Posted 28 September 2017 - 04:05 PM
Zinc is one of the most pervasive minerals throughout the body, you won't have trouble absorbing it. Once you deplete your molybdenum, boredom and anger will rise as the adrenals over stimulate the CNS. Then over time vanadium stores around the body decline, leading to type II diabetes, low melatonin, no 3rd eye activation, bouts of feeling strongly about little things, tempers flaring too high/to long, sluggish liver functions. Magnesium will also get used along with B vitamins.
Boron enhances hormones as long as iodine is about to push out the heavy metals from everywhere and d3 in the kidneys, and k2 and vitamin E and vit C to protect everything .
So zinc works......natrual vit C supplements won't make your gums bleed at high doses. Most people's guts have 200mg absorbing capacity in one sitting. I wish people would stop repeating stuff they read based on old studies, it ain't bad advice from the studies just not totally correct.
Having ones methylation cycles increase is good, but how are you going to feed ones tissues? Is there organic local produce affordable, where's the distilled water, how's your amino blood profile, do any genes need activating by D3, maybe an increase of digestive resistant starch could help, what are parasite mind symptoms? Zinc focuses the mind, molybdenum insures diligence, magnesium switches off the noise and dissolves heme.
If you're not taking cofactors with any mineral intake you will suffer. Thx.
Vit A is in all fresh food , don't let zinc dry out your liver!
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