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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Monthly Volunteer, Team Member, and Project Participant Index

volunteers monthly volunteers volunteer report action teams projects

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73 replies to this topic

#1 brokenportal

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Posted 04 August 2009 - 12:53 AM

Many thanks to every volunteer. Without you Longecity cannot make progress.

To join this list, go to the Longecity Take Action index here: Longecity Take Action

Longecity volunteers from July 2009 through June 2012 - updated periodically:

1. @silverton

2. Adam Davis

3. Agent

4. Agevivo

5. alexd

6. almighty

7. Arknight Studio

8. Ark

9. Athanasios

10. Biopunk

11. b0gger

12. Brainbox

13. Caloriez

14. CarlCrott

15. captainbeefheart

16. Caston

17. CerebralCortex

18. Chrono

19. chrwe

20. cnorwood

21. cyberbrain

22. cyborgdreamer

23. Dave V

24. David Solus

25. David Styles

26. Denjin

27. dfowler

28. DJS

29. dnamechanic

30. droplet

31. Elus

32. Eric_Staton

33. eternaltraveler

34. exapted

35. FunkOdyssey

36. G. Stolyarov II

37. GiovanniR

38. Gisele

39. Harvey Newstrom


41. Infernity

42. Infiliono

43. InquilineKea

44. jdkasinsky

45. JediMasterLucia

46. Joseph

47. Jurence

48. ksbalaji

49. lassus

50. Lee Robinson Petzer

51. Live Forever

52. llia

53. Luminosity

54. Luna

55. lunarsolarpower

56. maestro949

57. Manic_Racetam

58. Mariusz

59. Matt

60. Matthias

61. MaxLife

62. maxwatt

63. mentatpsi

64. mindsparks

65. mitkat

66. Mixter

67. modelcadet

68. morganator

69. Nevyl

70. Nikolis

71. niner

72. nootrope

73. N.T.M.

74. ntenhue

75. okok

76. pour_la_science

77. protoject

78. quadclops

79. rhodeder

80. rochester_new_york

81. Roon

82. rwac

83. rwallace

84. Scott

85. Tana#1

86. The Immortalist

87. thughes

88. transcentity

89. treonsverdery

90. valkyrie_ice

91. VictorBjoerk

92. Vgamer1

93. ViolettVol

94. WhiteDragon103

95. williamhessian

Volunteered but can'tfind your name? Please let us know so we can get you in there.

Some of the accomplishments and progress that volunteers have generated over the years:

Posted Image

Edited by brokenportal, 11 July 2012 - 12:29 AM.

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#2 brokenportal

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Posted 25 August 2009 - 08:55 PM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of an imminst t shirt. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name in bold.

If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

August 2009

Art Team join here

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Engineers join here

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here


Internetworking Team join here



Live Forever

Recommended Topics Team




VIP outreach join here


Edited by brokenportal, 01 September 2009 - 05:15 AM.

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#3 brokenportal

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Posted 28 August 2009 - 05:29 AM


We need all volunteers who have met their minimum monthly requirements, or, if they have no minimum, then have contributed at least one thing to their team for the month, to indicate so here. You can also indicate for other people.

In the end, it is ultimately up to the volunteer themself to make sure they are on this list or not. If you have made the contribution, but your not highlighted in bold on this list by the time of each drawing, then you will remain ineligible.

This drawings prize is an imminst t shirt. Not much, we know, but the prize pool is expected to go up. Volunteers are the back bone of this cause and we can, not, do it with out you. If it were up to me I would pay you all $1,000 an hour. But for now you have a shot at a spiffy t shirt. There will be a fund raiser to increase this pool. The prizes could go up indefinitely.

The world is just dying for you to succeed.

Thank you all,


#4 TigerMask

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Posted 01 September 2009 - 05:32 AM

We are excited to announce that this months volunteer prize drawing winner is b0gger!
This prize was drawn drawn randomly from the list of eligible participants. Congratulations, b0gger.

Remember to get your Monthly Volunteer, Team Member, and/or Project Participate eligibility confirmation in by the last day of this next month. This prize system is going to get a fund raiser, so the prize you can win will go up indefinitely in value.

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

Edited by TigerMask, 01 September 2009 - 05:51 AM.

#5 b0gger

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Posted 19 September 2009 - 06:00 AM

[font="Arial"][b][size=4]We are excited to announce that this months volunteer prize drawing winner is b0gger!

Great, thanks for the shirt guys! I'll wear it at public places next summer.

Edited by b0gger, 19 September 2009 - 06:00 AM.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 06:27 PM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of a prize. This month it is an imminst t shirt. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

September 2009

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Recommended Topics Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3 VIP contacts made


Edited by brokenportal, 01 October 2009 - 05:06 AM.

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#7 rwac

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Posted 03 October 2009 - 05:04 PM

This months volunteer prize drawing winner is cyberbrain!

This prize was drawn drawn randomly from the list of eligible participants. Congratulations, cyberbrain.

There's going to be a fund raiser for these prizes, so watch for the new prizes.

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#8 brokenportal

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 07:34 PM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of a prize. This month it is an imminst t shirt, or any book $20 or under from the recommended list in the Amazon branch of imminst.org/store. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

October 2009

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Recommended Topics Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team


Edited by brokenportal, 03 November 2009 - 08:44 PM.

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#9 brokenportal

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Posted 28 October 2009 - 11:37 PM

Time is winding down for this month. The drawing is held on the last day of every month. If you have made a contribution but your not marked here with a star * yet then remember that it is ultimately up to you to make sure that you are. You can also make this indication for others by letting us know. If you havent made a monthly contribution to your team yet this month then there is still time.

Remember, that every volunteer is inspiring more, and this is priceless. The world thanks you all.

#10 Luna

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Posted 03 November 2009 - 08:22 PM

Out of the hat a name be pulled and on the note the winner be: dfowler!
Congratulations dfowler! Your name was randomly pulled out of the hat with all the names of eligible participants.
The prizes will just get better and better as they get raised in funds, so keep an eye!

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 08 November 2009 - 05:59 PM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of a prize. This month it is an imminst t shirt, any book $20 or under from the recommended list in the Amazon branch of imminst.org/store, or you can choose to make a $20.00 donation to any indefinite life extension extension related charity. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

November 2009

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

*Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3


Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Recommended Topics Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team


*We have added more teams that are developing, and more volunteers. If you see any projects, teams, or volunteers that may be missing then let us know.

Edited by brokenportal, 01 December 2009 - 05:31 AM.

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#12 ComradeF

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Posted 01 December 2009 - 05:50 AM

This month's winner is maxwatt!
You were selected at random from a pool of eligible participants.
Pay attention because new prizes keep on coming...

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#13 maxwatt

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 10:51 PM

This month's winner is maxwatt!
You were selected at random from a pool of eligible participants.
Pay attention because new prizes keep on coming...

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

Thank you, thank you. I appreciate this. If possible I would like to donate it to an approved life-extension charity. Do we have such a list? Suggestions, anyone?

Post Script: Brokenportal suggested SENS Foundation as a worthy recipient of my "fortuitous largess". I would like to donate my prize to this cause.

Edited by maxwatt, 03 December 2009 - 03:01 PM.

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 15 December 2009 - 10:51 PM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of a prize. This month it is an imminst t shirt, or any book $20 or under from the recommended list in the Amazon branch of imminst.org/store, or you can choose to make a $20.00 donation to any indefinite life extension extension related charity. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

December 2009

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3


Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Content Management Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

-Recommended Topics/Front Page

-Drupal Work

Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team

*David Styles

*Please make the move to make this cause a major part of your life as soon as you can. We need more serious committed volunteers. Death is right around the corner.

Edited by brokenportal, 31 December 2009 - 10:56 PM.

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#15 brokenportal

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 07:42 PM

This pool continues to grow thanks to your continued commitments to volunteer.

This is important in more ways than just the contributions you make. It helps to inspire more volunteers, supporters, members, eyes on the cause, donations, etc..

So many many thanks.

If you have made your teams minimum contribution for this month, make sure that your name is marked with a * star next to it. We try to get them all but may sometimes miss some. It is ultimately up to you go be sure you are marked for the drawing. You can do it yourself or let us know and we'll do it.

A few of us have been discussing a possible sponsoring of this prize. Its just a discussion at this point. If you have any ideas on that or if you are interested in sponsoring a future prize then let us know.

#16 captainbeefheart

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 04:23 PM

This months volunteer prize drawing winner is lunarsolarpower!

This prize was drawn drawn randomly from the list of eligible participants. Congratulations, lunarsolarpower.
There's going to be a fund raiser for these prizes, so watch for the new prizes.

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

Edited by captainbeefheart, 01 January 2010 - 04:24 PM.

#17 brokenportal

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 12:02 AM

A drawing will be held to choose the winner of a prize. This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

January 2010

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio
The Immortalist

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3

*Lee Robinson Petzer
*The Immortalist

Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Content Management Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

-Recommended Topics/Front Page

-Drupal Work

Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team

*David Styles

*Congratulations to lunarsolarpower. Maxwatt was chosen for the second time in a row during this last drawing. We redrew and lunarsolarpower won. We have set the rule that no person can win two months in a row at this time. Those rules will likely change when the number of prizes given out per month goes up. Remember that there is a fundraiser for this prize system in the works. You can see that under construction at imminst.org/fundraisers - Stay tuned for that. Many thanks to you all, keep up the great work, we have a lucrative 2010 ahead of us.

Edited by brokenportal, 01 February 2010 - 04:20 AM.

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#18 brokenportal

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 12:23 AM

The volunteers are steadily growing. If you want to get in on one of these projects then let me know. If you want to head up one of these projects then let me know.

Im making my motto for 2010, "Imminst 2010, continuing to step up together."

We are getting there. Keep up the great work everybody. Little by little we continue to hit more and more critical tipping points. It may seem like slow progress now, but your action is generating more and more attention, generating more and more resources, credability, funding, visibility, etc...

With you we can reach ever greater numbers in 2010, with out you we couldnt do anything. Thank you! Im going to work hard to see what I can do to increase the value of this volunteer prize this year. Im hoping to get a top monthly prize of at least a $100 value.

#19 brokenportal

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 12:20 AM

The drawing will be coming up again later tonight. You still have time to make your monthly contributions to get on the list. Remember to indicate for us if you have completed your teams monthly minimum if you see that we havent marked you down here with a * next to your name. As this drawing indicates, it is ultimately up to you to make sure you get credit for your work. We will be continuing to update all that we can before the drawing tonight as well.

#20 niner

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:11 AM

This month's winner is dfowler!
You were selected at random from a pool of eligible participants.
Pay attention because new prizes keep on coming...

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#21 brokenportal

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 08:27 PM

The drawing is coming up again in a few days. Get your team minimums in while you can.

Thank you all again for your inspiring participation. Its driving us up slowly but surely, and ever more quickly with each new block of volunteers you all inspire to come on board.

This prize pool is expected to go up over time.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

February 2010

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio
The Immortalist

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3

Lee Robinson Petzer
*The Immortalist

Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

Content Management Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

-Recommended Topics/Front Page

-Drupal Work

Store Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team

*David Styles

#22 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 01 March 2010 - 08:20 PM

Out of the hat a name be pulled and on the note the winner be: The Immortalist
Congratulations The Immortalist! Your name was randomly pulled out of the hat with all the names of eligible participants.
The prizes will just get better and better as they get raised in funds, so keep an eye!

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#23 The Immortalist

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Posted 02 March 2010 - 08:22 AM

For my prize I would like to have a years student membership to Imminst. It is fair because a yearly student membership is valued at $20 and so is the prize.

#24 brokenportal

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Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:03 PM

Get your team minimums in while you can.

Thank you all again for your inspiring participation. Its driving us up slowly but surely, and ever more quickly with each new block of volunteers you all inspire to come on board.

This prize pool is going up soon. A few additional prizes have been approved for proposal.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

March 2010

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Content Management Team Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

-Recommended Topics/Front Page
Dave V

-Drupal Work


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3

*Lee Robinson Petzer
*The Immortalist

Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team

David Styles

#25 brokenportal

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 05:17 PM

We'll be holding the random drawing shortly. Anybody who wants to sit in on the drawing is welcome and invited. Let me know here and Ill get you in on it.

#26 AdamSummerfield

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 05:38 PM

Out of the hat a name be pulled and on the note the winner be: b0gger!
Congratulations b0gger! Your name was randomly pulled out of the hat with all the names of eligible participants.
The prizes will just get better and better as they get raised in funds, so keep an eye out!

You are welcome to sit in on the drawing live on the last day of the month. Good luck!

#27 brokenportal

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 03:29 AM

Imminst has a growing projects & teams system to manage a variety of volunteers that are helping to pursue the goals of advocacy & research for unlimited lifespans. We are constantly building, maintaining and working with these contributors as we grow toward that level which can most expediently help us acheive our goals in time for as many of us as we can. When the time is right and the resources, project & team leaders, and volunteer support is there then we also develop more projects & teams, and perform a host of other functions.


We keep track of those contributors who contribute their corresponding team minimum for the month in this list so that we can award randomly drawn prizes. Those who have made their contribution for the month are marked with a star*

Prize drawings are held as close to the last day of the month as possible. It is announced ahead of time here. If you want to sit in on the prize drawings then let us know here and we will contact you before they start.

The prize is anything up to $25 from http://imminst.org/store, (excluding books that are not on the recommended list) or a year Imminst membership, or a donation to the SENS Foundation. Prizes chosen from the store include shipping costs, you forfeit the difference between $25 and the prize you pick.

There is a host of valuable information about this prize drawing with in the list below as well.

Every additional post in this topic is indexed into the following topic each month:http://www.imminst.o...o...t=0&start=0

#28 brokenportal

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Posted 16 April 2010 - 03:31 AM

We are excited to announce that the volunteer prize drawing is going up by $30 starting this month. Instead of 1 $20 winner, there will now be 2 $25 winners. That means your chances of winning the prize drawing each month are now doubled.

Get your team minimums in while you can.

Thank you all again for your inspiring participation. Its driving us up slowly but surely, and ever more quickly with each new block of volunteers you all inspire to come on board.

big list of teams to join here

If you have made at least 1 contribution to your team for the month then say so here, and we'll mark your name with a * star.

We mark in as many contributors that we can, but it is utlimately up to you to make sure your name is in this list, you can also indicate a contribution has been made for the month for other people. If you have volunteered for imminst during this month but your name is not on this list then let us know here before the drawing is held.

April 2010

Art Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

quadclops - CafePress.com/imminst store division
ARKnight Studio

Chapters Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Content Management Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

-Recommended Topics/Front Page
Dave V

-Drupal Work


Engineers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Harvey Newstrom

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team join here

Folders have their very own seperate prize system which can be found at imminst.org/fah.

Folding @ Home, The Longevity Meme Team, technical volunteers join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1


Imminst.org/tv join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Internetworking Team join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 3

*CerebralCortex (team leader)
The Immortalist

-Facebook section

*Jurence (section leader)
*Lee Robinson Petzer

Longevity Communities Network join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in the prize drawing: 1


Navigators Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1

Live Forever

VIP outreach join here Monthly contributions needed for this team in order to be entered in prize drawing: 1 per person minimum, 3 minimum for whole team


#29 b0gger

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 06:18 PM

Thank you, guys. It's hard to describe how much I appreciate this prise. I'm currently reading Getting Things Done and I hope to sort things out in my life, to come over suicidal procrastination, and to start really doing stuff for ImmInst.

#30 Lee Robinson Petzer

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Posted 01 May 2010 - 07:20 PM

April 2010 Volunteer List Winners:

Good day everyone,

The April 2010 Volunteer winners are:

Congratulations on your $25 prize. Thank you and everyone else for your great work. Keep it up!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: volunteers, monthly volunteers, volunteer report, action, teams, projects

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