - 11:59 AM
Posted 28 September 2013 - 04:50 PM
Mini progress report: the obvious metabilic 'heat/fire' thermogenic effects have smoothed out with correct dose titration, just like Thyroxine for the treatment of Hypothyroid.
For the last several weeks I notice only the 'correct' effects - retained muscles instead of wasting muscles, excellent sleep quality, new dreams (that's new compared to the endless repeating dreams before), more vivid dreams, and of course not having the polyuria anymore. Just having to wake up to relieve myself 5-6 times each night interrupted my sleep to a high degree.
These along with a significant increase in power from my basic nootropics program of Oxiracetam and Sunifiram.
A further unexpected benefit is that I now have for the first time sufficient visual clarity that I can see the stars at night as pinpoints instead of blurs.
Mood is positive every day and each day I manage to accomplish 2-3x more than previously - mostly because I'm not constantly fatigued and also due to an increase in positive goal-oriented motivation. The effect is subtle but highly persistent.
Perhaps the most enjoyable effect is the reversal of chronic memory loss - despite an extensive and expensive nootropics program since Summer 2008. Every day I'm just casually remembering facts and events relevant to my current thoughts from years or decades ago. It's also easily directable - I need only think about a topic and all the relevant details from life experience flood in ready to use.
This effect makes it super easy now to launch into new directions and in general think deeper about any problem with no extra effort. Everything that was a drag before is now light and easy to delve into without the heaviness of exhausting punishing effort.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 28 September 2013 - 04:52 PM.
Posted 28 September 2013 - 08:33 PM
Furthermore it seems (while reading your log) that this is pretty much THE holy grail for all things nootropics,well being etc. I don't want to dumb down the discussion but you know what they say; if it's too good to be true...
Anyway, best of luck.
Posted 28 September 2013 - 08:55 PM
Yesterday I posted a detailed assessment of the medical risks to another forum. They are minor but another poster on that forum asked so I spent some time doing the research. The poster asked if I would be having liver tests so the post below is copied verbatim from that forum and explains my reasons not to have a liver test:
I won't be having hepatic tests performed unless I show symptoms. Reasons:
1. Zero family history of liver disease on either side.
2. Lifetime high Vitamin C dosing: 4000mg/day from the age of 16 and in the last two years 8000mg/day every day.
3. Zero alcohol consumption.
4. Zero prescription drugs / caffeine.
5. No other liver stressors.
6. Low Single Dianabol Dose: 7mg/day maximum. At this dose it's perfectly safe for most anyone. After thousands of hours of searching forum posts and academic papers I could not find one report of verified liver injury at this dose. A poster on this or another forum did point out a single medical case report of a woman's multi-organ failure after taking 5mg:
Death due to Liver Failure Following the Use of Methandrostenolone [PDF]
The fact that this is the ony case I and everyone else who has looked can find is telling. It speaks volumes about the medical safety of this synthetic androgen whose unregulated use over 50+ years at far higher doses than I take for hormone replacement therapy - 20mg, 25mg, 35mg, 50mg, even 100mg by many forum reports for non-medical bodybuilding purposes. The stack of victims should by today pile up high enough to reach the Moon but it does not. Instead there is one damn case report. A single one. That single report is much more proof of my low-toxicity contention than the reverse.
In contrast, a more recent study:
Anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity: is it overstated?
Anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity: is... [Clin J Sport Med. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI
OBJECTIVE: There have been numerous reports of hepatic dysfunction secondary to anabolic steroid use based on elevated levels of serum aminotransferases. This study was conducted to distinguish between serum aminotransaminase elevations secondary to intense resistance training and anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity in elite bodybuilders.
DESIGN: This was a case-control study of serum chemistry profiles from bodybuilders using and not using anabolic steroids with comparisons to a cohort of medical students and patients with hepatitis.
PARTICIPANTS: The participants were bodybuilders taking self-directed regimens of anabolic steroids (n = 15) and bodybuilders not taking steroids (n = 10). Blood chemistry profiles from patients with viral hepatitis (n = 49) and exercising and nonexercising medical students (592) were used as controls.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The focus in blood chemistry profiles was aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), and creatine kinase (CK) levels.
RESULTS: In both groups of bodybuilders, CK, AST, and ALT were elevated, whereas GGT remained in the normal range. In contrast, patients with hepatitis had elevations of all three enzymes: ALT, AST, and GGT. Creatine kinase (CK) was elevated in all exercising groups. Patients with hepatitis were the only group in which a correlation was found between aminotransferases and GGT.
CONCLUSION: Prior reports of anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity based on elevated aminotransferase levels may have been overstated, because no exercising subjects, including steroid users, demonstrated hepatic dysfunction based on GGT levels. Such reports may have misled the medical community to emphasize steroid-induced hepatotoxicity when interpreting elevated aminotransferase levels and disregard muscle damage. For these reasons, when evaluating hepatic function in cases of anabolic steroid therapy or abuse, CK and GGT levels should be considered in addition to ALT and AST levels as essential elements of the assessment."
After 50+ years of worldwide, unregulated sale and use - usually at far higher doses - there is no pile of victims.
In comparison, NSAIDs (Aspirin, Tylenol, etc.) kill ridiculous numbers of folks in the USA each year yet they are unregulated and nobody tells their users to get monthly liver panels. Same with good ole' alcohol - not even a medical necessity that one - along with most NSAIDs if the underlying causes of the pain they 'treat' were addressed.
Natural News: Aspirin kills 400% more people than H1N1 swine flu (2009) [Data from CDC: 1998]:
"The July 1998 issue of The American Journal of Medicine explains it as follows:
'Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone." (Singh Gurkirpal, MD, "Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy", The American Journal of Medicine, July 27, 1998, p. 31S)'"
NSAIDs cause both liver and gastric toxicity. Both deaths and illnesses caused by them are in fact due to toxicity targets in those organ systems.
Dianabol's liver toxicity is highly overrated. I can dig up lots more comparisons but the time isn't worth it. A simple enough comparison is to daily but moderate drinking. A glass of wine or two per day is harder on the liver than my 7mg Dianabol and such drinking is commonplace with heavier drinking not at all rare. Such use of alcohol has no medical necessity and is purely negatory to health yet it is socially acceptable and so the liver-injuring drinker continues unchastized. So does the daily Aspirin or Tylenol user medicating often preventable and usually better-treatable pains with these cheap unregulated liver and gut-destroying chemicals available at every corner store and pharmacy.
Frankly, I have about a 10,000% higher risk of dying on the road riding my bicycle tomorrow. Or getting stung to death by a swarm of wasps or bees. Or being struck to death by lightning.
Or committing suicide due to my 'natural' Testosterone level that is half of what it should be in a healthy man. A 33% increase in all-cause death among many other morbid and mortal symptoms according to this study:
BBC UK: "Low testosterone 'death risk'"
"A study of 800 men over 50 found that those with low levels had a 33% increased risk of death over an 18-year period than those with higher levels."
There are many more studies on the sickness and death-risk increases due to low Testosterone. I know all about them because 1.5 months ago I had three well-organized suicide plans all set up with chemical suppliers for each.
Not anymore and never again :)
All risks are relative and death comes for us all sooner or later. I plan to shine until that day and I won't be giving up a single second before I have to.
All these datums lead to my final two reasons to remain untested:
7. Since I've never had my hepatic function tested before beginning the Dianabol ART program - and won't be stopping to establish my 'normal' liver values - the only comparison from a test performed today would be to standard 'average' values. If my values are found to be denormalized (elevated, etc.), this may be reflective of a pre-existing condition or genetics rather than a change since starting the Dianabol ART program. The only way to establish a baseline for such values is to stop the treatment for a period of time and be retested which I have no intention of doing.
8. Findings of denormalized liver values - likely small elevations in certain enzymes - would simply instill fear and might even result in my stopping the Dianabol ART treatment program. Such a stoppage may result in a renormalization of such values - a short-term gain - inevitably followed within weeks by a worsening loss of androgen receptor activation and a resumption of the many highly toxic pretreatment disease processes and lethal risks such as suicide. It is vital that I do not allow short-termism to overcome the long-term value of this program and there is no reason to be burdened by information that - without context and perspective relative to the results of allowing my body to regress back to its previous dying state - are tiny in comparison.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 28 September 2013 - 09:15 PM.
Posted 01 October 2013 - 09:32 PM
The stack of victims should by today pile up high enough to reach the Moon but it does not. Instead there is one damn case report. A single one. That single report is much more proof of my low-toxicity contention than the reverse.
Oh there is a stack of victims to be sure. Its just that no one cares about these poor saps when they die:
Mike Mentzer died 2001 age 49 heart complications
Ray Mentzer died 2001 age 47 Berger's disease(build-up of cholesterol plaques in the arteries), endocarditis (an infection of the lining of the heart)
Ron Teufel died 2002 age 45 liver failure
Scott Klein died 2003 age 30 kidney failure and heart failure
Sonny Schmidt died 2004 age 51 cancer
Robert Benavente 2004 age 30 massive heart attack
Charles Durr 2005 age 44 enlarged heart
Don Youngblood 2005 age 51 massive heart attack
Paul Demayo 2005 age 38 heroin overdose
Fannie Barrios 2005 age 41 (female) apparent stroke
Eric Otero 2006 age 37 infection in his tooth that entered his bloodstream
Eduardo Kawak 2006 age 47 heart attack
Rob Sager 2007 age 29 HEART FAILURE
Greg Deferro 2007 age 53 heart disease
Dan Puckett 2007 age 22 heart condition
Shelley Beattie 2008 age 39 (female) depression for six weeks before she hung herself
Joe Meeko 2009 age 48 Lyme disease
Luke Wood 2011 age 35 kidney failure and heart failure
Carlos Rodriguez 1991 age 48 stomach cancer
Mohammed Benaziza 1992 age 33 he took an injection of clenbuterol
Ray McNeil 1995 age 29 killed by his wife
Andreas Münzer 1996 age 31 liver and then kidneys failed
Johnny Fuller 2006 age 62 cancer
Wilfred Sylvester 2006 age 62 alzheimers
Derrick Whitsett 2004 age 38 heart attack
Trevor Smith 2004 age 33 No official cause but he was 400lbs 6ft 1"
Curtis Leffler 1998 age 36 heart attack
Hans Hopstaken 2002 age 45 unspecified heart condition, or pnuemonia
Art Atwood 2011 age 38 heart attack
Bj johns 1995-1996? age 34 New Zealand Heart attack
lou barrie 2001 age 40 died instantly after a massive heart
Claudia Bianchi 2004 age 34 blocked arteries
Big Boss Man' Ray Traylor 2004 age 41 heart attack
Marianna Komlos 2004 age 35 breast cancer
Luke Iams 2003 age unsure 40's heart attack
Anthony Clark 2005 age 39 massive heart attack
Mannie Hamilton 2005 age 62 heart attack
Roger Estep 2005 brain cancer
John Riggins 2005 age 33 kidneys failed, liver stopped functioning, lungs filling up with fluid and he has pneumonia
John Ware 2005 Age 46 (former PLer; current football coach) heart attack
Doug Young, 2005 age 61, powerlifter massive heart attack
Norm Dabish, 2005 age 46, Co-founder of Powerhouse Gyms. heart attack
Herb Glossbrenner, 2005 age 63, suffers stoke
Steve Courson 2005 Steroid whistle blowers for the NFL http://en.wikipedia....i/Steve_Courson crushed to death
Eddie Guerrero, 2005 age 38. acute heart failure due to arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (artery wall thickens as a result of the accumulation of fatty materials such as cholesterol)
Hans Ossner, 2006 age 64 cancer
Dave Barno, 2006 age 35 dead lifting while back was broken
Russ Knipp 2006 age 63 heart attack
And lets not forget those who still hanging on:
Arnold Schwarzenegger triple heart bypass still living
Don Long kidney failure still living
Tom Prince kidney failure still living
Flex Wheeler kidney transplant in 2003 still living
Ed Corney 1999 suffered a heart attack and 2 strokes still living
Boyer Coe August 11th, had quadruple heart bypass surgery. they discovered Boyer's blood that was extremely thick, and three main arteries were almost completely blocked. The doctors performed open heart surgery right then and there he is still living
Danny Padilla survived a heart attack
Mike Martarazzo 39 2004 clogged arteries caused by steroid use(2007 heart attack triple bypass heart surgery) still living
My understanding is in 2013 we have had 12 more well known bodybuilders pass on, including
Nasser El Sonbatey
Casey Viator
Matt Duvall
Posted 01 October 2013 - 09:52 PM
The stack of victims should by today pile up high enough to reach the Moon but it does not. Instead there is one damn case report. A single one. That single report is much more proof of my low-toxicity contention than the reverse.
Oh there is a stack of victims to be sure. Its just that no one cares about these poor saps when they die:
Wouldn't those folks have been taking much higher doses than Isochroma's 7 mg/ day?
Posted 01 October 2013 - 10:10 PM
This does not apply to replacement therapy that raises androgen receptor activation from subpar to normal levels but it does indeed apply to 'supraphysiologic' doses like these guys were taking. Subpar activation brings many, many more diseases of its own.
All the more reason to be happy that my new and more accurate digiscale is on its tracked way and will be in my hot hands in about eight more days. My current scale just did its crazy sliding numbers game this morning - on exactly day 30 since the batteries were changed out. No warning and no low-battery indicator - backlight still bright as usual.
Changed out the batteries and it works perfectly again. So now I know they need to be changed out twice a month - not once a month as usual.
Got a real problem though - paid $150 USD for 20g Dianabol and now the tracking isn't showing anything so it seems I may have been ripped off. Wrote them an angry email this morning full of thievery accusations in big red 14-point font. They won't reply until or just after October 8th due to their national holiday.
Second company to add to my blacklist - now down to about ten. I'm worried about this erosion rate. I'm worried than I won't find a single reliable supplier. Just like Sun Nootropic aka. Vosun. More sketchy Chinese. I might have to synthesize it myself.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 01 October 2013 - 10:16 PM.
Posted 02 October 2013 - 01:48 PM
The stack of victims should by today pile up high enough to reach the Moon but it does not. Instead there is one damn case report. A single one. That single report is much more proof of my low-toxicity contention than the reverse.
Oh there is a stack of victims to be sure. Its just that no one cares about these poor saps when they die:
Wouldn't those folks have been taking much higher doses than Isochroma's 7 mg/ day?
Yes absolutely. I was simply making a counterpoint to the notion that these drugs are all safe because they have been used at high levels by bodybuilders for years with no ill effects. I would say that list is pretty clear as to the 'ill effects' of long term high level usage. I believe in responsible use, I just don't consider this responsible, however.
Don't get me wrong, I fundamentally agree with ISO on many aspects of TRT therapy, and what he is proposing - I just don't agree with using a 50 year old drug that was specifically developed for athletic performance and pulled from the market due to its potential for abuse.
My contentions are:
A) on a per Mg basis it is very powerful and easy to 'overdo' once you start seeing positive results.
B) Although its toxicity is overstated it is still an alpha-alkylated steriod.
C) There is no clinical data on the bioavailability via intranasal administration. These are substances that are active at the Ng level in the bloodstream. Who knows how much you are getting via this route of administration?
D) What is the safety level of applying a strong androgen directly to the nasal lining over years of use?
E) Its still a Schedule III narcotic and advertising your own medical treatment and encouraging people to contact you for drug purchasing is inviting trouble
F) Administering unapproved medical treatment to others is inviting a civil lawsuit as soon as someone does something stupid with the dosing and gets sick. Who do you think the first person the attorney will come after to pay their medical bills?
Posted 03 October 2013 - 06:50 AM
Theory and practice are two different animals, PatrickM500. I am living the practice while you are speaking the theory.
Dying of the diseases brought on by half-T is no fun way to spend the last years of a limited life. Unless you've lived it your priorities are not relevant to those who are living it including myself. It has been shitty suffering day after day, becoming worse every month until the final solution loomed large like a black shadow over my life.
The final straw and yet the most beautiful present was that useless doctor and his flat-faced refusal to treat despite having my pitiful Testosterone test results and symptomatology reports. If it happened to me then it's happening to many more young guys and a quick glance at the T-Nation forum's T Replacement subforum reveals their many sad stories of both refusal to treat and TRT programs that either failed from the start or went off the rails in a few months to a few years.
The problem is not only the disease itself but also society's lack of will to even allow treatment in some cases and in others provision of such shamefully heath-destroying and shabby TRT injection/patch protocols that those who prescribe them ought to be prosecuted for violating the Hippocratic Oath.
A. Thyroxine and more specifically, its synthetically-produced, artificially-designed hyperpotent analogs are themselves used to treat Hypothyroid in a manner analogous to my use of the synthetic, artificially-designed and many times more potent than its natural originator Dianabol for androgen replacement therapy. Thyroxine and its analogs often produce desireable thermogenic effects - good results - with increased physical energy. Doses can easily be escalated by taking more tablets. It's also subject to individual titration just like sex hormone so the potential for patient abuse and noncompliance also exist. Furthermore, overdose is also hazardous and one of the chief effects of such an overdose is also - coincidentally - cardiac problems:
Chinese medicine says that an overdose of both androgen and thyroxine - both of which are 'heat producing' creates a situation of excess heat in the body, resulting in these organ dysfunctions. Western medicine will have more complex explanations but the hazards are similar and exist with all androgens and all thyroxines. This is just one example of the many prescription and non-prescription drugs which can be used at inappropriate doses to yield what the patient feels are 'more desireable' results.
I'm not here to argue about the percent who are irresponsible. The majority of those needing treatment have the right to it regardless of those who make bad choices. Bad choices will always exist to be made in every area of life. It's my and indeed everyone else's right to have a decent life regardless of others' bad choices and I have taken that right into my own hands as I deserve to.
I see positive results and my dose after nearly two months is still 7mg. It will always be 7mg. The same could be argued for Thyroxine or many other molecules. It's not an argument against a specific therapy but it is an argument for responsibility. Nobody can force responsibility - it's up to each person, as with alcohol, recreational drugs, fast car driving, NSAID use (nasty long-term toxicity to liver and GI tract, unregulated), etc.
B. The argument is not about toxicity it's about therapeutic value per unit toxicity. There are undoubtedly alternative androgens but ones that aromatize at a reasonably-correct rate are few due to the fact that most later-developed androgens were designed to avoid interaction with Aromatase.
C. There is already clinical data on the bioavailability of a closely-related molecule via nasal administration: Testosterone. I already posted the links to Trimel Corporation's nasal patch studies and their validation of this ROA's safety in a previous post. You can Google it if you like. As for Dianabol and the other androgens, there won't in the forseeable future be such data produced by Big Pharma due to politics. It's now up to individuals to be the data points, just like it is with the Racetams which were abandoned long ago.
D. There is no problem applying an androgen to the nasal tissues. Trimel has already validated that. Androgens are recognized by cells as natural hormone - at least Testosterone and Dianabol are. You are channeling the fear that has been the result of decades of cocaine abusers using intranasal to dose a chemically-cytotoxic agent which kills their nasal cells. It's a particular effect of the cocaine molecule, not the ROA: Massive apoptosis erodes nasal mucosa of cocaine abusers.
E. The law is not relevant to medicine. It is a beast of the largest gang of criminals: the Government. Purchasing? I have not ever said anything about sale and never will. I have nothing to sell but new ideas and treatment methodologies.
F. More law fears. Life is short and then we die forever. My real name and address will never be revealed and neither will the details of those who are interested in discussing the ideas or implementing them as they have been advised to avoid making such statements. Further precautionary protocols are being discussed with each potential participant in private. These protocols insure that should the worst happen, those involved in treatment will not be compromised. Identifying information is never posted on this forum - instead, it's talked about on a private IRC channel where I have ownership and complete control. If I figure anyone on the channel might be a problem I kickban them. Folks take legal risks for no reasons at all or junk reasons all the time - from speeding to not carrying their drivers' license to taking controlled recreational drugs whose consumption not only has no medical justification but is usually also detrimental to health.
Once again you make an argument for responsibility but it's not an argument for a sick person to remain sick due to fear of being hurt by a gang of thugs called Government. We get one life and one life only, then dead for the rest of Eternity. For those who have been refused effective treatment by the medical establishment and are sick and so willless that they will spend the last of their days dying in fear of persecution rather than self-treating - they're welcome to voluntarily rot until they die. Sickness is a choice. I'm not one of those folks and those who come voluntarily seeking a better life after being abandoned by the medical establishment are also not of that type.
It's everyone's God-given right before anything else to have a healthful life and no Government can deny it to those who are determined to grasp the wheel of their fate and turn it in a new direction. The Government is busy lowering radiation standards and turning off detectors while it turns a criminally-blind eye to the wave of toxins dumped into the environment by the penny-pinching big-business industries that own it. Government is busy making victims and then either denying them treatment or 'allowing' them inferior treatment.
Such a creature deserves zero respect and indeed it deserves like a demon to be locked behind bars for the rest of eternity so that it cannot victimize any more natural humans. That time is coming shortly as the world tilts towards either total disaster or total revolution.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 03 October 2013 - 07:45 AM.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 07:22 AM
Posted 11 October 2013 - 03:25 PM
First loss and now I must worry for months if they will come to my home. Likely not but it's more stress.
No more worries, no more Customs at all. If I had been smart I would have used the new shipping method before.
Lettemail. No tracking. Weight less than 30 grams. By law cannot be inspected or opened by Customs. Received cannabinoid powders 100% OK from GB that way from two sellers. Same with USA: Article 4 of the Constitution. Letters cannot be opened.
Only parcels are vulnerable. 10g Orders from now on. Split in half, maximum 5g/envelope. Maximum weight 20g per envelope for safety. Takes 3+ weeks from China but completely safe.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:16 PM
Lost to Customs seizure just days ago.
First loss and now I must worry for months if they will come to my home. Likely not but it's more stress.
No more worries, no more Customs at all. If I had been smart I would have used the new shipping method before.
Lettemail. No tracking. Weight less than 30 grams. By law cannot be inspected or opened by Customs. Received cannabinoid powders 100% OK from GB that way from two sellers. Same with USA: Article 4 of the Constitution. Letters cannot be opened.
Only parcels are vulnerable. 10g Orders from now on. Split in half, maximum 5g/envelope. Maximum weight 20g per envelope for safety. Takes 3+ weeks from China but completely safe.
The possibiity that they do come to your house is VERY small however a trip to the US prison system would mean a VERY big dent to your life extension plans. Can't you get the powder from Mexico? By the way as far as I know they can open your mail if they have a warrant, what they do if they suspect something is just put it on the side until the warrant is ready.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:32 PM
Canadian Postal Law: http://www.priv.gc.c..._b_010319_e.asp
Section 99(1)(b) of the Customs Act states:
"An officer may . . . at any time up to release, examine any mail that has been imported and, subject to this section, open or cause to be opened any such mail that he suspects on reasonable grounds contains any goods referred to in the Customs Tariff, or any goods the importation of which is prohibited, controlled or regulated under any other Act of Parliament..."
This section also provides an "Exception for mail":
"99(2) An officer may not open or cause to be opened any imported mail that weighs thirty grams or less unless the person to whom it is addressed consents..."
US Postal Law: https://postalinspec...tactUs/faq.aspx
4. Can Postal Inspectors open mail if they feel it may contain something illegal?
First-Class letters and parcels are protected against search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, and, as such, cannot be opened without a search warrant. If there is probable cause to believe the contents of a First-Class letter or parcel violate federal law, Postal Inspectors can obtain a search warrant to open the mailpiece. Other classes of mail do not contain private correspondence, and therefore may be opened without a warrant."
Even if the law allowed, 4.7 million pieces per day of lettermail bidirectionally transit the US-Canada border alone. This does not count lettermail transiting from other countries. There is completely insufficient manpower to inspect even the tiniest fraction of it. And even if a letter is detained they cannot open it if underweight. CP/CBSA can only return it to sender or destroy it, or try to obtain the receiver's permission to open it by letter. They will not obtain such permission from me.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 11 October 2013 - 08:33 PM.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 08:41 PM
The day I can't win any more I will leave. And I don't mean on a trip to another country.
As of yesterday I have my Carfentanil supplier. Ten thousand times the potency of morphine. A hundred milligrams - fifty lethal doses for $100 sent by untraceable lettermail. No more pain just natural sleep that never ends.
When I can't stop my suffering any more I will leave in a beautiful way. I have prepared my golden handshake goodbye - my golden parachute - which is more than the rest of humanity will ever get. What they will get is further victimization in an endless spiral of decay known as the Long Emergency. One which is in process now and will drag on into the indefinite future.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 11 October 2013 - 08:42 PM.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 10:15 PM
Posted 11 October 2013 - 11:45 PM
I will certainly ride this train for a bit longer so long as the journey is slightly enjoyable but I would be a fool to not have an escape hatch. An eject button like all fighter-jet pilots have. For now I'm locked in with the other passengers. Hostage and prisoner like all the rest. Plunges always start off fun like the amusement-park roller-coaster but they also end badly.
Back to the topic at hand: Androgen Replacement Therapy for Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism. What a mouthful but that's just a speck of the verbiage produced by Hypertrophic Allopathic Business Medicine. That condition is one of the many diseases murdering the bodies politic, economic and sociologic.
Life is a one-way street and there is no time to look backwards into the dark time-tunnel of regrets.
Moving forward, the next target for ART is the exponentially more powerful and also lethally hepatotoxic Metribolone (Methyltrienolone) {CAS# 965-93-5}.
This beauty is reknown on forums for producing the most powerful androgenic effects of all androgenic hormones. It's potency implies and indeed requires dosing in the microgram range. Its thermogenicity is unrivalled. And due to off-the-charts potency, it is ideal to import through a Prohibition-style government-thug regime.
And just like Prohibition the most potent and highly purified drugs are the best to beat detection and lower cost.
It will be possible to obtain only cognitive effects with no hepatotoxicity using the nasal route as with Dianabol. Of course the whole-body thermogenic effects and muscle growth will not occur but that can be left for the oral 7mg Dianabol.
I wonder what the level of cognitive hyperpotentiation and indeed, racetam and raceram hyperpotentiation may be produced using direct-to-brain dosing of this molecule. After all, Dianabol is the weakest and oldest of the androgens and look what powerful nootropic potentiation effect it produces. I am looking forward to this afternoon's project: digging up suppliers for this interesting molecule. In two weeks I will be sending funds for it if I can find a supplier.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 11 October 2013 - 11:49 PM.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 05:07 AM
The problem isn't the ROA - it's the likelyhood that a small amount would drip down the throat and be absorbed by the GI tract, causing liver disease.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 11:10 AM
theconomist: The economy is failing. I'm sure if your studies reflect your username you will know about the Long Emergency. The train of human 'civilization' has some time ago already left its tracks and is as of today in a slow-motion dive into the chasm of futuredeath. It's slowly but exponentially picking up speed under the constant gravitational force of human evil. Not a Christian or anything like one but a concept once relegated to a laughably dusty corner of my cognition has as of late taken center stage where it belongs.
I will certainly ride this train for a bit longer so long as the journey is slightly enjoyable but I would be a fool to not have an escape hatch. An eject button like all fighter-jet pilots have. For now I'm locked in with the other passengers. Hostage and prisoner like all the rest. Plunges always start off fun like the amusement-park roller-coaster but they also end badly.
Back to the topic at hand: Androgen Replacement Therapy for Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism. What a mouthful but that's just a speck of the verbiage produced by Hypertrophic Allopathic Business Medicine. That condition is one of the many diseases murdering the bodies politic, economic and sociologic.
Life is a one-way street and there is no time to look backwards into the dark time-tunnel of regrets.
Moving forward, the next target for ART is the exponentially more powerful and also lethally hepatotoxic Metribolone (Methyltrienolone) {CAS# 965-93-5}.
This beauty is reknown on forums for producing the most powerful androgenic effects of all androgenic hormones. It's potency implies and indeed requires dosing in the microgram range. Its thermogenicity is unrivalled. And due to off-the-charts potency, it is ideal to import through a Prohibition-style government-thug regime.
And just like Prohibition the most potent and highly purified drugs are the best to beat detection and lower cost.
It will be possible to obtain only cognitive effects with no hepatotoxicity using the nasal route as with Dianabol. Of course the whole-body thermogenic effects and muscle growth will not occur but that can be left for the oral 7mg Dianabol.
I wonder what the level of cognitive hyperpotentiation and indeed, racetam and raceram hyperpotentiation may be produced using direct-to-brain dosing of this molecule. After all, Dianabol is the weakest and oldest of the androgens and look what powerful nootropic potentiation effect it produces. I am looking forward to this afternoon's project: digging up suppliers for this interesting molecule. In two weeks I will be sending funds for it if I can find a supplier.
I have read the Long Emergency and I urge you not to base your entire outlook on the future of our race on a single book or theory.
Peak oil theory was found to be wrong; the shale gas revolution is rendering it moot, the world is much better today than it has ever been, trust humanity to find a way; we are much better at dealing with imminent threats than we are with latent ones. Two examples: look at how the word dealt with the ozone hole vs global warming OR the Cuban missile crisis vs the threat of a US-Soviet nuclear warfare.
Think of the doomsayers that were alive during the Spanish flu or the Black plague, I'm sure they had much more of a ''end of the world'' case than our current doom and gloom squads yet we survived both catastrophes.
All I'm trying to say is that there is always light at the end of the tunnel; the problem with having an easy way to end your life is that you remove the consideration time that comes during the ''procurement'' phase of your suicide plan.
Anyway, best of luck with your endeavors, I'm eagerly following this experience of yours, I was just taken back by your post on suicide.
Posted 12 October 2013 - 06:48 PM
ART therapy continues to go well. Another effect I have noted after two months of therapy is the new dreams. The old cyclical nightmares are over forever. Now I get fresh nightmares each and every night. It's refreshing. After all, fresh nightmares are what the waking world is all about. They are its root substance, its primordial substrate.
My primary Carfentanil supplier has today partially failed authentication so I have requested further details from him. Therefore today secondary suppliers will be contacted. There will be no frauds or failures this time.
In other news, an unrelated small parcel likely weighing less than thirty grams sent from the USA with tracking has as of this morning bypassed Customs and is now in a postal sort facility in my country. This is further confirmation of the heretofore shady internal workings of the system-of-tunnels that is the national-transnational postal system. More evidence for the safety of the new androgen shipment method.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 12 October 2013 - 06:50 PM.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 03:24 PM
I am here to win and to keep winning. Over and over and over and over again for another 50+ years.
The day I can't win any more I will leave. And I don't mean on a trip to another country.
ISO, there's this saying that 'life is about more than winning..' Its a concept that you might want to consider exploring as the people who subscribe to this point of view seem to lead much happier lives overall, and certainly without feeling the need to end it at a moments notice.
If winning is clearly that un self-fulfilling for you then why continue such a point of view? Wouldn't it be worthwhile to look into something more positive, for your own sake?
On another note, as I mentioned earlier I do have a rather long history of experience with anabolic compounds and can tell you that shipping small amounts in envelopes etc. is a bad idea. Simply put, there isn't enough space or padding to prevent the accidental rupture of the contents given how hard the postal system is on parcels,and as soon as there's powder leaking from one of those envelopes they'll be at your door asking questions.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 04:33 PM
I have received powders regularly from two GB companies packed that way.
0% loss.
It's not an 'idea' it is already a working system and it is the safest.
Unlike parcels the gang of thugs known as government has no legal right to do anything to me.
All other methods are legally hazardous so your view is exactly the opposite of reality.
As is the view that Testosterone injections or patches are 'natural' and therefore the healthiest or safest which is also 180-degrees from the sad truth.
Furthermore, it is not one ziploc bag inside the envelope it is two, one nested inside the other.
The outer bag is metal-foil lined and is thus opaque to both light and molecular penetration.
I'm amazed by the lack of innovation and fear of the new that exists in so many people.
No wonder they get the government they deserve.
I have already found four suppliers who have agreed to the new method and already chosen one for the next shipment which is very soon.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 07:18 PM
Oh really?
I have received powders regularly from two GB companies packed that way.
0% loss.
It's not an 'idea' it is already a working system and it is the safest.
Unlike parcels the gang of thugs known as government has no legal right to do anything to me.
All other methods are legally hazardous so your view is exactly the opposite of reality.
As is the view that Testosterone injections or patches are 'natural' and therefore the healthiest or safest which is also 180-degrees from the sad truth.
Furthermore, it is not one ziploc bag inside the envelope it is two, one nested inside the other.
The outer bag is metal-foil lined and is thus opaque to both light and molecular penetration.
I'm amazed by the lack of innovation and fear of the new that exists in so many people.
No wonder they get the government they deserve.
I have already found four suppliers who have agreed to the new method and already chosen one for the next shipment which is very soon.
The theory of nationalities has been refuted many times over since the 19th century. You're really not as smart as you think you are Iso, and I don't mean that in a condescending way but rather as an invitation for you to not dwell in confirmation bias and accept different views and oppinions than your own vision of things.
Still following your experiment with a lot of interest. Best of luck.
Posted 14 October 2013 - 08:34 PM
I must find a way to obtain my hormone replacement therapy powder for life. That will mean thousands of successful shipments and it will mean busting through borders patrolled by thieving criminal government thugs who are paid by an insane collective to steal my property. I will change my methods and I will keep changing them until I consistently win.
I will close with my favorite Einstein - or Rita Mae Brown if you believe other accounts of history - quote:
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Posted 18 October 2013 - 12:49 AM
Environmental compounds are known to promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease in subsequent generations (F1–F3) following ancestral exposure during fetal gonadal sex determination.
The current study was designed to determine if a mixture of plastic derived endocrine disruptor compounds bisphenol-A (BPA), bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) at two different doses promoted epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease and associated DNA methylation epimutations in sperm. Gestating F0 generation females were exposed to either the “plastics” or “lower dose plastics” mixture during embryonic days 8 to 14 of gonadal sex determination and the incidence of adult onset disease was evaluated in F1 and F3 generation rats.
There were significant increases in the incidence of total disease/abnormalities in F1 and F3 generation male and female animals from plastics lineages. Pubertal abnormalities, testis disease, obesity, and ovarian disease (primary ovarian insufficiency and polycystic ovaries) were increased in the F3 generation animals. Kidney and prostate disease were only observed in the direct fetally exposed F1 generation plastic lineage animals.
Analysis of the plastics lineage F3 generation sperm epigenome previously identified 197 differential DNA methylation regions (DMR) in gene promoters, termed epimutations. A number of these transgenerational DMR form a unique direct connection gene network and have previously been shown to correlate with the pathologies identified. Observations demonstrate that a mixture of plastic derived compounds, BPA and phthalates, can promote epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease. The sperm DMR provide potential epigenetic biomarkers for transgenerational disease and/or ancestral environmental exposures.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 18 October 2013 - 01:11 AM.
Posted 18 October 2013 - 01:00 AM
Chevy Chase, MD, USA. Exposure to environmental levels of the industrial chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in a mother's womb during the early life of her male baby may cause long-lasting harm to adult testicular function, according to a new study.
"We are seeing changes in the testis function of rats after exposure to BPA levels that are lower than what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) consider safe exposure levels for humans," said Benson Akingbemi, DVM, PhD, the study's lead author and an associate professor at Auburn University in Alabama.
Many hard plastic bottles and canned food liners contain BPA, as do some dental sealants. BPA acts in a similar manner as the female sex hormone estrogen and has been linked to female infertility. This chemical is present in placenta and is able to pass from a mother into her breast milk.
"This is concerning because large segments of the population, including pregnant and nursing mothers, are exposed to this chemical." The results were being presented at The Endocrine Society's 92nd Annual Meeting in San Diego.
In their study of the male, Akingbemi and colleagues saw harmful effects of BPA at the cellular level, specifically in Leydig cells.
The Leydig cells release a class of hormones called androgens (i.e. 19-carbon steroids). They secrete testosterone, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Of the group, testosterone is the main sex hormone that supports male fertility.
After birth, Leydig cells gradually acquire the capacity for testosterone secretion.
The process of testosterone secretion was decreased in male offspring of female rats that received BPA during pregnancy and while nursing.
The mothers were fed BPA in olive oil at a dose of either 2.5 or 25 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight. This is below the daily upper limit of safe exposure for humans, which federal guidelines currently put at 50 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.
A control group of pregnant rats received olive oil without BPA. Male offspring, after weaning at 21 days of age, received no further exposure to BPA.
Using a combination of analytical methods, the investigators studied the development of Leydig cells in male offspring. The capacity for testosterone secretion was assessed at 21, 35 and 90 days of age. The amount of testosterone secreted per Leydig cell was found to be much lower in male offspring after early-life exposure to BPA than in offspring from control unexposed animals.
"Although BPA exposure stopped at 21 days of age, BPA's effects on Leydig cells, which were seen immediately at the end of exposure and at 35 days, remained apparent until 90 days of age, when the rats reached adulthood," Akingbemi said.
"Therefore, the early life period is a sensitive window of exposure to BPA and exposure at this time may affect testis function into adulthood."
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 18 October 2013 - 01:09 AM.
Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:49 AM
Isochroma: What are your thoughts on DAA for raising T and for stimulating NMDA receptors? Would it be stupid to take it while on racetams?
Posted 05 November 2013 - 01:55 AM
As for DAA, looks like it works: http://anabolicminds...artic-acid.html
Posted 05 November 2013 - 02:06 AM
1. Nefiracetam: kills testisticular cells in animals at high doses, likely humans too.
2. Levetiracetam: Increases T by 16%: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/21175608
Levetiracetam however has side-effects and is not safe like the other racetams, and is also prescription-only in my country.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 05 November 2013 - 02:06 AM.
Posted 25 February 2014 - 09:19 AM
From what sources did you find the concrete evidence, that taking more fish oil = better health?
You realise it's just you and a few bodybuilders that hyperdose this stuff, right? Obviously, we all know why you fight tooth and nail to protect your beloved fish oil. It's because, without it, your racetams don't work.
Plus you eat tinned salmon each day?
Have you tried dropping your fish oil habit? As far as I know, you've been chugging this shit for the last four years. Your androgens are completely screwed over, which you are blaming on environmental plastics. Remember, we're all exposed to these environmental toxins, and not all of us have readings like yours. Maybe it really could be down to other factors?
I mean, your sex drive alone, is going to be non existent on that much fish oil.
Here are lots of references as to why fish oils should be avoided:
Edited by Thorsten2, 25 February 2014 - 09:36 AM.
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