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Poll: Atheist or Believer (135 member(s) have cast votes)

Are you an atheist, Agnostic or do you believe in a God or many gods?

  1. Iam an Atheist! (66 votes [48.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.53%

  2. Iam an Agnostic (31 votes [22.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.79%

  3. I believe in God/Gods! (29 votes [21.32%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.32%

  4. Other (explain in replie) (10 votes [7.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.35%

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#331 Rational Madman

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 08:50 PM


I saw no arrogance. Where? Several issues arise from your response.

1. What is your "correct" definition of nothing?
2. Does endless regressions present any problems to you? You seem to argue Craig shouldn't mention it.
3. What probability justifies an endless regression?
4. How have you demonstrated circular reasoning?
5. I am not embarrassed. Why should I be? You argue by calling people names with no substance.
6. Why should I be afraid of talking about evolution? You are joking surely. "Don't do it!" Or what?



My father's computer recently contracted a virus and, although it's obviously back up now, he has yet to download the requisite programs for watching any videos.

I'm tired of going in circles with these arguments. Clearly a main issue is the assumption that regressional issues presented by quantum fluctuations is even remotely on par with those presented by the god hypothesis.

As for as evolution: I'm not sure what your stance is. Are you disputing its accuracy?

Seriously, spare yourself. If we all ignore him, hopefully he'll grow weary, and eventually pick up his things and leave.
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#332 Rational Madman

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Posted 09 November 2010 - 08:52 PM

I believe in a god, a all knowing god that is interwoven into all of us. I believe that I am destined to bring heaven to earth as Armageddon occurs I shall rebuild the earth and bring a final end the Babylonian occult which has defiled gods work for the last time. In 25 years roughly you'd better be in Chile if you want to survive. You can join me bringing the 8th day to the world and joy peace will rain over the land for at least 1000 years. The NWO is going to destabilize due to there own belief in themselves being masters of fate, the Georgia guide-stones attest to that.

there is a secret history of the world - religion is just another part of it, the belief in false profits can only bring misery. Being part of Islam or Cathic church is actually just subunits of the NWO occult. Notice how the crusades kept the world in the dark and those who are most holy in power of all(holy only to the devil) and the similarities in the new testimet / koron to the old testiment kinda funny it reminds me of the definition of originality (which is whoever can conceal there source best) . check into the rosemary and the society/322 check into what lurther did and then tell me that the wars weren't meant to punish the German people and gods chosen people . The fact Hitler was allowed to escape to Argentina is proof ,(sited project highjump) goerge lucas for instance didn't make up the storyline for starwars its roughly based on modern events. h1n1 was trail for whats to come, be prepared or be prepared to die. Like all wars its planned and those plans are leaked out by caring people but knowing they will die they write between the lines in hope that someone will do something. Someone did in fact his name is Ron Paul, he was up against black magic and evil minds which used all there powers to smear his ideas and push there radical forth Reich agendas of nation building for there upcoming final confrontations. Ford said on his deathbed that all presidents are decided before hand by a concise planning *(this on his deathbed*) stalin told his daughter to trust no one because he was being hunted by the Illuminati or Jesuit assassins.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlghYpDx0f4 JFK turns against them, and is hunted down and murdered and then his family was punished as well. His brother was forced to falsely accuse the mafia of the assassination in order for the illumination to gain more control. (after this they betrayed there word and one by one destroyed them) Princess Dianna (same boat) check into skull and bones and there relation to the popicy the occult and the number 322 the year of there Babylonian arbitrator died http://en.wikipedia....ki/Demosthenes. Also the Georgia guide-stones are the measurements of the Dubia tower which was made in 1980. (aka the Babylonian tower, and its not a acquiescence that gods work of putting the Jews are back in Israel. Its all been planned and its a shame please be open minded and do some research into what god really is and he will save your soul and preserve you. Btw I believe MS in the NW is caused by our massive weather seeding program.

>Google 535 leak source<

For God wants you to have the most fun while respecting all of what nature has to offer and keeping in line with what hamanity should be, gods true Angels.

Btw anyone notice anything perhaps strange about Obama and Hitler... can anyone see?!?!?! what i see?!?!?!?!

ziotguiest is there to mislead you and give half truths but its worth a watch if you know nothing about the reason we go to war and how our empire works the oil crusade is a farce they are looking for artifacts for secret rituals. The private sector has had the means for reusable energy for sometime, but they refuse to commit to change even though its evident that there will be a major cataclysmic events if we continue the way we are. Russia vs China - State Vs State- like i said Chile the more south the better.

God told me the worthy ones would take note and only believe me when the signs are obvious, the rest will die.

What the lulz Idontkonw

I believe god is going to come down to earth one day after- I reach him with a machine; to make things right for all, rapture aka ex duex machina.

Random notes
look into HARP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3gKa0z7rjM (war destroyed the worlds weather patterns.)
I believe that they have ways to cause earthquakes (think deep sea drilling and perhaps slowing down the earths crust with the large hadron collider.

Final note Saddam Hussein never died he was captured after he was allowed to run around through holes, when they felt he was close to death from exhaustion they captured him and used a twin to hang. They took him back to sodomize and sexually threesome him with Bush Sr and Jr http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_magic because of there occult belief incest is common place along with sexual assault and snuff.(in fact if you want to advance in skull in bones you have to orgy or in some peoples cases masturbate onto a talisman. At higher levels (the very top, its to literally fuck your enemy in the ass, etc) Bush Seniors Nickname was Sex Machine due to his legendary sexual appetite for the most hardcore of sexual acts.

They use a number of lower level occults to screen for potential members of there occults everything from Scientology to http://en.wikipedia....Templi_Orientis etc, once they get everyone to commit there hearts to sin, the angles who are watching over the majority of us will leave us to our own problems and then the real game begins.

GOOD LUCK ALL IN & God Bless The World-

Posted Image

There are far more worthy sparring partners Elus, so don't bother.
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#333 Rational Madman

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Posted 29 December 2010 - 07:06 PM


I saw no arrogance. Where? Several issues arise from your response.

1. What is your "correct" definition of nothing?
2. Does endless regressions present any problems to you? You seem to argue Craig shouldn't mention it.
3. What probability justifies an endless regression?
4. How have you demonstrated circular reasoning?
5. I am not embarrassed. Why should I be? You argue by calling people names with no substance.
6. Why should I be afraid of talking about evolution? You are joking surely. "Don't do it!" Or what?



My father's computer recently contracted a virus and, although it's obviously back up now, he has yet to download the requisite programs for watching any videos.

I'm tired of going in circles with these arguments. Clearly a main issue is the assumption that regressional issues presented by quantum fluctuations is even remotely on par with those presented by the god hypothesis.

As for as evolution: I'm not sure what your stance is. Are you disputing its accuracy?

Seriously, spare yourself. If we all ignore him, hopefully he'll grow weary, and eventually pick up his things and leave.

Wow, I suppose this post really attracted the ire of Shadowhawk and his multiple personalities.
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#334 Rational Madman

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Posted 29 December 2010 - 07:11 PM

I believe in a god, a all knowing god that is interwoven into all of us. I believe that I am destined to bring heaven to earth as Armageddon occurs I shall rebuild the earth and bring a final end the Babylonian occult which has defiled gods work for the last time. In 25 years roughly you'd better be in Chile if you want to survive. You can join me bringing the 8th day to the world and joy peace will rain over the land for at least 1000 years. The NWO is going to destabilize due to there own belief in themselves being masters of fate, the Georgia guide-stones attest to that.

there is a secret history of the world - religion is just another part of it, the belief in false profits can only bring misery. Being part of Islam or Cathic church is actually just subunits of the NWO occult. Notice how the crusades kept the world in the dark and those who are most holy in power of all(holy only to the devil) and the similarities in the new testimet / koron to the old testiment kinda funny it reminds me of the definition of originality (which is whoever can conceal there source best) . check into the rosemary and the society/322 check into what lurther did and then tell me that the wars weren't meant to punish the German people and gods chosen people . The fact Hitler was allowed to escape to Argentina is proof ,(sited project highjump) goerge lucas for instance didn't make up the storyline for starwars its roughly based on modern events. h1n1 was trail for whats to come, be prepared or be prepared to die. Like all wars its planned and those plans are leaked out by caring people but knowing they will die they write between the lines in hope that someone will do something. Someone did in fact his name is Ron Paul, he was up against black magic and evil minds which used all there powers to smear his ideas and push there radical forth Reich agendas of nation building for there upcoming final confrontations. Ford said on his deathbed that all presidents are decided before hand by a concise planning *(this on his deathbed*) stalin told his daughter to trust no one because he was being hunted by the Illuminati or Jesuit assassins.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlghYpDx0f4 JFK turns against them, and is hunted down and murdered and then his family was punished as well. His brother was forced to falsely accuse the mafia of the assassination in order for the illumination to gain more control. (after this they betrayed there word and one by one destroyed them) Princess Dianna (same boat) check into skull and bones and there relation to the popicy the occult and the number 322 the year of there Babylonian arbitrator died http://en.wikipedia....ki/Demosthenes. Also the Georgia guide-stones are the measurements of the Dubia tower which was made in 1980. (aka the Babylonian tower, and its not a acquiescence that gods work of putting the Jews are back in Israel. Its all been planned and its a shame please be open minded and do some research into what god really is and he will save your soul and preserve you. Btw I believe MS in the NW is caused by our massive weather seeding program.

>Google 535 leak source<

For God wants you to have the most fun while respecting all of what nature has to offer and keeping in line with what hamanity should be, gods true Angels.

Btw anyone notice anything perhaps strange about Obama and Hitler... can anyone see?!?!?! what i see?!?!?!?!

ziotguiest is there to mislead you and give half truths but its worth a watch if you know nothing about the reason we go to war and how our empire works the oil crusade is a farce they are looking for artifacts for secret rituals. The private sector has had the means for reusable energy for sometime, but they refuse to commit to change even though its evident that there will be a major cataclysmic events if we continue the way we are. Russia vs China - State Vs State- like i said Chile the more south the better.

God told me the worthy ones would take note and only believe me when the signs are obvious, the rest will die.

What the lulz Idontkonw

I believe god is going to come down to earth one day after- I reach him with a machine; to make things right for all, rapture aka ex duex machina.

Random notes
look into HARP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3gKa0z7rjM (war destroyed the worlds weather patterns.)
I believe that they have ways to cause earthquakes (think deep sea drilling and perhaps slowing down the earths crust with the large hadron collider.

Final note Saddam Hussein never died he was captured after he was allowed to run around through holes, when they felt he was close to death from exhaustion they captured him and used a twin to hang. They took him back to sodomize and sexually threesome him with Bush Sr and Jr http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_magic because of there occult belief incest is common place along with sexual assault and snuff.(in fact if you want to advance in skull in bones you have to orgy or in some peoples cases masturbate onto a talisman. At higher levels (the very top, its to literally fuck your enemy in the ass, etc) Bush Seniors Nickname was Sex Machine due to his legendary sexual appetite for the most hardcore of sexual acts.

They use a number of lower level occults to screen for potential members of there occults everything from Scientology to http://en.wikipedia....Templi_Orientis etc, once they get everyone to commit there hearts to sin, the angles who are watching over the majority of us will leave us to our own problems and then the real game begins.

GOOD LUCK ALL IN & God Bless The World-

Posted Image

There are far more worthy sparring partners Elus, so don't bother.

Did six people, or just one person find this post to be insulting?
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#335 Elus

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:23 AM

Did six people, or just one person find this post to be insulting?

If anything, it was my Vader image that should have been given negative votes. Rol's just the bystander.

#336 shadowhawk

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Posted 05 April 2011 - 07:49 PM

Did six people, or just one person find this post to be insulting?

If anything, it was my Vader image that should have been given negative votes. Rol's just the bystander.

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#337 cdtyo

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Posted 14 May 2011 - 07:02 PM

a website (dont remember exactly , but on internet are several webs that says the year who you are going yo die) have said to me that i will be die in the year 2067 , i want to live at least to year 2070 , but i want to live indefinitely at least
i cant believe that those event are unique , 14000 millions years age of our universe (from an eternal multiverse ) only to live in a small planet 70-80 years??
hope in the future a superintelligence make a reencarnation of us if singularity dont reach in our lifetime.

something say to me that cryonics dont work at all , it will be a clone. other person-

#338 neue regel

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Posted 09 September 2011 - 09:45 PM

A. God is impossible. However that fear-mongering concept maybe a useful tool for leaders to control population.

#339 Droplet

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 11:46 AM

I think the closest thing to my belief system would be agnostic. I am ex-Christian and whilst I don't believe in a God who cares about us or is perfect, I would not rule out the idea that a greater being could have created us.

I also don't discount that there is something after death and/or spirits. I think that is very likely that our consciousness goes on but I can't believe in a heaven or a hell. However, I know that whatever happens will not allow me to live this current existence and could even be a lot worse. I really want to latch onto human existence with a human mind for as long as possible because I am capable of so much as a human and think that our lifespans for our intelligence are a joke.

I do accept that any of my theories could be proved wrong and keep an open mind. There is too much in this universe that we cannot fully understand/explain.

As for religion, any belief taken to extremes pretty much becomes ridiculous. Religion generally...if there IS a caring God who made you in his own image, the last thing he would want is human bickering over what his name is or whose holy book is right. Religion should be a personal choice that is never forced upon others or upon societies. I also don't think that it should ever be used to make decisions in politics or anything else that is liable to affect large quantities of other people with YOUR personal belief system. I do think religion is capable of good if people just united over their similarities and practised looking after other people and the world. as they believe their God would have wanted.

As for God and life extension...if God exists and is so against it and is powerful, he could stop it. Also, if he made humans in his image then surely like him, we can create and change things. We are after all helping people by curing crippling diseases and surely a caring God would want us to alleviate suffering.

I live by secular rules that I'd never force onto anyone else. My big rule for life: if it hurts no one else and I'm enjoying it, I'll carry on. :)

Edited by Droplet, 07 October 2011 - 11:57 AM.

#340 brokenportal

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 09:11 PM

Agnostic, and it doesn't seem like a choice from what I can see. We can be willing to place very large or very small bets on things, but we just don't know until we know. We think we are very sure who done it in your typical half hour murder mystery show only to find our minds abruptly changed at some point. It doesn't seem to me, from what I can see, that there is any way, that we can hope to guess with the universe mystery. Its not just a half an hour, it might be infinite, with infinite complexities and plot interactions and twists. Einstein once replaced some of Newtons theories and now they CERN is has done some sort of measurements using neutrinos that they say, if hold up, may replace a lot of what Einstein did. I'm sure there is much of what we know that will hold up, but how much? And which parts? It could be that none of it will. Reason tells me this.

Those that scoff reason inherently don't make sense. It would be like, I don't know, a person who only wears the color blue who's MO is to say that blue doesn't exist. Watch with this infuriating demonstration of a guy that presents him self as respectable insinuate that using reasoning doesn't make sense. When asked, "Tell me again why you don't believe in reason" the guy brought an obscure twist on the semantics, throwing Hitchens off slightly. He answered, but since he probably doesn't answer it in that exact way the most, it seemed like he didn't have the best of words at that particular time.

With faith you guess and with reason you verify. I don't guess what I verify, I verify what I verify. You guess what you guess. Why don't you at least try to verify what you guess. With faith you move half way through the reasoning process and then throw up your arms in exhaustion and stake a permanent claim in your thought right there and then you never move from it. It's lazy thinking. It's like the American pioneers that went west in search of gold but stopped in Ohio or Iowa and threw up their arms and said screw it, we are living here. As gold prospectors, they were failed prospectors. With faith, when you stop and stake your claim, you have failed that thought.

Even when we are very, very sure, there is still room for doubt. We can only be willing to place bets on most things, be them very small or very large bets. Much of the evidence we have lined up might be right, but we don't know, and we never know which ones might fall down the road. A lot of atheists claim science as theirs, but it seems to me that science claims the agnostics.
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#341 TheKidInside

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 09:03 PM

without a shadow of a doubt...well maybe a tiny one...I have full faith in the existence of G-d
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#342 platypus

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:32 PM

without a shadow of a doubt...well maybe a tiny one...I have full faith in the existence of G-d


#343 shadowhawk

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:32 PM

without a shadow of a doubt...well maybe a tiny one...I have full faith in the existence of G-d


I missed it. What was your answer to the question of, "faith?" :)

#344 steampoweredgod

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Posted 21 March 2012 - 06:57 PM

Faith is absolute regarding the present and implied past. But what is the spacious present? what breathes and sustains it? what is it that breathes life into the equation? what does god need with the earth? All languages are bound together via binary representation.

Edited by steampoweredgod, 21 March 2012 - 06:58 PM.

#345 gamesguru

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Posted 10 June 2012 - 02:53 PM

"Faith" means not wanting to know what is true.

#346 Pour_la_Science

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Posted 31 July 2012 - 06:43 PM

71% of faithless. I'm amazed as Longecity doesn't represent the population in general. Maybe we should move the website to China... (USA: 15% of faithless)

Edited by Pour_la_Science, 31 July 2012 - 06:45 PM.

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