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Low dose Deprenyl log

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#31 aLurker

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 11:16 PM

Day 22 1mg
Only slept 6:30h during the night, pretty well rested despite that. Had a 15 min nap in the afternoon and that was enough to keep me alert. Pretty late now and like usual I don't feel any need to go to bed, I'll at least try to get some sleep anyway.

#32 aLurker

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 11:25 PM

Day 23 2mg
Decided to skip the Piracetam, not really any change, perhaps it impaired my concentration very slightly but that's hard to tell and only noticeable when I try to focus on something which doesn't peak my interests. I'll probably take Piracetam like usual tomorrow since I decided to join efforts and study with a friend.

Exercise, mood, energy: still good.
Sleep cycle and motivation: still meh.

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#33 health_nutty

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 12:20 AM

I mean I feel really good right now: Alert, focused (on the wrong things though, like reading studies about nootropics)

Lol, that is totally me!
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#34 aLurker

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 12:28 AM

Yeah, I've gathered quite a lot of health related knowledge since I signed up here. I've read lots of studies about meds, herbs, food, vitamins, longevity and you name it. All very fascinating knowledge which will probably come in handy in the long run even though I should really focus on other stuff.

#35 aLurker

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 08:29 PM

Day 24 1.5mg
Good day. Only slept 7 hours or so with no need for a nap. Still haven't solved my problem of staying up way too late. Perhaps I'll fall asleep if I get smashed.

#36 aLurker

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 11:16 PM

Day 25 1.5mg

Alcohol makes me sleep longer since it impairs sleep quality. I also think I might get annoyed more easily when my sleep suffers so that's probably explains day 16.
Mood and energy still good though.

Other ramblings mostly unrelated to Deprenyl:
The magnesium might have helped with my eye twitches and I think they will go away entirely if I give up caffeine (I've had some white tea) and dark chocolate (I've had less than 1 square per day) and improve my sleep (still can't get to bed on time). I don't know if my sleep has been improved by magnesium either, seems roughly the same. I want to try Valerian but I've heard it interacts with Deprenyl. I've started to supplement with vitamin K now also. Eating turkey before bedtime doesn't really help. It's hard for me to go to sleep when I'm not sleepy at all.

#37 aLurker

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Posted 19 August 2010 - 12:28 PM

Hi, it seems kind of pointless to update about every single day now since I've tried it for a month.

To sum up my experience with Deprenyl so far:
Noticeable positive effects regarding mood and both mental and physical energy. The effects became really noticeable when I kicked up the dose to 3 mg. Since it takes about two weeks or so for the effects to wear off it is still unclear whether the 1.5 mg per day I'm taking right now is enough to maintain the results but so far it does the trick. I might go down to 1 mg after a week or so and see if that is enough to maintain the results. It has done wonders for my mental and physical energy and I haven't got the slightest hint of any fatigue while I'm on Deprenyl. My increased energy has made it easier to exercise and my appetite might be somewhat lower too although this isn't as clear. Libido seems about the same which is a good thing although the quality of the wood might be even better now. I don't know if it has done anything for my motivation though, it hasn't hurt since I've got some stuff done but I can't say whether is has helped either.

I haven't had any trouble with side effects although there is something I should mention. I've always preferred to sleep between 4 a.m. and noon and Deprenyl makes me really alert all the time I'm awake which makes it even harder for me to go to sleep earlier. I sleep great when I finally go to sleep though. I'm pretty sure I've got delayed sleep phase syndrome though since I've always preferred these late hours as long as I can remember or at least ten years. I'm guessing this isn't a problem for normal people though since what Deprenyl has done for me is to give me great energy during my natural waking hours, although admittedly they are a bit different from what is considered natural for normal people.

I will definitely keep Deprenyl as a part of my stack. It certainly limits my choices somewhat when it comes to adding new stuff since it interacts with so much but I prefer to keep my regimen somewhat minimalistic anyway, if I want to try something else which might interfere I might take a break from Deprenyl but right now I'm pretty happy with what it does for me.

(Since I introduced magnesium and quit anything with caffeine my eye seems better, this absolutely wasn't related to Deprenyl in the first place though. Good sleep helps too.)

For those of you following my journey here at the forum, here is a sneak preview of what is to come:
Low dose Naltrexone, ordered and shipped, waiting for its arrival. It will probably mess with my sleep though so I might wait for a while before I start it since I need to be on top of my game the next week.
I've already got light therapy equipment and I'll probably order some melatonin too and start at 300 mcg, to treat my delayed sleep phase and to offset the effects of the LDN. The melatonin might take almost two weeks to arrive though so I don't know when I'll start LDN. I'm also not sure about the optimal time to take the LDN for someone with delayed sleep phase syndrome, preferably I'd like to shift back to regular sleep before starting LDN but my patience probably won't allow it. I'll start a new post about my experience with LDN when the time comes. I know that at least I'm looking forward to it.

#38 NooManiac

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 10:04 PM

"Selegiline does not cause the lethal potentiation of indirectly acting sympathomimetic amines such as dietary tyramine." pg 343
-Goodman & Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Theraputics

#39 Major Legend

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Posted 04 September 2010 - 02:04 PM

This is all very interesting. I think a lot of us seem to have this ADD problem

which manifests primarily in severe motivational difficulty and pronounced inability to perform tasks which are not very complex and/or novel

The only thing I ever hear that works is adderall, but it can't be prescribed in the UK :( nor would u ever get diagnosed with adult ADD, as thats sort of not accepted here. I wanna go to america just for adderall.

I've had very similiar positive effects with low dosage deprenyl (1.5mg to 2.5mg), but I believe its effects on the dosage you and me are taking is primarily CAE via its metabolites, not inhibition of MAO B, taking like 10 to 20mg daily will deplete your MAO B eventually. The CAE is definitely one part of the puzzle to solving my problem, for starters I can concentrate, and sort of handle myself better around people.

HOWEVER the problem with me is that deprenyl on low dosages doesn't work continually, unless the doses are spaced by about 3 to 4 days? anyone have this problem? Large does make me feel like not talking at all. I go into a sort of a fix.

Alurker. You should change ur profile pic, since I keep related subconsciously you to the hot asian chick, but u are a guy I think lol. Can u give a summary of ur titration. did you end up going 5-10mg at the start, slowing lowering to 1.5mg daily. Might help me maintain the CAE sustainably. I've also never taken deprenyl daily for over a few days.

All I notice was that the good effects dissipated promptly after the second day of daily intake. I would be more inclined to try it again daily, since now i'm not so paranoid about the MAO B thing anymore.

Edited by Major Legend, 04 September 2010 - 02:06 PM.

#40 aLurker

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Posted 04 September 2010 - 03:10 PM

Well this log pretty much sums everything up if you care to read it. From memory my titration process went something like lowish doses in the beginning, I stepped it up to 1 mg and then 3 mg and got pretty prominent effects, tried 5 mg for a couple of days and then stepped the daily dose down to 1.5 mg.

I'm down to 1 mg daily right now and it still seems to be working fine since my energy and mood is improved compared to before I started Deprenyl (though I've started taking LDN too now so that might be a factor). Even so, it seems like 1 mg is enough to maintain the positive effects. It wasn't the magic pill I wished for in terms of motivation but I think the results I got are great regardless.

I plan on staying on 1 mg daily unless I find something really really interesting that interferes with deprenyl that I want to try out, in that case I'll probably take a break.

For those that want to give deprenyl a shot my advice is to give it time. If you read my log you'll see my first week wasn't that great but my response to deprenyl became a lot better within a couple of weeks.

#41 unregistered_user

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 03:19 AM

Good log. Are you still taking it? How did the LDN work out? I was also looking into adding that to my stack which right now is Lovaza (lol, I have a friend at the pharmacy). Piracetam, and Deprenyl.

#42 Cephalon

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Posted 01 May 2011 - 06:37 PM

Hi aLurker,

Yes, very nice log, good job!

Are you still taking the 1mg/a day?

Did you experiance any long term side effects?

Did deprenyl change your personality? I'm afraid about the impact deprenyl might have on my relation.

#43 aLurker

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Posted 01 May 2011 - 07:49 PM

Hi, well since you asked:

Semi: I think you can find my LDN log with a search; mild effects on mood but nothing else except some sleep disruption.

Cephalon: I'm not taking it at the moment since I'm exploring other routes and I don't want the deprenyl to interfere. As I've elucidated it helped my mood and energy but it didn't do much for my motivation, procrastination, daydreaming nor focus. It seems very individual how you react to deprenyl, I personally didn't experience any changes in my personally except for the mood-enhancement but others who have tried deprenyl have reported anger as a side effect. My baseline is that I'm so laid-back that I'm basically immune to anger so that might partly explain it.

I didn't experience any side-effects beyond whatever I may have mentioned here and I'd certainly consider going back on deprenyl but I'm hoping to find something more effective for my own personal core issues.

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#44 Cephalon

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Posted 01 May 2011 - 09:07 PM

Hi aLurker,

Thank you for your reply!

I will give deprenyl a try, but first I will see what sulbutiamine can do for me motivation wise.

I do not have problems with mood or anger, but I'm afraid of being too self centered on deprenyl that it could do harm to my relationship.

My biggest problem is motivation as I found out, and while some dopamine precursors like NALT and l-tyrosine gave me some motivation, they also elevated my blood pressure.

Like you I will first browse through other routes and than give deprenyl a try.

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