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ImmInst science stipend 2010/1

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#1 caliban

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 03:59 PM

Expression of interest sought.

Alongside other initiatives, ImmInst aims to fund one or more research projects this year.
Such a project should aim to make an original contribution to the field of life extension science or technology.

Ideal projects will
- have the capacity to deliver advances to the state of the art, or to establish a proof of concept in a promising area in life extension science or technology
- be basic or applied research but basic research should have potential for applied development
- present short updates for Members with interim data, photos from the facility etc at agreed intervals
- be led or overseen by a person with a postgraduate qualification in the relevant field or by a person with demonstrable equivalent experience
- have clearly defined interim milestones
- have a flexible project structure that can be adjusted according to the amount of money raised
- be small in scale - one or two key workers
- be short in duration - 6 months maximum
- not be confidential. ImmInst will expect open and public presentation and discussion of research results but confidentiality will be accepted where a manuscript is prepared for publication.

ImmInst will be able to support a project with a minimum of $2000 and up to $8000, subject to matching by other donors. ImmInst will launch a call for matching donations and every donation generated in that call will go towards the project budget.
A total budget of ~$10.000 is an achievable target, more for projects that capture the imagination of the life extension community.

Interested parties should send
- a project outline of around 800 words written in lay language, supported by up to 10 literature references
- a curriculum vitae of the project leader

to support@imminst.org by May 18th 2010.

#2 AgeVivo

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 05:29 PM

Are there exemples of such projects that you have in mind, to which you would be favorable?

#3 caliban

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 05:42 PM

Are there exemples of such projects that you have in mind, to which you would be favorable?

Each project should stand on its own, within the parameters suggested above, and we are certainly still learning how to best leverage limited funds.

I think the closest example would be last years Laser Ablation Project

#4 AgeVivo

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 08:52 PM

By the way, here are latest news from the laser ablation project:


C. elegans
–Starved for several hours
–In shallow M9 buffer
–On glass (20µl drop of M9 on slide)

532nm Nd:YAG laser
–8ns pulse
–10 mJ
–Beam focused to 1mm2
–1 J/cm2

Full power does not kill young adult worms
1/10th full power explodes old worms
Lipofuscin accumulates with age, laser does more damage

Next steps
–Find optimal age for treatment
–Find optimal safe dose at that age
–Determine minimum safe treatment interval
–Photograph and quantitate bleaching

First lifespan results where obtained but it needs to be done again due to troubles such as contamination and lost worms

SENS has decided to prioritize their research on more core projects, and the laser ablation project might/could go on later in 2010?:

This is the latest information from Nason: He expects the earliest he can pick this up again is September. I am going to suggest to the Board that they request money back from SENS (the amount that was not spent according to the original proposal) and keep it "in the bank" until the time arrives when Nason can pick it up again.

Like Iain, I too have a good feeling about the information that can be gained through this research. Even if there is no direct applicable treatment for humans, we will learn something valuable about how the destruction of lipofuscin affects a model organism and human cells.

#5 treonsverdery

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 03:05 PM

I urge imminst to advertise at The Tech MITs student paper It is 9.50 to place an advertisement there http://tech.mit.edu/ads/rates.html

I once started a company advertised at The Tech then got a reply

It may be beneficial to move the reply time to summer as many people have more time then

#6 caliban

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:01 PM

I urge imminst to advertise at The Tech MITs student paper

If you are student or faculty at MIT, it would be great if you could hang up a notification.
Same goes for anybody affiliated with research institutions across the world.

It is 9.50 to place an advertisement there http://tech.mit.edu/ads/rates.html

You mean its $95 for 1/8 page. We don't have a budget line for this, but if someone wants to make a directed donation, we could certainly look at it.

#7 caliban

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:02 PM


#8 Wandering Jew

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Posted 01 June 2010 - 08:14 PM

How many applied?

#9 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 03:56 PM

We have had four proposals submitted.

#10 caliban

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 11:24 PM

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