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How to contact Isochroma?

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#61 genseb7

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 01:34 AM

he is such an interesting charecter, i want to know more about him
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#62 MrHappy

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 12:05 PM

Hasn't updated his blog since August... hasn't been on here for a while either...

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#63 1thoughtMaze1

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 09:07 PM

Haha I tried to read through the ramblings of that "piracetam addict".. But it's too hard.. I can't get through it.. It's way too boring... For the most part it just sounds like he likes talking about himself haha... But I must admit there is something fascinating about him... And his experiences... Maybe I can relate to the persuit of great brain power haha

#64 gamesguru

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 09:42 PM

Answer 3:


As for your experience, it mirrors mine. Choline from egg yolks got rid of my initial headache, which was very mild and started on day 3. It isn't really necessary to take a choline supplement, and excess choline can itself cause depression, lethargy, and brain fog - from reports on forums I've visited.

Regular consumption of egg or meat is enough for me now.

The thing to remember is the brain recycles most of its choline. So unless you've got the bad luck to be a person with genetics that make your brain a poor recycler (very few do), then only initial supplementation is necessary.

The reason is that the expansion of the cholinergic system when piracetam is started, itself slows down and reaches saturation within a few weeks. Only as new receptors are being built is more necessary, then once the new construction is done, the pool of recycling choline reaches a new equilibrium. During the early days a supplement may be necessary due to the new demand, that's all.

Completely agree with this by the way guys. Been using Piracetam for a long while and don't supplement with choline at all. No headaches. Still get the enhanced colours and sharpness, along with a mood-enhancing effect for me. (Which I don't get when I don't take it.)

I second this, well piracetam might do other things besides rev up the cholinergic system, but it surely does that very well.

I wonder what isochroma thought of ALCAR in relation to piracetam...and I wonder if a little bit of lithium orotate could have done him some good.

#65 Thorsten3

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 10:17 PM

He was here recently posting in one of the methylene blue threads

#66 Neurotik

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Posted 22 November 2011 - 10:20 PM

Spotted him here, for what it's worth . . .


Further reading:


Edited by Neurotik, 22 November 2011 - 10:27 PM.

#67 MrHappy

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 02:24 AM

I dunno.. last post was August.. same as his blog. Haven't seen activity anywhere since around that time.


#68 MrHappy

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 02:26 AM

Great, the link posting didn't like square brackets.. you'd need to copy and paste the second section to the end of the link..

#69 Neurotik

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 04:08 AM

Better yet . . .


And click on "Posts" on the left side.

(Thanks for the heads-up, MrHappy.)

Edited by Neurotik, 23 November 2011 - 04:09 AM.

#70 chrono

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 04:26 AM

Better yet . . .


And click on "Posts" on the left side.

(Thanks for the heads-up, MrHappy.)

That really won't get you much. Isochroma flipped out about a year and a half ago (for no visible reason other than running out of piracetam) and threatened legal action against the forum if we didn't delete his account. Most of his older posts are tied to a non-account that shows up as something like guest_Isochroma.

He was only able to re-register and post here again because of an oversight in the design of the way the forum software handles those kinds of account deletions.

#71 sam7777

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 05:33 AM

I wonder if isochroma understood food allergies. Maybe he needed to juice for 40 days...
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#72 rollo

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 05:38 AM

He wrote quite eloquently.

Lol at people hating on him and taking him or anyone on the interwebz too seriously...

#73 Cephalon

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 11:37 PM

Anyone who wishes to be enlightened can find him posting over at brainmeta.com. Just read a new interesting conspiracy involving Piracetam and Dandlions and Gas Companies and Cerebral Health buying the worldwide Piracetam stock to regulate Gas prices (ehm sorry Piracetam prices) just to take this medicine away from people who really need it and can't afford the high prices ..: great read!

#74 abelard lindsay

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 04:06 AM

Anyone who wishes to be enlightened can find him posting over at brainmeta.com. Just read a new interesting conspiracy involving Piracetam and Dandlions and Gas Companies and Cerebral Health buying the worldwide Piracetam stock to regulate Gas prices (ehm sorry Piracetam prices) just to take this medicine away from people who really need it and can't afford the high prices ..: great read!

I can only imagine the kind of rant he's going to go on once he discovers CILTEP! :laugh:

Edited by abelard lindsay, 29 May 2012 - 04:20 AM.

#75 Cephalon

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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:03 PM

:) We should better hide that one! And this Hyperspace guy ... Isochroma will become his padawan right away ... I'm sure he will start mega dosing Calcium and Glutamate when reading this: http://www.longecity...nefits-from-it/

#76 Irishdude

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Posted 02 August 2017 - 09:14 PM

Isochroma killed himself last year. Theres a thread on reddit. I am sad. Never got the help he needed.

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#77 Ark

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Posted 03 August 2017 - 12:36 AM


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#78 Ark

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Posted 03 August 2017 - 12:40 AM

Looking at his post history:


"Rest assured that to escape this dying world and its collapsing economies soon to be mired in war at every scale not to mention my own rotting body I have carefully researched and planned a relatively painless Exit from this Matrix. Years of research on advanced biochemistry assure me that when my time comes I will not fail in achieving a clean Exit from this world unlike the eighty percent of fools who fail in their attempt."

"I am so sorry to say that it is too late for me - I am a lost soul trapped in a sickening body. I looked too deep into the black Abyss and now it's inside me. There was a time a year ago when solutions still seemed workable but those illusions have passed like shadows into a long night. . Worse, I recently made a deal with the Devil of biochemistry for a few months more of usable life. It seems the interest is already coming due on that loan. . Now it will be my relief to fall asleep and not wake up to this world again, thereby releasing all the accumulated evils which could never otherwise be made right nor expunged. To leave this world to the fate I have forseen. It is too sad to do anything else even if I could. The cries of my tortured soul, mind and body can finally die away into the peaceful bliss of an eternal abyss."

childofentropy • 126d
o m g

agolsby • 123d
How sad this is. Despite so many attempts to get through to him, it was always like talking to a brick wall.

Though he was always overdramatic, he never struck me as histrionic or manipulative in his drama. Rather, he seemed to passionately believe all those grandiose thoughts in his head were The Truth.

That's the hallmark of delusion: unjustifiable beliefs that don't change despite frequent head-on collisions with reality.

I have little doubt he died of a personality and mood disturbance which his substance use elevated to full-blown psychotic depression.

FW900 • 126d
Unfortunately, I think that it is a very real possibility that he followed through.

/u/MisterYouAreSoDumb, when is the last time you heard from Isochroma?

MisterYouAreSoDumbCeretropic & Nootropics Depot • 126d
A long time. Hopefully he just took a step back from things.

sudojay1 • 125d
I don't mean to diminish the severity of the comment above, but he would write exaggerated posts pretty regularly just as a part of his personality, or for whatever reason. There's some reasonable chance he was being dramatic, or at least I hope that's what it was.

Sherlockian_Holmes • 126d
I used to communicate with him on his personal IRC channel in the past. Sometimes I check in to see if he still is there. But he hasn't been there in many months. I fear the worst.

He was on a downward spiral talking about the degeneracy of society and everyone around him, including himself, and how he not only wanted a way out, but figured out a way to end his life. He described it all in excruciating detail.

Unfortunately he had too much pride to ever consider that he might be wrong about everything, since his entire personality was tied up in his intellect and how much "he knew the truth about everything" based on his personal ideas. It was strange.

It is unfortunate he was so terribly misunderstood and that he never took it into his own hands to find help in some way or another. He was quite disconnected. He was a real character though. I'll always remember him, and he had some good crazy hypotheses which I enjoyed perusing when he engaged in his sesquipedalian nature.

tronatula • 126d
/u/Isochroma-Reborn you still alive?
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