Actually a friend of mine wrote an article on them for H+ several months ago. It turned into a massive "discussion" with several misogynists proclaiming how wonderful life will be when sexbots exist and they will no longer have to put up with "spoiled western women" who will "rapidly learn their place" once they start "losing out" to "subservient willing 'female' sexbots"
Learn their place? Are we going back to the dark ages where women were nothing more but servants and entertainment? Wow, that's what people want from the future?
Guess I am weird cause I always imagined more equality in the future.
I don't know if you've noticed Hun, but there are a growing number of men who claim that the womans rights movement is all about "hating men" and that "real women" want to be subjugated, subservient, and dominated in all ways by men, and that they are "happiest" when they are "shielded" away from such "evils" as free choice, free will, and being anything but a baby making machine, aka a "sex doll"
Don't believe me? Read this: http://www.singulari...dry-bubble.html If you can read this drivel about "women WANT to be subjugated" and any woman who doesn't "hates men.", and anyone who points out the misogyny of the author's statement is either a "mangina" or "programmed by pavlovian reflex to see all men as women haters" He ends it with a call for men to "rise up and re-subjugate women" and restore the "rightful order" of male domination. Which is then follwoed by page after page of men going "Right on! show those women who's boss!!"
If you read the comments in the sexbots thread, you will see how frequently I had to deal with variations on this theme. The worst of which was the post I quoted my reply too, who claimed to "Love real women" but to "hate whores,sluts, gender role usurpers, emotionally abusive bitches, and gold diggers" I was forced to point out that refusing to allow women the full range of behaviors that he granted to men, and separating "woman who lived up to his concept of what a women should be (ie happy to be subservient to the man, uninterested in equality, and happy to be a 'traditional female')" from "women who do not live up to my concept of what a woman should be" he was revealing the classical "Madonna/whore" complex, and for all his sincerity, was just as mysogynist as the guy who claimed that all women should be shown their place with whips and chains, and should be killed if they get too uppity.
As I've said to quite a few people, "Putting me on a pedestal is still "putting me in my place" and an "Object of worship" is still an object. How about letting me be a human being for a change?"
Reno's right. There are differences between male behavior and female behavior, but freedom of morphological choice will allow people to be the sex they chose to be, and gradually, over a few decades, we will eventually approach the kind of truly neutral gender equality you are thinking of, Luna. Morphological freedom is probably going to be the single most massive adjustment that the human race is going to have to face in the next few decades. And its going to creep up on the majority of humanity and take them completely unaware.