Impossible, i dont have patiencemedievil: perhaps it would be a better idea to build up to those kind of doses rather than start on them right away.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 02:45 PM
Impossible, i dont have patiencemedievil: perhaps it would be a better idea to build up to those kind of doses rather than start on them right away.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 02:50 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 03:18 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 03:52 PM
Ok, guys if any of my posts start to sounds manic like, warn me, because the last thing i want is becoming manic.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 03:52 PM
Ok, guys if any of my posts start to sounds manic like, warn me, because the last thing i want is becoming manic.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 04:01 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 05:47 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 08:27 PM
I'm giving this a try at the moment, 12 gram piracetam a day, in combination with 60mg of memantine wich should (theoretically) keep my mood stable and block mania from occuring.
Are you taking this all in one dose? Either way, being tired sounds like the acetylcholine-depleting effects. Did you end up taking ALCAR with it? I suspect that larger doses will require more in the way of ACh counterbalancing, but for all I know it may be a bell-shaped thing as well. If you're going to use it at this dosage level, I would definitely build some off time into the cycle...maybe something like 1-2 days a week, and a week or two every 2-3 months (at least). One of the problems with hyperdosing, in addition to apotheosis, is that the effects seem to wear off, and people end up escalating their dose to ridiculous amounts.So far it makes me really tired, i took an extra dose of AMT in hope it would give me energy so i can do my workout tonight, otherwise wont do much then laying around in the sofa or something.
We'll have an intervention locked and loaded.Ok, guys if any of my posts start to sounds manic like, warn me, because the last thing i want is becoming manic.
Edited by chrono, 13 October 2010 - 08:29 PM.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 08:35 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 08:49 PM
Posted 13 October 2010 - 08:58 PM
Interesting thx, i'l try that now.You may want to up that to 2g ALCAR with each dose. Health_nutty found it to make all the difference for alleviating piracetam side effects, so it may help you out.
Posted 13 October 2010 - 09:24 PM
Posted 14 October 2010 - 01:37 PM
Posted 14 October 2010 - 08:51 PM
SO what results did you get out of those high doses.Nothing wakes you up quite like the taste of quaffing 12 grams worth of piracetam down the hatch at eight o'clock in the morning.
Posted 14 October 2010 - 10:19 PM
Posted 14 October 2010 - 10:29 PM
Its just a small experimentlol, come on, man. Starting 2 noots (one mega-dosed) and doubling your dose of memantine all on the same day is like, the worst possible way to do any of those things.
It's possible you have a bad reaction to ALCAR and/or choline sources, but it's really pretty impossible to tell in this situation.
Edited by medievil, 14 October 2010 - 10:32 PM.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 12:05 PM
Posted 15 October 2010 - 05:28 PM
Posted 15 October 2010 - 07:59 PM
This is what jumps out at me. Of all the things I've tried so far, Hup-A is the one that makes me feel the most on-point, savoir faire, sharply focused without overfocus. Especially when combined with piracetam and ALCAR. The 'word on the street' is that hup A is great for improving memory, but I think that's just a myth derived from AChEI use in alzheimer's, and maybe a few donepizil studies; I would describe it much more as modulating conceptual fluidity. I wish I wasn't concerned about its long-lasting inhibition of AChE and possible dysregulation during sleep, but it's something I'm still researching.I was also taking an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor at the time: huperzine-a.
Edited by chrono, 15 October 2010 - 08:01 PM.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:16 PM
I started taking this substance back in April. At the time i had no scale or means to find out how much piracetam i was actually consuming. I would use a regular sized tablespoon from my drawer and mix anywhere from 1/4 to heaping spoonfuls with water and not really pay much attention to dose.
For a few days i didn't notice much difference aside from clarity of vision and feeling very sleepy at times. Then I started to get what seemed like limitless energy. I felt very much alive and full of life. My eyes gleamed, shiny and bright as continued taking large doses of this stuff.
I began to feel what felt like almost super human abilities. I was noticing everything in my surroundings in much a different way. I would walk into a crowded area and scan everyone in my vicinity. At home, i was able to pickup and listen to conversations that took place far away in distant rooms. I took a few basic hearing tests online and was able to hear very high frequencies (maxing out my headphones 22hz) At my part time job i was able to work faster, think crystal clearly and perform tasks with great ease.
My interest in every aspect of life skyrocketed. I found myself engaging in conversation with people who i previously would never see myself associating with. Learning became very enjoyable and i learnt to touch type with the Dvorak keyboard layout.
I felt i was becoming faster and faster at thinking and doing. My vision became a thing of beauty with it's crisp vibrant color. It became a true joy to merely glance around in any setting.
I read many of Isochroma's posts and can understand dead on why he said some of the things he did and could relate on many fronts.
Then in the mail arrived the empty capsules i decided to get since my cocktails weren't exactly the most appetizing elixirs. I manually filled pills and took them when outside my home. I still took my unmeasured drinks of raw energy in the morning. Then i slowly tapered off the mixing of the drinks opting for the quick and painless capsule form. Over a few weeks my experiences became to decline and i found myself less vivacious and becoming more "human" again. I blamed it on life circumstance changes and becoming "used" to the piracetam state. I was taking roughly 10 capsules on average over the course of a day which i figured was plenty.
Up until a few days ago when i bought a scale i had no idea how much i was actually consuming. Low and behold my heaping spoonful doses were an insane 12g!! (the pills roughly 800mg).
I would estimate that at the start i was taking roughly 24-36grams per day and man was it great
I drank an average of 4 litres a day as i was always thirsty and had water on hand at all times.
When i found out how much i was actually consuming it frightened me. But after coming down to more reasonable doses i think i want to go back to that original state of (unhuman) being.
I just had another 12g cocktail of life (which i havent had in months) and im feeling the life flow back into me.
Does anyone have any experiences of mega dosing to share? Are there any major risks associated with it? (i went about a month on my initial mega dose spree) To people that claim the stuff doesn't do much, have you tried 12gram doses?
ah. that explains a lot.Marijuana could have also played a big role in my subjective well being at the time.
Edited by RighteousReason, 15 October 2010 - 10:32 PM.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:29 PM
LOLCould someone give me a quick rundown of what happened to this Isochroma fellow?
Note: he was arrogant and bigoted before he started abusing ridiculous doses of piracetam. Slowly he began to develop hypomanic tendencies, mild delusions of grandeur, absurdly long posts that would have little substance primarily consisting of him extolling the virtues of piracetam, he began stockpiling piracetam in huge amounts out of a paranoid fear the government was going to ban it etc..
Then he began to display full on manic characteristics. Extreme delusions including grandiosity; such as him believing he was becoming god, that he saw the world in slow motion because his mind was so fast, that he was mentally perfect, that his life had suddenly become 'golden' whatever that means, incredibly long unstructured posts that appeared frantic; primarily once again about the virtues of piracetam and how he had 'lubricated' his brain to deity-like functionality, that life was no longer challenging because everything was so easy, that other people had become like ants to him etc...
It's also important to note that he lived alone and was unemployed, living off state disability benefit for some some obscure self-diagnosed illness and he rarely left his accommodation. This means he had no-one to moderate his behaviour and let him know how exaggerated his behaviour was.
Eventually the mania broke, and he developed a paranoid psychosis. He believed he was being watched or monitored, that his posts would draw the attention of the government because he had discovered the way to ascend to godhood and that he had to maintain his secret. He began demanding that his posts and account he deleted, threatening the moderators with his god-like hacking abilities and how he could ruin the site or take control of it if he wanted. He claimed we had no idea what he was now capable of and we had better ascent to his demands. He was highly aggressive and argumentative at this point. Finally his account and recent posts were edited into anonymity, he posted a few more agressive random posts and then just disappeared. Hopefully into a psychiatric clinic.
Apparently he has recently reappeared, once again rambling about piracetam. Which means either he hasn't learnt his lesson from whatever consequences he suffered or that he simply has continued to abuse the piracetam and for some reason his mania subsided, which is unlikely.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:38 PM
good lawd
Edited by ptamaddict, 15 October 2010 - 10:41 PM.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:47 PM
Impossible, i dont have patiencemedievil: perhaps it would be a better idea to build up to those kind of doses rather than start on them right away.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 11:02 PM
Impossible, i dont have patiencemedievil: perhaps it would be a better idea to build up to those kind of doses rather than start on them right away.
Unless your attitude changes you're never going to resolve the issues which you currently medicate away in an amphetamine buzz. It's quite obvious why you tend to focus on drugs which give you instant gratification.
It should be clear to anyone with a modicum of practical psychiatric experience or even A-level equivalent psychology that ptamaddict was experiencing a hypomanic episode. These can be quite damaging to the brain, especially if it progresses to mania, the inevitable comedown will get progressively more unpleasant and prolonged with repeated episodes. Probably the most detrimental outcome of a hypomanic/manic episode is that the individual will remain ignorant, retain some of the delusions, and begin to actually pursue this state of mind, even developing a psychological addiction to it. I mean "12g cocktail of life"; what fucking nonsense.
Apparently a single hypomanic episode is sufficient grounds to diagnose bipolar II or cyclothymia, whether it was substance induced or not. I'm not sure I agree with that, but quite clearly only certain individuals are susceptible to piracetam induced mania, which indicates that there is a subjective psychological component.
Edited by ptamaddict, 15 October 2010 - 11:26 PM.
Posted 16 October 2010 - 09:30 AM
Except my amp buzz doesnt work... except reducing my anxiety but it doesnt help because the buzz keeps me inside instead of socializing, get is mister animal?Impossible, i dont have patiencemedievil: perhaps it would be a better idea to build up to those kind of doses rather than start on them right away.
Unless your attitude changes you're never going to resolve the issues which you currently medicate away in an amphetamine buzz. It's quite obvious why you tend to focus on drugs which give you instant gratification.
I have taken piracetam before yes, without memantine, i think i took 4 gram a day, it provided me wich extra clarity wich i liked however it pooped out after about 2 weeks.Medievil, remind me, have you taken piracetam before? I vaguely recall you saying it didn't work that great. I too am curious about how memantine and piracetam interact (antagonist and modulator).
Interesting, i will stick to that doses.I found that doses in the 800-1200mg range worked better for me than 2g+.
Edited by chrono, 16 October 2010 - 06:34 PM.
combined posts :)
Posted 16 November 2010 - 06:35 AM
Posted 17 November 2010 - 09:31 PM
Thanks Animal. That makes sense.
I was a bit aggressive in my previous post, but it's only because I see so many people on these forums attempting to get high through abuse of nootropics or ADD medication.
Now I know you have mood disturbances, and are not necessarily trying to get a high, but more likely alleviate what feels like a ubiquitous low mood/lack of pleasure, so I can understand the motivation behind that. It's just that there are far more appropriate mood enhancers with a sustained effect that would be healthier psychologically and physiologically for you. Any form of mania is negative psychologically since it encourages mild delusions of grandeur and lust for the state of mind.
I've seen high piracetam doses liked with hypomania numerous times and typically on the come down the user has a form of temporary dysthymia which leads them to try ridiculous mega-dosing in an attempt to reclaim the buzz. Euphoria is an abnormal state and inherently has a reinforcing effect, people do not get true euphoria naturally unless some substance is involved be it holistic or not. Unless they are one of the rare individuals who has brain chemistry which tends to precipitate an enhanced mood state, the lucky bastards. Although these individuals do tend to be less productive then average because they see less reason to pursue rewarding activities.
If you are looking for more sustainable mood enhancers then make a thread about it and I'll be happy to recommend some to you.
Edited by deletethisaccount, 17 November 2010 - 09:33 PM.
Posted 18 November 2010 - 12:52 PM
Posted 18 November 2010 - 06:29 PM
Really, what the fuck are "mild delusions of grandeur"?
Where have you seen high piracetam doses linked with true hypomania? One or two individuals don't make up a large enough experimental size to determine any kind of link; if you comb through epidemiological data you can find non-significant negative reactions for every molecule in existence. I mean breathing seems to induce your hypomania, but I'm not claiming that NO2 and O2 cause hypomania. Physical phenomena and psychological state are very closely linked.
PS is temporary dysthymia the same thing as a passing bad mood, or is there another meaning you've associated with this quasi-medical term?
He was dead on regarding piracetam being targeted by that government
Posted 18 November 2010 - 08:19 PM
Really, what the fuck are "mild delusions of grandeur"?![]()
Where have you seen high piracetam doses linked with true hypomania? One or two individuals don't make up a large enough experimental size to determine any kind of link; if you comb through epidemiological data you can find non-significant negative reactions for every molecule in existence. I mean breathing seems to induce your hypomania, but I'm not claiming that NO2 and O2 cause hypomania. Physical phenomena and psychological state are very closely linked.
PS is temporary dysthymia the same thing as a passing bad mood, or is there another meaning you've associated with this quasi-medical term?
He was dead on regarding piracetam being targeted by that government
Is it that difficult to comprehend; "mild delusions of grandeur" could be characterised as believing oneself or ones work to have a far greater significance to society then they actually do. An extreme form of pretentiousness, wherein these beliefs of significance are completely unfounded. It can also be exhibited when an individual believes they have some sort of unique ability, such as the capacity to see a persons 'aura'.![]()
There have been lots of posts on this forum describing hypomanic states in relation to Piracetam consumption. Did I claim any kind of 'experimental size' samples or clinical evidence. Obviously I was referring to anecdotal linkage, why does everything have to be spelt out for you...
Temporary dysthymia would be a persistent low mood, for a week or more, but obviously not as sustained as clinical dysthymia.
I'm getting bored of you constantly attacking my posts with weak attempts at discrediting them. I won't bother to respond again unless you actually have a legitimate argument other then your lack of reading comprehension and inability to cognise inference.
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