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Birth of Death's Death: WE-R©: Wageless Economy Robotic©

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#1 System Operator

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 01:18 AM


Death:BothLock&Key,toOurSlavery...& Freedom...<br style="font-weight: bold;">
You are about to enjoy anamazing short video, first read the following...
<br style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">
Death,&morespecifically,thedeathofdeath,is both the lock, and the key, to both our slavery and
freedom @ same moment: indeed we are @ a cross-roads in humanity, andmore specifically
each of our sacred lives individually.<br style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);"><br style="color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">No we are not talking about theillusory freedom achieved through death, for that is not self-evident,
nor satisfactory, too complicated, since even if you believe inre-incarnation, you will just pop up
into the same miserable system to do it over again, no we are insteadtalking about upgrading the
system itself, to one we can all live with as WE-R
©,by allowing death to have itsway with
itself, e.g. allow death to commit suicide, at least on the human levelit must die for starters,
banished via technology from our realm as WE-R
©©- WagelessEconomy - Robotic©

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