I think a crash is fine. The more important issue would be whether tolerance could build up. So far I didn't really experience any serious crash. It's effects wear off after being eliminated and that's about it.
Caffeine is great (minus the side effects) but our body gets tolerant to it very fast and you'll get withdrawal symptoms as well.
kassem23: do keep us updated
I'm still taking it because I'm interested in boosting motivation via increased dopamine receptor density. I take along with ALCAR and it gives a really nice boost without the jitters.
I have taken sulbutiamine with oxiracetam last two days 1 gram of both and have been feeling great. Productivity all day, really - really awesome. Regarding oxiracetam, although it is not topic related my vision is super clear and detailed - it's amazing! I do have to say, that I can't stop smiling and that my parent's probably thought I was hypomanic or something - they said: "Your energy levels are through the roof, have you been drinking coffee?" Haven't had any crash, why do you guys get crashes and I don't? I don't get that. Can I keep on taking this and if not, why? In bmud's regime, he takes 1 gram of sulbutiamine every day, and doens't seem like he have been having crashes, or?
Thanks in advance,