I ordered pram from smartpowders a few weeks ago...have been dosing 800 mg daily after breakfast.
Things I noticed:
- significantly improved motivation. I get about 2 hours more worth of work done every day, compared to pre-pram
- reading became slightly easier
- marked improvement in speaking abilities, words and sentences flow
- definitely improved mood, especially when combined with caffeine
- not sure how to explain this, but before taking pram, I spent some time every day imagining crazy movies\situations\ideas in my head, very intensely. This has been going on since childhood. Many of my ideas come from these sessions, but ever since introducing pram, these sessions have drastically reduced. My creativity\problem solving abilities haven't taken a hit though, so this is a big plus overall.
One Freak Incident:
Once every 4 weeks, I smoke an extremely small amount of marijuana, about one puff. It allows my subconscious thoughts to surface, and also helps me have 'realizations' about current situations in my life and how to effectively deal with them.
Well, I took the 'puff' and about 30 minutes later was talking with some friends. All of a sudden, I couldn't speak. I was trying to say "I wanted to let you guys know" but all that came out in several successions was this:
- I want to...guys...let you
- I want to...know you...guys
- I just want to let you know...guys
I COULD NOT put the sentence together for my life. Now, something like this has never happened to me with marijuana, I've used it hundreds of times before. It was very frightening at the time, and the first thought that came to my head was "PRAM".
Despite the positive effects pram has had on my mentality, I'm slowly tapering down because of this incident, maybe switching to the more-studied piracetam. The memory loss was scary, I don't want it to happen again. Unfortunately, I won't know if it was the weed or pram that caused this, but I'm comfortable tapering down the pram in any case. Plus, I recently read a thread on imminst about pram and potential neuron death.
Besides that one occurrence, I've only experienced good things while supplementing with pramiracetam.
Edited by caffeinehead, 20 February 2010 - 06:22 PM.