Posted 03 June 2013 - 11:00 PM
Posted 04 June 2013 - 01:59 AM
I've been taking Noopept (~5mg/day) and Lucidril (~50mg/day) for about 6 weeks now, and I've noticed great improvments in motivation and mental energy. Also, somewhat unexpectedly, weight loss, much of it water loss. I had experienced some negative effects in the first 4 weeks, but those ceased after I took a 1 week break and then when I started taking them again, lowered the dosage substantially to their current levels. (I had been taking upwards of ~100mg/day Noopept and ~500mg/day Lucidril, but that was way too much for me and caused me a whole lot of adverse effects).
So, I'm now curious about Sunifiram and your report that in your experience, it beats Noopept. Was wondering if you had experience with Lucidril. It seems to cause depression on the one hand, but on the other, seems to also be beneficial in other ways.
What is it about Sunifiram that you think helps you more than the others?
Posted 04 June 2013 - 02:03 AM
1. It lacks Noopept's anti-sexdrive effect - and in fact some here have reported a slight increase in sexdrive.
2. It's twice as potent as Noopept
3. It has a powerful anti-brain-fatigue effect which I did not find with Noopept.
4. It produces an increase in intelligence and auditory processing that far surpasses that produced by Noopept.
5. It's so cheap that there's no excuse not to buy & try for yourself!
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 04 June 2013 - 02:04 AM.
Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:33 AM
Posted 04 June 2013 - 10:30 AM
Posted 04 June 2013 - 11:10 AM
Also, I notice I only need about 4-5 hours of sleep after supplementing with these nootropics. But if I get up in the middle of the night to do stuff, I get tired. So I wind up just staying in bed, awake, but waiting for the morning to arrive. Seems like wasted time, and perhaps what most would label "insomnia."
Posted 05 June 2013 - 07:18 PM
Posted 05 June 2013 - 07:31 PM
Hope 47 keep in mind that I use a shitload of theanine a day to blunt some of the negative effects of high caffeine intake. I'm talking 1000 to 1200 mgs. That might be key for some people. But I think that would make most people feel too relaxed and lazy and floating in hypnogogic imagery land lol. My caffeine intake is between 300 and 500 mg a day, spread from morning till about 6-8pm.
Posted 05 June 2013 - 08:35 PM
Yeah, I always add a tablespoon full of virgin olive oil to my meals for the EFAs.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:03 AM
Posted 08 July 2013 - 01:15 AM
Both Sunifiram & Noopept have really dried me out. Does anyone know what might potentiate suni so I can use less per dose? Perhaps lithium, an AMPAR potentiator will work.
Think twice before potentiating sunifiram with anything serious. Multiple users, including myself, have reported long-lasting side effects from use of sunifiram especially with other glutamatergics.
If by "dried out", you mean depleted, as in neurotransmitters being depleted, you can try supplementing tyrosine slowly up to 2.5g, but never do this with sunifiram, only separately. I don't advise NALT within a week of sunifiram.
Edited by Climactic, 08 July 2013 - 01:35 AM.
Posted 09 July 2013 - 06:00 AM
Edited by jeftrit, 09 July 2013 - 06:05 AM.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:17 PM
Honestly i'd avoid sunifiram. My intuition tells me its bad stuff.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:31 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 07:58 PM
Hi, I am new to all of this and had some questions. I ordered some Sunifiram at 20mg each and some noopept at 30mg each. the doses that everyone is talking about on here is a lot smaller yet I have only felt one side effect from the suni and that is the ear fog feeling. I even tried talking some of my oxiracetam with it and I felt nothing. I should add that I have been trying piracetam with choline also and im not feeling anything!!!!! this is really frustrating to me and I don't know if im doing something wrong or am I buying bad batches or what??? any insight would be most helpful and appreciated. feel free to pm me also!!!!
noopept takes time to metabolise in the body, the effects arent instant
try increasing your sunifiram dose
look into phenylpiracetam
Posted 17 July 2013 - 06:54 PM
Posted 17 July 2013 - 07:12 PM
I am in a major need to find something that can help me. Also my short term and long term memory feels shot.
My recommendations:
- Quit working the graveyard shift. It's super unhealthy if done chronically.
- Use modafinil or armodafinil - they work excellently for most people. It should be easy for you to get a prescription for either. Never mix them with glutamatergic or histaminergic stimulants, especially including sunifiram, unless you want to end up with persistent pressure headaches like me. Never take modafinil/armodafinil when sick, or when your histamines are already high, and don't chronically skip sleep with it. It's probably best to stack modafinil/armodafinil with quercetin+bromelain.
- For memory, I don't know what to say, but covering your vitamins and choline wouldn't hurt.
Edited by Climactic, 17 July 2013 - 07:15 PM.
Posted 25 July 2013 - 06:03 PM
Despite being much more glutaminergic than other racetams (much like Nefiracetam), I don't believe excitotoxicity is an issue with Sunifiram. It isn't a direct NMDA agonist, nor does it elevate glutamate levels. It seems to positively modulate NMDA and AMPA receptors through the glycine binding sites, and appears to have a bell-shaped response curve. I still would not pair it with more direct glutaminergic substances (i.e NMDA agonists, or glutamate elevators) as it could amplify their effects. On it's own however the risk should be minimal.
Posted 25 July 2013 - 06:06 PM
It seems to positively modulate NMDA and AMPA receptors through the glycine binding sites
Where is the evidence for positive [allosteric] modulation? The glycine binding site is only on the NMDA receptor, not the AMPA receptor afaik.
Edited by Climactic, 25 July 2013 - 06:09 PM.
Posted 26 July 2013 - 12:59 AM
Have you had sun sensitive red bloodshot eyes recently as well? Like EXTREME photophobia?
Posted 26 July 2013 - 01:04 AM
I don't ever expect a 3rd party COA.
Right now I can't even get an in-house COA from my Chinese friends.
Now I have a bad taste in my mouth from the ten grams of corn-starch that loser Nootrabiolabs sold me on eBay for $76.94.
I'm not interested in buying more corn-starch for $100+ per gram. Chinese corn-starch doesn't taste any better than the American kind.
My payday is coming up next week and I don't have any reason to believe that any of the five Chinese sellers have the real DM-235.
That means I will be buying 500g Oxiracetam from my trusted Chinese supplier instead.
Stick with the best, reject the rest.
And don't bother buying Nootrabiolabs' 'Phenylpiracetam' on eBay or anywhere else. It's a fraud. At best it's Russian Roulette - I suspect he's sending out some real PP and the other half or 30% of shipments are 100% inert powder with poor solubility characteristics and lacking the slight bitterness that has already been noted by others on this forum which characterizes real Phenylpiracetam.
This way he can claim that it's real because some % of buyers get an effect. He can claim that it's the buyer's inconsistent responses to the drug instead of the fact that every second or third of his 'Phenylpiracetam' shipments is inert powder.
A certain % of his buyers will randomly receive the real thing and the rest will get inert powder. It's the perfect scheme. I might try it myself. As P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute".
ive gotten fake citocholine from nootriabiolabs. completely wrong characteristics unless someone sold the base instead of acid form.
isochroma, we should colloborate on something. can we find a way to communicate privately?
Posted 26 July 2013 - 01:21 AM
It's time for me to update the World on my Sunifiram usage!
From the first day I started it on 2013/04/05 to today - 2013/04/23 - it has been 18 days.
The first day I experimented with doses - starting at about 12mg and moving up to 139mg and finally settling on 25mg x 6 per day (every three hours), along with 5g Piracetam x 6/day (also every three hours).
From that day to this, these are the two most important results:
1. The brain fatigue that could never be cured but only partially reduced by: Piracetam (75%), Aniracetam (80%), Oxiracetam (90%), Pramiracetam (90%), has been reduced 100% by SUNIFIRAM. Gone. Bye-bye Death. See ya later alligator. Even all the other raceams stacked in high doses and combined with the best possible lighting, diet, vitamins, minerals and exercise couldn't do it. SUNIFIRAM made it effortless. Beyond. Modafinil 2.0.
2. From a normal, constantly steady daily sleep requirement of 8 - 8.5 hours, the first day of SUNIFIRAM dosing brought me down to something heretofore new and thoroughly impossible according to my own experience and Medical Science: 5 hours.
From that day to this - every single night without end or diminishment - I sleep 4.5-5.5 hours. Roughly half of what I needed before.
Let me emphasize that I do not use an alarm to wake up and only wake up naturally - so I sleep until I feel completely refreshed.
Furthermore, even though it seems as if I am not sleeping enough, I notice two more points:
2a. The regenerative power of my sleep per slept hour has increased by about 90%, thus sleep finishes in ust over half the time. The brain measures how much regen and calibrates sleep to that need. I know this will be difficult to believe, but my entire life has been 8 - 8.5 hours and I'm normal in how I sleep. I'm not on psychiatric meds, I don't have weird circadian rhythms, I have no cyclic disorder, etc.
2b. My sleep defragmented. If there was any disoptimality in my previous sleeping, it was awakening about four times per night. Since starting Sunifiram I don't wake up at all during the night.
I am experiencing the same exact effects as you mention
and have attained it only very recently my stack has always revolved around Aniracetam, Noopept , omega threes as 5-7 grams daily of fish + krill oil ,cdp choline as my main precursor for ach production , magnesium l threonate as magtein , acetyl l carnitine-taurinate , p5p , theanine ,picamilon , phenibut , glycine , huperazine a @25-125 mcg as needed 3-4 times a week max at necessary intervals (!!!with pramiracetam due the theorized hacu ), inositol ,10 grams sulbutiamine a month usually cycled in for the first 14 days a month switch too l-dopa 80 Mgs last two weeks , sublingual b vitamin , with supra supplemented folate and lions mane from two sources I use mushroom wisdom amyloban3399 at 3 tabs a day with host defense lions mane x 2 caps per dose 1-2 times daily (mycellia whole product ) too not just extend the extremely effective and faster ngf pro therapy of amyloban3399I've taken but too give me various non extracted nootropics and nutraceuticals out of the mycellial product I stress the details because it took over 7 years too get a stack that had these kind of benefits ! But too get the benefits I've attained recently I changed two things 1. I always stack another racetam with aniracetam the two I've found have the most synergy with ani( wich will always be my core racetam in the stack for a variety of personal reasoning) are piracetam and pramiracetam well I've revolutionized the way I take both in the best I stuck with 5 grams piracetam and wouldn't advance lately I take close to 8 grams a day split in two doses and I longer try to control pram or set mg limits ...,,, some days 150 mg pram is right other days I will take up too 700 mg in a day and I make it a point too dose and redose the racetams all together with noopept and not only high dosage omega3 but a snack incorporates a little cultured butter ( and therefore butyric acid) does wonders for the lipophillic nature of aniracetam and supra lipo pramiracetam ( I'm pretty convinced noopept is as well lipophillic or at least that it as well has synergy with omega three fattys and cultured dairy products too the point where I'm convinced )
I know I'm off topic but I just thought it interesting that I am just now getting these effects you speak of but from a totally alteriive path from yourself ..... I'd like too pay respect & homage too you sur ( and all the other positive minded intelleI'm goin in w a euthanasia .. Day isn't getn any easier....ctual life extension & or nootropia enhanced beings that make longecity my hub on the www these last cpl yrs )I have read much of what you have posted and like I said Thank You too all those who experience sunifram coluracetam ( coluracetam is NEXT on my list! , can't even imagine the headaches coluracetam will bring about for the non choline supplementer ....hmmm? )nefiracetam ( wish nefiracetam didnt have its possibly endocrine criippling effects but...... Well to be honest as a substance that has gaba a action I am going too try it , one way or the other) and report with bio essays quantities thoughts and cumulative effects
English is my second language I must apologize
Your skin is dry because your brain is using up your body's deficient pool of omega-3 fatty acids to restructure under the power of Sunifiram. The brain is your most evolutionarily-valuable organ so when a deficiency occurs omega-3 fatty acids will be withdrawn from other organs in your body to keep your brain running. Because skin grows and renews quickly it is the first organ - and most visible - to show the deficiency:
1. Skin related signs
Start taking omega-3 supplements or whole fish immediately before the deficiency worsens.
- Dry skin and hair and soft or brittle nails
- Rough patches of skin
- Small bumps (like chicken skin) on the back
of upper arms and legs- Atopic allergies like eczema
- Dandruff
- Dry eyes
Doses start at 7g fishoil per day.
If you eat other fats then you'll need more because the ratio is important and they compete for both absorption and incorporation into membranes.
I only noticed brain effects when I increased to 14g/day.
The first symptom of omega-3 deficiency is cracked, dry, bleeding skin. I get it every time my fish oil consumption drops below 14g/day and if I don't eat fish in a month my hands are a gory painful bloody mess constantly bleeding out of huge erupted cracks.
Remember that when I say 7g or 14g I mean whole-body unconcentrated fish oil, not purified omega-3.
If you buy concentrated fish oil or pure omega-3 blends then you can take fewer grams.
Individual requirements vary considerably so increase your dose until the dry skin clears up - depending on the severity it can take 1-2 weeks.
Oh my I am having the same positive experience. Theres not much I say except I feel like someone has opened up a hyper-spacial portal in my head and Its absolutely jaw dropping. I was angry at how terrible sunirifam made me feel but I was in a state of choline and melatonin depletion from excessive cannabis use . I want to apologize publically for being a jerk, I completely understand why ISO blocked me. :/
fooling the coincidence detector . who would have thought our future was going to be like this? this is an absolutely milestone. timewave zero has begun.
Posted 27 July 2013 - 04:51 AM
Talking about questionable ebay supplier have anybody notice how BYOB and Nexus supplements use the same Health Supplement Wholesale label.
Can HSW be behind both BYOB and Nexus??
Health Supplement Wholesalehttp://healthsupplementwholesalers.com/
Yeah it's not questionable at all its just bad buisness ( good for them and Aaron though ) I've had lots of trouble with byob never figured too order from nexus but when dealing directly with Aaron or with hsw I've always had excellent experiences. , but now that hard rhino sold off to the amino store and they respected us enough as a niche market they started nootropicsdepot they're prices are amazing IMHO and they're offering the one (we are talking a bout ) Racetam I am most interested in (besides my 3 month yearly Aniracetam cycles ) and my daily Piracetam ( I'd say I'm totally psychologically dependent on piracetam with a drive stronger then chronic marijuana use as far as quote in quote addictive potentials go ..... Yes that's right I cannot go a day without piracetam )
Posted 04 September 2013 - 05:11 PM
For those that want to try the Sunifiram - today's a special day
As of this day I have received an email from Season [TrustWe Group]: Finally a trustable supplier of these obscure Racetams who takes PayPal - hover your mouse over the PP link on the Payment column to see her PayPal address on the actual page - with product in stock [Sunifiram, Phenylpiracetam] and shortly [Coluraceam, Unifiram] in stock with prices that are cheap enough for everyone to afford!
The newly-released Racetams are: Phenylpiracetam, Sunifiram, Unifiram and Coluracetam with prices that are revolutionarily affordable - with assurance of superfast delivery by fully-trackable EMS [Express Mail Service] and money-back guarantee by PayPal!
Coluracetam will be in stock halfway through April 2013. [DARK PURPLE COLORED TEXT IN TABLES INDICATES FUTURE STOCK]
Unifiram will be in stock halfway through April 2013. [DARK PURPLE COLORED TEXT IN TABLES INDICATES FUTURE STOCK]
Here are the new additions to the Racetam Prices list, including the first seller for the entirely new category of Raceram: Unifiram.
Below is just an image of the new additions - this forum will not allow proper insertion of the entries without mangling them.
The actual text and links are on the page itself so please go there to find out more - click the table below for details:![]()
Coluracetam is a highly active and very potent nootropic with doses of 10mg (typical) as found by forum members from ScienceGuy's test samples.
Sunifiram and Unifiram are extremely potent nootropics with doses of about 5mg per 150lbs.
The racetam titles at the top of each table are linked to their respective Wikipedia entries. Click to find out more about them.
Posted 01 December 2013 - 09:54 AM
Posted 01 December 2013 - 10:28 PM
Since I take no caffeine or stimulants it worked for me.
Posted 03 December 2013 - 07:40 AM
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