I've just started experimenting with Tianeptine and so far I've had mixed results. I have tried from 3 -8 tablets spaced through the day but despite this I still suffer from anoying side effects.
I believe that if I can conquer these side effects then this could potentially be a great drug. The reason I am even writing this thread is because through my use of Tianeptine I have seen glimpses of amazing clarity and moments of bliss. But unfortunately I am only getting these positive states of mind late in the day. So this is my problem. I really am confused about why this is happening to me. I didn't feel particulary depressed before starting Tianeptine treatment I decided to take it as I've always suffered from slight anhedonia and I was hoping it would put some colour back into my life. Before starting treatment I have been a good sleeper, I eat very healthily and exercise regulary. I only experience odd moments of stress at work. So maybe my cortisol is that of a normal functioning person? This is what I presume. Due to the negative side effects maybe Tianeptine is only benefical for individuals with very high cortisol?
Before I go any further I wish to name the main negative side effects I have suffered with Tianeptine.
These include: (all mainly occur during day time hours)
Slow cognition (to the point where I forget words), extreme tiredness after each dose (If there is a bed in my sights and I foolishly choose to rest my head on the pillow I'll be knocked out cold), Extreme calmness in a non productive way 'zombie type effect' (Could be percieved as being benefical for some indivuals but for me it prevents me from getting involved in anything).
So bearing in mind these side effects would I be correct in thinking that my cortisol is perhaps already pretty low if this drug is having this effect on me? I don't find Tianeptine stimulating in any way at all despite what I have read about its effects on the brain. I assumed that enhancing the re-uptake of serotonin would give rise to dopamergenic and stimulatingntype effects.
The positives I have witnessed are : Increased clarity of mind (feels clean and pure), It expands my creativity of thinking (I feel that due to the optimism I experience I can dream and my imagination comes alive - much like when I was a kid and something that is lost in depressed anhedonic individuals), The world looks far more appealing and interesting (even blissfull when I am experiencing something of real beauty).
So most of these positves correlate with 'feeling'. It's not a nootropic drug in any way from what I have seen so far. I really want this drug to work for me just because of how it has the ability to make me feel. But these sides are quite bad (especially the tiredness) and if they continue I will unfortunately be stopping this drug. I cannot contemplate having a slow mind and being unable to keep up. It's what has made me improve my life since joining these forums. The last year or so I have moved ahead of my colleagues purely through my mind working quicker than theirs (thanks to what I have learned here).
I have scoured the forums and this extreme tiredness issue does seem to be apparant in some individuals but it's not overly common. I guess I'm just a bit unlucky in this respect. It doesn't mean I have to give up with it though. I really want to give it another chance.
So what do you guys think? Do you think this is related to cortisol? Would it be beneficial for me to maybe try taking something that boosts cortisol (whilst taking Tianeptine) to see if this makes any difference? Or is this just adding too much into the mixing pot?
I have decided that if I cannot elimate these side effects then I will be abandoning this drug and trying Agomelatine. I am able to get hold of this at a cheaper price thanks to a link provided in a PM to me from Chrono. It's made from the same company Servier and it doesn't come with any annoying tiredness due to its evening dose requirement. I would be hoping that it could potentially have similar beautifully clean anti-depressant type effects as Tianeptine but would be more suited to me as an individual.
It would be good to hear any feedback. It would also be good to hear from people on here who have experienced this extreme tiredness effect whilst taking Tianeptine.