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Vitamin D3 and strong fatigue

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#1 xdopamine

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 06:36 PM


I have been suffering from strong fatigue for years now but some weeks ago my symptoms have really improved.
Three days ago I bought some Vitamin D3 (1200iu) + Calcium tablets and took 1 tablet / day. Well, this is a very small dose but after my first intake I experienced that my fatigue has got worse again. Today I slept for the whole day and don't feel refreshed at all.
Could this be linked to the D3 tablets? I found some interesting article: http://www.eurekaler...f-vdm040809.php
This article points out that vitamine D3 intake may actually worsen autoimmune disease. As far as I know I am not suffering from any autoimmune disease although some symptoms might speak for MS.... It's frightening.

Does anybody of you guys have similar experiences?


#2 kismet

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 07:13 PM

Does anybody of you guys have similar experiences?

You're not seriously inferring causality from all this? Please report back in several weeks after actually testing causality, i.e. supplementing on and off, and visiting a doctor (Hell! if you think you have MS wtf are you doing on a forum? that's a serious diagnosis) You took the D for one day. Don't panic and do a more thorough analysis first.

(btw, the article is crap and most of it is long disproven. Not that the core hypothesis can't be partially true, nonetheless...)

Edited by kismet, 26 December 2009 - 07:18 PM.

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#3 xdopamine

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 07:38 PM

That's the reason I write into this forum, I can't infer causality yet.
Maybe it is just a bad coincidence that my recurrent fatigue coincidences with my first D3 intake. Who knows.

On the other hand it is very possible that somebody else has similar (probably long term) experiences with vitamin D3 and this would confirm that it is not just a bad coincidence.

#4 nameless

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 07:48 PM

I can't see a single dose having any effect, unless the supplement was contaminated -- but that is very unlikely. And if it's in a tablet form, the vitamin D probably isn't even being absorbed very well. 1200IU isn't an especially large dose either.

Vit D can worsen some diseases, like you mentioned, such as sarcoidosis, or make you feel possibly worse by modulating/improving your immune system (if you had a long-standing bacterial infection). But I can't see a single dose doing much of anything.

It's probably worth seeing a doc to check out your symptoms though. MS-like symptoms or chronic fatigue are worth getting checked out.

#5 rwac

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 07:54 PM

I have been suffering from strong fatigue for years now but some weeks ago my symptoms have really improved.
Three days ago I bought some Vitamin D3 (1200iu) + Calcium tablets and took 1 tablet / day. Well, this is a very small dose but after my first intake I experienced that my fatigue has got worse again. Today I slept for the whole day and don't feel refreshed at all.

Hey, have you considered the possibility that you have a chronic infection of some sort ?
Perhaps Lyme or a viral infection ?
Have you ever been bitten by a tick ?

Vitamin D would stimulate your immune system, so it's possible you had a recurrance of symptoms because of that.

I have Lyme, and I used to experience similar issues with vit D, but I believe it's necessary to increase vit D levels in the long run.

#6 xdopamine

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 10:02 PM

Lyme disease... I have never really considered this one. I have to say that months ago I spotted some mark (radius ~2.5cm) at my lower body and it's still persistent. I have never taken it seriously... Normal lyme marks diminish after some time, don't they? I think I am gonna see my doctor once again to check this out. Is it possible to diagnose lyme disease with conventional methods years later?

Thank you for your help!

#7 rwac

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Posted 26 December 2009 - 10:54 PM

Lyme disease... I have never really considered this one. I have to say that months ago I spotted some mark (radius ~2.5cm) at my lower body and it's still persistent. I have never taken it seriously... Normal lyme marks diminish after some time, don't they? I think I am gonna see my doctor once again to check this out. Is it possible to diagnose lyme disease with conventional methods years later?

Thank you for your help!

Does it look similar to this ?
Yes, it may only appear early, and possibly not at all.

A western blot (preferably from IGeneX) should work, but a fair number of people have a negative western blot initially, although they do have lyme.
If the initial blot is negative, using antibiotics for some time and re-testing might work.

So your best bet might be to find an LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor).

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or so.

Good Luck!

Edited by rwac, 26 December 2009 - 10:54 PM.

#8 pro-d

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 01:08 PM

Trevor Marshall as yet doesn't have any peer reviewed studies to backup his claims.

As others have said 1 tablet is very unlikely to have done that - furthermore, you could speculate if the calcium portion of your tablet was responsible. If you have an un-optimal level of vitamin D which can take many months to rebuild, the calcium won't metabolise effectively until then; or at least after a few weeks.
So - I'm just speculating now - your body may have absorbed some calcium and then lost some, thus triggering more fatigue (calcium loss causes fatigue).

MS would be improved by vitamin D. A Scottish woman found her symptoms improved when she went on a sunny holiday.
You'd also want to make sure you're getting adequate magnesium somewhere down the line.

Edited by pro-d, 28 December 2009 - 01:09 PM.

#9 xdopamine

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Posted 28 December 2009 - 06:03 PM

Thank you for your answer!!

My symptoms still haven't improved until now:
- fatigue but unable to sleep
- constant paresthesia in my legs
- strange feeling in my back

This strange feeling in my back is hard to explain... it feels like some pressure which is pulling me down. This strange feeling also somehow prevents me from falling asleep. I feel very exhausted but when I lie down this feeling in my back gets stronger and this usual sleepiness is missing.
I know this all sounds very odd but this is the way I feel it....

Of course I stopped the vitamin D3 and calcium tablets 2 days ago. Can it really be caused by a loss of calcium?

Maybe it's worth mentioning that I have been on Deprenyl (1x 2.5 / 2 weeks, 1x 0.6mg / 2 weeks, 2x 0.25mg / 1 week).
During the past weeks Deprenyl really really improved my mood, energy, libido, brainfog, etc. I was doing very fine until I tried this vit. D3.... now this fatigue is worse than ever before.

Unfortunately my doctor is on vacation... so I have to wait until next week.

#10 pro-d

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 11:10 AM

Muscle Fatigue May Be Caused by Calcium Loss - http://www.womenscycling.ca/blog/?p=43

I'm not familiar with Deprenyl, but perhaps there could be some interaction between it and D and/or supplemental calcium.

#11 Tygo

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 01:13 PM

I doubt it's the vitamin D + calcium, unless it's contaminated with something else. Perhaps your energy improvement was just short lived and it's just a coincidence that you took a supplement in that period. But I agree with what others said, if you really think you suffer from a serious disease, be sure to see a doctor instead of asking what it might be on a forum. And if you continue to take the vitamin D, evaluate your diet with CRON-o-Meter and be sure that your total mineral intake (especially calcium/magnesium) and total vitamin intake (especially vitamin A/K) is adequate.

#12 xdopamine

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 01:52 PM

I found an interesting article: http://www.acu-cell.com/acn.html

"High stomach acid can in the long run lower calcium and/or magnesium levels enough to cause chronic
insomnia, or an inability to reach deep sleep stages 3 or 4, which are more difficult to achieve with low
calcium levels, and commonly resulte in chronic daytime fatigue."

This is very interesting since I am suffering from stomach problems and NREM parasomnia (I have been in a sleep lab) for a long time....
About 8 weeks ago my stomach got worse again. Next week I am going to have a gastroscopy.

#13 silverneedle

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Posted 29 December 2009 - 04:28 PM

D3 2500ui gelcaps caused me heart palpitations for 24 hours each time i tried them which was about 7 times till i just decided to stop, so single doses can cause problems . I have a possible immune system thing. If you think you have ms have a look here .


Hmm paresthesia, blood flow restricted, immune system?????

Im trying nattokinase to see if it helps poor bloodflow.
Im also trying deprenyl 1mg crushed tablet under tongue per day and so far its feeling good i wasnt on it when i tried the d3 though.
How about trying some sort of bodywork therapy or gentle excercise (tai chi) to work on your lower back?

#14 nito

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 05:21 AM

I took 5 gelcaps of Vitamin D3 (5000iu) at once 2 days ago. Since then it felt like i am a walking zoombie. I even tried to combat it with 2 b complex pills to combat the fatigue today but in general b complex don't seem to work on me. I never notice the increased alertnesss and energy. However i'm quite curius regarding the link between vitamin d3 and fatigue because i certainly won't take 5 again.

#15 niner

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 05:50 AM

I took 5 gelcaps of Vitamin D3 (5000iu) at once 2 days ago. Since then it felt like i am a walking zoombie. I even tried to combat it with 2 b complex pills to combat the fatigue today but in general b complex don't seem to work on me. I never notice the increased alertnesss and energy. However i'm quite curius regarding the link between vitamin d3 and fatigue because i certainly won't take 5 again.

Do you mean five 5000 IU caps for a total of 25000 IU, or five 1000 IU caps for a total of 5000 IU? Either way, people take vitamin D doses of this size all the time without incident. I can think of a couple possibilities: There was something else in the caps besides vitamin D. You coincidentally came down with a viral infection at the same time; it is cold & flu season, after all. Or, you are particularly sensitive to vitamin D. Hard to distinguish between the three without further information. How are you feeling now? I can't think of any reason why B would "counteract" D.

#16 nito

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 06:39 AM

I took 5 gelcaps of Vitamin D3 (5000iu) at once 2 days ago. Since then it felt like i am a walking zoombie. I even tried to combat it with 2 b complex pills to combat the fatigue today but in general b complex don't seem to work on me. I never notice the increased alertnesss and energy. However i'm quite curius regarding the link between vitamin d3 and fatigue because i certainly won't take 5 again.

Do you mean five 5000 IU caps for a total of 25000 IU, or five 1000 IU caps for a total of 5000 IU? Either way, people take vitamin D doses of this size all the time without incident. I can think of a couple possibilities: There was something else in the caps besides vitamin D. You coincidentally came down with a viral infection at the same time; it is cold & flu season, after all. Or, you are particularly sensitive to vitamin D. Hard to distinguish between the three without further information. How are you feeling now? I can't think of any reason why B would "counteract" D.

I meant 5 caps at 5000iu each, so 25000iu. I actually came out of a flu roughly 7 days ago. I took the caps 2 days ago, maybe it's linked to the flu i don't know.
Today for example i woke up at 8 am like a normal adult. By 4pm in the afternoon i got knocked out by sleep and slept till 3 am. I only managed to stay up for 8 hours which is rather annoying since i need to study hard, since i am at last year at college. I don't know why i get tired so easily. Do you suggest i go for blood test, to check my iron levels and vitamin d levels?

B complex has been totally worthless. I've been taking them for almost 2 months, i don't get energized at all. Maybe i should buy a standalone b-12 bottle.

#17 niner

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 07:18 AM

I took 5 gelcaps of Vitamin D3 (5000iu) at once 2 days ago. Since then it felt like i am a walking zoombie. I even tried to combat it with 2 b complex pills to combat the fatigue today but in general b complex don't seem to work on me. I never notice the increased alertnesss and energy. However i'm quite curius regarding the link between vitamin d3 and fatigue because i certainly won't take 5 again.

Do you mean five 5000 IU caps for a total of 25000 IU, or five 1000 IU caps for a total of 5000 IU? Either way, people take vitamin D doses of this size all the time without incident. I can think of a couple possibilities: There was something else in the caps besides vitamin D. You coincidentally came down with a viral infection at the same time; it is cold & flu season, after all. Or, you are particularly sensitive to vitamin D. Hard to distinguish between the three without further information. How are you feeling now? I can't think of any reason why B would "counteract" D.

I meant 5 caps at 5000iu each, so 25000iu. I actually came out of a flu roughly 7 days ago. I took the caps 2 days ago, maybe it's linked to the flu i don't know.
Today for example i woke up at 8 am like a normal adult. By 4pm in the afternoon i got knocked out by sleep and slept till 3 am. I only managed to stay up for 8 hours which is rather annoying since i need to study hard, since i am at last year at college. I don't know why i get tired so easily. Do you suggest i go for blood test, to check my iron levels and vitamin d levels?

It might be a post-flu secondary infection. Any fever? If it came on suddenly, it's probably not an anemia. You could always see your doctor. It's always good to know your vitamin D level, since it's so easy to not have enough. I kind of doubt that D has anything to do with your fatigue, though.

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#18 nito

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 11:56 AM

I took 5 gelcaps of Vitamin D3 (5000iu) at once 2 days ago. Since then it felt like i am a walking zoombie. I even tried to combat it with 2 b complex pills to combat the fatigue today but in general b complex don't seem to work on me. I never notice the increased alertnesss and energy. However i'm quite curius regarding the link between vitamin d3 and fatigue because i certainly won't take 5 again.

Do you mean five 5000 IU caps for a total of 25000 IU, or five 1000 IU caps for a total of 5000 IU? Either way, people take vitamin D doses of this size all the time without incident. I can think of a couple possibilities: There was something else in the caps besides vitamin D. You coincidentally came down with a viral infection at the same time; it is cold & flu season, after all. Or, you are particularly sensitive to vitamin D. Hard to distinguish between the three without further information. How are you feeling now? I can't think of any reason why B would "counteract" D.

I meant 5 caps at 5000iu each, so 25000iu. I actually came out of a flu roughly 7 days ago. I took the caps 2 days ago, maybe it's linked to the flu i don't know.
Today for example i woke up at 8 am like a normal adult. By 4pm in the afternoon i got knocked out by sleep and slept till 3 am. I only managed to stay up for 8 hours which is rather annoying since i need to study hard, since i am at last year at college. I don't know why i get tired so easily. Do you suggest i go for blood test, to check my iron levels and vitamin d levels?

It might be a post-flu secondary infection. Any fever? If it came on suddenly, it's probably not an anemia. You could always see your doctor. It's always good to know your vitamin D level, since it's so easy to not have enough. I kind of doubt that D has anything to do with your fatigue, though.

Maybe slightly feverish feeling, very slight thought, not full blown. And yea it was so sudden, i mean i do suffer from fatigue in general, especially staying up in the afternoon but this one was too strong and knocked me out. So it could be that i could be iron deficient anyway, although not conclusive from this event.

Anyways i'm waiting for my multivitamin "NOW ADAM" to arrive as i have never had a multivitamin but despite this i've been taking piracetam, CDP, bacopa, stj wort, 5htp etc. I figured maybe i need the basic first, since my diet does not consist of much fruit and veg.

I know alcar and b12 can address fatigue, anybody know any other ones?

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