My only concern in the increase of melalin in the skin and it's affect on moles.
And you got this info, where?
This is here:
But I don´t know the original source.
Posted 01 June 2013 - 09:41 AM
My only concern in the increase of melalin in the skin and it's affect on moles.
And you got this info, where?
Posted 06 March 2016 - 08:37 AM
B6 helps the body with protein utilization. So when supplementing several grams of any amino acid B6 can help ensure proper utilization of that amino.
I'm not trying to burst your bubble but most supplements produce a honeymoon effect. Great results in the beginning but those results can diminish if you don't have the necessary augmenting nutrients and you need to balance the dopameragic system with the serotonergic system.
There are lots of other nutrients that are needed to convert tyrosine into DA. If you're low in any one of those nutrients the effect will be diminished. It's hard to know what nutrients you may need to add or increase unless you get some nutritionally oriented testing done.
But you can conclude that you have a nutritional problem that resulted in low neurotransmitter levels.
Which "necessary augmenting nutrients" are needed to "balance the dopaminergic system with the serotonergic system"?
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