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Bar Exam Stack

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#1 Noottropics7

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 08:27 AM

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks, trying to learn as much as I can to come up with a stack for my upcoming bar exam in July. In light of all that I have read, with special emphasis on bmud's stack, I have come up with the stack below. Your feedback on my stack would be greatly appreciated. So please comment on potential synergies, effectiveness, excessiveness and safety. As you will note, I plan to introduce a new set of noots each week, as there are only about twelve weeks left before I take the exam.

1. Piracetam + CDP Choline + Fish Oil (week 1)
2. Bacopa + Ashwagandha (week 2)
3. Alcar + RALA (week 3)
4. Aniracetam (week 4)
5. pyritinol (week 5)
6. Rhodiola Rosea (Replacing Ashwagandha) (week 6)
7. Picamilon (or Hydergine as it is supposed to be great for memory) (week 7)

Everyone please share your thoughts, especially the veterans.


#2 Noottropics7

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 07:35 PM

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks, trying to learn as much as I can to come up with a stack for my upcoming bar exam in July. In light of all that I have read, with special emphasis on bmud's stack, I have come up with the stack below. Your feedback on my stack would be greatly appreciated. So please comment on potential synergies, effectiveness, excessiveness and safety. As you will note, I plan to introduce a new set of noots each week, as there are only about twelve weeks left before I take the exam.

1. Piracetam + CDP Choline + Fish Oil (week 1)
2. Bacopa + Ashwagandha (week 2)
3. Alcar + RALA (week 3)
4. Aniracetam (week 4)
5. pyritinol (week 5)
6. Rhodiola Rosea (Replacing Ashwagandha) (week 6)
7. Picamilon (or Hydergine as it is supposed to be great for memory) (week 7)

Everyone please share your thoughts, especially the veterans.


Any advice, please?

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#3 Animal

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 08:15 PM

Yes, Hydergine will be excellent in the short term, and have a far more pronounced effect then picamilon. I would take either the Bacopa or the Ashwagandha, but not both. Since they both enhance GABAergic activity, you would likely get a sedative effect if used in combination. Since you intend to replace the aswagandha anyway I would recommend the Bacopa.

Also if possible you should begin the Rhodiola earlier, as it's MAO-A inhibition properties, including it's potential to enhance catecholaminergic activity, only truly becomes evident after after about 6 weeks of daily dosing in my opinion.

#4 Shay

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 08:45 PM

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks, trying to learn as much as I can to come up with a stack for my upcoming bar exam in July. In light of all that I have read, with special emphasis on bmud's stack, I have come up with the stack below. Your feedback on my stack would be greatly appreciated. So please comment on potential synergies, effectiveness, excessiveness and safety. As you will note, I plan to introduce a new set of noots each week, as there are only about twelve weeks left before I take the exam.

1. Piracetam + CDP Choline + Fish Oil (week 1)
2. Bacopa + Ashwagandha (week 2)
3. Alcar + RALA (week 3)
4. Aniracetam (week 4)
5. pyritinol (week 5)
6. Rhodiola Rosea (Replacing Ashwagandha) (week 6)
7. Picamilon (or Hydergine as it is supposed to be great for memory) (week 7)

Everyone please share your thoughts, especially the veterans.


Any advice, please?

It seems like a decent stack from my experience. I just studied and stacked for an engineering certification. For three months I followed and modified bmud's stack. I have no experience with numbers 3 or 5. Aniracetam was ineffective in my opinion. #7 cause anger in the evening and I quite it immediately, very strange.

#5 Noottropics7

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 08:52 PM

Yes, Hydergine will be excellent in the short term, and have a far more pronounced effect then picamilon. I would take either the Bacopa or the Ashwagandha, but not both. Since they both enhance GABAergic activity, you would likely get a sedative effect if used in combination. Since you intend to replace the aswagandha anyway I would recommend the Bacopa.

Also if possible you should begin the Rhodiola earlier, as it's MAO-A inhibition properties, including it's potential to enhance catecholaminergic activity, only truly becomes evident after after about 6 weeks of daily dosing in my opinion.

Thanks for your suggestions. The reason I wanted to use Ashwagandha was for energy purposes and Bacopa for memory. Since I will now not use Ashwagandha, would creatine do the trick?

I will use Hydergine then. I was just worried about its potential negative effective. but as I will only use it for four to six weeks max, it should probably be ok, right?

I put Rodiola later in the schedule because this study below suggests that it loses its effectiveness after six weeks. Your thoughts?

"The decrease in physical and mental performance of physicians on prolonged night call is well known. Low dose (170 mg/day) R. rosea extract was given to 56 young, healthy physicians on night call.18 The effect was measured as total mental performance calculated as "Fatigue Index." The tests reflected an overall level of mental fatigue involving complex cognitive functions, such as associative thinking, short-term memory, calculation, concentration, and speed of audio-visual perception. These parameters were tested before and after night duty during three periods of two weeks each in a double-blind crossover trial. A statistically significant improvement in mental performance tests was observed in the treatment group (R. rosea) during the first two-week period.However, at 6 weeks the effect appeared to be lost. No side effects were reported. These results suggest that R. rosea extract can reduce fatigue under certain stressful conditions for some period of time. Possible reasons for the loss of efficacy over time may be the low dose used, the crossover design, or the overall length of night duty with increased fatigue by weeks 5 and 6."

This quote is taken from this thread: http://www.imminst.o...showtopic=24242

Thanks again.

Anyone else, please feel free to chime in.

#6 Noottropics7

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 09:24 PM

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading this forum for the past few weeks, trying to learn as much as I can to come up with a stack for my upcoming bar exam in July. In light of all that I have read, with special emphasis on bmud's stack, I have come up with the stack below. Your feedback on my stack would be greatly appreciated. So please comment on potential synergies, effectiveness, excessiveness and safety. As you will note, I plan to introduce a new set of noots each week, as there are only about twelve weeks left before I take the exam.

1. Piracetam + CDP Choline + Fish Oil (week 1)
2. Bacopa + Ashwagandha (week 2)
3. Alcar + RALA (week 3)
4. Aniracetam (week 4)
5. pyritinol (week 5)
6. Rhodiola Rosea (Replacing Ashwagandha) (week 6)
7. Picamilon (or Hydergine as it is supposed to be great for memory) (week 7)

Everyone please share your thoughts, especially the veterans.


Any advice, please?

It seems like a decent stack from my experience. I just studied and stacked for an engineering certification. For three months I followed and modified bmud's stack. I have no experience with numbers 3 or 5. Aniracetam was ineffective in my opinion. #7 cause anger in the evening and I quite it immediately, very strange.

Thanks Shay. I will ditch Picamilon in favor of Hydergine for now.

#7 silencer

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Posted 05 May 2010 - 10:50 PM

I have a professional exam coming up towards the end of June. I'm thinking of potentially adding some Pramiracetam to my mix (Currently on a very basic stack of piracetam and Alpha GPC)....

Edited by silencer, 05 May 2010 - 10:51 PM.

#8 dilenja

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 07:34 PM

With respect to Bacopa, participants in clinical trials show improvement after 6 weeks of use but success is largely unproven at periods less than 6 weeks.

Having tried both Ashwaghanda and Bacopa I notice that Ashwaghanda is less sedating and is more condusive to a study oriented regimen as it provides a serene calming energy. Bacopa is calming as well, however I have personally found it too sedating to take during the day and would hesitate to include it in a professional exam regimen for this reason.

Agree that that Rhodiola loses its effectiveness after a period of one to several weeks. Agree that it provides energy and assists with mental fatigue however I haven't noticed any form of cognitive element to its effectiveness from my own personal usage. Would probably recommend Idebenone 45 to 90mg 2 to three times per day in lieu of Rhodiola since effects of improved mental endurance are more consistent than Rhodiola especially on a day to day basis.

Have experience with Aniracetam and preferred it myself at lower dosages (190 to 380mg) spread a few times throughout the day rather than 750mg twice a day, so this may be something to experiment with.

With piracetam I've noticed increased effectiveness when taken sublingually as opposed to orally.

From experience Pyritinol is excellent for vigilence and alertness and I've personally had great success taking 400mg 3 hours prior to an exam and then another 400mg 1 hour prior to. During study days I would take 400mg twice a day and found this worked well.

Recommend chewing on raw cocoa nibs (I use Nativas Naturals brand) immediately prior to exam as the effects are quite pleasant, and also taking plenty of xylitol based gum for usage during the exam!

#9 Noottropics7

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Posted 07 May 2010 - 12:49 AM

With respect to Bacopa, participants in clinical trials show improvement after 6 weeks of use but success is largely unproven at periods less than 6 weeks.

Having tried both Ashwaghanda and Bacopa I notice that Ashwaghanda is less sedating and is more condusive to a study oriented regimen as it provides a serene calming energy. Bacopa is calming as well, however I have personally found it too sedating to take during the day and would hesitate to include it in a professional exam regimen for this reason.

Agree that that Rhodiola loses its effectiveness after a period of one to several weeks. Agree that it provides energy and assists with mental fatigue however I haven't noticed any form of cognitive element to its effectiveness from my own personal usage. Would probably recommend Idebenone 45 to 90mg 2 to three times per day in lieu of Rhodiola since effects of improved mental endurance are more consistent than Rhodiola especially on a day to day basis.

Have experience with Aniracetam and preferred it myself at lower dosages (190 to 380mg) spread a few times throughout the day rather than 750mg twice a day, so this may be something to experiment with.

With piracetam I've noticed increased effectiveness when taken sublingually as opposed to orally.

From experience Pyritinol is excellent for vigilence and alertness and I've personally had great success taking 400mg 3 hours prior to an exam and then another 400mg 1 hour prior to. During study days I would take 400mg twice a day and found this worked well.

Recommend chewing on raw cocoa nibs (I use Nativas Naturals brand) immediately prior to exam as the effects are quite pleasant, and also taking plenty of xylitol based gum for usage during the exam!

Thanks for the advice dilenja. Now that you mentioned it, what regimen do you use on the day of a big exam? The bar exam is a two days six hours per day exam. What would you recommend to take prior and during the exam? We have an hour break after the first three hours of each day.

#10 dilenja

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Posted 07 May 2010 - 10:18 PM

Sure thing. As a lot of my exams this year have been in the afternoon here is my regimen for a 2pm exam. I would recommend that you conduct a trial run of your intended exam-day supplement regimen for one day of each week leading up to the exam date, so that you can tweak the dosages and supplements which you intend to use as this way there will be no surprises come exam day. You can then simply study on these 'trial-run' days during the time you would otherwise have written the exam.

Night before:
1 capsule Sensoril brand Ashwagandha by Natural Factors, and 500-750mg Magnesium Glycinate followed by 8 hours sleep

Upon awakening (6am):
1500mg Kre-Alkalyn Creatine
100mg B6
500mg Alcar w/150mg r-ala
45mg Idebenone
1-2g Ascenta Nutrasea Fishoil*

45min of high-weight low-rep free-weights followed by 20-30minutes of cardio
Postworkout - 50g Whey Protein with Blueberries, Banana.

400mg Pyritinol
45mg Idebenone
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Piracetam taken sublingually
180mg Aniracetam
250mg AlphaGPC or Centrophenoxine
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*


45mg Idebenone
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Piracetam taken sublingually
180mg Aniracetam
250mg AlphaGPC or Centrophenoxine

1pm (1 hour prior to Exam):
400mg Ibuprofen
400mg Pyritinol
45mg Idebenone
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*

Tablespoon or two of Nativas Naturals brand raw cocoa nibs

Duing Exam:
Bottle of water with the juice of one entire fresh lemon and 1tbsp honey
Chew Xylitol based gum throughout the exam

*Aniracetam and Idebenone are fat soluble so should always be taken with a source of fat

Since your exam is split into two three hour intervals you may find it helpful to add another cycle of supplements after the first three hours have concluded. Although exam day is always hectic and rushed, I find that taking the time to have a workout in the early AM always leaves me in a far better headspace then if I had used the time for cramming/studying instead. Hope this can be of help, Cheers

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#11 Noottropics7

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 08:06 AM

Sure thing. As a lot of my exams this year have been in the afternoon here is my regimen for a 2pm exam. I would recommend that you conduct a trial run of your intended exam-day supplement regimen for one day of each week leading up to the exam date, so that you can tweak the dosages and supplements which you intend to use as this way there will be no surprises come exam day. You can then simply study on these 'trial-run' days during the time you would otherwise have written the exam.

Night before:
1 capsule Sensoril brand Ashwagandha by Natural Factors, and 500-750mg Magnesium Glycinate followed by 8 hours sleep

Upon awakening (6am):
1500mg Kre-Alkalyn Creatine
100mg B6
500mg Alcar w/150mg r-ala
45mg Idebenone
1-2g Ascenta Nutrasea Fishoil*

45min of high-weight low-rep free-weights followed by 20-30minutes of cardio
Postworkout - 50g Whey Protein with Blueberries, Banana.

400mg Pyritinol
45mg Idebenone
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Piracetam taken sublingually
180mg Aniracetam
250mg AlphaGPC or Centrophenoxine
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*


45mg Idebenone
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Piracetam taken sublingually
180mg Aniracetam
250mg AlphaGPC or Centrophenoxine

1pm (1 hour prior to Exam):
400mg Ibuprofen
400mg Pyritinol
45mg Idebenone
1tbsp Nutiva Org. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*

Tablespoon or two of Nativas Naturals brand raw cocoa nibs

Duing Exam:
Bottle of water with the juice of one entire fresh lemon and 1tbsp honey
Chew Xylitol based gum throughout the exam

*Aniracetam and Idebenone are fat soluble so should always be taken with a source of fat

Since your exam is split into two three hour intervals you may find it helpful to add another cycle of supplements after the first three hours have concluded. Although exam day is always hectic and rushed, I find that taking the time to have a workout in the early AM always leaves me in a far better headspace then if I had used the time for cramming/studying instead. Hope this can be of help, Cheers

Thanks for the suggestions.

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