[quote name='AdamSummerfield' date='May 27 2010, 03:22 PM' post='410503']
There is intelligence and design in the universe.
There are only non-random processes in the universe. They point only to themselves.
Is this a faith statement? How do you know what they point to?
QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
Where did these laws come from? Where did life come from and contrary to what you have said, certain big aspects of the evidence are human.
Where did where the laws came from, come from?
What aspects are human?
Antony Flew argues that design from order is one argument for the existence of God which He finds compelling. I have cited this earlier and do not want to rewrite his book here. (Pgs 95-112)
First he argues from the question of the origin of the laws of nature and second from the origin of life and reproduction.
By the term Law Of Nature He refers to symmetry or regularity in nature. These Laws are mathematically precise, universal and tied tegether in such a way that they affect one another. Einstein called them reason incarnate. How did nature come to be so packaged that it calls into questions of intelligence and design? Science is full of such questions. (Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg, Maxwell etc. etc.) The intelligence has been called the mind of God. The ground of being has been referred to as the thought of God. Why is there something rather than nothing or why is it that we exist? Why does the something act the way it does? (Laws) How can you describe the cosmos requiring intelligence of the describer, if it has nothing in common with intelligence. Can you really describe something unintelligible. Nature is of such a nature that it has been described as having intelligent thought as its ground?
I have a very large Indian collection and tens of thousands of stone artifacts. I have found most of them myself. When I am in the field what am I looking for? The marks of intelligence. Every artifact shows the intelligence, work and design of man. How do I know this stone is different than that one? Design, even though I do not see the designer. Rational laws that require Man to explain, are evident.
Why does something f the nature of the cosmos, with its intelligent laws exist? The answer is God. Check out the DNA code which raises many questions of intelligence.
Flew spends some time discussing Einstein and Dawkins who falsely claimed Einstein was an atheist. He wasn't but I will leave it up; to you to read it.
Quantum scientists are also cited by Flew as raising questions such as above. (Planck, Heiksenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac) and other scientists are cited. (Pgs103)-107) Very interesting.
Who wrote the laws? (Pg 107)
Even Atheists accept that there is a law like order in nature that at least in part comprehensible to our intelligence. There is a knowable nature to everything and something accepted by faith. Science would be impossible without it.. Scientists accept essentially a theological world view. There is no evidence the universe is logically necessary according to Flew. Where do the laws come from?
Why is it that we have these laws and not some others?
Why do we have a set of laws that drive featureless gases to life, consciousness and intelligence?
Answers to these questions point to deeper purpose and design and are intelligible.
If you accept laws, then something must impose them on nature. That enforcer and purpose is God. (Pg 110)origin of life and reproduction later.
QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
Multi universe which does not answer any issue that I have raised,
It answers many issues. Specifically, its existence would mean that we should not expect our universe not to be a certain way.
Why not, it is?QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
but certainly adds complexity.
Principle of parsimony. An increase in the complexity of a solution is permitted if evidence for such a complexity increase is given.
And if evidence waits discovery?QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
I wonder how Occams razor applies to this?
QUOTE (Wikipedia) *
When competing hypotheses are equal in other respects
In terms of evidence, the increase in complexity given in the "God" and "Multiverse" solutions aren't equal.
So is it God or a multi universe? Apples or oranges?QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
I can think of all kinds of things that have turned out more complex than thought.
Re-read my statement:
What new meaning do you want me to take from it?
QUOTE (AdamSummerfield) *
If the answer is more complex than our reasoning, comprising the principle of parsimony, leads us to believe, we will realise it then, when the evidence surfaces.
QUOTE (shadowhawk @ May 27 2010, 03:03 AM) *
Neither does God who is of a different nature than the physical cosmos.
God was before the "beginning," a word which referrers to an aspect of the physical cosmos.
It would only violate things of a caused nature. God is not caused.
Precisely as I predicted, you are proposing that God is excused from logic. Logic is to be applied to all areas of enquiry.
If God is of a different, uncaused nature, than it is not illogical or wrong. To illustrate, if you are asked to describe a blue wall and I predict you will say it is blue. You will say it is blue. Then I clam you are illogical because I predicted it.
This is called a nonsense statement. I predict you will say the world is round and if you do you are illogical. Is it?
Edited by shadowhawk, 28 May 2010 - 03:25 AM.