Sound of clicking pillboxes and rummaging ... Well, looks like my pill regimen is about to get a lot cheaper ...
Thank you, eason and kismet.
Let's start at the beginning, by dispensing with the disputed study of P5P vs PN in liver disease patients.(5) Aside from the fact that one should always be extremely cautious in making leaps from results diseased people into healthy life extensionists (a theme to which we will shortly return), or the readily-discovered and somewhat predictable fact that people with liver disease have "Abnormal regulation of plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate" (5,10), no one has apparently noticed that the full article is available in free full-text thanks to American taxpayers: if someone had, s/he would have noted that this study involved
intravenous delivery, not oral, which of course bypasses the dephosphorylation of P5P which (as noted in a
previous post) is how the great majority of oral B6 as P5P is absorbed. And, although only available by subscription (
and now to full Imminst members, thanks to K.....†), (12) while ambiguously worded seems to indicate that the substantial reduction in B6 neurotoxicity in PM an P5P vs PN was also for the injected vitamer or coenzyme.
So, how seriously should we take these newly-discovered reports? Very seriously, in my view.
As I hope everyone taking PM, P5P, or even megadose PN already knew, there is certainly plenty of evidence that higher-dose PN (>500 mg/d) does cause a reversible sensory neuropathy in humans. Molimard et al ((2), as summarized by (3)) observed subtle and apparently dose-dependent cognitive deficits in humans at 200 and likely 100 mg/d, despite a lack of any such symptoms; I note that this study was
not reviewed by the Institute of Medicine in setting the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of 200 mg/day for adults, nor the resulting tolerable Upper Limit (UL) of 100 mg. Effects on memory are consistent with the evidence of ultrastructural damage and in particular decreased synaptic density in the rodents (4), and to observe such effects on memory without overt neuropathy also seems quite consistent with other rodent studies, which showed evidence of abnormal startle response in overdosed rats despite a lack of overt neurotoxicity (at 100, 200 or 300 times -- but not 10 x -- the requirement (8); the same authors, in a short-term study, observed "A transient, but significant, elevation in acoustic startle response, a central nervous system reflex, was observed in rats fed excess vitamin B-6" at 20 x rat 'RDA.' (9) The range of 20-100 x the
human DRI is just 34-170 mg -- still
below what
might be a clinically effective dose for AGE in diabetic humans. The free full text of (4) also says that:
Many studies dealing with administration of different daily doses of excess vitamin B6 have suggested that the excess of this vitamin affects the brain and serum concentrations of some amino acids and cortical serotonin receptors. ... The experiments on rats have demonstrated that dietary deficiency of vitamin B6 causes very important morphological changes such as dendrite loss, perikaryonal swelling, vacuolization of dendrites, neuropil degeneration in cortical layers, glial proliferation in the area of neuronal loss [ref], and decreased number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum [refs]. Interestingly, we have observed similar changes in the cerebral cortex in the experimental groups receiving excessive vitamin B6 doses, in a time-dependent manner … ultrastructural changes observed in the perikaryons and neuropil of animals treated with excess vitamin B6 for short period were, however, less pronounced ... (4)
It is entirely reasonable to think that cognitive deficits and brain damage might manifest at lower doses than those required for neuropathy, depending on the disposition, storage, metabolism, and requirements of the brain vs the periphery.
The requirement of pyridoxine in the CNS is a 100-fold greater than in the peripheral organs. In humans, ... vitamin B6 ... is stored primarily in the liver and to a lesser extent in the muscle and brain. ... It is unclear at this time which of the forms [ pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, or P5P] crosses the blood brain barrier (BBB) and what biochemical reactions centrally activate the vitamin. Considering the selective permeability of the BBB (a phosphorylated molecule cannot cross the BBB), PLP levels in the brain could substantially differ from the periphery. Imaging of brain vitamin B6 with radioactive tracers becomes possible only when they are available in the phosphorylated form (essentially by being trapped intracellularly), hence, the significance of a detailed pathway exploration ... [and] the need to develop a reference range for optimal levels of this cofactor, especially in the CNS, is important.(6)
In (7), rats fed 20x their 'RDA' showed (nonsignificantly) ~33% higher brain levels of PN (and, interestingly, PM), slightly
lower levels of P5P, substantially (but still NS) higher levels of the metabolite PA, and a pretty dramatic increase in pyridoxal. This is, methinks, consistent with the idea of selective retention of B6 in the brain because of its critical dependence, and with the inability of intact P5P to enter or exit the brain.
Now, why are we taking this stuff in the first place? There is a great deal of animal evidence in diabetic and/or obese, hyperinsulinemic rodents that pyridoxamine lowers tissue AGE and prevents associated complications. There is one study supporting similar (and indeed larger) such effects using P5P.
The only data from human clinical trials is suggestive at best of a benefit for PM diabetic and renal disease patients, and showed no benefit of P5P for heart disease. The company advancing PM has put its best spin on the results, but has been in a rather stagnant bend in the clinical pipeline for years, having been unable to secure sufficient new investment to perform further studies.
Not only do we have
no data whatsoever showing benefits (or risks) in normal, healthy humans: we have no such data on the key question (AGE levels) in
animal models! We don't know if it would be of any benefit at all, even to a rat -- and let's remember that even targeting AGE as an intermediary in 'normal' aging is both a surrogate marker, and an unvalidated one (but see eg ()); indeed, while there is good correlative evidence for a relationship between AGE accumulation rates and species lifespan, and while CR (the most well-validated and until recently
only intervention to retard aging in mammals) does lower AGE levels, selectively lowering blood sugar with transgenic GLUT4 (the insulin-regulated glucose transporter for muscle and fat) -- which,
ceteris paribus,
ought to lower AGE, tho' they didn't measure this -- had
no effect whatsoever on lifespan in either normally-fed
or Calorie-restricted rodents (1).
In addition to the lack of any strong reason to expect a
benefit for these substances in healthy life extensionists, the
risk side of the risk:reward calculus may very well be different for us than for the patients in human trials or their rodent analogs. For instance, to the extent that these agents' mechanism of action is as carbonyl traps, it is entirely reasonable to speculate that due to sheer stoichiometry between agent and target molecule, a similar dose to that used in diabetic and/or renally-impaired humans would leave much more of the molecule intact in circulation rather than being sequestered or modified by interaction with abundant substrate.
I already recognized that PM and P5P were by a substantial margin the most tenuous and risky of supplement gambles that I was making; this evidence clearly takes that calculus, straps it to an anvil, and pushes it over the edge. It is extremely clear to me that no healthy, normal life extensionist should continue taking these supplements as antiglycation agents.I would be inclined to counsel against it even in diabetic patients, pending further evidence on either risk or reward.
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3. SCF (Scientific Committee on Food).
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4. Demir R, Acar G, Tanriover G, Seval Y, Kayisli UA, Agar A.
Effects of excess vitamin B6 intake on cerebral cortex neurons in rat: an ultrastructural study.
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6. Yarlagadda, Atmaram, Clayton, AH.
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8. Schaeffer MC. Excess dietary vitamin B-6 alters startle behavior of rats. J Nutr. 1993 Aug;123(8):1444-52. PubMed PMID: 8336216.
9: Schaeffer MC, Gretz D, Gietzen DW, Rogers QR. Dietary excess of vitamin B-6 affects the concentrations of amino acids in the caudate nucleus and serum and the binding properties of serotonin receptors in the brain cortex of rats. J Nutr. 1998 Oct;128(10):1829-35. PubMed PMID: 9772157.
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Edited by Michael, 11 February 2010 - 03:01 PM.
Note on NOAEL; link to posted study; unmashed refs 4 & 5