Gwen think your onto something, I think you have or are putting the pieces together,
Heres a check list
Do you know what Long Term Potentiation is?
Do you Know what Long term depression is?, (the importance of LTD is often underestimated, alcohol and weed enhance LTD significantly, mode of action?
Do you Know the difference between the function of synaptic and extrasynptic receptors(very important)
Do you understand differing subunits of NMDARs via location and role eg NR1a,NR2a,NR2b
Glycine appears to be a bad idea as increases extrasynptic NMDAR component verse the synaptic nmdar.
d-serine or d-cycloserine look very good, covalent bond?
phosphitidlyserine could be a gd source of L-serine which has many general benefits
I think the general population has schizophrenia(negative symptoms) manefesting in things like bipolar, add, aspergers which are all a form of negative schizophrenia that is endemic to almost everybody caused by eurgenic campgains. You will find it extremely hard to get any medication that has been shown to improve negative symptoms
Edited by chrono, 19 November 2010 - 06:13 PM.