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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Chapters francophones (French Chapters)

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#1 captainbeefheart

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:55 PM

French Chapters
Chapters francophones

Joining requirements:
Conditions d'adhésion

-must be an imminst member to apply.
Tu dois être membre de imminst pour te présenter.

Rates range from $5 per month to $500 lifetime
adhésion allant de 5$ par mois à 500$ à vie

Join here.
Rejoins-nous ici

Chapters are eligible for chapter grants and resource packages.
Les chapters élus peuvent bénéficier d'une subvention

What do chapters do?
La mission du chapter.

-schedule chapter meetings
- Mise en place des meetings des chapters

-schedule your own agendas or choose from suggested agendas
- Planification de ton agenda personnel ou parmi ceux suggérés

Copy and paste the following form and post it here, or send it to the Chapter Coordinator.
Copie et colle le formulaire suivant en le postant ici ou envois-le au coordinateur des chapters.

Name or Alias:
Nom ou pseudo

City and Town?:
Ville ou village?:

What is the most miles you can travel to meet? (suggest 50 max)
Quelle distance es-tu prêt à parcourir pour participer aux meetings ?

Biggest town with in 50 miles of you:
Sur une distance de X Km, quelle est la plus grande ville proche de chez toi ? (i don't know the equivalence in Km)

What got you interested in life extension
Qu'est-ce qui t'intéresse dans le prolongement de la vie ?

Skype User I.D. (its free to download):
Quel est ton pseudo sur skype?

Would you be willing to host a meeting, or know of a suitable meeting place in your area, i.e. coffee shop, pub, etc:
Serais-tu prêt à recevoir des membres lors d'un meeting? Connais-tu un lieu proche de chez toi qui puisse accueillir ce type de réunion ? (café, magasin, bar...)

How much time can you commit to working on this, going to meetings, putting up flyers, etc:
Combien de temps es-tu prêt à consacrer à cette mission: organisation, planification, distribution de tracts....

Edited by captainbeefheart, 09 February 2010 - 09:10 AM.

#2 ilia

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 09:26 AM

A revised version of the ImmInst Chapter Announcement

Immortality Institute


Humankind has made countless achievements and overcome endless obstacles since the beginning of its existence. There are many more incredibly gracious opportunities and grand challenges ahead of us. This movement works to defeat aging and achieve Unlimited Lifespans.

Much of the world still believes that nothing can be done about the traditional death that aging has imposed upon everyone that has ever been born. We can now combat aging, and are already successful in similar cases.

As we all know, these are rapidly advancing times. Science and biology have been continuing to perfect their abilities, working on our bodies, then within them, and now within our very cells themselves. Science has defeated many forms of affliction and damage that accumulate in a variety of cellular diseases. Now, science is working to defeat the types of affliction and damage that accumulate to cause aging.

Achieving Unlimited Lifespans is now only a matter of the speed at which the world works to accomplish this.

We all have a chance to benefit from Unlimited Lifespans. Join us at Imminst.org and help us get the word out. We need all new incoming support like there is no tomorrow.

What you can do:

-Register at Imminst.org and then answer the questions that are pinned in the introduce yourself section.

It’s as simple as that. Our staff then takes this information and contacts you to help you get in where you fit in and are interested.

Imminst Projects:

Some notable past projects include the documentary, Exploring Life Extension – the book, The Scientific Conquest of Death – and hosting International Conferences.

Many of our present projects can be found in the Action section of our forum, and are too numerous to list.

Our future projects include the continued development of plans to inform the world, and help see this causes research through to fruition. Developing of local groups of enthusiasts and advocates for life-extension is essential for its success.

Regional Chapters



Imminst Regional Chapters are here to facilitate you with regular online and/or real time meetings for the purpose of helping to advance our cause of Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans.

As this cause continues to grow toward a movement, and eventually a mainstream item on the world’s agenda, it is inevitable that we will not be able to maintain an almost wholly online presence alone.

Here is your chance to help pioneer some of the first Imminst regional groups and help us continue to grow into all that we can and will be. Click on your area at http://imminst.org/chapters or http://www.imminst.o...orums-f321.html

And join your local group. Staff will be here to help guide you through anything you may need help with.

There are no commitments and we can coach on you getting going and becoming a successful regional group if you request such assistance. We can help by providing things such as sample agendas, project ideas, potential grant packages, and flexible scheduling that works for your group. We are also here to help you build these groups.

If you wish you get involved in Imminst at a Grass Roots level please sign up below, or just join the discussion at the ImmInst Regional Forums

Through local groups we can facilitate real action around the world.

What do local chapters do?

-schedule chapter meetings
-schedule your own agendas or choose from suggested agendas

To participate in a local chapter, copy and paste the following form and post it here, or send it to the Chapter Coordinators

Or just join the discussions at the ImmInst Regional Forums

Name or Alias:
City or Town:
What is the most miles you can travel to meet? (suggest 50 max)
Biggest town with in 50 miles of you:
What got you interested in life extension:
Skype User I.D. (its free to download):
Would you be willing to host a meeting, or know of a suitable meeting place in your area, i.e. coffee shop, pub, etc:
How much time can you commit to working on this, going to meetings, putting up flyers, etc.

Help translate this announcement! Contact Chapter Coordinators

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 10:05 PM

Members, be sure to add yourself to the map: http://www.longecity...orum/membermap/

That will help aid in the development of chapters as well.

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