I know I'm kind of doing a shameless bump but I'd just like to inform people that I'm still taking Sulbutiamine and I'd advise anyone who hasn't yet to give it a shot. One of the best things I've ever done. Rolling around to exams now and I'm whacking out revision like I never thought I could. This substance has had such a positive effect. Haven't had any loss of effect yet but have cycled it a bit.
What dose are you taking and how often?
I must have been mistaken in believing that sulbutiamine causes one to have too much energy to even concentrate - like overly euphoric...
I only use it in 3 day successions really. I start on 600 mg, 2nd day 800 mg, 3rd day 1g. All taken in the morning. Apart from that I generally only take it when I need it.
The energy you get is NOTHING like a "buzz". It's more like the energy you get from motivation increase. I usually have chronic cba syndrome and can not be bothered with doing anything. Almost like I just feel like I have no energy. When it comes to revision I just ignore it and procrastinate like hell. Sulbutiamine gives me a huge kick, makes me feel like I could go for a run if I wanted, makes me entirely motivated to get things done that are PRODUCTIVE. I love it.