Long-Term Piracetam Usage and Glutamine Supplementation?
Posted 13 February 2011 - 05:06 PM
The glutamate/gaba brain system is THE central brain system. Glutamate is THE excitatory neurotransmitter that converts to Gaba, which is THE inhibitory neurotransmitter. At least from what I can understand.
The racetam family of molecules comes directly from Glutamate/Gaba. If you oxidize glutamine you can obtain l-pyroglutamic acid which is basically the piracetam molecule.
Now you understand why exercise is good for the mind. Doing exercise makes release glutamine in the blood for the other organs to benefit.
Vitamin B6 is important for the conversion of glutamate to Gaba.
Magnesium is important to balance the brain/glutamate so that glutamate is not over doing the nmda receptor. Magnesium is on of the most depleted minerals in this society. 250mg should be fine.
Glycine alosterically potentiate the nmda receptor.
Zinc alosterically down regulate the nmda receptor.
The acetylcholine system potentiate and (possibly) down regulate the glutamate system. (Nicotinic receptor potentiate the nmda receptor and the muscarinic receptor seems to down regulate the nmda receptor somewhat)
NMDA receptor seems to be the last gate keeper of the memory consolidation. Without the nmda no memory consoliddation is possible.
NMDA and AMPA works together thats why when you mix nefiracetam (works alosterically on the nmda) and aniracetam (works alosterically on the ampa) the effects seems to be magnified.
Fell free to agree or disagree.
Posted 17 February 2011 - 03:10 PM
Wanna keep this thread going...
I've just necked 5g of L-Glutamine and already I notice an increase in energy. I did suspect that the supplement alone may be doing something in this respect.
Next up is the Piracetam. I've never dosed more than 1g per day with this stuff but it always gave me good results.
Here's how Piracetam usually effects me:
a)increased focus
b)increased attention
c)indirectly increased learning potential, probably from the frist two factors
d)nothing with memory, not from what I could gauge anyway
e)increased wellbeing, mental energy - it's like a buzz - can get hyper
f)increased dreaming/crazier dreaming
g)enhanced appreciation of colour/music (what causes this, I don't have a clue)
After week two:
These effects poop out, tolerance it seems comes into play.
I don't get headaches (even from higher doses), cholione supplementation doesn't help when it is working for me and it doesn't work when the effects are pooping out. All forms of choline supplements make me feel like crap, although I've never treid CDP (interests me as it has effects on DA recpetor density).
So what's the deal with L-Glutamine? 5g as I say has given me quite a noticable energy boost. I have just taken 1.5g of Piracetam and I am going to wait to see what this does. Do you guys supplement the glutamine many times per day or is one big whacking dose all you need?
Posted 17 February 2011 - 05:49 PM
Hi guys
Wanna keep this thread going...
I've just necked 5g of L-Glutamine and already I notice an increase in energy. I did suspect that the supplement alone may be doing something in this respect.
Next up is the Piracetam. I've never dosed more than 1g per day with this stuff but it always gave me good results.
Here's how Piracetam usually effects me:
a)increased focus
b)increased attention
c)indirectly increased learning potential, probably from the frist two factors
d)nothing with memory, not from what I could gauge anyway
e)increased wellbeing, mental energy - it's like a buzz - can get hyper
f)increased dreaming/crazier dreaming
g)enhanced appreciation of colour/music (what causes this, I don't have a clue)
After week two:
These effects poop out, tolerance it seems comes into play.
I don't get headaches (even from higher doses), cholione supplementation doesn't help when it is working for me and it doesn't work when the effects are pooping out. All forms of choline supplements make me feel like crap, although I've never treid CDP (interests me as it has effects on DA recpetor density).
So what's the deal with L-Glutamine? 5g as I say has given me quite a noticable energy boost. I have just taken 1.5g of Piracetam and I am going to wait to see what this does. Do you guys supplement the glutamine many times per day or is one big whacking dose all you need?
It's better to take Glutamine in 2 or 3 doses. When tolerance happens, do you feel depleted of something? I start to feel like I'm running on empty. When I stop taking it then I feel great again for a couple days, like the racetam effect is sustained but coupled with a natural refreshing feeling, with the racetam effects fading after a week. So, I feel as though it's more than just choline and glutamine that Piracetam is depleting. I take Piracetam with Oxiracetam also, usually 2.4g and 750mg respectively. I feel much better when taking in a large group of amino acids with them through protein shakes. I'm thinking of trying an all-in-one type amino acid formula. Any thoughts or suggestions on which one might be good?
Posted 17 February 2011 - 08:39 PM
All forms of choline supplements make me feel like crap, although I've never treid CDP (interests me as it has effects on DA recpetor density).
The only effects that I notice when taking CDP is a significant boost in libido and a slight increase in aggressiveness (maybe caused by the elevation of Blood Pressure).
Posted 14 April 2011 - 10:47 AM
any thoughts of protocol? should i just try it by itself in various dosages, then try it combined with piracetam with various dosages? for those for whom this is working well, have you found an optimal protocol? anyone able to sustain piracetam "magic" without having to take long breaks by utilizing glutamine?
i will report back when i get a good idea of how it's working? (might take some time)
Posted 20 August 2011 - 09:45 PM
This explains the best way to take L-Glutamine (in the morning on an empty stomach, mixed with water)
So, when should Piracetam be taken? About an hour later, along with a B-Complex and your first meal?
And me, personally... I do this glutamine regimen, then wait a little bit and take a B-Complex, dimethylglycine, fish oil and ashwaghanda (ashw. is a component of an awesome bodybuilding formula, Bioforge v3) just before my first meal. Would this time be the best time to take piracetam? I never supplement with choline, but my first meal is often 3-4 eggs.
Posted 11 October 2011 - 03:50 PM
Posted 12 October 2011 - 09:20 AM
Posted 12 October 2011 - 10:35 AM
Posted 12 October 2011 - 10:53 AM
Posted 12 October 2011 - 03:06 PM
I suppose the L-Glutamine is pretty healthy stuff anyway and despite being the most abundant amino acid in the body is always required due to stores being depleted by stress and endurance,etc.
It's definitely going to be a keeper!
Edited by Thorsten2, 12 October 2011 - 03:07 PM.
Posted 12 October 2011 - 04:47 PM
Also, how is Glutamine at crossing the BBB?
Also, what ya'll know about pyroglutamate? I heard it can increase your need for cysteine and glycine (which can be derived from choline or TMG). This guy goes crazy against it: http://www.longecity...383#entry282383 But at the end of the thread, people begin to retaliate. It's a good read, but someone sucks at reformating after Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V which drives me nuts. I got through half of it.
Edited by devinthayer, 12 October 2011 - 05:42 PM.
Posted 12 October 2011 - 05:53 PM
Edited by devinthayer, 12 October 2011 - 06:00 PM.
Posted 12 October 2011 - 06:17 PM
Posted 15 October 2011 - 02:10 PM
Posted 16 November 2011 - 11:44 AM
How has L-glutamine worked in combination with piracetam? Any updates? I am thinking about trying it to see what its effects may be. Just wanted some additional input from others who have been down this road. Seems to be cheap enough to add to my current stack of Piracetam, Noopept, Sulbutiamine, etc.
Edited by JChief, 16 November 2011 - 11:45 AM.
Posted 16 November 2011 - 11:57 AM
@ canz & others,
How has L-glutamine worked in combination with piracetam? Any updates? I am thinking about trying it to see what its effects may be. Just wanted some additional input from others who have been down this road. Seems to be cheap enough to add to my current stack of Piracetam, Noopept, Sulbutiamine, etc.
I couldn't really tell you. I've switched out from oxi, pir, and prami in the past three months, so I don't have an accurate account of what the results of taking glutamine have had.
Posted 17 November 2011 - 05:10 AM
Edited by abelard lindsay, 17 November 2011 - 05:10 AM.
Posted 17 November 2011 - 07:18 AM
i have switch to BCAA ,for systesis to glutamate as need,
BCAA also slow glutamate lost.
one thing when you have low glutamate or glutamine level in body ,glutathione also drop ,that why get bad piracetam effect .
Posted 19 February 2012 - 11:38 PM
Posted 20 February 2012 - 01:14 AM
Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:22 AM
L-glutamine might safer ,or this not worth a try ,tingling never gone anywhere ,please help me ,urgently need help .
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