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taking modafinil and ritalin together

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#1 samreed920

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 01:09 PM

modafinil and ritalin together, I notice it works better.

I am wondering if it is toxic to the body??

I am only planning to do this for 2 months for studying.

200mg moda in the morning

10mg ritalin. every 3 works later total of 30mg


#2 Guacamolium

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 01:20 PM

I got complete anxiety from 100mg moda + 10mg ritalin. I was trying to get better than 3 focused hours on ritalin, but somehow a 1g dose of oxiracetam calmed me down. Yeah, I'm not trying that again.

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#3 haha

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 02:03 PM

inclination is that while not contraindicated i wouldnt be mixing them. Ritalins D1 effect on the frontal lobes is o so good, interestingly D2 receptors are restricted to the central brain, but D2 inhibtion really made me feel 'Narrow' and made exams hard were they would have been easy.
Modafinil while not the same is very close in many ways, speculatively this molecules highlights a modafinil like endongenous cascade that is the same as dopamine.
Pramipexole http://en.wikipedia....Pramipexole.svg

If you think it improves your performance then suppose carry on but id try limit my ritalin to 10mg ed

#4 samreed920

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 02:49 PM

inclination is that while not contraindicated i wouldnt be mixing them. Ritalins D1 effect on the frontal lobes is o so good, interestingly D2 receptors are restricted to the central brain, but D2 inhibtion really made me feel 'Narrow' and made exams hard were they would have been easy.
Modafinil while not the same is very close in many ways, speculatively this molecules highlights a modafinil like endongenous cascade that is the same as dopamine.
Pramipexole http://en.wikipedia....Pramipexole.svg

If you think it improves your performance then suppose carry on but id try limit my ritalin to 10mg ed

You said ritalin made easy exams seem hard?

I had that problem...

When i use ritalin, it gives me drive to study hard, but I feel it slows me down in thinking and recall.
In my physics exams, I got less 30% it was shock.....I took ritalin and remmber taking to long thinking to long about each question and time ran out.

I do not want to cut back on ritalin because it gives me drive.

can you tell me more aboout this? what is D1, D2 ect?


Edited by samreed920, 24 April 2010 - 02:50 PM.

#5 Heisenberg

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 04:12 PM

inclination is that while not contraindicated i wouldnt be mixing them. Ritalins D1 effect on the frontal lobes is o so good, interestingly D2 receptors are restricted to the central brain, but D2 inhibtion really made me feel 'Narrow' and made exams hard were they would have been easy.
Modafinil while not the same is very close in many ways, speculatively this molecules highlights a modafinil like endongenous cascade that is the same as dopamine.
Pramipexole http://en.wikipedia....Pramipexole.svg

If you think it improves your performance then suppose carry on but id try limit my ritalin to 10mg ed

You said ritalin made easy exams seem hard?

I had that problem...

When i use ritalin, it gives me drive to study hard, but I feel it slows me down in thinking and recall.
In my physics exams, I got less 30% it was shock.....I took ritalin and remmber taking to long thinking to long about each question and time ran out.

I do not want to cut back on ritalin because it gives me drive.

can you tell me more aboout this? what is D1, D2 ect?


This sounds familiar. I find that when using Ritalin, you have to focus on what you want to do: If you focus on exact studying, this is what will happen. If you focus on speed, this will get enhanced, etc. I find that you have to give your mind exact direction what you want to accomplish with Ritalin, otherwise it results in tunnel vision just like you described. Maybe lower the dose for the next exam.

#6 Heisenberg

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 04:20 PM

I got complete anxiety from 100mg moda + 10mg ritalin. I was trying to get better than 3 focused hours on ritalin, but somehow a 1g dose of oxiracetam calmed me down. Yeah, I'm not trying that again.


What is your experience with oxi and ritalin? I remember you mentioned over in the ritalin thread you wanted to experiment more with the combo. I am actually taking a break from piracetam for the moment. For some reason, I feel much clearer without it, and ritalin alone.

Edited by Heisenberg, 24 April 2010 - 04:20 PM.

#7 Guacamolium

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 08:21 PM

I got complete anxiety from 100mg moda + 10mg ritalin. I was trying to get better than 3 focused hours on ritalin, but somehow a 1g dose of oxiracetam calmed me down. Yeah, I'm not trying that again.


What is your experience with oxi and ritalin? I remember you mentioned over in the ritalin thread you wanted to experiment more with the combo. I am actually taking a break from piracetam for the moment. For some reason, I feel much clearer without it, and ritalin alone.

Well, the modafinil was fine, then adding the Ritalin screwed everything up, then adding oxiracetam balanced everything out again. I guess I can say from that one experience, oxiracetam + ritalin is good. Separately a year ago I tried modafinil with oxiracetam which was great. Still haven't officially tried for a "2nd" Ritalin stack attempt from that other thread, but I do have a shitload of blogging to do, so I might get the second attempt together bereft of the zinc gluconate and give it a go.

I'll post in that thread the stack if I do. Any suggestions on what to add to my stack are encouraged. I have tons of supplements sitting around in boxes, so chances are I might have something suggested. I even have Deprenyl which I hate (unless taken with tianeptine or sam-e) but I heard it works well with Ritalin in short-term. That means I'd have to add sam-e to the stack, which would be quite a convoluted stack.

#8 haha

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Posted 25 April 2010 - 01:54 AM

Heres abstract the describes what i assume to be the major molecular pathways behind the enhancement experienced via D1, I think i can subjectively describe these effects in an experiences way, although its based on extrapoliation. Your world widens, every little process seems to run autonomasly while your concious mind is free to stand back and appreciate the interconnections. Working memory increase and energy levels rise. Long term memory is extreme. Phasic dopamine.
Strong D2 causes me not to be able to see the forrest for the trees, I get lost and think in circles, I cannot hold resaonable assumptions. Although it increase working memory effectively. This is alot like you guys have described before.PS sam-e seemed to me like a mighty fine drug.

Dopamine D1 activation potentiates striatal NMDA receptors by tyrosine phosphory

PJ Hallett, R Spoelgen, BT Hyman, DG Standaert, AW Dunah

Interactions between dopaminergic and glutamatergic afferents in the striatum are essential for motor learning and the regulation of movement. An important mechanism for these interactions is the ability of dopamine, through D1 receptors, to potentiate NMDA glutamate receptor function. Here we show that, in striatal neurons, D1 receptor activation leads to rapid trafficking of NMDA receptor subunits, with increased NR1 and NR2B subunits in dendrites, enhanced coclustering of these subunits with the postsynaptic density scaffolding molecule postsynaptic density-95, and increased surface expression. The dopamine D1 receptor-mediated NMDA receptor trafficking is blocked by an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases. Blockers of tyrosine phosphatases also induce NMDA subunit trafficking, but this effect is nonselective and alters both NR2A- and NR2B-containing receptors. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphatase inhibition leads to the clustering of tyrosine-phosphorylated NR2B subunit along dendritic shafts. Our findings reveal that D1 receptor activation can potentiate striatal NMDA subunit function by directly promoting the surface insertion of the receptor complexes. This effect is regulated by the reciprocal actions of protein tyrosine phosphatases and tyrosine kinases. Modification of these pathways may be a useful therapeutic target for Parkinson's disease and other basal ganglia disorders in which abnormal function of striatal NMDA receptors contributes to the symptoms of the diseases.
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#9 FocusPocus

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:24 AM

I think modafinil and Starterra (Atomoxetine) works better than this combo of modafinil and Ritalin.

Atleast for me.

I'm yet to try the three together in low doses : Starterra + Modafinil + Ritalin

I wonder if anyone has experimented with this

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#10 Babychris

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:59 AM

Wooow good luck to deal with the anxiety !

I suffer from a terrible GAD triggered by 1 month of daily modafinil conclude by a terrible experience in a exam test..
Since then I have some brain fog, dizziness issue and of course chronic anxiety so be carefull.

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